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So Im done with EA games


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EA is greedy I miss the days in games where you actually spend time playing the game to get cool stuff and not buying everything with real money. Eve online has a better system and they make money off it. I will no longer buy a hamburger and have to pay for each additional bite i take of that burger I'm surprised MC donalds has not started using this format. the game is also unplayable for me in PVP sitting in matches stunned the whole time is just not fun. I payed a sub to have fun. I basically just sit frozen in pvp if that is what they consider fun they can keep that crap to themselves. EA has ruined gaming with them


Bye Felicia.

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It's weird isn't it, that right now I play two online games. One is swtor where I paid for the vanilla game and I still pay for the sub and I get pretty much nothing. I paid for a game that I still pay for - and if I want any stuff, I pay again.


The other is a free game that I didn't pay for and there's no sub. If I took the money I spend on my swtor sub and spent it on the free game, I'd get boatloads of stuff every month.


And yet, I love swtor and when I leave, I miss it badly :confused::confused: This is not a healthy relationship..

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Looks at skill injectors


Yeeeah, no.


Recommendation: If you're there to play competitively with mechanics, never touch anything multiplayer ever again. The market (read: people with waaaaay too much disposable income) has spoken, and it loooooves pay-to-win garbage.

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I'll never say I'm done with anybody's game, but I can guarantee I'll never pre-purchase or buy before the product has been thoroughly reviewed. I didn't buy Anthem or Andromeda or either of the new Battlefronts and now I never have to. No more Madden Football, etc. There's plenty of youtube reviewers that get free copies free that can check the games for me.


So much of the gaming industry's problems would be solved if people would stop pre-purchasing.

Edited by Zerileth
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Although im having fun as a returning player and loving everything about SWTOR so many years later from launch i do applaud you OP. EA has become a vile company that only cares about profits and pushing political agenda's. I do applaud you OP you are a stronger person than I lol. SWTOR is really scratching that MMO itch . Edited by DeathStarPlumber
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I'll never say I'm done with anybody's game, but I can guarantee I'll never pre-purchase or buy before the product has been thoroughly reviewed. I didn't buy Anthem or Andromeda or either of the new Battlefronts and now I never have to. No more Madden Football, etc. There's plenty of youtube reviewers that get free copies free that can check the games for me.


So much of the gaming industry's problems would be solved if people would stop pre-purchasing.


Im in the same boat. I didnt even by madden 19 and swtor i pretty much forced myself to play it because i wanted to play a starwars mmo. I really hope EA loses the rights to starwars it completely shameful and stuns are so startrek lol. I also pray disney hands over all the creativity to a good gaming company that still cares about the art of gaming., and gives them full control of it as long as its star warsy.

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Looks at skill injectors


Yeeeah, no.


Recommendation: If you're there to play competitively with mechanics, never touch anything multiplayer ever again. The market (read: people with waaaaay too much disposable income) has spoken, and it loooooves pay-to-win garbage.


I hate that your so right

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Although im having fun as a returning player and loving everything about SWTOR so many years later from launch i do applaud you OP. EA has become a vile company that only cares about profits and pushing political agenda's. I do applaud you OP you are a stronger person than I lol. SWTOR is really scratching that MMO itch .


thats about the only reason i was playing swtor. I needed a starwars mmo but it just really isnt doing it for me. ive not bought any EA game in a while and I dont think i will again unless they can bring back the art of gaming like they did back in the day. im not even buying them for my kids which they dont really like ea games either i think my daughter plays sims and that about it. it looks like all their new games a re trash as well.

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It's weird isn't it, that right now I play two online games. One is swtor where I paid for the vanilla game and I still pay for the sub and I get pretty much nothing. I paid for a game that I still pay for - and if I want any stuff, I pay again.


The other is a free game that I didn't pay for and there's no sub. If I took the money I spend on my swtor sub and spent it on the free game, I'd get boatloads of stuff every month.


And yet, I love swtor and when I leave, I miss it badly :confused::confused: This is not a healthy relationship..


I dont miss it and wont miss it. i dont mind paying a sub for a game as long as its good. and i think light subscription fee is plenty for devs to make money but what EA has done is just ruined gaming they have ruined the immersion completly nothing is earned inside game the games anymore. EA has ruined gaming almost in the same fasion as atari did back in the day. its sad that they dont learn from history

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Can I have your stuff ? ...


Like how biwoare setup swtor, you can have the possibility of his stuff.


You have to do a large number of errands or chores for the OP. Lets call them missions for the fun of it. After all those "missions" you will given a random chance at something the OP has. The odds of anything good are extremely slim and the majority of things you get will be pretty much garbage and you will never know when the OP changes the odds to make it even harder for you because he can do it behind the scenes and never tell you anything but hey. You had a chance right?


Now, for that first chore, I mean mission you got to do......


However, back to the OP. I feel your pain when it comes to swtor.

Edited by Quraswren
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I came back after a super long break. The shine is wearing off really fast though. Sith warrior champion Vette is bugged and is unusable due to the constant FPS drop that you get while she is summoned. Currently on a part in the Expansion that requires you to play with her, so I just stopped playing cause it is just to annoying to deal with. The developers have known about this issue since Feb 12, and no hot fix has been made. Nothing has been done. For as much money as I know this game makes, because Cartel Coins wow they are expensive, and light sabers that cost over $40?! They do not seem to be able to hotfix issues, that leads me to believe that they have a bug fix list that is crazy long and are working with a skeleton crew. I am not going to spend more money on this game. I have spend far to much as it is.
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With the Anthem fail and ps4 anthem issue, the Bioware future seems very comprised ! Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, time to back at work !


If you look to Anthem Reddit you see mostly Threads with Problems. If this is true about PS4 Shutting Down because of Anthem, is see bad Times coming for Bioware. So much Problems so Little respone to the Anthem Community. Sometime i think that are similar Problems like in SWTOR.


If Bioware dont solve fast the Problems in Anthem. This will be the dead of the Game.


And i heard our beloved Mr. "RNG is exiting" aka Mr. "Thrill of the Hunt" have a big inpact to the Anthem Loot Box Fail System...........:rolleyes:


Yes EA is a very very very bad Company. I will never Buy i game from EA. :cool:

Edited by Manjaca
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Like how biwoare setup swtor, you can have the possibility of his stuff.


You have to do a large number of errands or chores for the OP. Lets call them missions for the fun of it. After all those "missions" you will given a random chance at something the OP has. The odds of anything good are extremely slim and the majority of things you get will be pretty much garbage and you will never know when the OP changes the odds to make it even harder for you because he can do it behind the scenes and never tell you anything but hey. You had a chance right?


Now, for that first chore, I mean mission you got to do......


However, back to the OP. I feel your pain when it comes to swtor.

yeah that about covers it XD

Edited by Bradyw
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Looks at skill injectors


Yeeeah, no.


Recommendation: If you're there to play competitively with mechanics, never touch anything multiplayer ever again. The market (read: people with waaaaay too much disposable income) has spoken, and it loooooves pay-to-win garbage.


In EVE Skills as in SP don't mean anything, except I suppose allow people to lose better ships :)

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