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Why exactly is Dantooine an "event" and not just a daily area?

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I'm still confused why Dantooine is locked behind an "event" when there really isn't anything "eventy" with it at all. It's a very short introductory mission and then all just daily missions. There's not even a world boss to kill.


Why exactly is Dantooine an "event"?

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To be honest, I asked myself the same question.


It is an area with daily/weekly quests. The same as CZ-198 or Section X. It seems be more like occupational therapy. To keep people busy until September. And they don't have to do the same old always, while they actually do the same old.

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I suspect that they set it up as an event, because they intend to add more stuff to it in the near future. It seems the map is a lot more fleshed out than we have access to yet. And they have mentioned that the Jedi ruins will come into play at some time in the future, at which point there may indeed be a world boss.
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It's possible that it's running as an event because it's new, and that, after the event runs it's course, it will be another daily area. I had thought I'd read something along those lines in one of the announcements, but I'm not positive about that.


This. Dantooine has two stages with different states and quests. What you see at the moment is the active event stage. When Pirate incursion is over, Dantooine changes to the normal stage where you get different quests that are more like typical dailies and don't grant you reputation items as reward.


Plus Dantooine will be expanded upon with the expansion or some time after that. The Jedi ruins are supposed to play a major role then.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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It's possible that it's running as an event because it's new, and that, after the event runs it's course, it will be another daily area. I had thought I'd read something along those lines in one of the announcements, but I'm not positive about that.

My understanding is that the event will be a recurring one as part of the Rak/Gree/BBA cycle.

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My understanding is that the event will be a recurring one as part of the Rak/Gree/BBA cycle.


Exactly. It will be put into the event roster and cycle with all the other events. During the time another major or minor event is active, Dantooine transforms into a regular daily area until Pirate Incursion starts again.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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This. Dantooine has two stages with different states and quests. What you see at the moment is the active event stage. When Pirate incursion is over, Dantooine changes to the normal stage where you get different quests that are more like typical dailies and don't grant you reputation items as reward.

Why would anyone do the dailies there is reputation wasn't part of the reward?

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They are also adding missions for us to do during the down time so people can explore without always being shot at by the NPC and for that I am grateful. I like to explore but not having to stop every 5 to 10 seconds to shoot something.
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You can solo the heroics, so it's not due to mandatory grouping.


It's an event because of how shallow it is. Putting a limited timer on something puts more motivation into doing it.


At the end of the day, it's just bland content with bland rewards. No one would do it if it was always there, apart from the first week or two it came out.

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I suspect that it's an 'event' because they don't want us maxing it out too fast and then not caring about it anymore...not to mention that people are likely bored sick of the other 'events' so it was time to add something new.
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I suspect that it's an 'event' because they don't want us maxing it out too fast and then not caring about it anymore...not to mention that people are likely bored sick of the other 'events' so it was time to add something new.


Well, you have to do the weekly around 10 times to get max reputation and for the achievement, you need 20 weeklies. So maxing out is more than possible in one week if you have the time and characters to do so. And because you have to do the dailies twice to complete the weekly they get stale fast.

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I suppose it’s an event because eventually the pirates get pushed off the planet.


Just like, Gray Secant departs Ilum; the rakghoul outbreak is contained; and the number of active bounties is no longer so overwhelming the BBA that they need outside contractors.

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I'm still confused why Dantooine is locked behind an "event" when there really isn't anything "eventy" with it at all. It's a very short introductory mission and then all just daily missions. There's not even a world boss to kill.


Why exactly is Dantooine an "event"?


Because then they can take their analytics to their higher ups and say "See how popular our new planet is! This shows they like our content!". That would be my guess.

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Why would anyone do the dailies there is reputation wasn't part of the reward?


Considering the number of players that have maxed rep in most of the daily areas, why even do daily areas at all? That's the logic that fits with your question, after all. I ran Sec X for months after I maxed out rep, because it was an easy place to make credits. CZ 198 still seems to be run quite a bit as well, and I'm sure not everyone running it is looking for rep.

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Well, you have to do the weekly around 10 times to get max reputation and for the achievement, you need 20 weeklies. So maxing out is more than possible in one week if you have the time and characters to do so. And because you have to do the dailies twice to complete the weekly they get stale fast.


True enough, all that is needed is time and motivation...two things I don't have right now. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it twice more before it ends...but hey, welcome to summer and the return to reality lol. ;)

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For what i see is? When i first got there it was just Dantooine with a couple side missions nothing rough. then after a few minutes Mother ships above head then Nova Blade Pirates drop down and start to purge and plunder every thing they can. We good or bad, Light or Dark sided, Men and Women, Heroes and Villains a like. Has to try to stop them for what ever your reasons may be. Only you can decide that.


So there thats JMO But i do think it is a Sound one.


So Take Care and Please Be well............

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You can solo the heroics, so it's not due to mandatory grouping.


It's an event because of how shallow it is. Putting a limited timer on something puts more motivation into doing it.


At the end of the day, it's just bland content with bland rewards. No one would do it if it was always there, apart from the first week or two it came out.


Not everyone can solo those heroics, which makes half of your complaining moot. I say its about time we got some content that require most of us to group with each other to get it done quickly and efficiently.

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Considering the number of players that have maxed rep in most of the daily areas, why even do daily areas at all? That's the logic that fits with your question, after all. I ran Sec X for months after I maxed out rep, because it was an easy place to make credits. CZ 198 still seems to be run quite a bit as well, and I'm sure not everyone running it is looking for rep.

CZ is popular because it's a fast way to make more than 15K CXP. (Yavin makes more, but it's a lot more fargling about to finish it.)

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CZ is popular because it's a fast way to make more than 15K CXP. (Yavin makes more, but it's a lot more fargling about to finish it.)


Yep, that's kinda my point, however, in context with the quote I was replying to: There's plenty of reasons to think one would run a daily area w/out rep as a consideration.

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