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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PT's & VG's DCD


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Hey Devs,


Since I don't think 6.0 will come for a while with any balancing changes, the following is hopefully some constructive criticism about plasmatech and tactics DPS specs for VG / PT.



We can all agree (every single serious pvper) that dps PT's / VG's are absolute trash right now defensively and that they need a tweak or two (a little one, not like merc overkill we saw with 5.0) to their DCD array.


My vote is for giving them a veng like passive where they get a passive buff whenever they storm to their damage reduction and stun resist.



As a side note, why is adrenaline rush for PT's / VG's completely pathetic in the first place, obviously the dev team recognized it was a problem for mercs so why not pts / vgs? A 3 minute CD for such an absolute waste of a dcd; who thought it was the equivalent of undying rage? :rolleyes:


It's so bad I just use it as a hard stun breaker, not an actual DCD. PT's don't have significant defense bonuses like sorcs, so breaking free does almost nothing for them.



I'm sure actual PT's and VG's have additional suggestions. I just decided to play mine a little more lately.



Edited by RACATW
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I'd suggest an increase of 10% dr to make it 35% on the shield for the AP/tactics spec. I'd add10% dr to make it 35% increase during kolto for plasmatech/name I can't remember.



I'd also increase the base max health for kolto to 50% for all specs (including tank) Or maybe add something along the lines of they get a 40% bonus to all heals while under 30%.



I don't think pt/vg needs another kind of dcd, I feel they are supposed to be glass canon specs. The problem is that even during their dcds, they melt anyways, so make there main dcd stronger and kolto higher ending max health so that they can be at a better spot when it finishes.



Also bring back 30% dr while stunned to shadows/sins , jugs/guardians and pt/vg. (dps specs)

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The main issue is they are the least self sufficient class in the game. No class in the game melts as quickly under focus fire and PT/VG's are pretty much the only class in the game which doesn't have a focus break. Yes their burst is insane and they are incredibly powerful if they have the right support around them but by themselves against competent players they are easy kill and their burst is easily countered by most classes. The question that really needs to be asked are PT/Vg's DCD's too weak or are other classes too strong? If we use solo ranked as the measurement of classes then all classes should be relatively self sufficient if we use group ranked as the indicator then the measurement should be how they perform with the right support around them. Edited by MuskyBoy
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