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$135 for one adult for one day? Wow.. Must be trying to make up for Solo bombing ^^


I never bothered to see that movie. I took one glance at the trailer as to who was the lead actor and thought you know that guy doesn't have the charisma to pull it off. Sometimes you can realize very quickly when someone in a role is miscast, and Ford's shoes are hard shoes to fill. I also thought man, they're really trying to squeeze something out of this story. Let it go.


Apparently I didn't miss much by skipping the movie.

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I really enjoyed the movie and thought the actor did an admiral job of bringing across a younger, more idealistic Han Solo. I watched it for a second time this past week with some relatives and they all loved it. I was reminded of just what a fun and enjoyable movie it was. I can't help but think that bad press was the downfall of this movie and not anything to do with the quality of the film itself.


I'm also looking forward to Galaxy's Edge at Disney when it opens up! I don't know when I'll get to go, but hopefully someday.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I really enjoyed the movie and thought the actor did an admiral job of bringing across a younger, more idealistic Han Solo. I watched it for a second time this past week with some relatives and they all loved it. I was reminded of just what a fun and enjoyable movie it was. I can't help but think that bad press was the downfall of this movie and not anything to do with the quality of the film itself.

I think its principal fault was not that it, itself, was a bad story or anything. No, for me the problem was a mismatch between my expectations of who all these people were (notably Han, Chewbacca, and Ras Tafari(1)) and their respective portrayals in the film. Nothing in ESB and RotJ really set Lando up as ...


a card cheat


in any way.


So, taken in isolation from the identities of the characters, it was a good film, but for me it was let down by that mismatch of expectations.


(1) Sorry, but the appearance of Lando in the film closely resembles photographs of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia as a young man, when he wasn't any more than just Ras Tafari.

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Solo was a terrible film. Badly cast and awful attempts at humour. The story also sucked, it's no wonder it bombed. If this had been some generic Sci-Fi film unrelated to SW no-one would have bothered with it.


/offtopic rant over.

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Nothing in the original trilogy set Lando up? Hello? Millenium Falcon? Han won it from Lando in a game of sabbac (mentioned in ESB, plus Han and Lando’s greetings when they arrive on Bespin in ESB imply it). Clearly Han was simply better at it :D

It didn't really set him up as someone who




That they played cards and Han won, for sure, but not the spoilerbox word.

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$135 for one adult for one day? Wow.. Must be trying to make up for Solo bombing ^^


Nice post OP.


As for this comment, well maybe. I however enjoyed Solo far more than both of the new Star Wars films. As a film it was entertaining without for me at least totally ruining my childhood memories of Star Wars.


$135 for a day per person is over the top, however these trips are probably meant as a once in a life time trip. So high cost is expected.

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