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Is there any point in being neutral?


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Yep, that's what i got on my LS JK.

He then called her a mediocre sacrifice or something along those lines.


He told my neutral agent that she was full of calm and peace. I guess that's the light side version. :/


Ah, thank you. :) So it sounds as though neutral gets the LS response, then.

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Ah, thank you. :) So it sounds as though neutral gets the LS response, then.


In most cases, including DvL bonuses, Light is 0 or above, and dark is negative. Neutral at +10 is considered light, one kill or snappish comment later, Neutral at -10 will be considered dark. The actual Dark/Light rank only counts for items that check it and a few dialogues in class story (e.g.the Inquisitor's Darth title). I don't think there is any dialogue past the class stories, that takes alignment into account. We are judged by our deeds not by our complexion or eye color.


Mechanically, neutral has its benefitts - my neutral chars get the DvL CXP bonus whenever it is up. No matter which side won, the bonus is just a couple of kills away. That is the point of neutrality, playing both sides for your own benefit.

Edited by Mubrak
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I I don't think there is any dialogue past the class stories, that takes alignment into account. We are judged by our deeds not by our complexion or eye color.


There are some comments in SoR and KOTFE that do reference it, but not a lot. I've found:


- If you're a DS Jedi Satele comments on it at the end of SoR. It doesn't change anything, you still get the Battlemaster title, but she'll say something about how although she is concerned by your 'darkness' you've always come through for the Jedi/Republic order.


- Tyth has LS/DS comments.


- In KOTFE there are a couple of places the dialogue changes with alignment. In Chapter 3 if you choose to kill the Knight and you're LS, Lana will comment that it's not like you. She also makes a comment if you choose to kill the Knight and ignore the reactor, something about your time in carbonite having affected you. There's also one with HK-55; if you choose to have him protect you and Lana/Koth equally. If you're DS, he'll say "you're more selfless than I was led to believe" and if you are LS it's "you're just as selfless."


As for being judged by complexion, if you're playing an alien Imperial, there are a few comments about that too here and there, post-class story. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is that on Ilum, you can get offended by Moff Regus's comments toward aliens.

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As for being judged by complexion, if you're playing an alien Imperial, there are a few comments about that too here and there, post-class story. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is that on Ilum, you can get offended by Moff Regus's comments toward aliens.

On that note, just in case anyone knows; do you ever get to call anyone a racist ***** for picking on aliens as a human? I've played through trooper and SW story as human, and it always seem to me that you can only protest racially charged dialogue if you are an alien yourself. As human you always either ignore the comment or reinforce it, don't you?

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On that note, just in case anyone knows; do you ever get to call anyone a racist ***** for picking on aliens as a human? I've played through trooper and SW story as human, and it always seem to me that you can only protest racially charged dialogue if you are an alien yourself. As human you always either ignore the comment or reinforce it, don't you?


I've found a couple where you can either call someone out or support aliens as an Imperial. There's one side quest on Belsavis where you're dealing with the Office of Alien Relations or something, and when the officer gets a little rude you can check him on it if you're a human. It's the quest with the Cathar noble.


There's also the planetary quest on Hoth where you can recommend the Chiss officer for promotion and tell the human officer that he can be a good example for his men by supporting the Chiss.


On Nar Shaddaa you can tell Flame (an alien) that you understand why he's upset that the Empire hurt aliens, and support him in leaving Nar Shaddaa peacefully, and then tell the Imperial officers not to question you on it.


And on Ilum, if you chose to work with the Kaleesh, when Moff Regus is complaining that you brought aliens into the Empire you can Force choke him, at least as a SW, IIRC.

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