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This game is unplayable because of no White Acute Module


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How do you know the "majority" don't see it as an issue? Please speak for yourself, not the "majority". Most people don't even come to these forums, and I see people chatting about it all the time on SF. I mean I could care less about further companion stories, but at least I don't say "The majority of people think the same".


YOU don't see it as an issue, and that is totally fine. That is your opinion, and like all players you have the right to it. Not sure why you and the other posters have to make a big deal about someone simply asking, hey can you make a acute module for the entire game. I would like it as well, I am sick of this training wheel BS, that as a fact, causes issues in FPs, even veteran ones, because people can just spam basic attack, and don't learn any rotation. Had that happen last night, you have any idea how frustrating it, to pull Attack on Tython, and then be stuck on the first boss, because 2 out 4 of the players are just spamming basic attack?


I seriously wish they would integrate a simple survey in the login screen, to actually get some idea of what most players actually want. Hell offer like 100cc to fill it out. One every 3 months would work great. Then there would not be people trying to act as if their opinion is the majority.


You literally explain your point so well, the fact of the matter is that the game is too easy. That players don't even know how to properly aaply their rotation because they rely so much on companions and due to the fact they outlevel the planet so easily.

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I seriously wish they would integrate a simple survey in the login screen, to actually get some idea of what most players actually want. Hell offer like 100cc to fill it out. One every 3 months would work great. Then there would not be people trying to act as if their opinion is the majority.


Well, there is a survey you can take whenever you want.

When you cancel your sub they give you a questionnaire as to WHY???


Fill out what you want, submit it, and resub when you want. They still get the survey.

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The solution is actually pretty clear.


There was once a glorious time in SWTOR history when they turned on SUPERMAXIMUM XP and never turned it off. (until they did :p) Every single mission became optional! I mean, you could reach max level just from playing the class story.


So, just turn on Double XP forever and the White Acute doohickey will always be available. Problem solved. You are welcome, my friend. <3

Edited by Chelan
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How do you know the "majority" don't see it as an issue? Please speak for yourself, not the "majority". Most people don't even come to these forums, and I see people chatting about it all the time on SF. I mean I could care less about further companion stories, but at least I don't say "The majority of people think the same".


YOU don't see it as an issue, and that is totally fine. That is your opinion, and like all players you have the right to it. Not sure why you and the other posters have to make a big deal about someone simply asking, hey can you make a acute module for the entire game. I would like it as well, I am sick of this training wheel BS, that as a fact, causes issues in FPs, even veteran ones, because people can just spam basic attack, and don't learn any rotation. Had that happen last night, you have any idea how frustrating it, to pull Attack on Tython, and then be stuck on the first boss, because 2 out 4 of the players are just spamming basic attack?


I seriously wish they would integrate a simple survey in the login screen, to actually get some idea of what most players actually want. Hell offer like 100cc to fill it out. One every 3 months would work great. Then there would not be people trying to act as if their opinion is the majority.


It was actually you who created this thread and did make a big deal out of it by proclaiming right in the title that the game is unplayable because of no White Acute Module. This is certainly not "simply asking".


There is really no need to get mad at me in the first place, since I cleary stated in the last paragraph that I think offering the module indefinitely would be a good solution. I just gave you my assessment of why this probably has not been picked up yet considering the many threads over the years arguing for increased xp gain. And my personal experience during the double xp event of how people flock to Bug/Imp Hunt to race through the levels in mere hours and the disappointment when they realized that Bug Hunt has been nerfed in the latest patch.


If you want statistical evidence, I am all for it. As for now we can only speculate, offer suggestions and exchange opinions.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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It was actually you who created this thread and did make a big deal out of it by proclaiming right in the title that the game is unplayable because of no White Acute Module. This is certainly not "simply asking".


There is really no need to get mad at me in the first place, since I cleary stated in the last paragraph that I think offering the module indefinitely would be a good solution. I just gave you my assessment of why this probably has not been picked up yet considering the many threads over the years arguing for increased xp gain. And my personal experience during the double xp event of how people flock to Bug/Imp Hunt to race through the levels in mere hours and the disappointment when they realized that Bug Hunt has been nerfed in the latest patch.


If you want statistical evidence, I am all for it. As for now we can only speculate, offer suggestions and exchange opinions.


I would just like to point out that lightSaberAddiCt is not the OP. Mulzz is the OP.

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I would just like to point out that lightSaberAddiCt is not the OP. Mulzz is the OP.


Yeah. He accidentally quoted the wrong person.


Just would like to point out that I use the WAM all the time on all toons, because I'm someone who enjoys leveling far more than anything else. And if you like lowbies PvP, the WAM allows you to play longer in lowbies before hitting max level. So for players like me, level is more than just an arbitrary number....

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This game is quite playable as it is, contrary to the thread title.


I can tell you from experience that you'll be at "appropriate" level by the time you hit Corellia. The experience rewards don't need a "fix" because there's nothing wrong with them.

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Yeah. He accidentally quoted the wrong person.


Just would like to point out that I use the WAM all the time on all toons, because I'm someone who enjoys leveling far more than anything else. And if you like lowbies PvP, the WAM allows you to play longer in lowbies before hitting max level. So for players like me, level is more than just an arbitrary number....


Me too! I like to collect gear, so the slower I can level the better.


This game is quite playable as it is, contrary to the thread title.


I can tell you from experience that you'll be at "appropriate" level by the time you hit Corellia. The experience rewards don't need a "fix" because there's nothing wrong with them.


You need to add a few words to your post. Otherwise it comes across like you don't understand that different people play the game differently and for different reasons and get different results as a result. It is great that the exp gains are balanced perfectly for you, but you aren't everyone and no one is asking for anything to be changed for you.


Your post should read:


For me this game is quite playable as it is, contrary to the thread title.


I can tell you from experience that you'll be at "appropriate" level by the time you hit Corellia, if you play the way I do. For me the experience rewards don't need a "fix" because there's nothing wrong with them.

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So, I don't understand why the OP or anyone would want to level more slowly. It makes little difference what level you are as the content is fairly easy regardless. However my understanding of why anyone would want to level more slowly is completely and totally irrelevant. Allowing a player more control over their own leveling speed is a good thing and I think an even better suggestion than having the White Acute Module available at all times would be for the devs to implement an XP slider (I believe someone suggested this earlier in this thread). It could go from 0% (getting no XP) to 100% (getting normal XP). Anything above 100% could still be achieved by having boosts running, using character unlocks, and the DvL armor. Maybe they could even add a toggle for when XP events are active (an on/off toggle) making the White Acute Module unnecessary.


Edit to add: The game is still completely playable by anyone in this thread. The game is not broken. If you can log in and play the game then it is not "unplayable".

Edited by Elessara
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If you’re just playing it to experience the story, what does it matter if you’re over-leveled? None of the planetary side quests are difficult even at level; so what you’ll experience really isn’t any different. Edited by Telaan
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Yeah. He accidentally quoted the wrong person.


Just would like to point out that I use the WAM all the time on all toons, because I'm someone who enjoys leveling far more than anything else. And if you like lowbies PvP, the WAM allows you to play longer in lowbies before hitting max level. So for players like me, level is more than just an arbitrary number....


This is probably the only reason I understand ANY "level too fast" argument.

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Ossus crashes the game. I can't finish a World Boss fight there without a crash. NEVER had a crash before Ossus. It's lame as **** and the planet is so *********** laggy it's unplayable. Thanks for rewarding my years of loyalty like this, Bioware and EA. Go ingest a satchel of Richards.
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Your post should read:


For me ...



Except that it's not a "for me". The game owners and developers have decided that the current speed is the correct one.


So the person who should be saying :"for me" is the OP and everyone who agrees with him.

Edited by Ner_idia
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Oh he's probably getting all het up because people in this thread (myself included) are saying the game is not "unplayable". But considering many people can go to Ossus just fine and play there just fine this is likely not a widespread problem. If it was a truly widespread problem there'd be many many posts about it.


It's not a wide spread problem...


It's more of a personal problem....


I don't have any problem with how fast I level.

In fact I usually wear my Level Boost armor and use 3 hour experience boosts as well.

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just put the module in the store so we can always have it if you want to use

i have it on pretty on each toon i roll and it puts you under level if your just doing story arc . doing planet arc as well brings it on par w level / versus planet but youd still be over level if you did all the side quests

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It's not a wide spread problem...


It's more of a personal problem....


I don't have any problem with how fast I level.

In fact I usually wear my Level Boost armor and use 3 hour experience boosts as well.


The person I and the one I quoted were talking about wasn't getting annoyed at the leveling speed. He was saying the game was unplayable because he was having issues on Ossus.

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Except that it's not a "for me". The game owners and developers have decided that the current speed is the correct one.


So the person who should be saying :"for me" is the OP and everyone who agrees with him.


Except they've offered the WAM and made it usable even outside of double XP. It debuffs XP 40%. The devs also periodically offer double XP. So they've also decided that people who want to play at a different leveling speeds be able to do so, and they've offered a variety of options to accommodate different interests. So you really should be saying "for me" :rolleyes:.


Setting aside the needless hyperbole on both sides, my question is this: what exactly is the problem with making the WAM vendor available at all times for those who want to use it for whatever reason? Who, exactly, is hurt by that....

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Except they've offered the WAM and made it usable even outside of double XP. It debuffs XP 40%. The devs also periodically offer double XP. So they've also decided that people who want to play at a different leveling speeds be able to do so, and they've offered a variety of options to accommodate different interests. So you really should be saying "for me" :rolleyes:.


Setting aside the needless hyperbole on both sides, my question is this: what exactly is the problem with making the WAM vendor available at all times for those who want to use it for whatever reason? Who, exactly, is hurt by that....


There isn't, as far as I can see, any issue with the idea of that.

The OP is not posting for that, just that the game is "unplayable" without it...

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There isn't, as far as I can see, any issue with the idea of that.

The OP is not posting for that, just that the game is "unplayable" without it...


And others have made the argument that we just want it available, and all the others, since hey it doesn't affect them so so what, seem to want to obsess over a poor choice of words. Using the word "unplayable" as their excuse to put forth their own personal prejudices against it. When in fact there is NO REASON it shouldn't be available.


Some players don't want to run around naked, with no weapon, no companions to have a little challenge. It also seems ironic, that some of the players that state this, go on and on about their "personal connection" with their companions, and when these companions need to come back because they miss them.


But I guess if your someone that doesn't want training wheels in their game, should not even be allowed to have their companions out, and fight naked. I mean first of all, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Second of all, when you have people QQing about not getting the HK chapter, that it isn't fair, that it wouldn't affect YOUR game tend to be the ones disregarding anyone else who would like the WAM for general story.


I don't know, back in the day that was called being a hypocrite.

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Except they've offered the WAM and made it usable even outside of double XP. It debuffs XP 40%. The devs also periodically offer double XP. So they've also decided that people who want to play at a different leveling speeds be able to do so, and they've offered a variety of options to accommodate different interests. So you really should be saying "for me" :rolleyes:.


Setting aside the needless hyperbole on both sides, my question is this: what exactly is the problem with making the WAM vendor available at all times for those who want to use it for whatever reason? Who, exactly, is hurt by that....


Nothing wrong with having a similar module to the white module. Would need to be different as the WM removes the double bonus during the event to what it is now without it. Now there may be a programming conflict if there are two modules been used at the same time, one to lower the rate gain of XP and one to remove the double bonus given during the event. Can it be done? probably as there are already several effects already happening.


Now about the minority vs the majority!


First remember that after the 12X event this was asked for. By how many? Well that is data us players just don't have, but enough for BW to change the rate of XP gain. This has always been my issue with these forums, players asking for sweeping game changes that affect other players regardless if all wanted it or not. Universally almost every poster in this thread has done that. So not over ally feeling sorry for them. They certainly did not care when changes were made that affected everyone else when they were asking for it.


Is there a problem if BW added some sort of module full time to the game? No none at all, but add one or not still not feeling sorry in any way for the players complaining here.

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Nothing wrong with having a similar module to the white module. Would need to be different as the WM removes the double bonus during the event to what it is now without it. Now there may be a programming conflict if there are two modules been used at the same time, one to lower the rate gain of XP and one to remove the double bonus given during the event. Can it be done? probably as there are already several effects already happening.


Now about the minority vs the majority!


First remember that after the 12X event this was asked for. By how many? Well that is data us players just don't have, but enough for BW to change the rate of XP gain. This has always been my issue with these forums, players asking for sweeping game changes that affect other players regardless if all wanted it or not. Universally almost every poster in this thread has done that. So not over ally feeling sorry for them. They certainly did not care when changes were made that affected everyone else when they were asking for it.


Is there a problem if BW added some sort of module full time to the game? No none at all, but add one or not still not feeling sorry in any way for the players complaining here.


The problem with this post (besides needless drama) is that it way overcomplicates a very simple issue, and it indicates a misunderstanding of the current state of affairs. "Sweeping game changes?" :rolleyes: The current WAM, that's already in game, debuffs XP 40% during regular XP game play, outside of the double XP events (also debuffs during the events). I use this daily on all leveling toons--the one that's already in the game now. I stacked these a while back, so I'm good. What the players "complaining here" are saying is that the vendor is only available during the rare double XP events. So if you didn't grab it then, you can't get it until the next event.


The simple request (admittedly over-dramatized in the OP) is to the make this already-existing vendor available permanently.



Of course, the solution is for us to use "White acute module" but this is only avaliable during 2x XP events. Why should I wait potentially weeks for this item to show itself?


If CS doesn't solve this I'm out. I want to play the game. I don't want to rush into a non-existent end game.


I admit the OP was over-the-top, but this here is the simple ask -- just make the vendor available daily....

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I want to experience all of the content this game has to offer without ending up grossly overleveled. How can this be something Bioware has not thought of?


I made an alt and decided to do all of the quests and one FP and ended up being about 10 levels above what I should be. I was level 21 by the time I left Hutta.


I'm pretty sure Bioware spent half their budget creating the side missions due to the amount of voice acting and writing that needed to be done. Why just cut it off like this? I want to experience the game for what it is. I want to be immersed in every planet I am on, gain an understanding of what is going on. Instead, I breeze through every planet in less than 1 hour by only doing the class story and if I want to do side missions I end up being overleveled.


Of course, the solution is for us to use "White acute module" but this is only avaliable during 2x XP events. Why should I wait potentially weeks for this item to show itself?


If CS doesn't solve this I'm out. I want to play the game. I don't want to rush into a non-existent end game.


Unplayable is a bit extreme :)

A few things you could do dismiss companions and have no gear equipped or just enough to give required stats for the Planet lvl you are on.

Not ideal but still far from unplayable..

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