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Companion Bugs in 5.10


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I know there are other threads floating around, but I wanted to try to compile the bugs showing up for companions in relation to Ossus. It seems that most of these issues stem from past choices being overridden by the "default choice" implementation at the beginning of the Ossus storyline, which affects characters even if they had completed all previous content.


In any case, hopefully these things get solved for future playthroughs, and that BioWare offers a solution for those already affected by the bugs. My expectation is a fix similar to the one used for the Lana Marriage bug, in which BioWare will introduce some sort of survey droid to question players on past choices and essentially rewrite/fix player choices. Regardless, here are the companion bugs I've picked up; feel free to comment if I miss any.



Story and Summoning Issues


Koth Vortena

  • If you are a Republic character that killed or exiled Koth in Knights of the Eternal Throne, your relationship with him seems to have been overridden. He is once more a summonable companion. I haven't replayed any of the chapter to check if your character's choices in the story have actually been overridden, so it may just be a technical issue that allows you to summon him.
  • If you are an Imperial character that got along well with Koth in Knights of the Eternal Throne, your relationship with him seems to have been overridden. He is no longer a summonable companion. I haven't replayed any of the chapter to check if your character's choices in the story have actually been overridden, so it may just be a technical issue that stops you from summoning him. For those who wish to regain Koth as a summonable companion, he can be returned through the terminal on Odessen.


Khem Val

  • Khem Val may show up on Ossus and Odessen even if your character sided with Zash and watched Khem die on Nathema. The story assumes you saved Khem instead of Zash. Strangely, even if you do re-recruit Khem in this situation, his ambient dialogues are still in Zash's voice.


Theron Shan

  • Theron may once more become a summonable companions for those who banished him. However, he does not appear in any cutscenes post-Nathema, so this may be a technical issue rather than a story issue.



  • Kaliyo once more appears as a summonable companion after starting Ossus, even if she had been banished during Fallen Empire. This was noted to have occurred on an Agent.


Malavai Quinn

  • Quinn is apparently becoming unsummonable on Warrior characters that should have him available. These warriors sided with the Republic yet still welcomed Quinn into the Alliance on Iokath, though after starting Ossus they no longer have access to Quinn. In this situation, Quinn is unable to be summoned from the Odessen terminal.


Temporary Companions on Ossus

  • The temporary companions that you receive for the Ossus storyline have a habit of being dismissed and then disappearing from your companion window. This prevents players from re-summoning them, which is especially painful as these companions MUST be summoned to progress in certain mission objectives.
  • This can occur for Tau Idair in the Republic story.
  • This can occur for Major Anri in the Imperial story.
  • This can occur for (SPOILER) in the Imperial story.


Jace Malcom

  • Jace is listed as dead, even though the player sided with the Republic on Iokath. This was noted to have occurred an Imperial class.


Empress Acina

  • Acina is listed as dead, even though the player sided with the Empire on Iokath. This was noted to have occurred an Republic class.
  • There may be story issues for characters that killed Acina while playing on Ossus. The story will reference Acina alive in one part of the storyline, and then dead in another part. She may even make an appearance instead of Vowrawn.



Face and Appearance Issues


Corso Riggs

  • Corso's appearance seems to bug when he is equipped with his #9 customization. His face/skin turns invisible as seen here.


Torian Cadera

  • Torian's appearance seems to bug when he is equipped with his #5 customization. His face/skin turns invisible.



Ambient Dialogue Issues


Nadia Grell

  • After being re-recruited on Ossus, Nadia's in-combat dialogue has seemingly disappeared.



  • This is an old bug, but still annoying. Zenith speaks with the wrong voice actor when in combat.



  • This is an old bug, but still annoying. Iresso speaks with the wrong voice actor when in combat. He has the voice of Zenith when in healing stance.



Alliance Alert Issues


Paxton Rall

  • Paxton doesn't have anything to say when you right-click on him as your active companion.
  • Paxton says "Eh, not my best day" in combat far too frequently.
  • Paxton's introductory recruitment conversation has a bug. His dialogue will cut out briefly and be replaced by a female voice repeating
    several times (Kira or Jaesa's voice I think?).
  • Completing Paxton's introductory mission will leave the player without Darth Hexid as an available companion. Hexid is unaffected if the player uses the holocom item to claim Paxton.
  • Gaining Paxton from the holocom makes his Alliance Alert unavailable.
  • Paxton's character sheet offers empty gear slots for the head, chest, wrists, waist, hands, legs, feet, and an offhand. Equipping anything in these slots has no effect on Paxton's appearance. In addition, he cannot wield an offhand blaster, despite there being a slot for one.


Darth Hexid

  • Darth Hexid will become unavailable if the player completes Paxton Rall's introductory mission. Hexid is unaffected if the player uses the holocom item to claim Paxton.
  • Getting Darth Hexid from the holocom makes her Alliance Alert unavailable.
  • Every time you speak to Darth Hexid in the Alliance base, she will treat it as the first time you've ever spoken to her, as opposed to Ranos and Paxton who will greet you differently if it is not your first encounter with them.



  • For players who received the mission "Arma Rasa" to re-recruit HK-55, the Alliance Alert will no longer work properly. HK will not return as a summonable companion upon completing the mission as he should.



General Issues


Affecting Most-All Companions

  • Starting Ossus will result in duplicates of your character's original companions and ship droid being added to the bottom-most section in the companion window, labeled "Unavailable Companions".
  • In general, companions have been reported to be less responsive. They sometimes stall and fall far behind the player, thus keeping them from healing the player or attacking an enemy (More details here).
  • In the Secondary Crew Skill Window (Accessed by opening the primary Crew Skill Window and then Clicking on one of your Mission or Gathering Crew skills) companions are no longer listed in order of the highest influence. Here is a picture of the window. It's a really old picture, but it shows the window I am referring to.

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Here's another: Nadia Grell is completely mute in combat now, regardless of role.


I know returning vanilla companions have had an ongoing issue since KotFE where they say the voice lines of other class companions when in non-default roles (or in default roles, in cases like Iresso), but in the case of Nadia, she simply says nothing whatsoever in combat. Damage, Healing, Tank — nothing I switch her to fixes it. At least with the other companions, you can get them to say SOMETHING by switching their role, but sadly, not with the new Nadia.


I know battle banter is a very minor detail, but combat feels very silent and lonely without her droning on about the horror of violence or some such.


Has anyone else experienced this? I'm playing on a Consular who previously had (and now rekindled) a relationship with her.

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Here's another: Nadia Grell is completely mute in combat now, regardless of role.


I know returning vanilla companions have had an ongoing issue since KotFE where they say the voice lines of other class companions when in non-default roles (or in default roles, in cases like Iresso), but in the case of Nadia, she simply says nothing whatsoever in combat. Damage, Healing, Tank — nothing I switch her to fixes it. At least with the other companions, you can get them to say SOMETHING by switching their role, but sadly, not with the new Nadia.


I know battle banter is a very minor detail, but combat feels very silent and lonely without her droning on about the horror of violence or some such.


Has anyone else experienced this? I'm playing on a Consular who previously had (and now rekindled) a relationship with her.


I hadn't noticed this before, but now that you've mentioned it I realized you are right. :eek::(


Nadia says nothing in combat, except when she calls for help as her health gets low. I almost fear they just forgot or neglected to add those battle cries into her new character or something.

Edited by OldVengeance
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So the new temporary companion imperials get when going after Gnost Dural doesn't heal at all. And although you have a list of companions that can now be summoned, it is a waste of time. I tried it and the companion was immediately incapacitated on every pull leaving me to fend for myself alone. And to make matters worse, I couldn't re-summon the new person as they weren't listed at all. So I had to exit and reset the quest and start it over.
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Here's another. Quinn disappeared from my Warrior's companion lists despite welcoming him back on Iokath. They still have Elara in their contact list however so the game is acting like I either killed Quinn or didn't even do Iokath despite having Elara.


I do have the issue with Koth disappearing from all my Imp's, both light and dark Jaesa alliance alerts, though I'd already picked up the correct, light!Jaesa, Kaliyo returning to characters who exiled her, and Jace being dead on my Imp's even though they went Republic on Iokath. (Though Ossus does correctly reference Acina being dead.)

Edited by Farferello
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After looking through these comments and seeing other people's problems, it does seem to indicate that most problems are technical in nature. It seems the story-side has been kept intact MOSTLY*, with the correct choices still being referenced in the storyline. The problem is that, even though the character choices remain consistent to the character, the game still seems to assume default choice on a technical level, which is why someone like Koth would be unaccessible for Imperial character. The default choice for Imps is that Koth would be dead, so the technical part of the game has restricted Koth from summoning.


*Obviously there are still some story/choice/consistency concerns. The issue with Khem Val showing up for Inquisitors who killed him is a big one, as there is fear that this factor may also assume that Zash is dead, thus voiding potential encounters with her if BioWare brings her back in a future update.

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Another thing about Quinn for me, is that unlike Koth, he can't be resummoned from the Odessan terminal. I've tried both choices and it's like he doesn't exist anymore.


I think most of my issues like Malcom dead and Quinn in limbo stems from my Imp's choosing the Republic on Iokath, and for Koth it feels like it has defaulted to the 'default' Imperial state (i.e dead Malcom and Koth.) though I don't know why that would also remove Quinn from me unless the default skip Iokath choice is that a Warrior kills him also. :( Either way it's completely bricked the Warrior he was my main companion for.


Edit: Also for me Kaliyo returned to a Knight and a Bounty Hunter who had prior exiled her.

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I Have encountered a bug with the new companion Major Anri.


On Ossus during the first mission, you are required to "Scan Designated Site for Signs of Brax", when I arrive at the location indicated on the map an ability called "Launch Scanning Probe" appears above my ability bars. I activate this ability and a message appears in RED text saying "You must have Major Anri with you to do this.". The problem that I have is that not only is Major Anri not with me, but she's also nowhere to be found on Ossus nor can she be summoned via the Companion & Contacts window.


This prevents me from starting the Ossus quest.

Edited by Davie_McG
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This is really such a mess right now isn't it??


My dark side Jaesa is fine. She is still at the level I left her at and I can summon her no issues there. However, my husband's dark side Jaesa reverted to a level 1 and without realizing it, he started giving her gifts until he saw that her influence level was not changing and stays at 1/1.


I can summon Quinn on characters who sided with the Republic on Iokath. I also got mail from Quinn that he was going back to the Empire for these same characters siding with republic on Ossus. This shouldn't be a factor at all.


I have a lot of characters with their original companions double listed with varying influence levels, since I had acquired them during KOTFE & Alliance alerts and raised their levels up.


And the last bit on 5.10 when you go to the Jedi Library for Imperial is pretty hard to do as a tank without heals from a companion that is supposed to be set to heal!!

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Malavai Quinn

  • Quinn has been said to be disappearing and becoming unsummonable on Warrior character that should have him. These warriors sided with the Republic yet still welcomed Quinn into the Alliance on Iokath, though after starting Ossus they no longer have access to Quinn.

I have just had this happen and I am furious. I just picked up the new quest for 5.10 as I have completed all the previous story lines, however I had not completed the Arcann alert on that character as I was not interested. Not only did Arcann's alert auto complete, at the same time I lost Malavai Quinn as a summonable companion and my companion and contact list is showing all kinds of other nonsense (like Jace Malcolm being dead when my warrior sided with him and the republic). I will not tolerate my favourite romanced companion being ruined. That is a sub breaker for me.

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I have just had this happen and I am furious. I just picked up the new quest for 5.10 as I have completed all the previous story lines, however I had not completed the Arcann alert on that character as I was not interested. Not only did Arcann's alert auto complete, at the same time I lost Malavai Quinn as a summonable companion and my companion and contact list is showing all kinds of other nonsense (like Jace Malcolm being dead when my warrior sided with him and the republic). I will not tolerate my favourite romanced companion being ruined. That is a sub breaker for me.


Same thing happened to me with both of my Warrior's, and one of them only ever uses Quinn so as a roleplay thing, I can't play that Warrior anymore until it's fixed. Have you tried summoning him back via the Odessan terminal? I know it didn't work for me so I wonder if it'd be the same for you. Same with Jace being 'dead' under contacts because of siding with the Republic as an Imperial, but that choice somehow being reset with default (dark) Imperial choices upon starting Ossus.

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The amount of bugs sounds ominous. I hope they take this seriously. :/ I'm not that worried about being able to summon companions you're not supposed to be able to summon (assuming it really doesn't affect the story, only the companion list), but suddenly losing a companion is not fun. Especially if said companion was dear to you, or had high influence.
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Same thing happened to me with both of my Warrior's, and one of them only ever uses Quinn so as a roleplay thing, I can't play that Warrior anymore until it's fixed. Have you tried summoning him back via the Odessan terminal? I know it didn't work for me so I wonder if it'd be the same for you. Same with Jace being 'dead' under contacts because of siding with the Republic as an Imperial, but that choice somehow being reset with default (dark) Imperial choices upon starting Ossus.

Yes I tried that straight away but it didn't work (he was not listed as a companion I could recover from the terminal). Like you I can't play this warrior until it is fixed as like you this happened on my RP character who only uses Quinn. I was really looking forward to seeing how being a saboteur would play out as this warrior is light sided and chose the republic in Iokath.

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Yes I tried that straight away but it didn't work (he was not listed as a companion I could recover from the terminal). Like you I can't play this warrior until it is fixed as like you this happened on my RP character who only uses Quinn. I was really looking forward to seeing how being a saboteur would play out as this warrior is light sided and chose the republic in Iokath.


Yup it sucks. Quinn also doesn't even show on the Odessan terminal but Broonmark who I had available does. :confused: It's like Quinn is lost in limbo somewhere. :mad:

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Yup it sucks. Quinn also doesn't even show on the Odessan terminal but Broonmark who I had available does. :confused: It's like Quinn is lost in limbo somewhere. :mad:


Indeed. A lot of these issues can be hand-waived away (Like Koth, who you can just retrieve from the terminal). But for some companions, like Quinn who is completely locked for some Warriors, or Khem who has been fundamentally overridden for some Inquisitors, this is a big deal.


Based on what BioWare has said, Jaesa is likely the only companion that will be fixed before the Devs break for Winter. Maybe the Ossus companions too. This is disappointing, but I do hope they will buckle down in January and fix the rest.

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Indeed. A lot of these issues can be hand-waived away (Like Koth, who you can just retrieve from the terminal). But for some companions, like Quinn who is completely locked for some Warriors, or Khem who has been fundamentally overridden for some Inquisitors, this is a big deal.


Based on what BioWare has said, Jaesa is likely the only companion that will be fixed before the Devs break for Winter. Maybe the Ossus companions too. This is disappointing, but I do hope they will buckle down in January and fix the rest.


Yeah, if it gets fixed at all it likely won't be till Jan/Feb so one of my Warrior's is bricked for the new few months. :(

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Maybe they could add companions like Quinn to the terminal, at least for now? Assuming the problem is simply with the companion list, and not with messed up story flags.


Anyway, just took my bh (who sided with Republic on Iokath) to Ossus and can confirm that both Acina and Malcom are showing as "dead".

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New one I noticed today.


LS Jaesa is now appearing as a hologram in my stronghold for a character that a) has NOT done 5.10, b) has done all content up to 5.10, c) has summoned Jaesa back from the terminal already. She's also reverted to her default outfit.


The companion can still be summoned so this is minor, but annoying.

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