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Could SWTOR's Setting Move Into A Galactic Dark Age?


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Honestly I would love for an apocalyptic setting in Star Wars to explore, but I really think that something along those lines would be better off as its own stand-alone game ya know?


People would hate it after awhile, and sick and tired of it. The Devs were thinking of doing just that with the Planets during KOTFE and KOTET, because really, we would not have any life and hardly any vegetation after the Zakuul invasion. Some people haven't remembered that.

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Honestly I would love for an apocalyptic setting in Star Wars to explore, but I really think that something along those lines would be better off as its own stand-alone game ya know?


That was the basis behind Taris in this game. Player reception seemed rather negative [though that might also have been due to the lack of speeders].

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I have always been fascinated that the Sith Empire, Galactic Republic (before and during the clone wars), and the Galactic Empire all use a very similar symbol w/ different number of spokes. this leads me to believe that there is some type of unification that occurs and that the Imperial symbol dominates. Perhaps the Military arm of the Empire decides to join the republic after the Sith are destroyed. someone more lore knowledgeable could probably elaborate more on that.


i dont really know much about 6.0, but i do like Empire vs Republic. the Alliance seemed forced and the functioning arms of both the Empire and Republic during the last two expansions aided out of necessity...they still disliked each other a lot. However, i do hope they dont decide that there is another big baddie that "unifies" the two sides, but rather something more tangible for every level of player. Perhaps the return of class stories?!?


a Galactic Civil War throwing planets into chaos would be rather interesting...clone warsesque which was just as Jedi vs Sith as it was Republic vs Seperatists

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I have always been fascinated that the Sith Empire, Galactic Republic (before and during the clone wars), and the Galactic Empire all use a very similar symbol w/ different number of spokes. this leads me to believe that there is some type of unification that occurs and that the Imperial symbol dominates. Perhaps the Military arm of the Empire decides to join the republic after the Sith are destroyed. someone more lore knowledgeable could probably elaborate more on that.


There is no real answer. It's one of this game's mysteries. The Sith during the Golden Age had a symbol that looked like a sun with four fiery spokes. When Vitiate reformed the empire, he might have purposefully changed the symbol to show his Empire as different than the one that preceded it. Palpatine used the Bendu symbol later on, even though that was the Old Republic symbol, to indicate that his Empire was its legitimate successor. The alliance used a completely different symbol specifically because they didn't want it confused with the Empire's. Also as you mentioned, sometimes the bendu symbol has eight spokes and sometimes it has six, and it's not really clear what the difference is. The spokes I think refer to specific principles in Bendu [pre-Jedi] philosophy, but I don't know why the number of spokes go up or down.


The out-of-universe answer is that, just like the ships and a lot of the early, pre-shoulder pads armor in this game, it was designed to look like stuff from the movies so fans would be more receptive to it. Thus the Sith Empire's symbol looks pretty similar to the one Palpatine's Empire uses, and the Old Republic symbol looks similar to the Alliance Starbird. The number of spokes changing on the Bendu is probably originally a graphical error by whatever artist made them, and then wookieepedia had to account for it somehow.


I like your theory though. They've already managed to remove the Emperor from the Empire [excepting Acina/Vowrawn], now they just need to remove the Sith altogether from the Empire. The problem is how to do it without alienating a quarter~ of the playerbase that main Sith [not actually a problem for BW]


Edit: I was looking around at these crests online while writing this post and noticed that the symbol from Black Sun looks a lot like the old Sith Empire symbol, and hey the black sun were started in this period. You think there's a connection? Well, probably not. They brought Black Sun into this game because it's yet another thing that existed during the Rebel/Empire era as Coruscant's main gang, and they wanted fans to connect with the setting. Also the reason they called it Black Sun in the first place was because one of their hack EU writers used it in another [non-Star Wars] book and thought the name was cool. But it would have been smart thinking if BW had claimed Black Sun was originally a Sith cult or fifth column or something. Probably too late now.

Edited by Ardrossan
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As far as I remember the question of faction symbolisms was brought up even back at prelaunch and devs at some stage explained the logic behind the mix of symbols (imp crest similar in style to OT galactic republic and imperial crest etc): in their minds at some stage both the warring factions melded together - the victor assimilating the other and both cultures fusing to a degree, which fits together with that and some other OT quirks such as imps generally having british accents - a cultural difference some galactic republic citizens retained from the SWTOR age.


That's not a bad idea. We're already partially there with the current resource crisis.


Which honestly is one of the dumbest crutches writers keep using in the story and I hope they drop it ASAP. Just come up with another conversation option of why X is late, not say their faction is short on fuel.


Two entities that have a galaxy divided between them are hamstrung by a resource crisis cos they had to pay tribute to one planet? The premise that a dude in a middle of a ocean that possesses a desalination machine is short on drinking water is quadruple facepalm worthy.

Edited by aeterno
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I have always been fascinated that the Sith Empire, Galactic Republic (before and during the clone wars), and the Galactic Empire all use a very similar symbol w/ different number of spokes. this leads me to believe that there is some type of unification that occurs and that the Imperial symbol dominates. Perhaps the Military arm of the Empire decides to join the republic after the Sith are destroyed. someone more lore knowledgeable could probably elaborate more on that.


i dont really know much about 6.0, but i do like Empire vs Republic. the Alliance seemed forced and the functioning arms of both the Empire and Republic during the last two expansions aided out of necessity...they still disliked each other a lot. However, i do hope they dont decide that there is another big baddie that "unifies" the two sides, but rather something more tangible for every level of player. Perhaps the return of class stories?!?


a Galactic Civil War throwing planets into chaos would be rather interesting...clone warsesque which was just as Jedi vs Sith as it was Republic vs Seperatists


If the empire is beaten and the remaining Sith surrender control of their empire to the republic? The republic absorbs them, it is possible that the logo change is because of this unification.



On the other hand, what if a true alliance developed over time? Especially when they finally realised they can keep bashing each others head in and get nowhere and instead bring an accord to end the war for good and after a time an alliance is formed and eventually an integration as the sith in charge have change enough that they are happy with the arrangement with the republic.



Another possibility is that the alliance will be the founding principle as to how such an alliance is formed by a series of events that transpire to put the alliance in one camp and come out the otherside of that camp when the Republic and Empire have weakened each other so much that the alliance is a far better prospect for survival and the commander pushes ahead to annex both empires under its protection. It remains the Galactic Alliance for a time before it is renamed to the Galactic Republic several generations later on when it doesn't really matter anymore due to political manouvering.

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If the empire is beaten and the remaining Sith surrender control of their empire to the republic? The republic absorbs them, it is possible that the logo change is because of this unification.



On the other hand, what if a true alliance developed over time? Especially when they finally realised they can keep bashing each others head in and get nowhere and instead bring an accord to end the war for good and after a time an alliance is formed and eventually an integration as the sith in charge have change enough that they are happy with the arrangement with the republic.



Another possibility is that the alliance will be the founding principle as to how such an alliance is formed by a series of events that transpire to put the alliance in one camp and come out the otherside of that camp when the Republic and Empire have weakened each other so much that the alliance is a far better prospect for survival and the commander pushes ahead to annex both empires under its protection. It remains the Galactic Alliance for a time before it is renamed to the Galactic Republic several generations later on when it doesn't really matter anymore due to political manouvering.


That's pretty good.:)

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If the empire is beaten and the remaining Sith surrender control of their empire to the republic? The republic absorbs them, it is possible that the logo change is because of this unification.



On the other hand, what if a true alliance developed over time? Especially when they finally realised they can keep bashing each others head in and get nowhere and instead bring an accord to end the war for good and after a time an alliance is formed and eventually an integration as the sith in charge have change enough that they are happy with the arrangement with the republic.



Another possibility is that the alliance will be the founding principle as to how such an alliance is formed by a series of events that transpire to put the alliance in one camp and come out the otherside of that camp when the Republic and Empire have weakened each other so much that the alliance is a far better prospect for survival and the commander pushes ahead to annex both empires under its protection. It remains the Galactic Alliance for a time before it is renamed to the Galactic Republic several generations later on when it doesn't really matter anymore due to political manouvering.


I highly doubt this would happen, because in the Legends continuity the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic battle with one another for centuries to come. For the next 1600 years there will be a sort of ebb and flow conflict between the two, which will become the New Sith Wars in 2000 BBY.


Besides, the Sith Empire would never surrender to the Republic willingly or work with the Republic willingly, that's just not going to happen. The two are mortal enemies and always will be and frankly, that's how it's supposed to be.


The universe is called Star Wars, not Star Alliances after all :p

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I wish I could remember where I read it, but it was a theory that with what we've seen of the Old Republic and Empire so far along with what we've seen in the movies that at some point the Republic falls due to incompetence/corruption and the Empire moves in after it's gone through a reformation taking out the more psychotic sith, and eventually becomes the Republic we see in the movies. It was really well reasoned out with points like how what we see as the Kaas accent eventually becoming the Coruscanti accent.


I know since then the Word from Upon High said this doesn't happen, but I still think it's a good premise to run with.


We've already seen there's a movement within the Empire towards more rational actions and good of the Empire over psychotic sith whims and we've seen how much of a mess the Republic is underneath the surface. Seriously, if anyone's not played through each of the class stories at least once, it's fascinating with how much you see of the overall picture.


The groundwork's already been set with the post Zakuul devastation for a Sith Civil War between the 'good of the Empire' types vs the 'psychotic Sith chaos whims' subfactions as well as enough worlds fed up with Republic mismanagement to foster some shakeup to restore the Republic to something closer to what it's ideals are. Toss in the Alliance with having Imperials and Republic working together enough to see the other side does have some things that work and now we're at a jumping point to flow into a lot of potential.


Say the Sith and Republic have their own respective Civil Wars while also squabbling with each other over what available resources there are until it's the Reformed Sith Empire vs the Rebuilt Republic either eventually one winning (Empire takes Republic or Republic takes Empire and ends up borrowing a good amount of Imperial structuring for cohesiveness) or enough of the Alliance drifts back to their old factions with new ideas until the factions merge into the Republic we see in the movies.


Just with that's enough content potential to last a very long time while incorporating what people like in the franchise while also opening up to some fresh ideas and concepts.

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People would hate it after awhile, and sick and tired of it. The Devs were thinking of doing just that with the Planets during KOTFE and KOTET, because really, we would not have any life and hardly any vegetation after the Zakuul invasion. Some people haven't remembered that.


That was the basis behind Taris in this game. Player reception seemed rather negative [though that might also have been due to the lack of speeders].


No no, I don't mean we shouldn't explore post-destroyed planets. I love exploring those, I mean an expansion story, gameplay, design, etc completely focused on this apocalyptic theme.


Which honestly is one of the dumbest crutches writers keep using in the story and I hope they drop it ASAP. Just come up with another conversation option of why X is late, not say their faction is short on fuel.


Two entities that have a galaxy divided between them are hamstrung by a resource crisis cos they had to pay tribute to one planet? The premise that a dude in a middle of a ocean that possesses a desalination machine is short on drinking water is quadruple facepalm worthy.

Not a dumb plot atll, it makes sense considering the amount of resources they would have to spend during the war and then add in Zakuul taking everything.

And it is not like there is no resources, Charles talks about that the known resource pools are beginning to run out. So until you find, harvest, etc newer sources it might be a while. And consider that the galaxy went through years of war, with just 1 decade to recover. Fatal Alliance actually deals with a plot with the Empire and Republic fighting for one planet due to how resource-rich it is, and this was before the resource crisis the galaxy was facing. So even then finding new sources of raw materials was really important.

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And it is not like there is no resources, Charles talks about that the known resource pools are beginning to run out. So until you find, harvest, etc newer sources it might be a while. And consider that the galaxy went through years of war, with just 1 decade to recover. Fatal Alliance actually deals with a plot with the Empire and Republic fighting for one planet due to how resource-rich it is, and this was before the resource crisis the galaxy was facing. So even then finding new sources of raw materials was really important.


This is true, it was one of the lore questions I asked that Charles Boyd had answered. The raw, unprocessed and unmined resources are there, it's the current immediately available resource pool that is running dry. Resources isn't just getting some stuff out of the ground and whoom, you can build a ship. You need infrastructure, manpower, tools and equipment, funds to fund it all and running mines and sites to claim resources as well as process them into material like durasteel or kolto or whatever. Since the galaxy has been at war multiple times and got then royally walzed over by Zakuul, all of those things are either in a shortage, broken or unavailable.


So it's not that all the resources are gone in the known galaxy, that would mess with the future timeline. The current available resource pool however is running dry and as FlameYOL said, before new resources can be claimed it's gonna take some time. Some time to set up or rebuild the infrastructure, get the manpower, set up the sites and mines, get processing plants running and so on and so forth.

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The Old Republic 40,000:



Sadly, that game never finished completion. The publisher filed for bankruptcy and its assets were sold at auction. This MMO project did not receive any bids.


Another excerpt from the Warhammer 40k universe, a different time period than the above mentioned game

The Dark Age of Technology was the zenith of mankind's scientific knowledge and technological power. Even millennia later mankind has not been able to equal or regain their former height of achievement. This age was long before the Age of the Imperium and knowledge of this time period is now incredibly sparse, and many "facts" about it are mere legend. It was the highest point of scientific achievement accomplished by humanity.


Although a "golden age" in terms of scientific achievement, because of the catastrophic effects of the following Age of Strife, mankind has since come to regard scientific knowledge as abhorrent and dangerous. The Age of Technology is thus considered "dark" in the Imperium's current age.


This period of history occurred at an older age that was thousands of years ago. Depending on sources, the Dark Age of Technology started between M15 and M18 and ended between M23 and M25


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The Old Republic 40,000:



Sadly, that game never finished completion. The publisher filed for bankruptcy and its assets were sold at auction. This MMO project did not receive any bids.


Another excerpt from the Warhammer 40k universe, a different time period than the above mentioned game



I admit I don't know much about the 40k franchise, sadly. But what you put in spoiler does sound interesting!

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Even by the age of the Galactic Empire, there are only a few places with unrefined coaxium (see the movie Solo ). Kolto only comes from Manaan and Bacta only comes from whatever planet it comes from. So, resource crises aren’t entirely implausible. Especially if Zakuul has to go through several attempts before they could reliably reproduce Iokath technology (without specifically knowing about Iokath).
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