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WIll you please address the fact that everyone 100% hates Vandin


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It can be anywhere from 90 to 98% of all stupid maps, it's Vandin, and i can make Videos Showing EVERYONE leaving this stupid thing. I can prove it easily, but does Bioware want me to post the Fact that at least Half of everyone that gets on these maps leaves before we even bloody start.


I won't play it either, unless i'm on a cloaker, if even that. They should have stopped the Spamming of this map when they took down they took the servers down last week:mad:

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Regarding the title of this thread: "Wlll you please address the fact that everyone 100% hates Vandin"...

the answer is no. They will not address this. Because they know that it is not everyone, and not 100%, but even if it was, they would not address it. The time to address it based on player feedback was on the PTS. In August. You missed the boat. Nothing will be "addressed" other than to decrease the % of the time it appears in the rotation at some point. I'm thinking they likely haven't adjusted that since it went in, being no other new content has come along to replace it on the "what's new here?" scale. Once there is something new in the game (like... 5.10 maybe), then I would expect the extra weight in the RNG of that map popping will likely decrease. Until then, you're free to express your disapproval but I wouldn't hold your breath over anything "being addressed", but especially exaggerated claims about their newest game content.




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Most of us on Satele Shan hate it, i guess a vocal minority like it on these forums. I refuse to play most of the time along with most other that log out as well. But i'm sick and friggin' tired of that map. it;s on 90% of all maps.


BioWare only needs to see EVERYONE Jumping ship on this map to know how bad it is.


We do appreciate Bioware trying to help Pvp, but this is a terrible spamming rotation.


It's always easy to claim to be in a majority, isn't it? Or to throw others into a vocal minority, no? :rolleyes:


You know nothing of the data ingame. I know nothing of the data ingame. Not a single person posting in this thread knows anything about the data ingame. Only Bioware has the data, the objective and unbiased data.


So in all honesty? All the "facts" expressed here are nothing more but subjective conjecture. None of you are experts, no matter how much you believe it yourself.

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It's always easy to claim to be in a majority, isn't it? Or to throw others into a vocal minority, no? :rolleyes:


You know nothing of the data ingame. I know nothing of the data ingame. Not a single person posting in this thread knows anything about the data ingame. Only Bioware has the data, the objective and unbiased data.


So in all honesty? All the "facts" expressed here are nothing more but subjective conjecture. None of you are experts, no matter how much you believe it yourself.



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If they were to remove WZs based on the percentage of quitters per match, I am pretty sure OPG would be the first to get the boot.


They really ought to consider granting some choices for players regarding WZs. At the very least allow the player to choose 3 WZs they can eliminate from their queue lists.


I'd remove OPG, QueshBallz, and Vandin most likely. Sometimes I used to be in the mood for OPG, so on those times I'd then remove that reskin of Civil War if I left OPG in.

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It's always easy to claim to be in a majority, isn't it? Or to throw others into a vocal minority, no? :rolleyes:


You know nothing of the data ingame. I know nothing of the data ingame. Not a single person posting in this thread knows anything about the data ingame. Only Bioware has the data, the objective and unbiased data.


So in all honesty? All the "facts" expressed here are nothing more but subjective conjecture. None of you are experts, no matter how much you believe it yourself.


I know a Lot more than you do. I am able to get data from some places, and have been around this business a long time, so unlike you i do know what i'm talking about.


I could Upload videos , but that can take a whole day out of my time. If you don't see what's right in front you, than your blind, and not seeing reality.


Don't put me into your camp of not knowing when i do know.. All anyone has to do is try these Warzones in pvp, and everyone will see that a good half or more of the people will either leave the Warzone, or they have just stopped playing Pvp now.


Don't go around lying about what i do or do not know, when you know not who i am, i've been doing this stuff over 20 years.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I know a Lot more than you do. I am able to get data from some places, and have been around this business a long time, so unlike you i do know what i'm talking about.


I could Upload videos , but that can take a whole day out of my time. If you don't see what's right in front you, than your blind, and not seeing reality.


Don't put me into your camp of not knowing when i do know.. All anyone has to do is try these Warzones in pvp, and everyone will see that a good half or more of the people will either leave the Warzone, or they have just stopped playing Pvp now.


Don't go around lying about what i do or do not know, when you know not who i am, i've been doing this stuff over 20 years.


All I have is your word... and believe me, it's incredibly difficult to believe you'd have any more information about this than any other player. If you claim something you need to back it up with proof. Calling me a liar or saying I don't know anything comes across as somewhat childish. That's the easy way out of an argument when you don't have proof to back it up.


You know what I see when I PvP? People leave warzones whenever they want and like, no matter whether it's Vandin, Alderaan or the Hypergate. I really see no difference in player behaviour on my server between the Vandin warzone and other warzones (I'm on Darth Malgus if you need to know). If people do badly during the match, some players leave, but that's been happening for ages. I never saw anyone leave because it was the Vandin map yet.


A piece of advice: just because you claim to have been around this business for 20 years (which for some reason I doubt), that does not make you right by default. Seniority doesn't equal having obtained the truth. You might have one experience, but someone else might have an entirely different experience and the fact they see something differently than you does not make them wrong. But surely if you have been around for 20 years in this business life ought to have taught you that by now...

Edited by Ylliarus
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All I have is your word... and believe me, it's incredibly difficult to believe you'd have any more information about this than any other player. If you claim something you need to back it up with proof. Calling me a liar or saying I don't know anything comes across as somewhat childish. That's the easy way out of an argument when you don't have proof to back it up.


You know what I see when I PvP? People leave warzones whenever they want and like, no matter whether it's Vandin, Alderaan or the Hypergate. I really see no difference in player behaviour on my server between the Vandin warzone and other warzones (I'm on Darth Malgus if you need to know). If people do badly during the match, some players leave, but that's been happening for ages. I never saw anyone leave because it was the Vandin map yet.


A piece of advice: just because you claim to have been around this business for 20 years (which for some reason I doubt), that does not make you right by default. Seniority doesn't equal having obtained the truth. You might have one experience, but someone else might have an entirely different experience and the fact they see something differently than you does not make them wrong. But surely if you have been around for 20 years in this business life ought to have taught you that by now...


^This, 100%.

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i think vandin is imo the best huttball map. problems are the higher priority of this map still after a long time since release and d-sync.


but i dont know why we have 3 huttball maps, cause i dont know anybody whos favourite mode is huttball...


we definitly need more fresh rule sets for the next warzones. and please dont do game modes like odessen proving grounds. it's awful by design. there are so many stupid design mistakes in it

assassins cant vanish with buff - sorcs can go bubble and still have buff or block capture field...

snipers,fury maras and io mercs can use red buff without being able to be stopped...thats idiotic.

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5 Vandins in a row Saturday afternoon on DM.


No-one uses the catwalks much. Pickup ball run to pit throw ball to stealthier on endzone, repeat.


Even worse when the stun breaker is disabled. As soon as the first CC goes in, everyone just jumps the ball carrier, so there's little passing or objective play.


2 stealthers, one with roll, and a 1/2 decent healer can carry many games.


Fire and electricity choke points ratio of on to off probably needs adjusting. And both synched the same means a lot of waiting around. - even if you're not using pit as a shortcut.


There's a feedback thread in the PvP section. - Still going strong.


The design didn't make any great leaps forward.


I love Huttball. but this is by far the worst map. I'd actually prefer a re-skin of the original map.

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I have always enjoyed huttball. If you have two good teams playing tactically, its a lot of fun.


This is why i would love to see 8 man Ranked pvp again. It was cool like that back then


ALSO, CAN WE PLEASE BE ABLE TO Que for both Ranked and Unranked. Ranked is not as scary as people make it seem. but queing for it solo is pointless.

Edited by kirorx
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Regarding the title of this thread: "Wlll you please address the fact that everyone 100% hates Vandin"...

the answer is no. They will not address this. Because they know that it is not everyone, and not 100%, but even if it was, they would not address it. The time to address it based on player feedback was on the PTS. In August. You missed the boat. Nothing will be "addressed" other than to decrease the % of the time it appears in the rotation at some point. I'm thinking they likely haven't adjusted that since it went in, being no other new content has come along to replace it on the "what's new here?" scale. Once there is something new in the game (like... 5.10 maybe), then I would expect the extra weight in the RNG of that map popping will likely decrease. Until then, you're free to express your disapproval but I wouldn't hold your breath over anything "being addressed", but especially exaggerated claims about their newest game content.





Nicely put.

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Regarding the title of this thread: "Wlll you please address the fact that everyone 100% hates Vandin"...

the answer is no. They will not address this. Because they know that it is not everyone, and not 100%, but even if it was, they would not address it. The time to address it based on player feedback was on the PTS. In August. You missed the boat. Nothing will be "addressed" other than to decrease the % of the time it appears in the rotation at some point. I'm thinking they likely haven't adjusted that since it went in, being no other new content has come along to replace it on the "what's new here?" scale. Once there is something new in the game (like... 5.10 maybe), then I would expect the extra weight in the RNG of that map popping will likely decrease. Until then, you're free to express your disapproval but I wouldn't hold your breath over anything "being addressed", but especially exaggerated claims about their newest game content.




It's not exaggerated if it's true. People hate Vandin because of how many times it pops up, all of the gimmicks on the map, and most importantly, the god awful d-sync and lag that this Huttball map (and Queshball) creates. Please stop with the deflection.

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it was the same with odessen, when it was introduced.

also this was a wrong decision, imo.


personally i'm fine with the idea, to split the maps into categories

and switch the categorie each new map.


1.) huttball maps

2.) novare, hypergate, alderaan, yavin

3.) voidstar

4.) odessen

*.) arena maps


*.) if not enough players in queue to open another 8vs8.

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It's not exaggerated if it's true. People hate Vandin because of how many times it pops up, all of the gimmicks on the map, and most importantly, the god awful d-sync and lag that this Huttball map (and Queshball) creates. Please stop with the deflection.


Then I am kindly asking you to produce the irrefutable, objective and factual evidence that everyone in this game, every single player, 100% hates Vandin.

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Then I am kindly asking you to produce the irrefutable, objective and factual evidence that everyone in this game, every single player, 100% hates Vandin.


Would if....50% of the players hate it, but they hate it doubly? :eek:

Edited by Zerileth
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Would if....50% of the players hate it, but they hate it doubly? :eek:


If that is true... then my intense hatred for the Eternal Alliance means that everyone 3000% hates it! Because I assure you, my hatred for it is strong, to put it mildly xD

Edited by Ylliarus
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