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When is the double EXP event?


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I remember I see a post about this days ago, I think it was a golden post so it was official, saying there will be double exp/cxp in upcoming days, for some reason I cannot find it anymore, so when double exp event starts? Hope its two weeks this time, previously 1 week was a joke and not enough time to level up all backup characters.
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Well, it started at 7 AM eastern standard time Feb 19 (nearly 11 hours ago for me) which is 12 pm UTC and 11 pm Feb 19th in Australian Eastern Daylight Time.


Double XP doesn't double everything, it adds 1 to the overall multiplier on the base CXP.


Bonus CXP Packs, the blue prototype ones that come in command crates sometimes, have a base CXP of 900 CXP.


Earlier on Satele Shan (4 pm EST on Feb 19) the Force was Light 2. So, without including the guild perk, a bonus CXP pack ought to be giving me:

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0 for the victory state
  4. 0 for the daily bonus (this never applies since its a Bonus CXP pack)
  5. 1 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk IF your character is below Command Rank 300
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 1 for the double CXP week event


That gives a total multiplier of 4.1 and 3690 for the yield.


I've tried without success to back-calculate or derive where/how the guild perks factor into this, but my math is not working out, so I either don't understand the multiplier for the guild perks or it is based on a different value than the base CXP.

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I'm pretty sure its working. I ran CZ-198 on my mara who was CR 90-something just after 7 am today.


I know that the base CXP of the CZ-198 weekly is 5625.


This morning on Satele Shan (7 am EST on Feb 15) the Force was in Dark V Victory state, and my mara is Dark-sided. So, without including the guild perk, the CZ-198 weekly ought to be giving me:

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0.15 for the victory state
  4. 0.25 for the daily bonus (today is planetary missions)
  5. 1 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk (my mara is tier 2 currently, so this applies)
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 1 for the double CXP week event (which is not active yet)


That gives a total multiplier of 4.5 and 25312 for the yield.


I know I was getting more than that, because of the guild perks, so it appears to be working. I was getting around 26k for CZ-198 and Ziost.

Edited by phalczen
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The double xp event is on, I started a new Imperial Agent tonight and I was level 8 before I left Jiguuna. I also started a new jedi Shadow, he was level 20 at the time of leaving Tython.


I wish you could get an opt out, as a long time MMO player I think you level too fast as it is, double xp really isn't needed.

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CXP from disintegrating stuff does not get a boost from double CXP.


Damn, I thought it did :(


It’s intereting what you were saying about the blue CXP boosters. I used 6 of those in a row on one Alt and only 2 of them “seemed” to boost properly. I had the guild perk and I’ve 3 classes to 300CXP.


I may have just been tired, so I’ll check again today because I’ve a heap more bags to open on some other Alts am dim sure to get more of those boosters.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The double xp event is on, I started a new Imperial Agent tonight and I was level 8 before I left Jiguuna. I also started a new jedi Shadow, he was level 20 at the time of leaving Tython.


I wish you could get an opt out, as a long time MMO player I think you level too fast as it is, double xp really isn't needed.


You can opt out.


There is a vendor on the fleet that sells an item called a White Acute Module for zero credits. These are legacy bound, so if you get them on a higher lvl character you can mail them to your lower lvls or you can take you lower lvl to your strong hold and get it from your legacy storage.

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Now, Guild Perks are definitely screwy.


I know that the base CXP of the CZ-198 weekly is 5625.


This morning on Satele Shan (7 am EST on Feb 15) the Force was in Dark V Victory state, and my mara is Dark-sided. So, without including the guild perk, the CZ-198 weekly ought to be giving me:

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0.15 for the victory state
  4. 0.25 for the daily bonus (today is planetary missions)
  5. 1 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk (my mara is tier 2 currently, so this applies)
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 1 for the double CXP week event


That gives a total multiplier of 4.5 and 25312 for the yield.


I know I was getting more than that, because of the guild perks, so it appears to be working. I was getting around 26k for CZ-198 and Ziost.


Now, the CXP I was getting was more than the predicted 25312 yield, presumably because of my guild's CXP perks. They are level 3 and have Command I equipped as well.


Last week, before the event, I used a blue prototype CXP pack to see if I could figure out how the guild perk was factoring into everything.

I know that the Bonus CXP Packs, the blue prototype ones that come in command crates sometimes, have a base CXP of 900 CXP.


Now, my guild is level 3, which supposedly grants a 0.4% boost to CXP. My guild flagship also has Command I perk equipped in the bridge, which says it adds 3% boost to CXP from all sources.


Now, obviously today is NOT double CXP week, and right now on Satele Shan (1 am EST on Feb 15) the Force is In Balance. If my guild perks are supposed to be adding 3.4% the same way as the other bonuses stack, then it should look something like this:

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0 for the victory state
  4. 0 for the daily bonus (this never applies since its a Bonus CXP pack)
  5. 1 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk (my mara is tier 2 currently, so this applies)
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 0 for the double CXP week event (which is not active yet)
  8. 0.034 for the guild perk and guild level


This yields a multiplier of 3.134 which is supposed to be 2820 CXP.


But that's not what I'm getting, I'm getting 2863 CXP.


So, the guild perk was increasing the amount, but not by any obvious amount. The actual CXP I was getting from a blue prototype bonus CXP pack, without double CXP week active, and not in victory state, was AS IF I had an 8.1% guild perk, not a 3.8%.


Today was even screwier. I waited until Light Side V Victory state (9 PM EST on Feb 19) was active to log into my republic characters and claim the guild conquest goal reward. Prior to 5.10, the base CXP for the guild conquest reward was 3750 CXP.

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0.15 for the victory state
  4. 0 for the daily bonus (today is planetary missions, but I don't think that applies)
  5. 0 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk (my four toons that did conquest last week are all CR 300)
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 1 for the double CXP week event

This gives a total multiplier of 3.25 and an expected CXP reward of 12187. Now, our pub guild is level 7 and it also has the Command I perk active, so that should be a 4.2% boost, bringing the multiplier up to 3.292 and the expected CXP reward of 12345 (seriously). But I wasn't getting that, I was getting 12188 CXP.


So, there were two cases of the guild perk working, but not at the amount predicted, and one case of it not working. The only thing I could think of is that the guild perk doesn't apply if you are CR 300? Or, it doesn't apply to all missions, even though the tooltip says it does? I'm going to try and do CZ-198 on a CR 300 toon that is light sided to see. If the 4.2% is working the way the other bonuses add, then I should get 19923 for the weekly.

Edited by phalczen
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I'm going to try and do CZ-198 on a CR 300 toon that is light sided to see. If the 4.2% is working the way the other bonuses add, then I should get 19923 for the weekly.


I got 20050. That is over 100 points higher, working out to be a 6.4% guild perk bonus instead of 4.2%. And, this was on a toon who is already CR300. So, why is the bonus higher than the expected guild perk amount and why doesn't it work for the guild conquest goal mission reward?

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I got 20050. That is over 100 points higher, working out to be a 6.4% guild perk bonus instead of 4.2%. And, this was on a toon who is already CR300. So, why is the bonus higher than the expected guild perk amount and why doesn't it work for the guild conquest goal mission reward?


My CXP bonus is working correctly for individual characters. Today is also the planetary mission bonus (at least on Star Forge) so there is that extra too. You mention it -- but I thought it did apply. (Not sure we are talking about same dependent variable here).


The conquest gains seem to be wonky, though. As in -- the corresponding CXP I'm getting is different than the amount I should be getting for guild advancement. I'll do some specific math on my next go around and report back.



Edited by Jdast
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You can opt out.


There is a vendor on the fleet that sells an item called a White Acute Module for zero credits. These are legacy bound, so if you get them on a higher lvl character you can mail them to your lower lvls or you can take you lower lvl to your strong hold and get it from your legacy storage.


You can also use it outside the event if you prefer to level very slowly [circa the 2.0 era xp rate].

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My CXP bonus is working correctly for individual characters. Today is also the planetary mission bonus (at least on Star Forge) so there is that extra too. You mention it -- but I thought it did apply. (Not sure we are talking about same dependent variable here).


The conquest gains seem to be wonky, though. As in -- the corresponding CXP I'm getting is different than the amount I should be getting for guild advancement. I'll do some specific math on my next go around and report back.




Yeah I mention it as applying as regards the CZ-198 weekly, but I've never seen the "Planetary Missions" daily bonus affect the Guild Conquest goal rewards. The only thing I've ever seen affect that is victory state.


The variable I can't seem to figure out is the Guild Perk. And I should clarify, when I say "Guild Perk Bonus", what I really mean is the sum of both the bonus to CXP from the guild's level, and the bonus to CXP earned from any set boni or equipped perks.


Light Side V Victory state was in effect at 9 PM EST on Feb 19. Prior to 5.10, the base CXP for the the CZ-198 weekly was (is still?) 5625 CXP.

  1. 1 for unity
  2. 0.1 for the per-character legacy perk
  3. 0.15 for the victory state
  4. 0.25 for the daily bonus (yesterday was planetary missions)
  5. 0 for the "having 4 mirrored base classes at CR300" perk (my scoundrel is already CR 300)
  6. 1 for the boost buff item
  7. 1 for the double CXP week event

This gives a total multiplier of 3.5 and an expected CXP reward of 19687


Now, our pub guild is level 7 and it also has the Command I perk active and the Vitality set bonus (which does nothing to CXP), so that should be a total 1.2 + 3 + 0 = 4.2% boost, bringing the multiplier up to 3.542 and the expected CXP reward of 19923.


But I wasn't getting that, I was getting 20050 CXP.


Working backwards to solve for the difference, we use the equation:


20050 = 5625 * (3.5 + X)


Where X represents the contribution of all the guild bonuses post 5.10. X in this case solves to:

(20050/5625) - 3.5 = X

Which results in 0.06444, or 6.4%.


So, 6.4% isn't obviously a multiple of 4.2%, at least not a whole number. And, it also doesn't account for the fact that the guild bonuses didn't apply AT ALL to the guild conquest reward from making the goal from the prior week. So something in the guild bonus is messed up. It doesn't appear to be a "You must be under CR 300" restriction. Its too small of a delta to be factored in multiplicatively. If it were, 19923 x 1.042 would be 20759 CXP and we're only getting 20050 CXP. And it doesn't apply to all CXP earned like the tooltips say.


So, the event is definitely working, but the guild bonuses are not working as described, they're adding more in most cases and nothing in a few select ones.

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