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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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Except that he did betray you, and left you to die. Maybe he's hoping you wouldn't, but he left you to die. It's amazing how you can twist that, but it doesn't change what happened, and how he chose to "save your life". As to the rest, I addressed it in the post you just quoted.

He's a spy who was doing his job, and had to look convincing doing so. He shot at the window so that Lana and you could get out of the train btw.

You really think the Order of Zildrog would not have found Zildrog without him ? Him going to Copero to find the map was a test, so they clearly already knew where the map was, and definitely had other ways to get it.

If he didn't do what he did, everybody on Odessen would've died without any way to stop it.


And as a reminder, when Lana threw him under the bus on Rishi, he was tortured for days, if not weeks while we were looking for him, and when we found him, we ended up in a base that was about to self-destruct, and Lana had to stop it before we both died, which is the same as him having to give you and Lana a way out of the train for you both not to die.

And Lana didn't tell him or our character anything because according to her, if he knew of her plan, there was a risk the Revanites could find out, but at the same time she said they can't read his mind because of his Jedi training and he can resist torture, so if there was actually no chance they'd find out, why didn't she tell him ? And she openly lied to our character as well, saying she didn't know what happend and how it happened when she clearly planed for it to happen.


So why is it ok when she does it, but not when that's him doing his job ?

In both cases they did what they thought was the best way to handle things, in both cases they put our characters and the other one in danger because they didn't say anything about their plan.

If Theron deserves a kill option for that, then, so does Lana. Same reason, same consequences... If we're forced to forgive her for that, then, so should be the case for Theron as well.

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Lana loves you so much and you will learn to love her,


you and lana forever best friends,


deal with it,


No, thanks.


BW just needs to stop to favorize Lana and give the rest of our companions (or at least those who appear in story-relevant matters) the same treatment, instead of just pushing 1 specific companion for the next 5~ years and ignoring everyone else. If they would actually put the same amount of effort in at least 4-5 other comps as they did with Lana then we would have a healthy base of companions with various cutscenes and meaningful outcomes, but instead we have to deal with Lana in _every_single_situation_.


People are sick and tired of Lana for a good reason.

Edited by Jesseriah
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I personally don't want Lana to be killed. Yes I'm romancing her on every "MAIN" character who are Agents and I'm welcoming any moment with her, but I can agree that a lot of other charactres are not used becasue reasons.

Worst scenario? Death. Let's look at the Acina for the moment, it is possible :)

I definitely would like to see sometimes less Lana and more others, like Theron even Koth sometimes. Jakarro, Lokin etc etc.


Also I'd like to see more e.g Darth Rivix, because he has a great potential in story, or Gnost Dural and Daerrun on rep side. But also completely new characters that we are going to see. While Jekiah and Rass Ordo are new and for sure will return in Mando Civil War arc, I don't find them interesting at all. But to see them more? Why not!


But there are characters that are still alive from the past that could return and be important again as well.

Example? Former Minister of Intelligence (Keeper) from IA story.

I want him in my Alliance!


As for Lana, don't kill her! It'll destroy another character! But yeah sure, why not to give her some rest and be in shadows while BW present and increase importancy of other characters or give completely new. And after some time Lana would return and again they can spam her everywhere xDDD

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He's a spy who was doing his job, and had to look convincing doing so. He shot at the window so that Lana and you could get out of the train btw.

You really think the Order of Zildrog would not have found Zildrog without him ? Him going to Copero to find the map was a test, so they clearly already knew where the map was, and definitely had other ways to get it.

If he didn't do what he did, everybody on Odessen would've died without any way to stop it.


And as a reminder, when Lana threw him under the bus on Rishi, he was tortured for days, if not weeks while we were looking for him, and when we found him, we ended up in a base that was about to self-destruct, and Lana had to stop it before we both died, which is the same as him having to give you and Lana a way out of the train for you both not to die.

And Lana didn't tell him or our character anything because according to her, if he knew of her plan, there was a risk the Revanites could find out, but at the same time she said they can't read his mind because of his Jedi training and he can resist torture, so if there was actually no chance they'd find out, why didn't she tell him ? And she openly lied to our character as well, saying she didn't know what happend and how it happened when she clearly planed for it to happen.


So why is it ok when she does it, but not when that's him doing his job ?

In both cases they did what they thought was the best way to handle things, in both cases they put our characters and the other one in danger because they didn't say anything about their plan.

If Theron deserves a kill option for that, then, so does Lana. Same reason, same consequences... If we're forced to forgive her for that, then, so should be the case for Theron as well.


Who said it was? As I said, I have toons that would have killed her by now. Now, none of them that would kill her would have killed her for Rishi. But I have to ask, how big do you think that island is? The taxis on Rishi are no where near as slow as the ones on Alderaan, so maybe a couple of days, but unless you ran off to do heroics, and some FP and Ops before you rescue him, there's no way it gets to weeks. But if that's the case, why did you leave him hanging like that? Is it because you knew that no matter how long it actually takes you to get there, it plays out exactly the same way?


The irony here, I suppose, is that you feel the same way about Lana that I felt about Quinn, for years longer than Lana has been a thing. Only I wasn't as obsessed with the idea of killing him. I was thrilled when it came up, and I got great satisfaction from it, but considering how long it took to get that pay off on his betrayal, it's far too soon to assume that Lana won't get her day too.

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Who said it was? As I said, I have toons that would have killed her by now. Now, none of them that would kill her would have killed her for Rishi. But I have to ask, how big do you think that island is? The taxis on Rishi are no where near as slow as the ones on Alderaan, so maybe a couple of days, but unless you ran off to do heroics, and some FP and Ops before you rescue him, there's no way it gets to weeks. But if that's the case, why did you leave him hanging like that? Is it because you knew that no matter how long it actually takes you to get there, it plays out exactly the same way?


The irony here, I suppose, is that you feel the same way about Lana that I felt about Quinn, for years longer than Lana has been a thing. Only I wasn't as obsessed with the idea of killing him. I was thrilled when it came up, and I got great satisfaction from it, but considering how long it took to get that pay off on his betrayal, it's far too soon to assume that Lana won't get her day too.

You actually do quite some things in game before you finally find him, like going to the Rishi village, attacking a few camps, setting some explosives on ships, not to metion you were fighting Shae and her Mandalorians on a remote island when he was captured, so we don't know exactly for how long he was missing when we got back to where Lana and jakarro were talking... all that before you can even find where he's held captive, and then you have to storm the place. For us player it doesn't look that long, but for the characters it'd definitely take at least days doing that.


Again, i don't want to kill her, i want to kick her out, and sent her on a long vacation somewhere where i'll never have to see her face again, especially if they're not willing to stop shoving pseudo-romantic scenes between her and my characters who have 0 interest in romancing her down my throat, and if they keep using her in scenes where she's not the one who makes the most sense, sometimes even over other unkillable characters (like with Kira and Scourge at the end of EoO). It's even worse when the LI my character is actually romancing is standing there watching her get all lovely to my character when they can't even say anything...

I'd have had no issue with her if she was part of a team, with other equally important companions, all unkillable, and if the romantic stuffs where she looks like she's so deeply in love with you were only for characters activelly romancing her, instead of how she's actually used from the start of KOTFE, as the only one who matters and the only one you should care about, and especially now that everyone else can be dead, it only made things worse. It was still alright during KOTFE and KOTET, even if she was still presented as the most important of the bunch, because there were other companions you could interact with on a regular basis, but now, it's always her no matter what because the rest can be dead, you may see one or two pop from times to times if they're REALLY relevant to the story, but that's pretty much it.


That being said, if killing her becomes the only way to get rid of her, i'll take that over being stuck with her on my face forever.

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You actually do quite some things in game before you finally find him, like going to the Rishi village, attacking a few camps, setting some explosives on ships, not to metion you were fighting Shae and her Mandalorians on a remote island when he was captured, so we don't know exactly for how long he was missing when we got back to where Lana and jakarro were talking... all that before you can even find where he's held captive, and then you have to storm the place. For us player it doesn't look that long, but for the characters it'd definitely take at least days doing that.


Again I ask, how big do you think that island is? Even looking at it on the map, it's not that big. Certainly no where near big enough to justify "but he was held for weeks". We travel pretty fast, even w/out fast travel, which is justified by "A shuttle has been dispatched". If we're going to try to run with travel times, and some fights, then the Revanites aren't a threat at all, right? At least, not in so far as their Rishi plan is concerned. I mean, it's not like ships have FTL travel or something? Wait... For all that, we don't require FTL to move around the planet fairly quickly, as even the taxis are fairly speedy. So no, it wasn't a week, let alone weeks.


Again, i don't want to kill her, i want to kick her out, and sent her on a long vacation somewhere where i'll never have to see her face again, especially if they're not willing to stop shoving pseudo-romantic scenes between her and my characters who have 0 interest in romancing her down my throat, and if they keep using her in scenes where she's not the one who makes the most sense, sometimes even over other unkillable characters (like with Kira and Scourge at the end of EoO). It's even worse when the LI my character is actually romancing is standing there watching her get all lovely to my character when they can't even say anything...

I'd have had no issue with her if she was part of a team, with other equally important companions, all unkillable, and if the romantic stuffs where she looks like she's so deeply in love with you were only for characters activelly romancing her, instead of how she's actually used from the start of KOTFE, as the only one who matters and the only one you should care about, and especially now that everyone else can be dead, it only made things worse. It was still alright during KOTFE and KOTET, even if she was still presented as the most important of the bunch, because there were other companions you could interact with on a regular basis, but now, it's always her no matter what because the rest can be dead, you may see one or two pop from times to times if they're REALLY relevant to the story, but that's pretty much it.


That being said, if killing her becomes the only way to get rid of her, i'll take that over being stuck with her on my face forever.


I wanted to do the same with Quinn. I've wanted to do the same with Quinn since Rise of the Hutt Cartel, when I joined the game. How long, do you suppose, people that've been playing since launch wanted to be rid of Quinn? Comparatively, Lana's a blip on the radar. It's far too soon to assume she won't get an option.

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Except that he did betray you, and left you to die. Maybe he's hoping you wouldn't, but he left you to die. It's amazing how you can twist that, but it doesn't change what happened, and how he chose to "save your life". As to the rest, I addressed it in the post you just quoted.


No, he did not. Infact i'm quite baffled how so many still continue to say and rationalize this though the very arc made sure to tell you he did not. Even the friggin description after saving him says "seeming betrayal". Even the wik, STAGED betrayal. How some of you continue to call it that when even the writers don't agree is astounding. If anything you can call what he did drastic, but this is someone highly intelligent who has traveled with the commander since the events of Rishi and is well aware of what the commander can and can't handle. Batman knows a rocket launcher cannot harm Superman, Batman shooting Superman with a rocket launcher is intended to slow him down, not kill him.


If you read his novel you'd know, he's a terrific shot, and a great fighter. If he wanted the commander dead, there was no need for all this craziness. Not only did he use a non lethal shot towards you, but shot out the window as well. And called you IMMEDIATELY after, he already knew you would get out of that. Infact he tells the chiss he's working with to stay in the vehicle "you'll never win", because he knew you would kill him. Ultimately, he got hurt more by Lana getting him captured than EITHER of you did by his antics. One was swept under the rug, and forgiven almost instantly after it happened. The other got a death option. Want to talk about putting people in danger. Lana put both you and Theron in danger with an unecessary rescue mission because she made a choice without any of your knowledge. Again one got consequences, the other did not.


People can continue to rationalize how killing Theron wasn't a betrayal on their part all they want, or blame him for the destruction of the fleet, but the fact of the matter is, you would be dead, and Odessan would be destroyed right now without Theron. It was the commander, and crew who set these events in motion to begin with warring with Zakuul. Either way, they were getting what they needed, only without Theron the Commander and the Alliance would have been ignorant of what's coming. Say what you will about the methods. Theron's actions got 3 major weapons that would have killed trillions wiped out in his career.


That said, for his lonewolf antics (which I in part understood, the character has practically been abandoned by everyone including his parents), Theron did deserve consequences. And if he really DID betray you then death would have been acceptable. But not after the arc told you the betrayal was fake. If anything it should have been A) Take Theron home B) Arrest/boot Theron from the alliance. The death option only really makes sense if you're playing a true sith lord who doesn't listen to reason or think logically at all. "don't care if you were loyal all long, die now derp derp". lol


Quinn is an entirely different monster, by all means Quinn DID mean to kill you. He pretty much says that as he's apologizing, he served Barass. Totally different things. There was no double agentness involved with Quinn's attempt, he MEANT to kill you. He just failed lol


I personally don't want Lana to be killed. Yes I'm romancing her on every "MAIN" character who are Agents and I'm welcoming any moment with her, but I can agree that a lot of other charactres are not used becasue reasons.

Worst scenario? Death. Let's look at the Acina for the moment, it is possible :)

I definitely would like to see sometimes less Lana and more others, like Theron even Koth sometimes. Jakarro, Lokin etc etc.


Oh god, don't even remind me. Killing Acina was one of the biggest wasted opportunities for practically one of the few interesting Empire characters at the time. I hate the entire Iokath arc. That's when they started *********** up repeatedly. Who was in charge of writing during that time? yikes.

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No, he did not. Infact i'm quite baffled how so many still continue to say and rationalize this though the very arc made sure to tell you he did not. Even the friggin description after saving him says "seeming betrayal". Even the wik, STAGED betrayal. How some of you continue to call it that when even the writers don't agree is astounding. If anything you can call what he did drastic, but this is someone highly intelligent who has traveled with the commander since the events of Rishi and is well aware of what the commander can and can't handle. Batman knows a rocket launcher cannot harm Superman, Batman shooting Superman with a rocket launcher is intended to slow him down, not kill him.


If you read his novel you'd know, he's a terrific shot, and a great fighter. If he wanted the commander dead, there was no need for all this craziness. Not only did he use a non lethal shot towards you, but shot out the window as well. And called you IMMEDIATELY after, he already knew you would get out of that. Infact he tells the chiss he's working with to stay in the vehicle "you'll never win", because he knew you would kill him. Ultimately, he got hurt more by Lana getting him captured than EITHER of you did by his antics. One was swept under the rug, and forgiven almost instantly after it happened. The other got a death option. Want to talk about putting people in danger. Lana put both you and Theron in danger with an unecessary rescue mission because she made a choice without any of your knowledge. Again one got consequences, the other did not.


People can continue to rationalize how killing Theron wasn't a betrayal on their part all they want, or blame him for the destruction of the fleet, but the fact of the matter is, you would be dead, and Odessan would be destroyed right now without Theron. It was the commander, and crew who set these events in motion to begin with warring with Zakuul. Either way, they were getting what they needed, only without Theron the Commander and the Alliance would have been ignorant of what's coming. Say what you will about the methods. Theron's actions got 3 major weapons that would have killed trillions wiped out in his career.


That said, for his lonewolf antics (which I in part understood, the character has practically been abandoned by everyone including his parents), Theron did deserve consequences. And if he really DID betray you then death would have been acceptable. But not after the arc told you the betrayal was fake. If anything it should have been A) Take Theron home B) Arrest/boot Theron from the alliance. The death option only really makes sense if you're playing a true sith lord who doesn't listen to reason or think logically at all. "don't care if you were loyal all long, die now derp derp". lol


Quinn is an entirely different monster, by all means Quinn DID mean to kill you. He pretty much says that as he's apologizing, he served Barass. Totally different things. There was no double agentness involved with Quinn's attempt, he MEANT to kill you. He just failed lol


Yeah, because that train, it'll totally just stop if you don't do anything, and that droid? Yeah, it's an illusionary droid, and if you just stand there long enough, it's going to despawn. But that's tangential to the point, isn't it? He's no more seriously trying to kill you than Lana is "stalking" anyone, right? It's hilarious that he can find a way to leave coordinates, but can't find a way to leave a message before the train heist that he's going to have to do some drastic stuff, even if he didn't outline it. "But he's my hero". You see, I think it makes perfect sense for a Sith to leave him to die. Only one of mine did, but it makes perfect sense, unless you're going to let your infatuation with him decide how every character deals with it. That's cool, it's on you, but it's far from "derp"... All that says is "but he's my waifu, you have to let him live"...

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Yeah, because that train, it'll totally just stop if you don't do anything, and that droid? Yeah, it's an illusionary droid, and if you just stand there long enough, it's going to despawn. But that's tangential to the point, isn't it? He's no more seriously trying to kill you than Lana is "stalking" anyone, right? It's hilarious that he can find a way to leave coordinates, but can't find a way to leave a message before the train heist that he's going to have to do some drastic stuff, even if he didn't outline it. "But he's my hero". You see, I think it makes perfect sense for a Sith to leave him to die. Only one of mine did, but it makes perfect sense, unless you're going to let your infatuation with him decide how every character deals with it. That's cool, it's on you, but it's far from "derp"... All that says is "but he's my waifu, you have to let him live"...


My guy, a train? and droid stopping Lana or Commander. After all the exploding things you escaped? Did you forget the many massive droids you all destroyed throughout the course of the game on foot? You have overthrown an entire godlike emperor and his godlike daughter, then went to another realm to defeat him again. A train? really? It didn't even do what he said it would, there was no disintegration. We're not talking about regular people like you and me here, if we were i'd probably side with you. These people are superheroes, who survive crazy **** on the regular, they operate on different rules than us. We're talking about a guy whom back on Rishi risked his life when he was already self-rescuing himself, literally at the front door, runs back to his "torture dungeon" through gunfire just to tell you he escaped after realizing you were there. I am 100% certain Theron would not endanger the commander unless he was completely certain. It would be completely out of character. I won't defend the piss poor writing, only the end result.


I'm not saying the writing wasn't absolutely ridiculous, it was. It has been for quite a while and in many instances. I'm just looking past that god awful writing to see the context the writers intended, but were not compotent enough to portray entirely fluidly. This is what happens when you have something as rushed as Nathema was. They had to play catchup putting all the clues there for the player in such a rush, when they could have added more scenes showing Theron helping out the commander to make what he was doing a bit clearer. And it's not like it would have spoiled us, because we were already questioning the seriousness of Theron when he said he would take the crystals, but then took none. Hell they could have added the scenes at the end when you meet up with Theron displaying these things, in some SAW like relevation, but nope, rushed content.


If you reread my post, I said it makes sense for a sith to do that (sith warrior was my first class), but even then you have to RP as either stupid or a massive hypocrite. But some people play that way, and sith are usually hypocrities to begin with, so that's fine.


Gotten a bit off topic though, this isn't really about Theron, more about Lana being injected everywhere

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Lana is injected everywhere because she's one of a absurdly few main characters alive in every scenario. So she has to carry a disproportionate weight of the narrative.


If you don't like that you're basically SOL.


And you can blame people like OP (and BW for catering to their itchy trigger fingers over the years due to lack of imagination on how to do "choice") for that.

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Lana is injected everywhere because she's one of a absurdly few main characters alive in every scenario. So she has to carry a disproportionate weight of the narrative.


If you don't like that you're basically SOL.


And you can blame people like OP (and BW for catering to their itchy trigger fingers over the years due to lack of imagination on how to do "choice") for that.


I don't think that's a valid excuse, and I don't think you can blame the fans entirely now that i've thought about it. If Bioware writers want to listen to a few "kill this character" post on a board that's on them. It has always been clear that more people wanted these characters alive than dead. I can't think of many instances of character deaths that the overwhelming majority were ok with or agreed with. The majority of people to this day STILL think the Torian/Vette choice was dumb, i've even chatted in-game with people and practically everyone agreed that it was dumb. People still to this day think the Theron choice was dumb, even many of the dark side players which says a lot. They aren't making people happy with these choices, they've seen the response, but they kept doing it anyway. That's on them, not the few who just wanted the characters dead.


I also think it's due to lack of having anywhere to go. They use these character deaths in the way that Walking Dead did. For shock, and brief subs. I also don't agree that Lana is the only one to carry things forward, she maybe the most recognizable now, but she's not really THAT present in the newer content to even justify the commander needing her that much. Mostly her role now is to just relay information the commander can easily get from their imperial and or republic officers.

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No, no no no no no!


Lana is THE most loyal follower you can get. Vote her out of the story by all means, but don't vote her dead. So many companions have been made worthless because a few people cried. And it is ALWAYS the few people crying on the forum that ruin's the game for everyone else.


Just coz you shout the loudest and cry the snottiest doesn't mean you speak for the rest of us. You don't!


PVE got neutered because pvp people cry. The KOFE and KOET story was drastically reduced because a few people were impatient. I'm sick of my game being ruined for a handful of loudmouthed brats.


I like Lana. I want her to stay. Stop speaking for me you grumpy little twits.

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No, no no no no no!


Lana is THE most loyal follower you can get. Vote her out of the story by all means, but don't vote her dead. So many companions have been made worthless because a few people cried. And it is ALWAYS the few people crying on the forum that ruin's the game for everyone else.


Just coz you shout the loudest and cry the snottiest doesn't mean you speak for the rest of us. You don't!


PVE got neutered because pvp people cry. The KOFE and KOET story was drastically reduced because a few people were impatient. I'm sick of my game being ruined for a handful of loudmouthed brats.


I like Lana. I want her to stay. Stop speaking for me you grumpy little twits.


That is why people are wanting her dead is because people scream for some of their favorite companions to be killed, i. e. Koth, Quinn, etc Some others acted like they spoke for some of us when they demanded other companions be killed. While not a fan of Lana I do not want any more killed as I had to deal with those companions that people threw their fit to get some of the companions I didn't want killed and yet BW listen to them. I understand how some of these people feel due to the fact we had to deal with those companions being killed.

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No, no no no no no!


Lana is THE most loyal follower you can get.


That's not necessarily true. Lots of companions are loyal, most of the class companions are loyal. Some of them just got booted with the introduction of KOTFE/KOTET and couldn't show up again until much later, for reasons. (Charles Boyd)


Kira is as loyal as they come, and she reinforces this to a Knight in echoes 'nothing will ever tear us apart again". Doc is also loyal. Ashara, who in a Liara like fashion, even offers to carry on your legacy, and teachings as she will outlive you (well if you're playing human atleast) T7, Talos literally does some sith/non-foce user oath with you and swears his whole family line service to you and your decendants. Andronikos etc


We could go on and on. But you get the picture lots are loyal by the end of the vanilla main arc, hell even HK sacrificed himself, they just didn't have the pleasure of being pushed hard. Many of the vanilla companions confirm that they were looking for you when you meet up with them again. Doc for example got split up with Kira/Scourge, and then went to work with Jedi as in his own words "I figured that being with Jedi would one day bring me back to Kira or you".


Anyway at this point being "removed from the main story" is kind of a moot point now. We're past SoR/KOTFE/KOTET. Neither Lana or Theron are really apart of the main story. They're mostly alliance advisor #1 and alliance advisor #2 and I think they knew they were moving in that direction, why they were ok with doing Nathema. No more rampaging through a Mass Effect 2-esque Jack-like abandoned science facility with Lana. No more Theron being the super secret agent on the coms as you take down a star fortress, or infiltrating a palace party. They now serve as mission briefers, and the ones you hug when you get back home (which was a terrible route to go with them but hey). There were no missions with Lana/Theron in the xpac (unless you count Theron and family in the fight with Valkorian). They were either just contacts, or briefly in a scene, and then gone. "speak to lana" and go off world to your mission, is the role now.

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This thread is boring - can't you just ignore the girl? Not everyone you encounter in life is who you'd want to be around and the game is no different....no need to kill her off just because.

How can you ignore her when she's constantly on your face and you have to talk to her to launch like 99% of your missions ? And when she's pushed in scenes where she doesn't belong ?

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Lana is pretty safe if you ask me. They KNOW they ****ed up with Theron and probably won't make that mistake twice probably. Especially considering they doubled back on it, and just continued using Theron a lot anyway. But still it's only fair at this point, to atleast have a boot option. We have a choice for nearly every other companion in the game. Plot armor for one that's no longer entirely relevant to the main plot doesn't make much sense. I personally would keep Lana in my playthrough, but the option should be there for those who don't feel like she's their BFF. If you ask me, if they were going to give us the option to boot one story faction companion they both should have had one. Doesn't seem too right booting the Pub character but the Imp one having no option. Lana may be on your side, but she's still very much darkside and disaproves of anything light or pro Pub. Forcing one faction comp over the other was always a bad plan from the start. For pure imp characters it doesn't matter, but for pro pub characters they're kinda stuck with a pro imp with no pro Pub character to challenge her. Edited by vallixas
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How can you ignore her when she's constantly on your face and you have to talk to her to launch like 99% of your missions ? And when she's pushed in scenes where she doesn't belong ?


Missed this post. Didn't the devs say something on the live stream about doing something very bad towards the empire and that making Lana leave the alliance? Maybe we'll get a option like that in the future.

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Missed this post. Didn't the devs say something on the live stream about doing something very bad towards the empire and that making Lana leave the alliance? Maybe we'll get a option like that in the future.

Yeah they said something like that bur so far, Theron's the only one who seems to be heading this way. And unless they make the Republic suddenly turn into the crazy ones who attack i don't really see how Lana would end up there, and so far it's the Empire who's on the offense.

Unless they make it as a choice that'd be like choosing between saving pub troops or helping imp civilians, taking ressources to help pub civilians but by doing so imp civilians will die, or choices like that (i'd prefer that than having to actually comit war crimes tbh)

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Yeah they said something like that bur so far, Theron's the only one who seems to be heading this way. And unless they make the Republic suddenly turn into the crazy ones who attack i don't really see how Lana would end up there, and so far it's the Empire who's on the offense.

Unless they make it as a choice that'd be like choosing between saving pub troops or helping imp civilians, taking ressources to help pub civilians but by doing so imp civilians will die, or choices like that (i'd prefer that than having to actually comit war crimes tbh)


Does Lana really care about civilians though? I mean she was ok letting the Zakuul civilians being blown up just for a better escape chance.

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Because the writer's say she is my character's friend. My character is not allowed to choose her own friends. She saved my character multiple times because the writer's have no one else to do it because everyone else is killable; it's Lana by necessity.


The Outlander is about to die, lets have Theron rescue them and - we can't because he could be dead.

Right then, we'll use Kaliyo, give Firebrand something to do that isn't just blowing things up - Uh, no, she could be dead.

OK, well what about - Sir, almost everyone but Lana could be dead.

We haven't used Koth in a while, perhaps we can bring the player around to him if - probably dead.

Jorgan? Havoc Squad infiltrating the - can be dead.

Fine. Well, who is alive for everyone? Lana.

Lana saves the Outlander.


But look at what Lana has done for you, saved your life so many times!!!


Very well said. :ph_agree:

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Does Lana really care about civilians though? I mean she was ok letting the Zakuul civilians being blown up just for a better escape chance.

I honestly don't know, all she seems to care about is the PC and staying as close as possible to them, and nothing else, so i really don't see what could push her to leave.

She doesn't even really seem like she cares when the PC kills people she's worked with for quite some times, so why should she care about a bunch of strangers ? Especially, as you said, when she has no problem letting them die (they were zakuulians though, not imperials, but she doesn't seem to care all that much about turning against them either so far)

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