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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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Yeah, too bad this game isn't like real life where you get anything you want solely because you feel you deserve it. Oh, wait...


This post perfectly describes why I hate "casual QQ". It also is basically why WoW is dying, and why I quit playing it.

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I want double rainbow sabers!


Seriously, this thread has made my day.


P.S. Good to hear BioWare has a lot of stuff in the pipe right now. Nothing like a little celebratory smoking after a long project!

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My suggestion:


Rework Artifice.


Give Empire side Artifice access to Red and Yellow.

Give Republic side Artifice access to Blue and Yellow.


Allow for crafting to MAKE any blend of those colors. 1R + 1Y = a washed out light orange. 3R+3Y = vibrant deep orange. 5R+1Y = a much deeper redder orange. As you go up tiers of crafting you get access to blend more and more of each color.


Implement cross faction access (i.e. Republic access to red and empire to blue) as a end game reward...be it raiding, top tier pvp, pve etc. But ONLY allow for 1 point of the opposing color to be used per method earned.


PvP = 1 of the opposing color.

Raid = 1 of the opposing color.

Legacy points = 1 of the opposing color.

PvE finish your class quest = 1 of the opposing color.

World boss = 1 of the opposing color.


A 5R + 5B would be a nice rich deep purple. But to be able to make that "true" purple you'd need all 5...otherwise it'd tend to be a bit bluer, or redder based on your faction.


Then save the extreme rare stuff, black cores/white/metalics for future expansions and development.


This way a fairly new crafter could make "a" purple...just not "THE" purple without considerable investment of time and effort.


Real black would only be open to 5R + 5B + 5Y. There'd eb 216 different colors in the world. Artifice would have SOME end game niche, currently there is none once you've leveled up.


Also remove stats from color...make stat crystals seperate entities.


Grandfather the current stat/color crystals to work in the "stat" slot only.




This is a really cool idea. My dash in my car works the same way. Would require some tweaking to be functional, but very fun and engaging in theory. You pretty much hit every single point I hit from a different angle, so I'm glad to see some people on the same page regarding this issue.

Edited by Jetteseraph
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I do NOT want a purple crystal. Having it FORCED on my Champion Lightsaber is really tearing me down. This game is by far one of the best I've played, but the star wars fan in me is crying because I cant pick the color of my own friggin lightsaber.
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It's the same age old MMO problem.... Hard to please those casuals who just want the color they want and the hard core players who want it to prove they're elite.
True. I've seen it in every game. However, a couple of things have changed in the post-WoW MMO world:


  • Casuals outnumber hardcore players by a wide margin... that's a big reason WoW helped grow the market so much, and casual gamers are still the growth vector in this market.
  • Those who want to be "elite" are basically saying that they can only feel rewarded if others aren't. Not a grand way to design an entertainment service, in my opinion.

Let the elites have a shorter path to the cheese, so they can be "rewarded" with getting the cool stuff first. Then provide a longer path to the cheese for the rest of us.



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I spent to many years raiding in that other game so I am not stepping foot in one here I don't care how good the gear is. I can't wait for GW2 so this stupid gear grind is gone and all I have to worry about is what I want to look like
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I agree, why make ANY color hard to get? I can kind of understand the weirder colors, like black-red and black-blue, but all the solid colors at least should be craftable from artifice if not easy to get.




Rare colors make them more in demand which means they are special


The #1 thing that has ruined MMORPGs (be it leveling, items, ect) is this idea that EVERYONE GETS EVERYTHING


Which in turn means NOTHING IS SPECIAL!


No, dont make it craftable as that means every dog and its owner will have one in short time.


Keep the purple crystal rare drop and in fact add other colors that are rare drops




I remember in DAoC I got the Prince Sword in Darkness Falls shortly after it opened.


Only myself and a few others had this sword and while there were better (more DPS) crafted weapons out there, my sword had a look and qualities all its own so I used that sword for like a year because of that. And I got many comments and people noticing about it.


And that felt good and cool! As Im sure the few that have purple crystals do now!


So NO, dont make them more accessable. Let them retain their value !


In fact I hope they are BOP so they cant be sold to others.

Having items where you HAVR TO LOOT IT TO GET IT is good, not bad for a game and its longevity!

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Since i played SWG for many years and being able to swap crystals in my sabers at will, including purple crystals, i don't feel the need so intently as you do.


So hopefully it will be raid drop only (If only to see you rage quit) :D

Edited by Adeptt
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My favorite color is the kotors was always viridian. I think theyll add a lot more colors to the game in time, gotta fix all the playable content first.


Pretty much 99% of forum posts can be summed up with the following:


I want the devs to completely design this game according to how I want to play and my strengths and weaknesses. If they do not comply, the game is broken and I hate it. Also, I want to run in godmode in which all other players need raids to have a chance to take me down. If not, game is broken and I hate it.


Once you know this, it becomes a lot easier to laugh at these posts. Most people who care enough to cry like a baby on the forums will still be on the game years from now cause anyone who actually hates playing will, you know, stop Fing playing.

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Personally, I think the 6 main colors (green, blue, yellow, red, orange, purple) should be at least craftable by artifice. Other colors like black, white and variants of all or main color crystal with unique stats should be rare drops or super rare schematics. Edited by Cmdluke
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This reminds me of the time I camped the Time-Lost Proto Drake in WOW for a few months....


Eventually I got him. 3am in the morning I took him down. I was one of the first on my server to have him as a mount.


Funny thing was, after about 1 week, it was old and boring. Sure, I got a few /tells and /whispers "How did you get him?" or "Man! You are lucky!"


In time, more and more people got him and it wasn't really special at all.


Careful what you wish for.. I am sure everyone in time will get the purple blade. MMO's are meant to be continual and not designed to give you everything right away or at all. It keeps items special that way.

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It saddens me to see BW already bowing to the vocal minorities that frequent forums. This is a slippery slope people, today its purple sabers, tomorrow its whole sets of gear/mounts/titles/etc.


This is an MMO. There are things you can only accomplish in group settings. These things need to be more prestigious than the things you can attain solo so that people will continue to aspire to the challenges they pose to receive.


The only person preventing you from raiding and getting these items is you. If you don't have the time or skills necessary, tough luck. There are plenty of other items that will serve you just as well for the content you are experiencing, even if they aren't pretty purple pixels.


Now, I know the argument that "its my $15 a month and I deserve to have access to all the content/loot/whatever" has either already been mentioned or will be shortly, but what these people never understand is they already have access to everything in the game, they just have to earn it. And these people tend to forget that even though they're paying $15 a month, there are literally hundreds of thousands of people paying their $15 that completely disagree with developers caving in to the vocal minorities on the forums and devaluing the accomplishments that the developers themselves designed to be unique and rewarding in the first place.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


I think I would quit the game too... cya.



On a side note, I would not advertise your toons name or your guild... as it would be very embarrassing for them to even see this or be connected to this.


YOU ARE IN A MMO things do not come to all that do not do ALL or try.


By your statements... I have to wonder just what you do in life, also how old you are.


I am sorry, but with your statement as it is , I find it childish and pretty much sad.

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Here's the problem I see with purple crystals being "rare". Half the sith mobs you fight have purple lightsaber crystals. If this were "real", and someone killed one of them, their lightsaber wouldn't just disappear. You'd be perfectly able to reach down and just take their lightsaber, either to use as your own or to remove the crystal from. So from what I see either:


1) Purple isn't all that rare a color crystal and therefore should be more available in game, like yellow and orange




2) NPC's should very very rarely have purple for their lightsaber crystal color. You don't see them running around with the rare white, magenta and light blue colors afterall.

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I don't understand why so many people think everything should be easy to get in this game. It's like people advocate for having everything you want starting from Level 1 without showing any work to get these items. What's the point in playing a game if there is challenge without reward?


I second the guy who asked earlier "Have you ever played an MMO?"


And why are you posting things like "I'm going to quit unless...." for something so mundane? It reminds me of little child whinning to their mom for a piece of candy; annoying to say the least.

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They aren't bowing to the minorities though, they promised pre-order customers the ability change the color of their color crystal. http://torwars.com/2011/07/21/pre-ordering-swtor-a-closer-look/


The only mention of purple on that page is in the caption, which is an addition from an unofficial source. It even says at the bottom "This site is in not endorsed by or affiliated with LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.:

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


Lower your expectations... Makes playing these MMO's MUCH MUCH MUCH more enjoyable.


Trust me.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


My playstyle is to play without you.


If bioware doesnt ban you i will take it as an insult to my playstyle and by extension, myself.

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