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Anthem andTOR's future.


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What do you guys think ?


There was a lot of speculation on the internet about what will happen to this game and this game if Anthem is not a success.....


By looking at videos that reflect honest impressions and not some payed hype propaganda... things aren't looking very promising for that game.

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What do you guys think ?


There was a lot of speculation on the internet about what will happen to this game and this game if Anthem is not a success.....


By looking at videos that reflect honest impressions and not some payed hype propaganda... things aren't looking very promising for that game.


There's also a lot of unjustified negativity towards Anthem simply because there are people out there who actively want to see that game fail, just to prove their point to be true.


I have played the Anthem demo and frankly quite enjoyed it so far (no, I am not paid or hired to say that). I think there is a very vocal group out there that wants Anthem to fail and will spread negative feedback about it just for the sake of negativity. They don't even want to give that game a chance.


Also, sorry to say it but... will you call any positive feedback about Anthem "payed hype propaganda"? Because if so, then you are being radically selective in only seeing the negative feedback as "true" feedback.

Edited by Ylliarus
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What do you guys think ?


There was a lot of speculation on the internet about what will happen to this game and this game if Anthem is not a success.....


By looking at videos that reflect honest impressions and not some payed hype propaganda... things aren't looking very promising for that game.


I don't know what videos you looked at, but my Twitter timeline is filled with people playing the demo this weekend, and I probably would have a hard time to find one who doesn't like it. Even some sceptical friends love it after trying it out. And all that keeping in mind that there were rough moments for many due to bugs and glitches.


Not that my own friends are a representative sample, but they are regular gamers, and those are people who fork money for it. Many already pre-ordered.

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I don't know what videos you looked at, but my Twitter timeline is filled with people playing the demo this weekend, and I probably would have a hard time to find one who doesn't like it. Even some sceptical friends love it after trying it out. And all that keeping in mind that there were rough moments for many due to bugs and glitches.


Not that my own friends are a representative sample, but they are regular gamers, and those are people who fork money for it. Many already pre-ordered.


I've been seeing the same, a vast majority of the people I follow on Twitter and who tried out the demo have been positive about it. I've yet to see a comment that expresses severe negative feedback, there were a few who expressed an issue here or there, but mainly were very positive.


But as you can see from the OP's post, they call that "payed hype propaganda". I have a feeling the OP is only interested in negative feedback about Anthem that preferably is based on the opinions of people who didn't even play the demo or who didn't even look at any of the footage of the demo. I hope I am wrong about this, but I can't find another reason as to why you'd call positive feedback "payed hype propaganda" otherwise. It's something that I come across more frequently these days, people who express positive feedback are called "shills" or it is implied they were paid to express positive feedback. What happened to believing someone who genuinely likes something? It's incredibly sad to see.

Edited by Ylliarus
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I don't see how Anthem will succeed when it was reported that it won't release with PvP. That's a disaster waiting to happen.

PvP is crap anyway. There should be many more games without.


I read that there are problems with the demo version. As always. :p

I do not really care if it succeeds or not. As long as you continue to take care of SWTOR.

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I have had little interest in Anthem, it looks like another Destiny type game which got old.... fast, luckly with the upcoming open demo I'll get a chance to see it first hand. I don't think it matters if it sinks or swims, TOR will chug along at its current pace or slower until its no longer viable (making enough profit).


Once Anthem releases people will burn through the content like there is no tomorrow, a month later they'll be demanding road maps and content releases so I think it will hog resources(developers and money) for quite some time rather than sending anyone over here. I hope I'm wrong on that last part because we are in desperate need of those resources.

Edited by Cerixy
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PvP is crap anyway. There should be many more games without.


I read that there are problems with the demo version. As always. :p

I do not really care if it succeeds or not. As long as you continue to take care of SWTOR.

You do realize the vast majority of the most popular and/or best-selling games out there are multiplayer-based, right?

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Once Anthem releases people will burn through the content like there is no tomorrow, a month later they'll be demanding road maps and content releases so I think it will hog resources(developers and money) for quite some time rather than sending anyone over here. I hope I'm wrong on that last part because we are in desperate need of those resources.

Depends on how long it takes to play it through. Or to get the best equipment. I give the biggest rush for just a month. Then people want more. You will not be able to deliver that in a few months, so you will log out and wait.

If you're lucky, a few more events will be added.

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Once Anthem releases people will burn through the content like there is no tomorrow, a month later they'll be demanding road maps and content releases so I think it will hog resources(developers and money) for quite some time rather than sending anyone over here. I hope I'm wrong on that last part because we are in desperate need of those resources.


Sounds like a SWTOR 2.0 release.

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Honestly it doesn't mater to me if Anthem fails, I really just have not seen anything in it that interests me. I don't mind sci-fi themed MMOs, it's just the premise of operating and gearing up big "gundam" like things to battle in.


I also don't think the health of Anthem will have any effect on SWTOR. If Anthem fails, no funding goes to SWTOR. If Anthem is a huge success, guess what? Just as now, no funding goes to SWTOR. I think the two projects have zero correlation to one another.


Personally I don't think it will do well. I honestly know of not one gamer pal that says they are looking forward to Anthem. As for whether or not it does well, I am neutral either way.

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I've read mixed reviews of Anthem. However it does from a commercial standpoint, I'm not sure there's a lot of hope for SWTOR. EA's got 4 years left on the license so long term massive financial investment seems highly unlikely, especially given that EA's Star Wars games have not gone over particularly well. (Note I said "gone over" well as opposed to anything about their financial success.)


A question for those that know more about business things than I do: When the license ends, would EA be required to simply shut SWTOR down or would they be able to keep it going for some sort of licensing fee? I can't see them getting another 10 years of exclusivity and I harbor doubts that SWTOR is profitable enough to justify the time and effort to keep it going. I hope I'm wrong on the latter.

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I have played the Anthem demo and frankly quite enjoyed it so far


Yeah, I also quite liked KotFE ch.1. The shine wore off rather quickly though and I couldn't bring myself to put more than 2 characters through it. And that was when it was only 9 chapters.


It'll be a few months before anything can be said with certainty about the game's quality and, most importantly, staying power. After how cack-handedly DAIMP and MEAMP were managed, I wouldn't keep my hopes too high.


Of course that doesn't bode well for SWTOR. It's a lose/lose scenario for us.

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But as you can see from the OP's post, they call that "payed hype propaganda". I have a feeling the OP is only interested in negative feedback about Anthem that preferably is based on the opinions of people who didn't even play the demo or who didn't even look at any of the footage of the demo. I hope I am wrong about this, but I can't find another reason as to why you'd call positive feedback "payed hype propaganda" otherwise. It's something that I come across more frequently these days, people who express positive feedback are called "shills" or it is implied they were paid to express positive feedback. What happened to believing someone who genuinely likes something? It's incredibly sad to see.

Unfortunately this is true, I didn't played the demo nor watched a stream yet but it's sad anybody who likes the game is being called a shill.

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You do realize the vast majority of the most popular and/or best-selling games out there are multiplayer-based, right?


Multiplayer is NOT the same as PvP.


I've played thousands of hours of different Multiplayer Games (at one point I was clocking 40+ hours a week), and I've played less than 20 hours of PvP in total.



All The Best

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There's also a lot of unjustified negativity towards Anthem simply because there are people out there who actively want to see that game fail, just to prove their point to be true.


I have played the Anthem demo and frankly quite enjoyed it so far (no, I am not paid or hired to say that). I think there is a very vocal group out there that wants Anthem to fail and will spread negative feedback about it just for the sake of negativity. They don't even want to give that game a chance.


Also, sorry to say it but... will you call any positive feedback about Anthem "payed hype propaganda"? Because if so, then you are being radically selective in only seeing the negative feedback as "true" feedback.


Sounds like Andromeda pre-release all over again

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I don't know what videos you looked at, but my Twitter timeline is filled with people playing the demo this weekend, and I probably would have a hard time to find one who doesn't like it. Even some sceptical friends love it after trying it out. And all that keeping in mind that there were rough moments for many due to bugs and glitches.


Not that my own friends are a representative sample, but they are regular gamers, and those are people who fork money for it. Many already pre-ordered.


I played the demo. The game is awful. The combat system is Mass Effect: Andromeda with flying. The in town character models are poor.


The worst part of the game is the open world. I flew around for 2 hours and the only mission that popped was kill some creature eggs. The rest of the time was spent flying around looking for enemies to fight.


The enemies are bullet sponges. There are very few mechanics to them.


Overall, terrible game.

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What do you guys think ?


There was a lot of speculation on the internet about what will happen to this game and this game if Anthem is not a success.....


By looking at videos that reflect honest impressions and not some payed hype propaganda... things aren't looking very promising for that game.


What happens if and when Anthem flops?

Do you expect EA to take it on the chin after wasting such a massive amount of time, resources, man hours and most importantly, their money?

Answer these questions first before spewing such trash on this forum.

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What happens if and when Anthem flops?

Do you expect EA to take it on the chin after wasting such a massive amount of time, resources, man hours and most importantly, their money?

Answer these questions first before spewing such trash on this forum.


I don't know what to expect.... After BF 2 and ME Andromeda another "failure" is not good for Bioware's image imho....


I love Bioware for creating games with good mechanics, good story.. characters we cared about, beautiful world etc. They made a name for themselves by making these memorable games, but I think it's time to accept that it's the past now. That Bioware is gone...


Anthem ? Unsurprisingly all these reviews seemed to be focused on only one thing and have been for a good while now: How cool the flying is, how cool the guns are, how cool the graphics are, how cool the shooting is... that "awesome" ;looking armor, but absolutely zero mention of a story... characters. Spending that much money on a game because it has cool flying and and nice guns ain't very motivating for me at least.. but it's clear it's intended for the younger generation of gamers in the 10+18 year old range.


What will happen to TOR ? As Lhance pointed out, I think it won't get much more than it did in these last 2-3 years.


I know some EA guy said 2019 will be TOR's best year yet, and I wonder if that was serious or just trolling... I don't see how 2019 will be this game's best year, but I am willing to get amazed and surprised.


Anthem fails ? We shall see. I have a really bad feeling about this game because something tells me the devs are under huge pressure to deliver something after Andromeda and BF2.. and Bioware might have had different plans for what anthem should be, but been forced by ** to make it into something else.


I can't wait to see it launched because we might finally get some better light into SWTOR's plans for 2019 and possible future 6.0.

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A question for those that know more about business things than I do: When the license ends, would EA be required to simply shut SWTOR down or would they be able to keep it going for some sort of licensing fee?


If the license ends and/or is pulled -- and no clauses are allowed for -- then EA would not have a license to distribute any Star Wars material. That would include SWTOR. The game would most definitely have to shut down.


Consider the similar case of what happened with Gazillion Entertainment and Marvel Heroes. Once the relationship with Disney ended, the game was done.


The same played out awhile back when the Star Wars license was removed from Sony Online Entertainment and thus did Star Wars Galaxies shut down. (There is a bit more context to this last example since SOE chose not to renew but that was also due to the balance of revenue from the smaller player-base combined with the cost of renewing a license.)


It is possible that Disney and EA could reach an agreement for assets purchase. In this case, the "assets" being SWTOR itself. That would be the case if Disney felt the game was important enough to keep going. That would also be predicated upon their having been no stipulations in the initial contract that mitigated against this.

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If the license ends and/or is pulled -- and no clauses are allowed for -- then EA would not have a license to distribute any Star Wars material. That would include SWTOR. The game would most definitely have to shut down. After that setup some servers and get things going again.


Consider the similar case of what happened with Gazillion Entertainment and Marvel Heroes. Once the relationship with Disney ended, the game was done.


The same played out awhile back when the Star Wars license was removed from Sony Online Entertainment and thus did Star Wars Galaxies shut down. (There is a bit more context to this last example since SOE chose not to renew but that was also due to the balance of revenue from the smaller player-base combined with the cost of renewing a license.)


It is possible that Disney and EA could reach an agreement for assets purchase. In this case, the "assets" being SWTOR itself. That would be the case if Disney felt the game was important enough to keep going. That would also be predicated upon their having been no stipulations in the initial contract that mitigated against this.


It would take years to understand the game engine, how it is coded, the various assets the whole works. Frankly it would be best to acquire the entire Bioware studio and its staff and then take back the rights to SWTOR while allowing EA to keep the rest.


It is better to purchase the whole thing than Disney wasting years trying to figure it all out. Disney could then open more studios for Bioware under their banner and have the Bioware devs train up Disney devs in how this whole game works, it could potentially takemere months and Bioware would have the finances and resources behind them to produce games with RPG and storyline content they are known for.


I dunno about the rest of you but EA have wasted their chance with Bioware and i know the developers in Bioware are a talented bunch and i only wished they had the opportunity to show how good they are, but after losing half their studio because EA closed and sold the other studios Bioware had, they haven't been operating anywhere near their best since 2012.


If Disney can do a lot better with Bioware and they Take SWTOR and keep it going, re-organise the entire game and give it a bright future... i mean that is what i really want to see like everyone else. But EA has shown and made clear that Bioware is expendible, especially after losing half their studio and Visceral games getting canned. I just don't see any future for Bioware if Anthem falls off the rails.

Edited by Celise
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