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Darkest of the DS options


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Relatable - I tried so often to be dark but I fail at the first choice (torture the acolyte for information).

He's a hopeless, useless weenie who shouldn't ever have tried being Sith. His first words when you approach him are to *beg* you not to hurt him. There are far worse things you can do on Korriban than torturing him, and some of them don't even give DS points. (The purposeless nastiness(1) of some of the options when you talk to Sentry Yashia (?name) who gives you the mission to retrieve the fallen acolyte's body from the tomb, for example.)


(1) At least torturing Alif has an actual purpose outside of "be bad for badness's sake".

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In addition the SW on Alderaan can force Lady Renata to be taken to Duke Kendoh for "questioning" which is really to be his sex slave.

Any choice which forces a female npc into questionable/forced sexual situations is pretty despicable and very dark. If I played a male, I'd never take those choices. The situation above with Tivva is the worst dark side scenario in the game. There should be an option where she gets to kill you all.


Yes, I forgot about Lady Renata. I tend to think that NOT killing Kendoh is the DS option at the end there.


I've never got this option - do you have to play as a male to get it? I've only played SI as a female. This seems like a better dark side choice than any I've got.


It's tricky to get, but it doesn't depend on male/female; I got this dialogue playing a female assassin. The first time I played the class I thought you just tortured Rehanna until she called Nomar. You have to play it like you really mean to help her. She'll come to the cave [stealthing through the hordes of killiks] and meet Nomar with you. As soon as he sees you he wants to attack you, and you have to convince him [without pissing off Rehanna] that you really are sincere. He's a lot tougher than Rehanna to convince, there's lots of checks and if you don't pass them he'll say 'Defend yourself, Sith!' and you need to reset the dialogue and try it again. Even if you do manage to do it, he'll show up at the Organa vault anyway and claim he just pretended to believe you to keep Rehanna out of danger. Better to kill him in the cave.


So you can screw up and fail the checks, which is neutral, or you can do everything and at the end just say something like 'love her you idiot'! and shock him, which will provoke him to attack and is DS. Or you can skip all that and just tell them upfront you were lying to get the relic, and they'll both attack you.

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Some that come to mind:


Jedi Knight story throwing the Voss Mystic into Sel Makkor


Agent/BH on Hutta killing the father in the spaceport in front of his son


Hand of Jadus was pretty dark considering all the people purged


Killing the civilians on Taris before they could escape in the planet side quest you do with Thana Vesh


Although not a dark side option for points - telling Theron to shoot his father was pretty dark


Telling Master Oteg to fight to the bitter end, which results in his death


Massacring the boarding party prisoners in the Imperial FP


Leaving Theron Shan to die

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Some that come to mind:


Jedi Knight story throwing the Voss Mystic into Sel Makkor


I like the option of allowing Tala-reh to march into the pit because the vision says so [which seems pretty callous for a Jedi], and then killing the mystic afterward. You don't get a reward but everyone goes home happy.

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Yes, I forgot about Lady Renata. I tend to think that NOT killing Kendoh is the DS option at the end there.




It's tricky to get, but it doesn't depend on male/female; I got this dialogue playing a female assassin. The first time I played the class I thought you just tortured Rehanna until she called Nomar. You have to play it like you really mean to help her. She'll come to the cave [stealthing through the hordes of killiks] and meet Nomar with you. As soon as he sees you he wants to attack you, and you have to convince him [without pissing off Rehanna] that you really are sincere. He's a lot tougher than Rehanna to convince, there's lots of checks and if you don't pass them he'll say 'Defend yourself, Sith!' and you need to reset the dialogue and try it again. Even if you do manage to do it, he'll show up at the Organa vault anyway and claim he just pretended to believe you to keep Rehanna out of danger. Better to kill him in the cave.


So you can screw up and fail the checks, which is neutral, or you can do everything and at the end just say something like 'love her you idiot'! and shock him, which will provoke him to attack and is DS. Or you can skip all that and just tell them upfront you were lying to get the relic, and they'll both attack you.

Thanks :)

Now I will have to make yet another SI to try this out (any excuse for another alt). I always thought the choices I made were lacking something - the above scenario makes much more sense for a DS SI.

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He's a hopeless, useless weenie who shouldn't ever have tried being Sith. His first words when you approach him are to *beg* you not to hurt him. There are far worse things you can do on Korriban than torturing him, and some of them don't even give DS points.


Try to imagine how he feels:

He is just an acolyte, he witnessed a murder and is captured and tortured for that.

He knows he will die if he tells the name of the murderer. Then you come and torture him to tell the name.

What would you do in his place?


Also: As a force user in the empire he has no choice but go to Korriban.

He probably doesn´t want to become a sith.


And that's why I play light side. I would play as Jedi if it wasn´t so boring.

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- Leave shock collar on Vette.

- Bedding Lady Gratham and forcing Vette to watch, she lets out a disgusted eww. hahahahaha, I believe scene goes, she dismisses her son then she ask if you are going to dismiss your slave, the line is "My slave never leaves my side"

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Relatable - I tried so often to be dark but I fail at the first choice (torture the acolyte for information).

I know it´s a game and the npcs are not real but can´t help but feel compassion for them.

Probably the reason that I only play heal :)


The torture the acolyte thing was awfully heavy handed and kind of shoved down your throat. Quite honestly, I didn't enjoy the LS/DS options for the Force users, since your choice of Empire vs Republic actually biases your options - Sith has mostly DS while Jedi has mostly LS and going in the opposite direction doesn't feel fluid.


In my opinion, the only class that I've found where you can actually enjoy the story and be free to make choices based upon the story, and not your class, is the Imperial Agent. You are LITERALLY Jason Bourne meets recent James Bond. How you react to the story is completely up to you personal choice, as a person behind the keyboard, because you aren't tainted with Jedi vs Sith, you're not the Boy Scout Trooper, and you're not a "pay me" Smuggler/Bounty Hunter.


Try to imagine how he feels:

He is just an acolyte, he witnessed a murder and is captured and tortured for that.

He knows he will die if he tells the name of the murderer. Then you come and torture him to tell the name.

What would you do in his place?


Also: As a force user in the empire he has no choice but go to Korriban.

He probably doesn´t want to become a sith.


And that's why I play light side. I would play as Jedi if it wasn´t so boring.


Again, the entire story is convoluted, biased, and rushed. In essence, you're not even Sith yet when you arive on Korriban. You just know that you've had an awakening in the Force and that the Empire found you and forced you to go to Korriban (or they kill you). As such, you're not evil (DS). People immediately jump to the DS option because everyone thinks of the Emperor, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, etc. and want to be just that. Even the LS option on that scene was weak because you essentially beg the acolyte to help you. You've got the knowledge of how to electrocute him through the Force but you don't know how to mesmerize him into telling you the truth?


Like I said, the Imperial Agent is the only story where everything makes sense. Though, I'll admit that I haven't done the Hand of Jadus at the end of epilogue 1. That, in my mind, is really sort of rushed, too, because the bulk of the story, up to that point, has Jadus dead and nothing from the start to that point really gives you the option to suck up to the Sith or explain why you'd want to do so.

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There's that mission on Hutta where you hunt down a guy on a hunting trip whose murdering Evocii. The Evocii you speak with says the guys is even murdering women and children for sport hunting. When you confront him and take the DS option he can give you a bribe for you to ignore what he's doing. Knowing this guy is killing innocent men, women and children for sport then cutting and keeping body parts off them for souvenirs is just too terrible for me to ignore. Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Try to imagine how he feels:

He is just an acolyte, he witnessed a murder and is captured and tortured for that.

He's tortured before you meet him because he wouldn't tell anyone, not because he saw it.

He knows he will die if he tells the name of the murderer. Then you come and torture him to tell the name.

At the point where he begs, the player hasn't done anything yet, and he's pretty much "up against it", in that he's at least as likely to be killed if he doesn't talk as if he does. (The full progression of the LS option shows this. There *are* ways for him to get off Korriban with his skin mostly intact, but he hasn't shown the strength of purpose necessary to find them.)

What would you do in his place?

Put up a stand of defiance. That will at least earn respect for showing strength, even if it's ultimately futile. The key point is that from where he is, there is no way out, so it is better to go out known as a someone who resisted until the bitter end than as someone who grovelled and begged and was therefore not even worthy to be a Sith.


Or, as noted above, attempt to negotiate for a way off Korriban, even if it doesn't extract me from having to be a Sith.

Also: As a force user in the empire he has no choice but go to Korriban.

Raina Temple disagrees. (OK, she was still up against it, but she *didn't* go to Korriban.)

He probably doesn´t want to become a sith.

And there I have some sympathy with him. I wouldn't want to be part of that organisation, but once you're in there, you play the game or you die.


I suppose the key point is that my analysis was based on how a DS Sith-candidate would see the situation rather than how I, personally, would see it. The Inquisitor is stuck on the roller-coaster ride that is "becoming and being Sith", and if you've decided to play it dark, you are in essence playing it as someone who has to push back against the situation, to say, "This is my life now, and *nobody* is going to take it away from me, and obstructing me in any way will be a life-shortening experience for anyone who tries." That's the essence of DS Sith.


Oh, and I, personally, am not like that. *I* wouldn't torture people like that, but then again, I'm not a DS Sith either. But when I'm playing my DS Sith, I play them as such.

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Put up a stand of defiance. That will at least earn respect for showing strength, even if it's ultimately futile. The key point is that from where he is, there is no way out, so it is better to go out known as a someone who resisted until the bitter end than as someone who grovelled and begged and was therefore not even worthy to be a Sith.


You only say that because you know that you won´t die.

He doesn´t want to die so young. Ask the dead if honor or showing strength matters. (No it doesn´t)

There is a way out - the light side way!


Sorry, I got carried away a bit. I just don´t want him to die because of something he didn´t do.

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Am I a psychopath for chuckling gleefully at the OP’s post when he mentioned the Agent acting like he didn’t kill Dragon Eyes’ wife then killing him instantly after, when the Inquisitor lures Lady Rist and Nomar to one place then kills them both, and my favorite one, when the BH gets Tormen’s general to Sepukku?
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I've done these now so long ago that I have trouble remembering all the choices, but I see some really good doozies mentioned in this thread.


I think the one that got me the most was how the SI treated the Voss during the class story. My memory is hazy on the details but I recall that you spend the whole planet trying to convince them to trust you and let you into a sacred area. After giving you a million lectures on just how important this is to them and then finally letting you into their inner sanctum, you betray them by sucking out the soul of their leader in front of everyone. Something about the way the scene plays out I remember being particularly visceral. I felt so dirty after that. :(

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I've done these now so long ago that I have trouble remembering all the choices, but I see some really good doozies mentioned in this thread.


I think the one that got me the most was how the SI treated the Voss during the class story. My memory is hazy on the details but I recall that you spend the whole planet trying to convince them to trust you and let you into a sacred area. After giving you a million lectures on just how important this is to them and then finally letting you into their inner sanctum, you betray them by sucking out the soul of their leader in front of everyone. Something about the way the scene plays out I remember being particularly visceral. I felt so dirty after that. :(


I don't recall this playing out like that. When you get to the Temple of Healing you don't really find anyone there, and then a ghost shows up to give you info, and there's an optional DS choice to bind the ghost, but unlike the other bindings, it's kind of a gimme prize, like you just ate four pieces of chocolate fudge and then had diarrhea for three hours, but oh just one more can't hurt.


Am I a psychopath for chuckling gleefully at the OP’s post when he mentioned the Agent acting like he didn’t kill Dragon Eyes’ wife then killing him instantly after, when the Inquisitor lures Lady Rist and Nomar to one place then kills them both, and my favorite one, when the BH gets Tormen’s general to Sepukku?


Thanks! I liked writing them too. And no, not a psychopath, or if you are, so am I. I suppose the litmus test for a darkest of DS choice should be 'when it's no longer fun' but I had fun with all these.


Compare the ones you mentioned to the DS choice for the Belsavis planet story pubside where you awaken the World Razer which will destroy the galaxy [eventually] in exchange for some level 50 green loot you have to go to Illum to get. Or Balmorra imp side where you have to eliminate the cave full of force-sensitives, and the pure DS choice is to go down and kill them one mob at a time, even though you could just tell the guy you won't say anything, then order the imp outside to gas them. These aren't fun, not because they're not extremely dark choices [although they are] but because the game mechanics for them are stupid and joyless.

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I don't recall this playing out like that. When you get to the Temple of Healing you don't really find anyone there, and then a ghost shows up to give you info, and there's an optional DS choice to bind the ghost, but unlike the other bindings, it's kind of a gimme prize, like you just ate four pieces of chocolate fudge and then had diarrhea for three hours, but oh just one more can't hurt.


I'm probably getting my scenes mixed up somehow then. I thought there was an extra option for not only getting the ghost but also binding the leader? Maybe you just kill him? I wish I could recall it exactly because it really affected me at the time.

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I just wondered if there is a thread in existence like "Lightest of the LS options".


Personally, I don't think anyone would ever do that. Because evil sells, I think.


I think that it would exist more in the world of Lightest of LS options for Empire characters. The DS options for Jedi characters are really weak and everything in the Republic stories are so freaking carebear. Shooting a traitor is considered dark? Really? Meanwhile, the Bounty Hunter is cutting off heads and sending them to the guy's wife or <insert class> is shooting a guy's wife and then waiting for him to show up, grab the info, and then shooting him. For whatever reason, the writers felt it necessary to go to extremes for both sides and it results in a very contrived and forced story arc. To me, the Agent is the only one that is Grey and the sheer number of story possibilities is extreme. Kudos to the Agent write and bugger all to the rest.

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I'm probably getting my scenes mixed up somehow then. I thought there was an extra option for not only getting the ghost but also binding the leader? Maybe you just kill him? I wish I could recall it exactly because it really affected me at the time.


It reminds me more of something that happens in Mask of the Betrayer, an old Neverwinter Nights expansion that shares a lot in common with the SI story.


I just wondered if there is a thread in existence like "Lightest of the LS options".


Personally, I don't think anyone would ever do that. Because evil sells, I think.


Well gosh Alrik, instead of wondering about it, why don't you make that thread?

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Most of the truly evil options feel bad to me so I never end up with fully DS characters. At most my "DS" characters will be a ruthless "whatever it takes" or "do what's best for the Empire" or "unquestioningly follow orders" type rather than a crazed evil psycho. For example I have no problem killing people who attacked or threatened me first, killing people who are themselves evil murderers or enemy combatants, and so on but I would never force an innocent woman into sexual slavery or do anything else rapey, betray and murder a friend, etc...I've watched some of those options on youtube before but man, they're almost too horrible for me to get through.
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Are there varying degrees of good? Good is good.

Perhaps more of a trend of "Good will always triumph, because evil is dumb", then?


Like on Republic Balmorra, where if you free all the prisoners in the Gorinth Brig instead of leaving the prisoners and using the override code to steal back the Barrager tech, you end up actually having an easier time because the Imperials have no way to actually figure out what your goal for attacking the prison was?

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Some of the LS choices lack compassion, though, and while they might be good from a Jedi Code standpoint, they're somewhat cold. Like turning Kira in to the Jedi Council.


I was amazed to discover an option where you don't turn her in, don't go to Tython at all, and not be romancing her. Through mostly neutral convo choices, I think. Up till then I thought the choice was in how you turned her in, as an enemy in the ranks, or in a perfunctory 'Yes she was a Sith, can we get on with the mission now?' way.


There's lots of these wonky LS for Jedi choices on Tython, of course. Tattle on the two apprentices makking out [or alternatively, for even neutral, lie to the masters, then go back and refuse to accept the crystal, which somehow convinces Spanios that attachment is wrong]. Or tattle on the kid trying to lift the rock. Or convince the Order to let the sharkman who abducted a twi'lek kid join up.


trooper on tat- misson with the bombs there is a woman whose house has just been blow up. you can get her to service you for your help dismarming others in the area. she just lost everything and u force her to in prositution


I thought about putting this one in the OP, but you can't actually get her to sleep with you. Still, for extra flavor, bring Dorne along. All the comps will have something to say if you try this, but Dorne's response is funniest.

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