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I Sacrificed My Character So You Don’t Have to...Or How Autocomplete Really Works


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With the release of Ossus – and hopefully a full expansion in the future - I started to consider taking my stable of alts into the latest content using the autocomplete feature. Autocomplete enables you to skip all or part of the “Knights of-- Outlander” content and jump straight into Jedi Under Siege.


What I wanted to know is, can you skip part of that content and still retain some choices? Or is it an all or nothing thing? What happens to romances if you skip certain content? I decided that since I have so many characters, surely I could spare one for testing purposes, right? And then I figured that I can’t be the only person wondering about this. So…here it is, the Autocomplete Test. (Due to the nature of this test, there will be story spoilers in this post!)


What I learned:

One way of understanding the autocomplete feature is by dividing it into two types, let’s call them Hard Saves and Soft Saves. (My own made up terms.)


Hard save acts as a “save point” for your character, both story and game mechanics-wise, whereas soft save gives you default story choices but leaves your character in game mechanics limbo until you reach a hard save point.


There appear to be three hard save points:

KOTFE - End of Chapter 9

KOTET – beginning of Chapter 1

Ossus – beginning Jedi Under Siege, “Inflection Point” mission


The autocomplete feature is triggered when you play through any of these points. You will be given a warning message when you reach points 2 and 3. If you are jumping around, however, be mindful Padawan, because you may be asked to click two or even three times before the full autocomplete kicks in. (This happened on my trooper when I jumped to KOTET chapter 1. First click activated chapter and put it in my log, second click activated the autocomplete. Third click would have actually started the chapter.)


There are also “jumping off points” - places in the story where you can skip the previous content and jump back in. These include all the previous hard save points as well as:



Iokath is a jump point (soft save) only, not a hard save point. This is an important distinction.


Why is all this important?

If you skip ahead in between any one of these hard autocomplete “save” points, your choices will be overwritten with the default ones for your class. Reaching a hard save point “saves” your choices up until that point, otherwise they will be erased.


Jumping around in between hard saves can cause some other weirdness, leaving your character in a state of companion and game mechanics limbo. For example, at one point the game allowed me to be in the middle of both the Iokath story arc and the KOTFE story arc, with chapters from both in my log. However, my companion roster only reflected up to the chapter I was on in KOTFE and not anything in between that and Iokath.


Unlocking story companions with Autocomplete:

Jumping ahead to a hard save point will automatically unlock any game mechanics features that were granted during those previous chapters ( ex. Eternal championship) as well as any companions that chose to join you (based on the default choices.) Until then, you may not have access to even your own companions from the terminal.


For example, my trooper completed chap 9 of KOTFE then jumped ahead to Iokath. Since I had skipped over KOTET, I assumed that any companions returned from KOTFE chap 9 onward would be available to me. I assumed I would get

Aric, Vette, Gault, Torian, Scorpio, Arcann and Senya,

but I didn’t, because Iokath is not a hard save point, so I was in companion limbo. I checked the Odessen terminal but my only choices were

Tanno Vik and Quinn. No Aric, no Senya, no Arcann.

While default story choices had been assigned to me (soft save autocomplete) the default companion choices had not yet been assigned to me (hard save autocomplete.)


Once I started KOTET chap 1, I was automatically granted

Vette, Gault, Torian, and Jorgan, as well as any of the remaining Alliance Alerts that were given out during KOTFE. Starting Ossus then gave me Raina, Senya and Arcann as well as opening up all the KOTET alliance alerts.



Test Details

We know through a dev post that using the autocomplete feature sets your choices to a default unique to your class. (See post here.) So I tested by purposefully making a choice that went against the default for my class, and then skipped ahead at different points to see if that choice was preserved or overwritten.


Test Subject: Male Trooper

Romanced: Elara (married), Lana


KOTFE up through chapter 10

“To Find a Findsman” Alliance Alert

Iokath Chapter

Started Ossus


This character skipped KOTET entirely. He

destroyed the Spire

in chapter 10 of KOTFE, then jumped ahead to Iokath where he met Elara. After finishing Iokath, he jumped ahead again and started Ossus, skipping Umbara, Copero and Nathema.


What happened:


My romance with Lana was preserved on Iokath (got a kissy scene.) I had passed the KOTFE chap 9 hard save point, which kept this choice intact.


My choice of destroying the Spire was overwritten. I left KOTFE without activating the next hard save check point (KOTET chap 1.) Even though I was playing content that was further along in the story timeline, that didn’t matter because reaching the hard save point is EVERYTHING.


I was given the option to resume the Elara romance. (I chose to end it.) I should not have gotten this option when I destroyed the spire, but, as above, my choice was overwritten, so the game and Elara treated me as if I had saved the Spire instead.


Lana romance remained intact even though I skipped the marriage scene during Nathema. (Confirmed by kiss scene.) This implies that marrying Lana is not required to keep her romance going.



Some Inconsistencies

The “interactions” section of the companions and contacts menu is not playing nicely with the autocomplete feature. Once I started Ossus, Koth and Kaliyo’s panels still referenced that

I had destroyed the Spire

while Senya’s said I hadn’t. This could potentially be confusing and misleading because counting on that panel to confirm or deny the existence of certain story flags may now not be reliable.


After completing the first scene of Ossus, I discovered the H1-R1 droid who is there is fix another Lana bug some people had. I was able to click on it and do the quest. I quit out but I’m not sure what the consequences are for doing this. I guess I could have stealth married Lana by filing some paperwork without telling her? The second option was that we were not married or engaged, but it didn’t say whether or not clicking that option would END the romance. If anyone knows what the option does, let me know.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Details: More on how to use Autocomplete


I mentioned that hard saves affect both story decisions and game mechanics whereas soft saves only affect story. What game mechanics are these? Starting KOTFE closes off all the previous chapters of your character not only story-wise, but also permanently changes some companions in ways that cannot be reversed.


Make sure you complete the following content before starting KOTFE, because once you do, you can never complete it again on that character. Ever.


Class story (chapters 1-3)

Class companion stories/conversations

Forged Alliances (Korriban/Tython story version flashpoints)

Shadow of Revan



The following content is NOT affected. You will still have access to:

Planetary missions and bonus series missions

Ilum planetary arc

Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb)

Oricon story arc


Odessen and Zakuul:

Odessen and Zakuul are planets introduced during the KOTFE story. You must complete chapter 9 of KOTFE to access all the features here. For example, before chapter 9 you can visit Odessen and walk around but that’s it.


Completing chap 9 of KOTFE unlocks the following:

Companion return terminal (more on this later)

Alliance crate turn-ins

Eternal Championship contests

Star Fortress missions


Being in pre-chapter 9 KOTFE also puts you in precarious limbo because of a Lana romance bug. If the game has a patch after you start KOTFE but before you reach chapter 9, your option to lock in and continue the Lana romance will disappear and cannot be recovered. You do not have to play chaps 1-9 in one session without stopping. You just can’t let a patch get in between them. Plan accordingly and hope there are no emergency hot fixes.



Unlike in previous content, once you start KOTFE, the story will require you to use certain companions while you are engaged in that chapter. If a companion leaves during the story (even temporarily) they will also lose their summoning button. This means that while you are in between hard save points, you may find yourself in companion limbo. So if you pause the story content to go run some dailies or run a flashpoint, you may find yourself with less companions to choose from. The terminal does not always work here! Keep this in mind as you run content post KOTFE. You may want to do story content in chunks to keep yourself from companion limbo.


Alliance Alerts:

This is how companions who did not get roles in the story get returned. You will not have access to any of these until you complete chap 9 of KOTFE OR start KOTET chap 1. Then you must complete the mission To Find a Findsman, which will unlock the rest.


New vs. Old companion versions:

It is important to understand how else your companions change once you start KOTFE. There are now two versions of each companion, the old version and the new. Your companions will be taken away when you start KOTFE and will return slowly throughout the story (not all have yet to be returned.) When companions are returned you will receive the NEW version. What is the new version?


New version companions:

Can be acquired and used by all classes (not all companions, but most)

May use different weapons and can no longer use the old

Can no longer gain affection points through old story content

Have mouths that no longer move outside of story cut scenes

Will never make comments while on the landscape of the pre-KOTFE planets

Have facial customizations that may not work while in cut scenes (only affects some companions.)


If you are not sure which version you have, zoom in on their face and then click on them. If their mouth moves when they speak, they are the OLD version.


Once you accept the new version, you will never have access to the old version again. You can keep your old versions by completing chapter 9 of KOTFE, travelling to your private quarters on Odessen, and clicking the big round terminal there. Class story companions returned this way are the OLD version. However, once your companion is returned through the story, you are forced to take the new version. If your companion has returned in an Alliance Alert, you can keep the old version by using the terminal and never doing that alert. This may change if that companion is ever included in story content in the future, but so far it works.


Romances and Autocomplete OR How to Lose Your Romance in One Easy Step (Still theoretical)

This area is particularly difficult to test because there are so many variations to test for, and I wasn’t willing to throw away most of my romances to test it. What we do know however, is that if you skip over the chapter where your romance companion returns, you will miss the lock-in and be given the default which is NO romance.


Question is, what if you do the lock-in chapter and then skip? Given what we know about how other story decisions work, I believe the romances require reaching a hard save point, or else the default choice will override your lock-in.


Here’s the breakdown:

Story chapter companion returns

Affects: Aric, Kaliyo, Torian, Vette, Raina, Elara and Quinn


Kira has not yet returned but will probably be in this category.


If your companion returns during a story chapter, you must complete that chapter and then continue on up until the next hard autocomplete save point. Getting the romance lock-in pop-up message may not be enough!



If you want to continue your romance with Torian, you must do ALL of KOTFE and then start chapter 1 of KOTET. From there you should, (in theory!) be able to skip the rest of KOTET, Iokath, Umbara, Copero and Nathema and jump to Ossus.


If you want to continue your romance with Elara or Quinn, you can skip all of KOTFE and KOTET, but you must do everything after Iokath and beyond.


If anyone has tested this for sure, pleased let us know!


Alliance Alert companion returns

Affects: Jaesa, Andronikos, Ashara, Corso, Iresso, Vector, Nadia, Doc, Risha, Akaavi


If your romance returns through an Alliance Alert, you are in luck, because you can reinitiate your romance again at any time once the alert becomes available, and you can skip whatever content you want and be unaffected, romance-wise. (Exception is Arcann – see below for more.)


New Companions

Affects: Lana, Theron, Koth and Arcann


If you want to lock in a romance with Lana, Theron or Koth, you must complete KOTFE up through chapter 9. Given that most of the romance content for these companions happens during KOTFE and beyond, you probably don’t want to be skipping too much anyway.


If you want to romance Arcann, you must play all of KOTET, and

choose to spare Senya and let Arcann join you as an ally (in other words don’t kill him, duh.)

Once you can access his alliance alert that should lock it in, but skipping anything post KOTET could also override it. (Anyone tried this?)


Using the autocomplete feature to skip KOTET and go straight to Ossus will

spare Arcann

if you are a Republic character, but it will autocomplete his alliance alert and close you out of the romance. (Tested and confirmed on trooper.)


I hope this helps people when trying to understand what and where to skip, if that’s the route you decide to take.


Remember - everything depends on what hard save points you have passed!

KOTFE chap 9 (completed)

KOTET chap 1 (activated only, completing chapter not required)

Ossus (activated only, completing chapter not required)

Edited by CloudCastle
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Have you had any instances on your tests where chapter 9 messes up your details completely,

for me it refused to give me the lana romance option and it has koth is angry i destroyed the spire, senya is happy i saved it.

Edited by Shingara
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Have you had any instances on your tests where chapter 9 messes up your details completely,

for me it refused to give me the lana romance option and it has koth is angry i destroyed the spire, senya is happy i saved it.


For the Lana romance, check my second post regarding the Lana romance bug to see if that situation applies to you. There is no fix for that bug, sadly. I haven't seen the other situation but definitely sounds buggy as well. :(

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I don't know if they have changed the hard save system from the time I lost one romance with Theron and learned to never skip a chapter. I locked up the romance in Kotfe ch9, got tired somewhere at ch11 and jumped to Kotet. Result: Theron had dumped my sorry *** at some point. It didn't make any sense to me, and I contacted customer service in hope it was just a bug and could be fixed. Nope, I was told it is working as intended, and jumping over ANY chapter after ch9 will lead to lost romance and all decisions reverting to default. This was right after Kotet came live. Either cs was wrong and it was a bug, or they have changed the system at some point after that. Would love to know for sure because I haven't had courage to jump over any chapter after that and begin to be pretty tired of it.


I didn't take it well and rage deleted that character. It happens, I'm not a very patient person.

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I don't know if they have changed the hard save system from the time I lost one romance with Theron and learned to never skip a chapter. I locked up the romance in Kotfe ch9, got tired somewhere at ch11 and jumped to Kotet. Result: Theron had dumped my sorry *** at some point. It didn't make any sense to me, and I contacted customer service in hope it was just a bug and could be fixed. Nope, I was told it is working as intended, and jumping over ANY chapter after ch9 will lead to lost romance and all decisions reverting to default. This was right after Kotet came live. Either cs was wrong and it was a bug, or they have changed the system at some point after that. Would love to know for sure because I haven't had courage to jump over any chapter after that and begin to be pretty tired of it.


I didn't take it well and rage deleted that character. It happens, I'm not a very patient person.


It makes no sense what they told you and probably a bug. I don't put much faith in the CSR system they have in place for this game.


Well reading all this has made it clear to me. Just run all the content if I don't want my characters to get screwed over. Since I've done KOTFE/KOTET and beyond it wouldn't be a big deal to just space bar through the cut scenes. Just that alone can get you through Chapter 1 in like 5 minutes! :D

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It makes no sense what they told you and probably a bug. I don't put much faith in the CSR system they have in place for this game.


Well reading all this has made it clear to me. Just run all the content if I don't want my characters to get screwed over. Since I've done KOTFE/KOTET and beyond it wouldn't be a big deal to just space bar through the cut scenes. Just that alone can get you through Chapter 1 in like 5 minutes! :D


I have no problem to do kotfe chapters 1-9, but chapters after those...they are insufferable torture. Especially the one where you meet Satele and Marr. I hate it so much I literally have to force myself through it and I curse and complain out loud when I do it, the whole chapter feels like living through a nightmare, a very boring nightmare.

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Actually, inquiring minds want to know, if you have completed all storys, all quests etc tied to story lines and save points aka not operations missions, does it still give you the warning multiple times, or does it just start that new part without warning multiple times.


I know you went into some detail upon this point but with getting multiple warnings i do have to wonder if there is somewhere you can check within your own files to see whats ticked and what isnt, something along the lines of searching your own ini file, obviously we cannot alter the file but maybe we could use it to check what we maybe missing.

Edited by Shingara
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I don't know if they have changed the hard save system from the time I lost one romance with Theron and learned to never skip a chapter. I locked up the romance in Kotfe ch9, got tired somewhere at ch11 and jumped to Kotet. Result: Theron had dumped my sorry *** at some point. It didn't make any sense to me, and I contacted customer service in hope it was just a bug and could be fixed. Nope, I was told it is working as intended, and jumping over ANY chapter after ch9 will lead to lost romance and all decisions reverting to default. This was right after Kotet came live. Either cs was wrong and it was a bug, or they have changed the system at some point after that. Would love to know for sure because I haven't had courage to jump over any chapter after that and begin to be pretty tired of it.


I didn't take it well and rage deleted that character. It happens, I'm not a very patient person.


I may run some more tests to see if other scenarios still hold true to my first test. It's possible that romances run on their own set of rules that are different than regular story decisions. I want to test this the most but it's the hardest to do because it requires taking a character through almost the whole game and then running various scenarios, which can really add up to a lot of characters!


I was actually surprised that my Lana romance remained intact even through all my skipping. That implies that the chap 9 lock-in is the only required point you must pass, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if different companions have different lock-in rules.


With Koth, he has a number of other check points that are critical and accepting the default of some of those would definitely end his romance. I think an Empire character would have to complete almost all the content just to keep him around, and even then

he seems to leave the story anyway...or is that a bug? Koth is a mess.



I want to test Torian or Vette to see how skipping around affects them but I don't know how to confirm things either way. The "interactions" log is not accurate, so I can't rely on that, and the vanilla companions get very few romance scenes so I don't know how else you could confirm whether your romance is even intact. :(


I'm really sorry and disappointed to hear that the Theron romance didn't "stick" for you. I suspect it may have been a bug, since it doesn't sound like CS are experts at the intricacies of the story flag system.


I encourage people to keep sharing what they have experienced when they skipped content! If we can figure out any more "rules" the game seems to be following, that helps us all.

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Actually, inquiring minds want to know, if you have completed all storys, all quests etc tied to story lines and save points aka not operations missions, does it still give you the warning multiple times, or does it just start that new part without warning multiple times.


I know you went into some detail upon this point but with getting multiple warnings i do have to wonder if there is somewhere you can check within your own files to see whats ticked and what isnt, something along the lines of searching your own ini file, obviously we cannot alter the file but maybe we could use it to check what we maybe missing.


To my knowledge all player information is stored server side, and that includes everything. You have no saves in your PC. This is how it works in all MMO's. Anything else would lead in massive issues with cheating.

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Actually, inquiring minds want to know, if you have completed all storys, all quests etc tied to story lines and save points aka not operations missions, does it still give you the warning multiple times, or does it just start that new part without warning multiple times.


I know you went into some detail upon this point but with getting multiple warnings i do have to wonder if there is somewhere you can check within your own files to see whats ticked and what isnt, something along the lines of searching your own ini file, obviously we cannot alter the file but maybe we could use it to check what we maybe missing.


I took two characters through Ossus who have never skipped any story content and each of them got that same message (twice) too. Yet another bug I assume. I hope they fit it soon because it's enough to scare some players off!

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I really want a Plot Summary sheet for my character that is a terse list of all the decisions and romances my character has made.


Did my agent join SIS? Did she go to Oricon or Ziost? Did she kneel to the Emperor? You get the idea.


After I don't touch my alts for long enough, I forget which specific decisions and romances I pursued on them.

This would be a huge help to allow me to pick them up again later and continue to play them consistently.

Part of the reason I do this is roleplay, but it's also partly to have a character available with each major decision set, so that I see how the story unfolds for them later on.


Perhaps such a summary window would be useful for keeping track of characters that jumped around?

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If you want to romance Arcann, you must play all of KOTET, and

choose to spare Senya and let Arcann join you as an ally (in other words don’t kill him, duh.)

Once you can access his alliance alert that should lock it in, but skipping anything post KOTET could also override it. (Anyone tried this?)


Using the autocomplete feature to skip KOTET and go straight to Ossus will

spare Arcann

if you are a Republic character, but it will autocomplete his alliance alert and close you out of the romance. (Tested and confirmed on trooper.)

To add some Arcann confusion, my LS Warrior completed everything up to Ossus (bar some alliance alerts) however I chose to kill Arcann and Senya in KOTET on that character. On starting Ossus with this character, an alert for Arcann auto-completed & flashed up a message saying both Arcann and Senya had joined her as companions. This should not have happened as they were both already dead for this character. I'm not sure if this is a bug or an intended consequence for Empire characters who side with the Republic. The whole thing is very confusing.


Thank for testing much of it out Cloudcastle. I'd already planned to complete just about everything on my 8 primary class characters and skippity-skip on some alts. Does anyone know what happens to Khem Val if you skip the class story, kotfe/kotet etc and go straight to Ossus? Do you end up with Khem Val or Khem Zash? I started a new assassin & used a token for level 70 recently. Because I couldn't find anything on the that Khem question, I've decided to do the class story as I always kill Zash to end up with Khem Val.

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I really want a Plot Summary sheet for my character that is a terse list of all the decisions and romances my character has made.


I wish we had a reliable means of checking the story flags our characters have accrued as well. I've had to use a spreadsheet to keep track of all of mine!


To add some Arcann confusion, my LS Warrior completed everything up to Ossus (bar some alliance alerts) however I chose to kill Arcann and Senya in KOTET on that character. On starting Ossus with this character, an alert for Arcann auto-completed & flashed up a message saying both Arcann and Senya had joined her as companions. This should not have happened as they were both already dead for this character. I'm not sure if this is a bug or an intended consequence for Empire characters who side with the Republic. The whole thing is very confusing.


Thank for testing much of it out Cloudcastle. I'd already planned to complete just about everything on my 8 primary class characters and skippity-skip on some alts. Does anyone know what happens to Khem Val if you skip the class story, kotfe/kotet etc and go straight to Ossus? Do you end up with Khem Val or Khem Zash? I started a new assassin & used a token for level 70 recently. Because I couldn't find anything on the that Khem question, I've decided to do the class story as I always kill Zash to end up with Khem Val.


The Arcann and Senya thing sounds buggy to me probably due to the fact that you are a saboteur. I mean, once those characters are dead they shouldn't pop back to life, you know? Another thread here describes having the same problem with Theron.


I would guess that keeping Khem Val is the default state, which is also probably why people with ZashKhem are getting bugged. I haven't heard if anyone has tried this yet though.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I have no problem to do kotfe chapters 1-9, but chapters after those...they are insufferable torture. Especially the one where you meet Satele and Marr. I hate it so much I literally have to force myself through it and I curse and complain out loud when I do it, the whole chapter feels like living through a nightmare, a very boring nightmare.


I headcanon that this chapter in question is actually Valkorion messing with your mind, and both Satele and Marr are phantom puppets telling you the same thing he wants you to do, but put in the mouths of the two people you're most likely to believe. That's why he leaves in that chapter, because he doesn't actually leave, he just puts on two sockpuppets.


It's been pointed out that there are inconsistencies with this theory [Marr and Satele having conversations before and after you are with them] but...there are inconsistencies with the whole damn story. This just happens to be an inconsistency which makes the story MORE believable instead of less. That's why it's headcanon. imo it makes it a lot easier to go through that chapter, and once it's over you'll never have to go back to it, and there are very few references to it.

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The Arcann and Senya thing sounds buggy to me probably due to the fact that you are a saboteur. I mean, once those characters are dead they shouldn't pop back to life, you know? Another thread here describes having the same problem with Theron.


I would guess that keeping Khem Val is the default state, which is also probably why people with ZashKhem are getting bugged. I haven't heard if anyone has tried this yet though.

Indeed they shouldn't :rolleyes:

Thanks for the info on Khem Val I may skippity-skip the rest of the class missions since this is sith inq number 14 (or 15 I lost count) and jump straight into kotfe as intend to redo the Koth romance on this one (you know, for research) then hold for Ossus until the bugs are fixed. Hopefully it won't go horribly wrong.

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At this point, starting Ossus seems to be just plain bugged. It appears to apply class-dependent “default” choices regardless of whether you played through everything or skipped part of the story (even though it’s only supposed to do that if you skip). Wait to see if they get it fixed before any further testing involving Ossus. :) Edited by VelvetSanity
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With the release of Ossus – and hopefully a full expansion in the future - I started to consider taking my stable of alts into the latest content using the autocomplete feature. Autocomplete enables you to skip all or part of the “Knights of-- Outlander” content and jump straight into Jedi Under Siege....


First of all, thank you for this, it is really valuable information.


I was more or less doing similar thing, though obviously NOT that extensively.


I wanted to mention couple of things:


1. My female light-sided Sentinel, who did everything by the book - all stories completed till Ossus, actually never LOST Kira - she was with me all the time, on this particular character. Scourge was available too.

I want to state clearly: I DID NOT click on "companion back terminal" ever.


When I started Ossus, both Kira and Scourge vanished 9as the should previously) - but it was a shock to me.

I bet this characted got some "companion bug" that I did not want to report - because I liked that Kira is with me.


Any OTHER Jedi Knight that run through "Valkorions" was loosing Kira instantly.


2. I ran Ossus by a male Commando (who previously has done only Iokath et al) and things work such a way, that I actually could get all KOFTE companions and droids and alliance crates as well as Hylo, Baygo and Sana-Rae affection points and go for "Find the Findsman"" mission - I assume, I would get all KOFTE companions, shoudl I bother to run the recruitment missions.


3. My Jedi Sage (a class that I really struggle to play - to squishy and too static) is at the beggining of KOFTE Ch.13 and in the middle of Iokath alltogether. I ONLY decided to run KOFTE/KOTET on this char because I wanted to get Iresso alert after KOFTE CH 9, but no alert happened. Then I went straight to Iokath, thinking it woudld auto-complete the Valkorions, but it DID NOT!!!


So i am in the middie of it all again and really cannot find any motivation to do it for the 13th time...reallly.


4. I ran Ossus on Shadow tank, who only did Iokath and then I GOT Iresso alert! I was soo mad!!!




I have a Sniper, who romanced Raina and has done everything till Ziost end and....my biggest question is WHAT will happen if I skip KOFTE/KOTET and do only Iokath - will I have 2 Rainas, if i go for Copero?

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A note on old and new versions of the companions. I had not fully completed the KOFTE/KOTET arcs when I jumped some of alts ahead to Ossus. I ended up with the old and new companions. Ensign Temple to be exact. I haven't noticed it on any others so far but I would expect the Temple Twins to become a single person again in a future patch. It didn't even dawn on me until I read your post to check the other alts I skipped forward. I have only noticed Temple so far.
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I ran Ossus by a male Commando (who previously has done only Iokath et al) and things work such a way, that I actually could get all KOFTE companions and droids and alliance crates as well as Hylo, Baygo and Sana-Rae affection points and go for "Find the Findsman"" mission - I assume, I would get all KOFTE companions, shoudl I bother to run the recruitment missions.


As soon as you start Ossus you basically unlock everything, so once you do the Findsman mission you should have access to every alliance alert. There's so many now it's kind of overwhelming. I only only bother with the ones that make sense for that character. I wish there was a way to get some of them out of my log without doing the whole mission just to reject the companion.


My Jedi Sage (a class that I really struggle to play - to squishy and too static) is at the beggining of KOFTE Ch.13 and in the middle of Iokath alltogether. I ONLY decided to run KOFTE/KOTET on this char because I wanted to get Iresso alert after KOFTE CH 9, but no alert happened. Then I went straight to Iokath, thinking it woudld auto-complete the Valkorions, but it DID NOT!!!


So i am in the middie of it all again and really cannot find any motivation to do it for the 13th time...reallly.


4. I ran Ossus on Shadow tank, who only did Iokath and then I GOT Iresso alert! I was soo mad!!!


Unfortunately we often have to find out how these things work the hard way! Sounds like this is accurate though. I think the Iresso alert doesn't trigger until after completing KOTET, but since Iokath doesn't "close out" KOTET, you were still stuck in limbo until you started Ossus. Basically there's a long gap from the beginning of KOTET all the way through Ossus, before you reach the next autocomplete "save"point.




I have a Sniper, who romanced Raina and has done everything till Ziost end and....my biggest question is WHAT will happen if I skip KOFTE/KOTET and do only Iokath - will I have 2 Rainas, if i go for Copero?


This is an interesting one...I just checked on a level 70 character who hadn't done anything except class story, and it let him start Iokath too. No autocomplete triggered though, so no loss of companions. Makes sense since Iokath is in that weird limbo place.


A note on old and new versions of the companions. I had not fully completed the KOFTE/KOTET arcs when I jumped some of alts ahead to Ossus. I ended up with the old and new companions. Ensign Temple to be exact. I haven't noticed it on any others so far but I would expect the Temple Twins to become a single person again in a future patch. It didn't even dawn on me until I read your post to check the other alts I skipped forward. I have only noticed Temple so far.


Well, we know what will happen with Raina now. I think some other companions might be bugged in this way too. This is so confusing!

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