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Everyone's plans for New Years and your New Years Resolution?


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Staying home, probably watching a movie or maybe some Stargate episodes.

Did some heroics to get some credits, but the things i want to buy are not available right now on the GTN so i'll keep my money till theyre available.


No resolution, i just don't see the point as i'll probably not keep them :rolleyes:


And happy new year to everyone

Edited by Goreshaga
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I'm staying home...movie night with yummy snacks :D I don't make resolutions. I don't need to wait until New Years to do a thing, if I want to do a thing. Like Nike, I just do it lol. :)


Happy New Year to you and everyone here. :)


(Que Tony The Tiger) That's Gr-r-reat!! I wish my girlfriend was here so I could be mothered xD and fed snacks while I'm in the self pity club from my own self inflicted sickness :D


More resolutions for the rest of us to break then haha


Happy New Year!

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Staying home, probably watching a movie or maybe some Stargate episodes.

Did some heroics to get some credits, but the things i want to buy are not available right now on the GTN so i'll keep my money till theyre available.


No resolution, i just don't see the point as i'll probably not keep them :rolleyes:


And happy new year to everyone


Wait where's my invite? or are we not that friendly yet?


Yeah I just got in the last bit of CXP whilst 100% increase just done all the weekly activities :D


More resolutions for the rest of us then xD


Happy New Year!

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Starting my new classes early since I start classes again on Wednesday so decided to start reading the chapters early that will be required for this week.


For a goal this year to keep a 4.0 average in my paralegal studies.

Edited by casirabit
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(Que Tony The Tiger) That's Gr-r-reat!! I wish my girlfriend was here so I could be mothered xD and fed snacks while I'm in the self pity club from my own self inflicted sickness :D


More resolutions for the rest of us to break then haha


Happy New Year!


Aww, well I wish she were there too. Poor thing. If sending virtual snacks worked, I'd totally do it. Happy New Year!

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my only resolution i have for this year is wishing that anthem is a success, watching the nerd rage unravel into chaos for a bit :p and then Bioware gets a reprieve from what would of been considered the chopping block and a masked figure with a large axe.


My main aim is to see the swtor expac come this year and the dreaded GC is removed for sometihng more simple.

Edited by Celise
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I started my New Year's Resolution over 2 months ago actually! It was to stop playing SWTOR, and to focus on personal hobbies like music production as well as focusing more on my family and pets.


Removing this activity has brought a lot of personal satisfaction and progress in many areas that would not have been possible had I kept on the game.


I suppose, I owe BW a heartfelt THANK YOU for making the game insufferably worse with their new gear grind and apathy towards the playerbase ignoring all feedback that was given prior to 5.10 as well as after.


BW and EA's lack of care has actually made me care more for other things that really have proven to be more important and fulfilling!


Thanks BW/EA for turning the game into a massive dumpster fire over the last few years, and bringing true salvation to my life. I owe you supreme gratitude and can only hope you accept my humble appreciation in true earnest.

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I've been vaping the past four years after quitting smoking. My new years resolution has been to stop using nicotine in my e-cigarettes. I started on New Years Eve and have been doing okay so far. It's much easier to go cold turkey with this than with smoking.
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I've been vaping the past four years after quitting smoking. My new years resolution has been to stop using nicotine in my e-cigarettes. I started on New Years Eve and have been doing okay so far. It's much easier to go cold turkey with this than with smoking.


Stay strong and good luck.


I read that the vaping is extremely addictive too, something about the amount of nicotine they pack into the little packs or whatever it is you are vaping up. So you may not smoke in as many chemicals and other "bad" things, but you end up smoking in tons more nicotine.


Is this wrong information I read, or true, lol I am wondering. I never vaped or smoked cigs, hated cigs since forever.

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Stay strong and good luck.


I read that the vaping is extremely addictive too, something about the amount of nicotine they pack into the little packs or whatever it is you are vaping up. So you may not smoke in as many chemicals and other "bad" things, but you end up smoking in tons more nicotine.


Is this wrong information I read, or true, lol I am wondering. I never vaped or smoked cigs, hated cigs since forever.


Not really. Uh...in brief: the average cigarette contains about 7 mg of nicotine. The bottles of e-juice they sell contain a range from 0-21 mg. So on the high end you'd be vaping three times the regular dose of nicotine, but you'd be doing it in very small amounts...a 30 ml bottle at 21 mg would take a little over a week to vape. The cost doesn't change with the nicotine, but as you go lower in nicotine levels you tend to vape more, and at higher wattage.


The problem isn't how much nicotine they pack in, it's the way the habits change. Smokers generally smoke at specific periods of the day: mornings after waking up, breaks at work, after meals, and at bedtime. Once they do, they're good for about an hour. Vapers are more like a cross between chainsmokers and shisha smokers. You're 'smoking' continuously throughout the day. You don't need much compared to smokers [the equivalent of a puff or two], but you're doing it all the time. That's what makes it a hard habit to kick.

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I've been vaping the past four years after quitting smoking. My new years resolution has been to stop using nicotine in my e-cigarettes. I started on New Years Eve and have been doing okay so far. It's much easier to go cold turkey with this than with smoking.


I smoke and the reason I haven't traded one habit to another habit e.g. vape. It is essentially trading one habit for another.


It's crazy but I enjoy smoking maybe sometime I'll give up but when I do it will be going cold turkey.

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Not really. Uh...in brief: the average cigarette contains about 7 mg of nicotine. The bottles of e-juice they sell contain a range from 0-21 mg. So on the high end you'd be vaping three times the regular dose of nicotine, but you'd be doing it in very small amounts...a 30 ml bottle at 21 mg would take a little over a week to vape. The cost doesn't change with the nicotine, but as you go lower in nicotine levels you tend to vape more, and at higher wattage.


The problem isn't how much nicotine they pack in, it's the way the habits change. Smokers generally smoke at specific periods of the day: mornings after waking up, breaks at work, after meals, and at bedtime. Once they do, they're good for about an hour. Vapers are more like a cross between chainsmokers and shisha smokers. You're 'smoking' continuously throughout the day. You don't need much compared to smokers [the equivalent of a puff or two], but you're doing it all the time. That's what makes it a hard habit to kick.


I see, that's pretty interesting. So over time, is vaping any healthier or not, compared to cigarette smoking?

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I see, that's pretty interesting. So over time, is vaping any healthier or not, compared to cigarette smoking?


Smoking is known as worse because of the evidence of different chemicals and substances in Cigarettes whereas Vaping is somewhat unknown to very little known but they're trying to research Vaping because of various claims such as leaving water on the lungs etc.


When I tried Vaping I found the Oil use to tickle my throat and make me cough supposedly this is what the claims was suggesting as water on the lungs.


But as with most claims I take them with a pinch of salt, truthfully I just didn't enjoy it and wasn't invested enough to swap habits.

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