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New Expansion Idea Focused on the Hutts


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I think a Hutt themed war on the galaxy would be more interesting and realistic. The Hutts have the most resources and money, they could fund a war to try to eliminate the Empire as well as the Republic and have every reason to.


The Hutts want one thing: Power. Power and money. This new war of power also doesn't necessarily have to disrupt the fighting between the Empire and the Republic, either. It could be a battle triad, with side battles added!


For instance, many factions would side with one or the other, and these could then be brought into the fray... The Mandalorians might join the Republic, so the Empire finds itself fighting them, while other factions join the Empire to fight the Republic, and then other factions are hired by the Hutts directly to wage war with both the Empire and the Republic.




This ties in nicely with my idea for their new 4v4 arena map they plan to make:


Your Thoughts - Arena Maps, Eric Musco Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=958636





They could create a 4v4 arena with the theme of an actual Hutt battle arena. It could be very simplistic, flat, very large, with just objects to hide around to give the combatants LOS options.


A gate opens just like the old style roman Colosseum on both sides at the same time, and the teams meet in this very large room for the fighting.


Maybe add random acid pits for fun, instead of wild animals that attack or spiked pits. Acid pits spraying randomly up and/or air blowers that randomly turn on that blow the players up into the air could be fun.


People probably wouldn't like the random effects though, so if that's not wanted just leave the design as a huge room with obstacles like pillars etc to hide around for LOS.


They could even have a Hutt and other observers sitting up top watching down as the fight went on, along with a huge fake crowd cheering from the sides. :D


Basically the theme would be the two teams were captured by a Hutt then forced to fight one another.

Edited by Lhancelot
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I think a Hutt themed war on the galaxy would be more interesting and realistic. The Hutts have the most resources and money, they could fund a war to try to eliminate the Empire as well as the Republic and have every reason to.


The Hutts want one thing: Power. Power and money. This new war of power also doesn't necessarily have to disrupt the fighting between the Empire and the Republic, either. It could be a battle triad, with side battles added!


For instance, many factions would side with one or the other, and these could then be brought into the fray... The Mandalorians might join the Republic, so the Empire finds itself fighting them, while other factions join the Empire to fight the Republic, and then other factions are hired by the Hutts directly to wage war with both the Empire and the Republic.




This ties in nicely with my idea for their new 4v4 arena map they plan to make:


Your Thoughts - Arena Maps, Eric Musco Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=958636


Makeb was the Hutts attempt at dipping their tail into the water of legitimate warfare and finding out what the reaction would be, and it is clear from the outset that the Hutts are Indolent about anything except eating a feast, maintaining a loose definition of an empire and making money from slavery and underworld services.


The question that needs to be asked is why the Hutts would ever decide to risk their blubber to start up an intergalactic war and risk everything they control? Hutts might be stupid but they aren't so stupid not to see that it is best to settle for what they have than risk it all and lose it later on.


Could you imagine it though: The hutts went to war, lost, and now they are put to work on helping whoever conquered them. I mean a Hutt working! i can just imagine the sweet sound of unnatural screaming from a Hutt upto learning about their fate is more than eating and letting others do their dirty work for them. :D

Edited by Celise
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Makeb was the Hutts attempt at dipping their tail into the water of legitimate warfare and finding out what the reaction would be, and it is clear from the outset that the Hutts are Indolent about anything except eating a feast, maintaining a loose definition of an empire and making money from slavery and underworld services.


The question that needs to be asked is why the Hutts would ever decide to risk their blubber to start up an intergalactic war and risk everything they control? Hutts might be stupid but they aren't so stupid not to see that it is best to settle for what they have than risk it all and lose it later on.


Could you imagine it though: The hutts went to war, lost, and now they are put to work on helping whoever conquered them. I mean a Hutt working! i can just imagine the sweet sound of unnatural screaming from a Hutt upto learning about their fate is more than eating and letting others do their dirty work for them. :D


haha, roles would be reversed! A hutt in a slave outfit, yum.

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For what it's worth, I think the Hutts function well as a story basis to let both imperial and republic characters play hero or anti-hero according to the players desire.


Might I just say, as someone completely new to Star Wars (I subbed this december having never watched any of the movies) I would love to have story missions take place on some of the home worlds of the different alien species. It might still work within the alliance narrative.


Honestly though, what I mostly just want is companion and class relevance to return, regardless of the overall narrative focus. I'd like for returning companions to start feel like people again, reacting to story events and such. Perhaps they could make a force user/not force user class split in case it's too much work to make specific class missions again. It would be kinda interesting to see them make stories that might be interpreted differently from troopers/agents/hunters/smugglers and sith/jedi.

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The trouble is that it is either RotHC redux [yet another Hutt war against both factions] or, it seems to suggest a secret war with the Hutts manipulating the conflict between the two factions. How many secret factions vying for control of the galaxy are we up to now? The Star Cabal, the Genoharadan, Order of Zildrog...


If it's Hutt themed, what I'd like is a return of Pius Dea [not really a return since they were only ever mentioned in this game's codex]. That is, I'd like to see a guy or an organization that runs afoul of the Hutts in some minor way, and is predictably screwed over by them, and who then launches a crusade to exterminate the Hutts altogether. The republic - or at least, the Jedi - are nominally concerned about preventing loss of life, everyone else is resource-starved and thinks this would be a good opportunity to loot the Cartel before it disintegrates. Oh, and certain republic-aligned worlds are probably concerned that these Pius Dea lunatics are back and want to clamp down on them quick.


Ideally, the person or an organization that launches this comes from Wild Space, to tie it back to the expansions. Not Zakuul or Odessen, but one of the other planets that used to be in the eternal empire that we never hear anything about. That would justify why they're so unaware of Hutt nature, and why they react so badly. Alternatively, outer rim bumpkins from Agamar would work fine too.

Edited by Ardrossan
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The trouble is that it is either RotHC redux [yet another Hutt war against both factions] or, it seems to suggest a secret war with the Hutts manipulating the conflict between the two factions. How many secret factions vying for control of the galaxy are we up to now? The Star Cabal, the Genoharadan, Order of Zildrog...


If it's Hutt themed, what I'd like is a return of Pius Dea [not really a return since they were only ever mentioned in this game's codex]. That is, I'd like to see a guy or an organization that runs afoul of the Hutts in some minor way, and is predictably screwed over by them, and who then launches a crusade to exterminate the Hutts altogether. The republic - or at least, the Jedi - are nominally concerned about preventing loss of life, everyone else is resource-starved and thinks this would be a good opportunity to loot the Cartel before it disintegrates. Oh, and certain republic-aligned worlds are probably concerned that these Pius Dea lunatics are back and want to clamp down on them quick.


Ideally, the person or an organization that launches this comes from Wild Space, to tie it back to the expansions. Not Zakuul or Odessen, but one of the other planets that used to be in the eternal empire that we never hear anything about. That would justify why they're so unaware of Hutt nature, and why they react so badly. Alternatively, outer rim bumpkins from Agamar would work fine too.


a war on the hutts is like a war with all underworld factions. the gtn would be out of commission, indepedent systems are going to become hostile by default. When the hutts start pushing out with mass enslavement and conscription efforts for their war efforts. i mean peasants with shock collars with little to no training isn't going harm a squad of highly trained marines from the empire and republic and bloodbaths are going to be an alarmingly common sight.


Pretty soon the economy is going to collapse as the Hutts run the underworld and without the trading going on because those resources are in the war effort, everyone is going to suffer for it no matter who wins. Eventually the Hutts are going to be defeated against the combined might of the Sith and Republic militaries, especially more so when they put aside their own wars to focus on the hutts.


Nevermind the warfront, the civilians are going to get out of control quickly, looting, vandalism, buring of buildings, vehicles and so on. it is going to be a lot more trouble than it is worth for the hutts in the long run.

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a war on the hutts is like a war with all underworld factions. the gtn would be out of commission, indepedent systems are going to become hostile by default. When the hutts start pushing out with mass enslavement and conscription efforts for their war efforts. i mean peasants with shock collars with little to no training isn't going harm a squad of highly trained marines from the empire and republic and bloodbaths are going to be an alarmingly common sight.


Pretty soon the economy is going to collapse as the Hutts run the underworld and without the trading going on because those resources are in the war effort, everyone is going to suffer for it no matter who wins. Eventually the Hutts are going to be defeated against the combined might of the Sith and Republic militaries, especially more so when they put aside their own wars to focus on the hutts.


Nevermind the warfront, the civilians are going to get out of control quickly, looting, vandalism, buring of buildings, vehicles and so on. it is going to be a lot more trouble than it is worth for the hutts in the long run.


This was a detailed and interesting theory, enjoyed reading that.


That's probably true too, Hutts like to take advantage of systems, not participate openly in the systems. Sort of like modern day organized crime, they don't want to hold positions of power, but instead hold power over the positions of power.

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