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Am I the only one here who is avoiding playing 5.10?


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I did everything on Tython and Coruscant so I could get my ship. Then after I got on board and had the cinematic with air traffic control I flew right to Nar Shaddaa and Taris to get those cutscenes out of the way then unticked those two class missions.




The French server is perfect for trying this out. Only have a smuggler and a trooper there, so it's an almost new legacy. Will give it a try. Maybe even this evening as all my Ossus-chars have done the weekly already, so there is nothing left to do today.


Thanks for the idea.


As for the actual topic of this thread: If I wouldn't play 5.10, what else would there be to do in this game? I didn't think for a second about avoiding it. I only waited one day after the patch hit to see if something was severely broken.

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It's not as if there's much there. I like the planet. The story was ok. Overall, I've been deleting characters I just don't play. Some are stuck after Ziost (I'm not forcing any classes through KOTFE I don't play). I'm also not going to grind for top gear on one planet for them either. No point in keeping them then. The devs have really ruined alts for me. :(
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I wouldn't say I'm actively avoiding it, but more have it on so far back on a backburner that whatever 7.0 will be will likely be out by the time I get up to it.


Reasons go ranging from all this month and so far possibly next month is all mandatory overtime at work so I'm already pretty fried out as it is from that, the substantial amount of bugs in 5.10 existing at this time that I REALLY don't have it in me to deal with one of my playthroughs getting screwed up, and I'm also doing prepwork to finally knock out as much of KotFE/ET in a solid go since with how much autocompletes with 5.10, I don't have the luxury of being able to skip any of it since the defaults would definitely mess up my playthroughs but such is what happens when you play LS Sith and DS Republic.

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I began to do missions on Ossus after release 5.10. But now they have bored me completely. Too many bugs and problems and the grind system is too boring. So I quit wasting time there. For me better to do old content, like FP and Ops. Honestly, Ossus and 5'th tier is the biggest disappointment since the 5.0 release.
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Without doing the class story you won't have your companions, but that's really not an issue with all of the token comps. I have Qyzen, which is really all I need, but also have Shae Vizla, who I put in regular Mandalorian armor and RP that she was part of Jicoln Cadera's Crusader's schism and joined the Republic, and Darth Hexid, who I put in cybernetic armor and RP she's a Sith combat training droid that was reprogrammed to serve the Republic (her vocabulator is still stuck in homicide mode, though), as well as C2, Treek, and HK-51 (if I spend the credits). An eclectic crew for a ronin'esk Jedi. I'm just wandering around the galaxy doing missions as I find them (explorer missions are on, of course). The only thing I don't like are the way the planetary bonus series missions are handled now.


That's a pretty good headcanon.

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