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Has BioWare acknowledged Warzone FPS/Delay as an issue?


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I've noticed quite a few people mentioning having a problem with framerates and ability activation delay within Warzone and I share this experience. My computer surpasses the system requirements for this game and runs it with all settings maxed without a hitch outside of warzones. However, in Warzones, I cannot maintain an acceptable framerate with all video settings at minumum. Changing the video settings appears to have no noticeable effect on this problem.


In the present state, the game is essentially promising to be incapable of actually functioning as an MMO, with multiplayer situations being incapable of properly running on any setting level on a machine that meets the system requirement criteria.


Has BioWare acknowledged this problem at all?

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I just built a new gaming rig, and it flies.


I was in Ilum last night just to check things out and I ran into a jedi shadow. I stunned him then tried to attack over and over but his avatar wasn't taking damage and I was no where close. after 2-3 seconds he ghosted about 15m away where his stun had ended and he began running off.



This was with 4-5 players in Ilum at the most.



If SWTOR is just another lagfest like Warhammer it'll be very hard to continue playing considering Huttball cannot be queued around.



Just sayin'

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No, they have not and they will not. Do not expect Bioware to admit fault with anything. Geez, their freaking lead Developer stated (in effect) that the queues at launch was the fault of the playerbase all selecting the same servers; ignoring the FACT that Bioware's Guild Placement System was responsible for stacking a large number of estabilished guilds on the same servers. Thus the massive queues could be attributed to THEIR decision making.


Bioware will not admit to anything. Several of my friends and I all get 80+ PPS at @20ms in WZs, and STILL specials don't go off, people disappear, etc. It's SERVER SIDE LAG. Just remind yourself that Bioware still IS NOT Blizzard, and in this area...it shows.



Que the Fanboi rage.

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I've noticed quite a few people mentioning having a problem with framerates and ability activation delay within Warzone and I share this experience. My computer surpasses the system requirements for this game and runs it with all settings maxed without a hitch outside of warzones. However, in Warzones, I cannot maintain an acceptable framerate with all video settings at minumum. Changing the video settings appears to have no noticeable effect on this problem.


In the present state, the game is essentially promising to be incapable of actually functioning as an MMO, with multiplayer situations being incapable of properly running on any setting level on a machine that meets the system requirement criteria.


Has BioWare acknowledged this problem at all?


Don't blame BW, blame EA. They are the publishers, so it is their servers. If you are experiencing lag it is because of the servers trying to handle all that data from 16 different computers, it is probably cuasing the MoBo to bottleneck.


Sigh...this is probably why BW hasn't acknowledged most of these complaints. People who QQ about this have no idea how IT or networks function.


EA will never acknowledge any wrongdoing either, they are the devil.

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Don't blame BW, blame EA. They are the publishers, so it is their servers. If you are experiencing lag it is because of the servers trying to handle all that data from 16 different computers, it is probably cuasing the MoBo to bottleneck.


Sigh...this is probably why BW hasn't acknowledged most of these complaints. People who QQ about this have no idea how IT or networks function.


EA will never acknowledge any wrongdoing either, they are the devil.


Fair enough, I don't really care who acknowledges it as long as it gets fixed. I have noticed some basic netcode issues like knocking someone off of a ledge in hutball and chasing them down to follow up an attack only to find them back on top of the ledge seconds later (having never actually fallen).


However, the really overbearing problem is not internet related unless SWTOR is literally assaulting my computer so heavily that it is effecting its performance. The primary issue is that no graphic settings will allow my computer to achieve a reasonable framerate in Warzones.

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I noticed this last night after playing a lot of huttball.... it slowly got worse and worse each game till it became nearly unplayable.


Then the client crashed.


When I got back on, it was runnign smooth as silk again.


Running dual quadro FX4800's, so not an ideal gaming system setup, but it has handled everything I've thrown at it so far.


My first several matches are totally clean, it seems to hit a barrier after five or six. I've noticed the zone change loading screens take longer the longer I play as well. They need to double check their process terminations and cleanups, something is getting missed.

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However, the really overbearing problem is not internet related unless SWTOR is literally assaulting my computer so heavily that it is effecting its performance. The primary issue is that no graphic settings will allow my computer to achieve a reasonable framerate in Warzones.


Not internet related per se, but Server motherboard related. The server's motherboard is probably getting bottle-necked trying to shuffle data around from (up to) 16 different computers.


It is most likely not on your end at all, but on EA's cheap POS server end.


In my experience, I have a computer that can run Skyrim on Ultra with very rare drops in FPS. With SWTOR when I enter Warzones, I also tend to notice unnecessary lag. Oh and my upload speed is somewhere near 1mbs, so I don't think that's an issue.

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Why does it always come back to blaming EA? Publishers are just the people with the money and contracts with the stores.


Lol are you serious? EA controls every aspect of development. They just don't do the actual coding or troubleshooting.


But w/o going on a further tangent, these aren't BW's servers, developers don't purchase servers.

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I doubt any claims that it is server side for the simple fact that it is not universal in a single match.


I've had matches where people were ************ about the lag, but I was running with no issues whatsoever, and i've had horrible lagfests where other players were conducting properly nimble maneuvers that belied little to no lag.


If it were server side everyone in that specific match would be laggy.

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I doubt any claims that it is server side for the simple fact that it is not universal in a single match.


I've had matches where people were ************ about the lag, but I was running with no issues whatsoever, and i've had horrible lagfests where other players were conducting properly nimble maneuvers that belied little to no lag.


If it were server side everyone in that specific match would be laggy.

Agreed. In WZ, I lag hardcore on my desktop, but never lag on my laptop.


(Desktop has a better graphics card than laptop, but laptop has 8gigs of RAM, compared to 3gigs, and the laptop has a 3x faster download rate, according to speakeasy).

Edited by GemG
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Don't blame BW, blame EA. They are the publishers, so it is their servers. If you are experiencing lag it is because of the servers trying to handle all that data from 16 different computers, it is probably cuasing the MoBo to bottleneck.


Sigh...this is probably why BW hasn't acknowledged most of these complaints. People who QQ about this have no idea how IT or networks function.


EA will never acknowledge any wrongdoing either, they are the devil.


Servers can't handle packets properly if the code was not written sufficiently - and that blame does go to BioWare.


Any lag problems go to BioWare. This is just an occasion where they will have to learn that an MMO and especially PvP in MMO's can't be handled the same way that single player games are handled.


I have had the problem several times where I go to use a short range special (4m) and it just won't land even though it shows me right on top of the person. In actuality I am about 10m behind them. When I move up and use the same skill it updates the location of the person. So yes there is a desync between what the server is actually calculating and what it is sending back as an update to the client.


Then there is the unverified issued of long animations effecting GCDs. I for one would be very happy if they just redid combat and got rid of GCDs and put everything on its own cool down.

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Servers can't handle packets properly if the code was not written sufficiently - and that blame does go to BioWare.


Any lag problems go to BioWare. This is just an occasion where they will have to learn that an MMO and especially PvP in MMO's can't be handled the same way that single player games are handled.


I have had the problem several times where I go to use a short range special (4m) and it just won't land even though it shows me right on top of the person. In actuality I am about 10m behind them. When I move up and use the same skill it updates the location of the person. So yes there is a desync between what the server is actually calculating and what it is sending back as an update to the client.


Then there is the unverified issued of long animations effecting GCDs. I for one would be very happy if they just redid combat and got rid of GCDs and put everything on its own cool down.


It can be code OR server issues. The fact that it is happening mostly in WZ where a lot of people are exchanging information rapidly, makes me think its on EA's server's end.


Where is your rational that this is BW's fault? All you are saying is, "I know the game wasn't coded properly causing the packets to bottleneck! because I just know!" You're example just points to a desync, not that it is originating from code.


as far as GCD goes,I haven't noticed that yet. But I didn't pay much attention.

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ITT: People who pretend to know what they're talking about.


FYI, severe FPS drops are client-side and NOT due to their servers. The same can be argued for input lag, so all this talk about their motherboards bottlenecking is a bunch of rubbish.


Both issues are due to a poorly optimized client. I have the issue too. I run everything maxed, including shadows, with forced AA, and do well at 90-110 FPS anywhere. But as soon as I enter a WZ, I drop down to 22-30 FPS (specifically in Alderaan as soon as the turrets start firing). That's not a network problem.


BioWare has to fix the client, not the network. You really think their mainframes struggle with 16 people on a single map when they regularly deal with hundred-player loads on a regular basis? Be serious.

Edited by CapitaFK
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If you are experiencing lag it is because of the servers trying to handle all that data from 16 different computers, it is probably cuasing the MoBo to bottleneck.


No offense but you clearly have no idea what you're talking about in terms of server operations and hardware.

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It can be code OR server issues. The fact that it is happening mostly in WZ where a lot of people are exchanging information rapidly, makes me think its on EA's server's end.


Where is your rational that this is BW's fault? All you are saying is, "I know the game wasn't coded properly causing the packets to bottleneck! because I just know!" You're example just points to a desync, not that it is originating from code.


as far as GCD goes,I haven't noticed that yet. But I didn't pay much attention.


Servers are a dime a dozen and EA's servers versus another companies servers will not cause the bottleneck. However the way that BioWare codes the packets and prioritizes them will cause issues.


When I talk servers, I'm talking Hardware the actual computer mainframe that sits in a cold building; which is all on EA. When I talk server side code then that is all on BioWare. BioWare has coded their game to handle in a certian way (I'm not privy to that code, but do know a few basics). There code for basics like attack specials are probably prioritized over chat request packets; or they could be 2 different systems handled on 2 different server structures like EvE uses.


BioWare developed the client code which is distributed to us, and they developed the server side code (software) that is placed on EAs servers (hardware). EA has little to nothing to do with network related issues like Desync. It is possible for the clients to send information to the server (software) and for the server side software to do a check and send the related information back, but have it be messed up. This is what's happening with these desync issues and that is all on BioWare.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing BioWare; network infrastructure and coding is the worst thing about programming MMOs. It is what it is though and needs to be looked at. Since BioWare is typically noted as a single player developer it wouldn't surprise me that their solutions for this MMO are not as creative as a company like CCP (creator of EvE) who HAS to come up with massive servers (hardware) and the server code (software) to allow for 500+ person battles in the same system.

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