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SPOILERS: Deeply disappointed in Saboteur storyline in Jedi Under Siege


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I think it would've been much better if :

- you pick the Republic, no matter your former affiliation, you get to play the pub side storyline (so protecting the colony)

- you pick Empire, you get to play the imp side storyline (so attacking the colony)


Pretty much the same as Iokath played out, it would be a story only thing that would technically not affaect any other aspect of the game.


As it is right now, the saboteur thing is highly underwhelming and if in the end my only choice with my imp defectors is to fight for the Empire, i see no point in playing any of them now...


That would've been a lot better.

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I think it would've been much better if :

- you pick the Republic, no matter your former affiliation, you get to play the pub side storyline (so protecting the colony)

- you pick Empire, you get to play the imp side storyline (so attacking the colony)


Pretty much the same as Iokath played out, it would be a story only thing that would technically not affect any other aspect of the game.


As it is right now, the saboteur thing is highly underwhelming and if in the end my only choice with my imp defectors is to fight for the Empire, i see no point in playing any of them now...

Exactly this! Just add a few extra lines of dialogue here and there but have everyone who supports a faction regardless of where they started do that faction's questline. As it is, we're doing far more harm than good working "undercover."

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While I haven't played the Saboteur storyline yet, I am planning to do so on my canon Outlander Darth Imperius. She has been a slave in the Empire for a long time, hated the whole social structure and wanted to change it at first when she rose to power, disagreed with many of their ways even if she initially considered Republic to be bad in some ways( she considered Jedi hypocritical in many ways), and her friend who shared her sentiments left the Empire shortly before her being frozen in carbonate, having come to a conclusion that the Empire is beyond reformation. Then Darth Imperius gets released from carbonate and actually gets to work with the Republic and the Jedi, actually realizes they are not as bad as they initially seemed, their attitude towards diversity and lack of backstabbing Sith actually made her like the Republic. Add to that the fact that she is in a relationship with Theron, a Rep, and so she switches sides by the time Iokath comes along.

Having to play essentially your home faction's story is disappointing, especially when they already allowed us to choose factions on Iokath, so it is not a problem of technical implementation. While the story is enjoyable and makes more sense if you side with your home faction, from the stuff I've heard and seen there is just not enough double agent stuff. You barely do anything to undermine anyone, mostly you just keep doing the same thing you would have done as if you sided with the home faction. At least let traitors be traitors if the players chose it, BW. Let our characters do something that genuinely goes against their faction in a major way, like actually helping Gnost-Dural escape, or letting Malora go, or sabotaging something about your home faction's forces. Something more than just pretending to be the perfect Rep/ Imp hero you once were without a major cause.

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While I haven't played the Saboteur storyline yet, I am planning to do so on my canon Outlander Darth Imperius. She has been a slave in the Empire for a long time, hated the whole social structure and wanted to change it at first when she rose to power, disagreed with many of their ways even if she initially considered Republic to be bad in some ways( she considered Jedi hypocritical in many ways), and her friend who shared her sentiments left the Empire shortly before her being frozen in carbonate, having come to a conclusion that the Empire is beyond reformation. Then Darth Imperius gets released from carbonate and actually gets to work with the Republic and the Jedi, actually realizes they are not as bad as they initially seemed, their attitude towards diversity and lack of backstabbing Sith actually made her like the Republic. Add to that the fact that she is in a relationship with Theron, a Rep, and so she switches sides by the time Iokath comes along.

Having to play essentially your home faction's story is disappointing, especially when they already allowed us to choose factions on Iokath, so it is not a problem of technical implementation. While the story is enjoyable and makes more sense if you side with your home faction, from the stuff I've heard and seen there is just not enough double agent stuff. You barely do anything to undermine anyone, mostly you just keep doing the same thing you would have done as if you sided with the home faction. At least let traitors be traitors if the players chose it, BW. Let our characters do something that genuinely goes against their faction in a major way, like actually helping Gnost-Dural escape, or letting Malora go, or sabotaging something about your home faction's forces. Something more than just pretending to be the perfect Rep/ Imp hero you once were without a major cause.


Your Imperius sounds like my SI. Except she was Darth Nox and started to change after sitting on the Dark Council and seeing what they were and had become. The only person she respected in the end was Darth Marr. I started making light side choices during Shadow of Revan and into KOFTE. She still made dark choices when necessary, but it was more of a mix between light and dark.


With that being said, I agree that playing the saboteur role was not what I expected. I really didn't feel like a saboteur when I am killing jedi and colonists and burning their farms.

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Your Imperius sounds like my SI. Except she was Darth Nox and started to change after sitting on the Dark Council and seeing what they were and had become. The only person she respected in the end was Darth Marr. I started making light side choices during Shadow of Revan and into KOFTE. She still made dark choices when necessary, but it was more of a mix between light and dark.


With that being said, I agree that playing the saboteur role was not what I expected. I really didn't feel like a saboteur when I am killing jedi and colonists and burning their farms.

You Nox seems close to mine.

He was pretty much DS, he had to in order to survive, but always hated everything about the Empire, the only one he had any respect for was Marr untill he died.

He sometimes made LS choices, such as letting that defector scientist go freely on Balmorra and just after that made the DS choice of killing the Sith son and his officer father, well trying to force him do something is a short way to death :rolleyes:


I've only played the saboteur with an IA so far, who also has every reason not to want to fight for the Empire anymore, but really that side quest of burning the farms or whatever it was was really stupid, i had to ignore it and not do it in order to fell remotedly like i was actually trying to sabotage the Empire and help the Republic...

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