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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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Another reason Lana bothers me is that if you're a super DS (skin rotting off) ******* she shouldn't even want to be an LI or stick around! The fact that you can absolutely abuse her and she just will accept it and romance you is disgusting.
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I just want her to go home!


Other players suggested this in other topics. For example, Lana could take a break, go to her home planet or something


My suggestions :


1. Lana locates a former apprentice of Darth Malgus and decides to go to talk to him/her alone. While she's gone ( for at least two expansions..) she is replaced by Hylo Visz for Reps and by Commodore Pardax for Imps.


2. Lana decides to retire and become an overseer at the Sith Academy or go on Voss to study the other aspects of the Force.


3. Malgus escapes. In an epic battle between Malgus and the Alliance Commander, Lana sacrifices herself. Her physical form is destroyed, but her spirit is caught in a holocron, so she can still appear as a Force Ghost or Force manifestation of some sort. Of course, this will require new romances or ways to re-connect with the old ones or even cross class romances.

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I just don't understand why Lana would stay allies or fall in love with a PC who is 1. A stanch Republic/Jedi loyalist. 2. An Imperial Saboteur. 3. A DS Manic! It doesn't make sense. You can make the case for why Theron might stay with a LS/Neutral Imp/Republic Saboteur, (A DS manic would have killed him) but not Lana.
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I just don't understand why Lana would stay allies or fall in love with a PC who is 1. A stanch Republic/Jedi loyalist. 2. An Imperial Saboteur. 3. A DS Manic! It doesn't make sense. You can make the case for why Theron might stay with a LS/Neutral Imp/Republic Saboteur, (A DS manic would have killed him) but not Lana.


I'm more inclined to believe Lana staying with a LS Jedi than I am Theron staying with a DS Imperial.

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I'm more inclined to believe Lana staying with a LS Jedi than I am Theron staying with a DS Imperial.


I didn't say Theron would stay with a DS Imp or Rep. But I am baffled why Lana would stay with a staunch Jedi Loyalist light or dark. Would she stay with an Independent Alliance Commander 'Jedi'? Sure. But two

Official Council Members (Battle Master and Master of Hidden Knowledge)

no way.

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