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Cool Reception Mission: Just When You Think The Writing Can't Get Any Worse


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Your deadly bounty hunter confronts a target in a dead end cave, only one way in or out, and he tells his men to fight you instead and just walks off and the game forces you to let it happen because the writers are just that bad at their one job, writing the game.
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I think I can remember a few like that in some of the Sith stories where some nobody underling out in the middle of nowhere holds you hostage for something, forcing you to do some stupid fetch quest when you could just zap or choke them on the spot and take the thing off their dead body.


Just imagine if every mission could be solved that way--you'd be done with the game too quickly. They have to make these artificial "bad-writing" situations just to make the game last long enough so people don't complain that the game is too short.


Same thinking related to how someone can take 6 slashes from a lightsaber and still be standing because they have an artificial health bar that controls how long each fight must take. They even used to let us kill entire mobs with a single ability (pretty realistic all things considered, actually), but people complained stuff died too fast and we all got stuck with level-sync and our lightsabers turned into brightly colored pool noodles.

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I think I can remember a few like that in some of the Sith stories where some nobody underling out in the middle of nowhere holds you hostage for something, forcing you to do some stupid fetch quest when you could just zap or choke them on the spot and take the thing off their dead body.


I'm reminded of the SI mission to get the CN-12 Chip on NS. A tech-gang has it and says they'll give it to you if you give them control of your cult. You can, of course, torture them until they give it up, or just kill them all on the spot. It doesn't make a lot of sense to give them your cult - they claim that you can summon them to battle or something but that never went anywhere. The only reason to take that option at all [aside from player perversity] is that if you spared Rylee and Destris in Act 1, you can go back and kill them yourself, which was certainly satisfying.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a mealy-mouthed brat smart off to my dark V Nox and the brat lived to tell the tale. Utterly stupid.


This game has many fine moments, but it has more than it's share of stupidity as well.


Yep. It’s exactly like trying to kill the Emperor’s Wrath and taunting your more powerful companion and living to tell the tale. He even presumes he gets to continue staying in your quarters like nothing happened! The gall of people, amirite?

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Your deadly bounty hunter confronts a target in a dead end cave, only one way in or out, and he tells his men to fight you instead and just walks off and the game forces you to let it happen because the writers are just that bad at their one job, writing the game.


Triggers me hard. They should have had you capture the dude there and had the rest of the Hoth missions for the BH deal with Torian being kidnapped instead of having to return to hoth a few hours later

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Just imagine if every mission could be solved that way--you'd be done with the game too quickly. They have to make these artificial "bad-writing" situations just to make the game last long enough so people don't complain that the game is too short.

I don't subscribe to this notion, although you are right; that is ususally the road writing takes.


It should only be a matter of writing ambition and revision to make better excuses for why someone can or can't be engaged. Buried traps, figures that turn out to just be holographs, smoke bombs, hostage situations etc. There's a lot of tools a writer can use to make a stay of execution in a otherwise direct confrontation. Them just walking off is the worst scenario because it's the writer not even trying.

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I usually forgive problems like that, because I'm not convinced it's a writing problem as much as a...uh, "programming problem", for the lack of a better word. Sure, they could write a cool action cutscene where the bad guy flees through a window and you chase him down until he hops onto his speeder and escapes...but that would cost a lot of time, effort and money since it would require several custom actions from the character models. We don't exactly have a /jumpoutofthewindow emote we could use there. It's faster and cheaper to show "bad guy manages to escape" as "bad guy walks away while his goons slow you down".
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I'm reminded of the SI mission to get the CN-12 Chip on NS. A tech-gang has it and says they'll give it to you if you give them control of your cult. You can, of course, torture them until they give it up, or just kill them all on the spot. It doesn't make a lot of sense to give them your cult - they claim that you can summon them to battle or something but that never went anywhere. The only reason to take that option at all [aside from player perversity] is that if you spared Rylee and Destris in Act 1, you can go back and kill them yourself, which was certainly satisfying.


That is why the Operative story line is the best. There is no space magic involved and you end up killing everyon eanyway.

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