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Garbage Event rip off

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You're losing money by buying and rolling kingpin chips only.

I used up ~800 green chips (while doing kingpins won from greens in between with "feeling lucky buff") to get the Rodian. That was near 2mil credits to score the companion (and enough gold certs to buy the piggy as well). About 2h job (I was running between 3 machines to make it faster)

Edited by Kiesu
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This event is such a trashy rip off money sink its laughable how bad it is.. less than 0.01% chance to get most stuff and ive already spent 50 million credits on chips and probably rolled over 500 of them and haven't gotten a single item? *** is this **** event dude, EA an Bioware like take advantage of people apparently thru gambling methods, it's their signature dish,


While I feel your pain this comes off as too whiny and deserves all the criticism you've gotten.

I plunked down 46mil before getting what I wanted - and was pretty unhappy when, 40mil into it, had foul luck - but the event is designed to get credits off the server. Inflation on the GTN is wildly out of control. If they're not going to give us some of the other credit sinks we're asking for - like player housing on Hoth - then this event is the best way to do it.


Within 10 minutes I had won a Vectron, then the Merc contract, 5 more gold certs and another Merc contract. In shock I called it there.


My wife had similar luck. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't green with envy.

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Not sure if trolling or not....


Regardless: please note this event is exactly what is supposed to be: "credit sink".


and it is like that since...4 years already, so why so surprised?


Apart from that: I do not think I have spent more than 100 000 credits on it alltogether, yet I managed to receive the mounts, decos and jackpots. (at tleast till now).


The system gives you opportunities to win big by low cost, you just need to figure it out how.

Tip: No one forces you to buy Kingpin chips only.


Of course the RNG factor is huge and I have a feeling this year the chances are even more nerfed than previously, but still, you do not need to spend billions to get the rewards or decos.


rng must really love you, cause i spend 500k so far and all i got was 6 gold certificates and one cartel ones. yes, i've been using smuggler's chips, yes, i have been doing "find a cheater" daily and yes i've been only using kingpin chips that i've been rarely getting with smuggler's chips with "feeling lucky" buff only. (no i haven't been doing dungeons for chips, having calculated time invested vs doing some dailies in the same amount of time, i opted for some dailies)


so i don't know about those chances being nerfed. my personal luck feels more nerfed than even usual crappy rng though.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Welcome to the real world. Life isn't a vending machine. You don't just drop in some quarters and always get a prize. OP smacks of being a troll. For kicks and giggles I dropped 5m last night on Kingpins and got repeated Cartel Certs and credit booms. The idea you didn't "get anything" after 50m is ridiculous.
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I remember years ago driving to Tahoe and we saw a billboard on the side of the road that read, "You have a 50% chance of earning half of your money back", as if that was some sort of selling point to visit their casino. Those large buildings in Reno, Tahoe and Atlantic City aren't that tall by luck. When gambling, know that you're almost certainly going to lose. The Event is what it is. No one forces you to gamble, that is your decision.
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My experience with the event so far is that I spin and spin and get nothing out of it while the other characters all around me seem to constantly clapping their hands or getting the jackpot animation (at the smuggler's machines).


The worst experience was this morning. I blew my daily 200k on smuggler's tokens and waited for some Kingpin tokens to drop, but nothing came. Then a char arrived next to me. She played a few times, clapped her hands twice, went to the Kingpin slot, got a jackpot, showed off Greedo, then quick traveled away (or logged off). I gave up for today right after that.


So far I have a steady "winning" of 1 Golden Cert per day. I buy 100 smuggler's tokens. These yield about 20-25 Kingpin tokens. And these yield one win and it has so far always been a Golden Cert.


At least there is no achievement for Greedo. Probably an oversight, but it eases the stress of having to win him.

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At least there is no achievement for Greedo. Probably an oversight, but it eases the stress of having to win him.


I'm pretty sure that this is not an oversight but a conscious decision by the team to not aggravate the players that dont get him. There were many unhappy achievement hunters last year that were furious about the rare piggy companion drop being an achievement.

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