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5.10 Known Issues


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Flesh and Steel also did not update for me. Our group killed both world bosses and the mission is still in my log, with neither kill registered. (The achievements were granted though.)


Seconding the anniversary poster art issue as well.


Thirding the anniversary poster art issue as well. All I get is that ugly green "missing granny" text. The Life Day Wall Freezer Unit has also stopped producing mist/fog. AND the Replica Sacrificial Sphere decoration is missing ALL of its moving parts. All you can see now is the base.


ETA: As mentioned by someone below, the Fountain: Jedi Temple no longer has any fountain bits, just the base circle. The Galactic Alliance statute that was our reward for 6 years of continuous subscription has additionally been affected by the "missing granny" issue. Also, the Hanging Vines wall decoration that you 'fixed' is stuck on an extremely low rez texture. It looks terrible even from a long distance. I'm hoping this is a glitch related to the deco being 'fixed'.


How do you guys break decorations that have been in the game for multiple years with a story patch that doesn't involve those assets at all?


I now have to redecorate FOUR different strongholds because of borked decorations--one of which I had set up for an RP guild's Life Day party to be held this week. I am not happy. :(

Edited by AscendingSky
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A big one is the "flesh and steel mission not completing." I defewted both bosses last night, and the mission did not complete even though i got the accomplishments, so i did not get the rewards.


If it's a bug, will we be retroactively granted mission accomplishment and the reward; if it's intended, could you update the mission to state what must be done to complete it?



i submitted a ticket to CS as well...

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Here is a big no. The items I highlighted in cyan I have collected, but they still will not unlock. The bolded Cyberglow Mewvorr and Kakkran Daggerstar don't even have the icon to unlock them. Further, the Cyberglow Mewvorr doesn't even show as being collected, even though I have it on several characters. HK-55's Jetpack should be added to the list of mounts that don't unlock. The plum I was able to unlock ages ago.


The following items are now able to be unlocked in Collections as intended:

Cyberglow Mewvorr

Model FT-6 Pike

Juvenile Makrin Creeper

F5-SC Fighter

M4-1S Atromech

Juvenile Savannah Rancor

Juvenile Canyon Rancor

Juvenile Marsh Rancor

Juvenile Mountain Rancor

Juvenile Nocturnal Rancor

Juvenile Irradiated Rancor

Juvenile Bull Rancor

Juvenile Tyrant Rancor

Juvenile War Rancor

Mini-Mogul NM-1

M8-3R Astromech Droid

Zonian Monkey - Lizard

Rapid Recon Walker

Kakkran Daggerstar

Eternal Empire Patroller

Korrealis Regent

Korrealis Sheriff

Korrealis Viceroy

Korrealis Viscount

Corsair, The Unruly

Transporter, Trusted Associate

Advanced Black – Purple Striated Eviscerating Crystal

Advanced Black – Purple Striated Indestructible Crystal

Advanced Black – Purple Striated War Hero's Crystal

Advanced Black – Purple Striated Hawkeye Crystal



This new objective isn't showing up. I was highly disappointed because this week sucks for solo alt players. I have 4 guilds I'd like to help rank up and I am hamstrung by the legacy restrictions. (Why, why, oh why do you persist in keeping things like the Bounty Hunter objective legacy restricted when you tied guild leveling to conquest? Are you trying to force people to abandon their alts?)


The following Conquest Objectives have been added to every Conquest:

[Repeatable] Complete any round of the Eternal Championship.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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In case no one else has reported these issues, I have noticed the following bugs:

-WB on Ossus are inconsistent on whether kills count for Flesh and Steel (got credit for one but not the other),

-15% bonus to conquest points not registering for either guild I am in, both of which have committed to their invasions,

-Arena Grand tournament levels are not granting conquest points. If individual levels to not grant points (and more than 300 per) the 2000 points (after bonuses) granted for defeating level 10 is not worth it. That is way too much work for too little reward.

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You guys are lucky. I've tried to upload the new patch and the launcher just waits a minute before an error message that reads:


"This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again."


And I can't repair the launcher, because it's not trying to upload anything?

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Another Bug for the list: My name of legacy in any of the guilds in which I am, this changes to other names, I do not find it sense to this. My legacy name changes at each reboot of the game in the guild list; it only remains in him that I am playing, but in each character that I have in my legacy without knowing why another name appears different from my original legacy. Example: this as X (main name legacy without changes) in the other characters that I have in the list are called all the legacy names minus X. How is this possible? !! :mad:
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After skipping to Ossus, I cant access the Iokath Daily missions.

I tested this on 2 Chars, both Level 70 and both did not do the Iokath story to this point or acceppted the mission.

From my understanding skipping to Ossus should complete all previous story lines (including Iokath)...obviously it doesnt :confused:


I also dont have access to the Iokath mission from the mission terminal on my ship, so I cant even redo the Iokath mission if I wanted to to unlock the Iokath daily.

I can travel to Iokath but I cannot side with imp or rep and dont get any daily missions displayed on the mission board.


Is this supposed to be like this or is this a bug?

If this is supposed to be it would be not cool to lose a whole daily area for chars that skip to Ossus.

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(it is visual this Bug), I enter with each one of my characters from my account, and I only see my original legacy in that character, with my legacy loaded in the guild and in the other characters (Alters), I visualize another legacy name that is not mine (In case this helps some developer to visualize this error in his mind, this last message is more summarized, but I think that with the example of the previous message you already have an idea of the Bug that I am reporting in this forum)
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Seconding the decoration bugs. Although, I think there are obviously more severe bugs on this thread that deserve priority over some broken decorations, though I'd like to see the Jedi Temple Fountain.. well, function as a fountain again someday.
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When I logged in to the game post-hotfix, there was a guy that was in every instance of Imp-side flagship at the same time. I only saw it happen that one time, but a lot of people were commenting about it while it was happening. He apparently couldn't see us, but we could see him. Couldn't select him, but if moused over his character did the subtle flash that gather nodes do.


Also, Legacy names in guild roster keeps changing. It's affecting more than just me, at the moment. It's correct for the character that's online, but when I log off that character, it changes to the other [wrong] legacy name.

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I can confirm the missing granny polyhedrons affect the anniversary wall deco posters, but they also affect the Galactic Alliance statue from the subscriber reward category. Also, the ship models for the starfighter decorations for the republic AND imperial scouts AND bomber decorations are absent. The base is present, but the ship is missing. The models for the ships in the GSF Hangar interface are present however. This is despite multiple repair scans and occurs on two different computers. I am doing a full re-install on my desktop just to be sure it re-downloads the proper assets.
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5th Anniversary posters (Rise of the Hutt Cartel, etc) have no picture, just green multigon sticking out that says "missing granny". Knights of the Eternal Throne one is fine though.
Same problem with the Galactic Alliance Statue decoration. Jsut a green blob on the floor where it used to be. Same green blob for it in the decorations preview window.
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I have yet to hear of anyone acquiring a single piece of 252 gear from crates nor a Masterwork DC. I understand the drop rate is extremely rare for the later, but for the lower tier gear?


I opened 10 fresh boxes with saved CXP boosts and got zippo. Nothing different than pre 5.10.


I am not going to bother opening more crates until there is more transparency on how things are supposed to drop.


10 crates? thats cute. *insert rookie numbers meme*

opened about 500 old and 100 new ones.

while the droprate for 248 gear has increased a lot and therefor all crates seem to be affected by the patch, i got no 252 or DCs at all. even if only the new crates drop the new gear and mats, i dont see any point in farming those crates or play for command points anymore. its just not worth the time for the (possible) reward, hence rendering every weekly missions (gf OPs, FP weeklys, daily area weekly etc.) but ossus kinda useless.

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I have both LS Jaesa (as I should) AND was giving the alliance alert to get DS Jaesa, who I jailed just because. I want to keep LS Jaesa only. Several people in my guild were having the same experience at the same time I was last night.


I have Broonmark and Pierce as both available and unavailable, like others.

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A different Bug I haven't seen mentioned;


The quest chain broke on my main after I restarted it post-rollback.


Basically never got the "Launch" mission after talking to Lana 2x (Lana>NS>Lana) when I did it after the reset. I was in the middle of the first mission (probes on Ossus) when servers died prior to reset.

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Har, har. I didn't claim it was a substantial amount. Not when everyone has tabs of crates and boosts saved. But if those all disappeared and we began grinding for RNG gear again..., it takes a few hours to collect those.


I have heard of some people in gen chat saying they got a piece of gear or two out of hundreds crates (so they do drop at least). It appears the drop rate is like 1/200 or so, which is absolutely insane for the new low-tier gear. Not heard of anyone that has gotten a Masterwork DC.


I agree though, there is no point doing stuff for CXP. I have saved my boosts in the case:


A. This horrible drop rate was intentional so it would wipe away the months of saved boosts, ensuring that players would need to remain logged and work for new gear following the expansion. Then claim it was a mistake and they want us to play our way and raise it up.




B. They honestly think we are going to grind for hundreds and hundreds of hours to get new low tier gear, then upgrade that with even more hours. Not happening. Eventually they may realize the error and correct it. If not, the boosts are rendered worthless, anyway.


10 crates? thats cute. *insert rookie numbers meme*

opened about 500 old and 100 new ones.

while the droprate for 248 gear has increased a lot and therefor all crates seem to be affected by the patch, i got no 252 or DCs at all. even if only the new crates drop the new gear and mats, i dont see any point in farming those crates or play for command points anymore. its just not worth the time for the (possible) reward, hence rendering every weekly missions (gf OPs, FP weeklys, daily area weekly etc.) but ossus kinda useless.

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