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What will be the next OP class?


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dps jugg.


the only thing holding them back is lack of stun immunity.


no veng leap doesnt count. its a terrible spec for hrd swaps and you have to actually get a 10 meter leap off (avoiding roots, LOS, enet, so on and so forth.)

Edited by Seterade
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dps jugg.


the only thing holding them back is lack of stun immunity.


no veng leap doesnt count. its a terrible spec for hrd swaps and you have to actually get a 10 meter leap off (avoiding roots, LOS, enet, so on and so forth.)


Please I hope not. I don’t want to have to change mains again.

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Taking bets now. 100 thousand credits on operative and scoundrel.


I think they will become FOTM, but not necessarily OP.


Snare is currently doing pvp training 101 to teach people tactics and strats. You can guarantee people will take up Operatives after watching him play delay tactics at the node.

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tbf. juggs are in a very good spot right now. they perform well in regs with most of their dcds returning on respawn, they have a smooth easy rotation, their dot spec has the same single target burst as the burst spec, and they have 1 h2f per fight. in fact I would even go so far as too say juggs are only unviable in ranked arenas and all it would take to make them viable is to mirror gravity vortex to the fury maras. movement impair/stun immunity for 6 seconds every 30 seconds.


disappointingly however they will still be furys little brother. despite bringing to the table offguard and taunts a jugg cant replicate obs/RA, the broken saberward utility for mara only or pred spam. tho I like us all to have silent moment of respect for the lost utility of 3.0 juggs. rip chilling scream op group 50% aoe speed boost.

Edited by Seterade
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Depending on who you ask dps jugs are already op :rolleyes:


Cause people are bad. LoL


How about the thread complaining about ling Sorcs as if they are OP.


FOTM is a self full filling prophecy. The more people talk up a class on the forums, the more people play it. I bet we’d see a big increase in PTs if we started a thread saying PTs were OP and they needed a nerf. We’d need support from other forum goers to talk it up. I’m willing to bet there’d be an increase.


Once you get a bunch of the same class together, it’s class stacking and everyone become OP. That’s how FOTM ends becoming. The class could be the most rubbish in the game, but if you put 8 of them together they will roll you.

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you deny that they are the flavour of the month right now?

a minimum of 6 jugg/guardians are in every 16reg bg. totally due to the underperforming of this class.


Too many bads. Simple as that. Jugs are easy for noobs to learn. But most are rubbish players. They might be FOTM, that doesn’t make them OP. Because while they are easy to start off on against other noobs, they can be much harder to master against good players.

Edited by Totemdancer
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you deny that they are the flavour of the month right now?

a minimum of 6 jugg/guardians are in every 16reg bg. totally due to the underperforming of this class.


I didn't say underperforming either, but OP?


Honestly I wish they would take FD and give us an anti focus tool. Then I could both stop reading about how supposedly easy everything I do is and not get wrecked on my main because of the guild tag.

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I didn't say underperforming either, but OP?


Honestly I wish they would take FD and give us an anti focus tool. Then I could both stop reading about how supposedly easy everything I do is and not get wrecked on my main because of the guild tag.


What’s the guild so I can keep an eye out for you :p

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Sorcs need to be the next FOTM, it's their turn again.


They need to make Storm Lightning 6 seconds of AE like before and add the snare component to it like it once had too. That was fun times, especially in Voidstar stopping door caps and just overall AE spamming everything.

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Sorcs need to be the next FOTM, it's their turn again.


They need to make Storm Lightning 6 seconds of AE like before and add the snare component to it like it once had too. That was fun times, especially in Voidstar stopping door caps and just overall AE spamming everything.

Yes, please! T_T

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Hatred sins.


While every class got something since 2xx era, hatred got nerfed and got zero buffs since then, even DR was taken away from them and they are even more squishy than sorces.


They need a little love, but BW only knows extremes.


We want our phase-walk back do we?

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Hatred sins.


While every class got something since 2xx era, hatred got nerfed and got zero buffs since then, even DR was taken away from them and they are even more squishy than sorces.


They need a little love, but BW only knows extremes.


I doubt dot specs will ever be a thing again in this game....


And even if they somehow manage to make dot specs very good there will be 20 nerf threads every day to make sure it gets toned with the next patch.

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Hatred sins.


While every class got something since 2xx era, hatred got nerfed and got zero buffs since then, even DR was taken away from them and they are even more squishy than sorces.


They need a little love, but BW only knows extremes.


I miss how hatred sin used to play. I loved how the dots were decent, and the dot spread was actually fun to do. Hatred sins were unique you could sort of play off people and weave in and out of groups to spread the dots.


It was just really fun not feeling like I had to tunnel individuals and then use CC to land my hits with backstabbing being the main focus of the attack. With hatred back in the day it was really mobile and you had to use strategy to spread the dots, but the good thing was they hurt too.


That was the only time I actually found sins fun on this game, and then shortly after I was getting into it they gutted them and made them not only weak but not nearly as fun to play. I never mastered the class, just dabbled but this was my take on it anyway.

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I doubt dot specs will ever be a thing again in this game....


And even if they somehow manage to make dot specs very good there will be 20 nerf threads every day to make sure it gets toned with the next patch.


Tbh the only dot spec that’s good in the ranked crowd these days is IO, IO played well can outperform arsenal in many situations, just no one can play it properly.

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in 4 dps yes.


but madness sorc and veng jugg do just fine with hl and/or tnk comps. I personaly perfer rage tho. you burst down one person with less gcs than veng. venge might have the same single target dmg as rage but it needs to keep its rotation up, while all rage needs is to land the FS and RB every time. uptime vs utility

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in 4 dps yes.


but madness sorc and veng jugg do just fine with hl and/or tnk comps. I personaly perfer rage tho. you burst down one person with less gcs than veng. venge might have the same single target dmg as rage but it needs to keep its rotation up, while all rage needs is to land the FS and RB every time. uptime vs utility


I think it's been said before, if you're going to play a Rage jugg, you may as well play a Fury Mara.


But I don't disagree with you.


Tbh the only dot spec that’s good in the ranked crowd these days is IO, IO played well can outperform arsenal in many situations, just no one can play it properly.


I agree! I tinker around on my IO merc in regs. It can deal some serious damage both dot spread and bursty. (I wouldn't say I'm good at it though)

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Tbh the only dot spec that’s good in the ranked crowd these days is IO, IO played well can outperform arsenal in many situations, just no one can play it properly.


I play IO alot and usually catch most people off guard with the burst it can dish out. It has good burst and really high DoT damage. My only complaint about it is the atrocious spread mechanic and having to give up Rail Shot. I argue with myself sometimes about which Chaff Flare is better as well. Arsenal is guaranteed to absorb 2 tech / force attacks but IO has a 35% chance to block each attack for 6 seconds.


It also frees up a Tier 4 utility by not having to take Thrill of the Hunt. I usually put that point into Stabilized Armor if I'm playing ranked.

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I think it's been said before, if you're going to play a Rage jugg, you may as well play a Fury Mara.


Depends on if it’s arena or not. I find I can stay alive longer on a rage Jugg in objective maps (if I’m alone) than on a Mara because you’ve no way to get your health back up on the Mara if you’ve no healer. Once you are engaged you have to make sure you win the fight fast or your toast. But it is horses for courses. If I’m in HB I’d prefer to have predation

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Tbh everything seems to be balanced pretty well at the moment, considdering team ranked. Considder solo ranked, yes, nerf dcsd of mercs and give some love to powertechs, who hasn't heard this. Considder PvE, people say PowerTech is overperforming in DPS. Regular warzones? No idea, probably sorcs and juggernauts the most played classes, even though most of them aren't really good.


New fotm? Depends on where. A buff to any class is going to make that class the next fotm in team ranked, since TR is the most balanced part of the game atm (imo). Of course, nothing works with everything else, but all specs / classes have some composition they work with.


If people start to write as a reply to my answer here "But snipers and marauders are overpowered!". No, just no. Yes, they are good, maybe better than most other setups, maybe even in the top3 setups / most favoured setups, but still, all specs have something they work with.


Also, everything has a counter. The best example for this is how marksman sniper + mara smashes everything. It can be countered with a sorc dps.


So yea, fotm is relative. In every aspect

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