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Twitch Livestream - November 14th


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Hey folks,


Charles and I will be jumping on a livestream tomorrow from 9AM Pacific for about 30-45 minutes to go over the Guild changes coming in 5.10. This will include leveling, perks, etc. Most of what we will cover has been discussed in the forum posts in the PTS forum. We'll also work on addressing some of the feedback we have seen popup since going on PTS.


Where: twitch.tv/swtor

When: Nov 14th @ 9AM Pacific


We'll see you there!



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Good to hear.


I'm sure you know you will be judged by some players by the feedback or questions that you do not answer rather then the ones you do answer.


So I encourage you to keep the recent improvements in communications we have seen going with this livestream as well. :)

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Good to hear.


I'm sure you know you will be judged by some players by the feedback or questions that you do not answer rather then the ones you do answer.


So I encourage you to keep the recent improvements in communications we have seen going with this livestream as well. :)


This and even then some will still complain.

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Hey folks,


Charles and I will be jumping on a livestream tomorrow from 9AM Pacific for about 30-45 minutes to go over the Guild changes coming in 5.10. This will include leveling, perks, etc. Most of what we will cover has been discussed in the forum posts in the PTS forum. We'll also work on addressing some of the feedback we have seen popup since going on PTS.


Where: twitch.tv/swtor

When: Nov 14th @ 9AM Pacific


We'll see you there!




As usually I’ll still be a sleep at that time (middle of the night). So Eric, can please address the Desync issue in the live stream.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Hey folks,


Charles and I will be jumping on a livestream tomorrow from 9AM Pacific for about 30-45 minutes to go over the Guild changes coming in 5.10. This will include leveling, perks, etc. Most of what we will cover has been discussed in the forum posts in the PTS forum. We'll also work on addressing some of the feedback we have seen popup since going on PTS.


Where: twitch.tv/swtor

When: Nov 14th @ 9AM Pacific


We'll see you there!




hope to have some reply about the "why so much grind for Tier 5 gear requested" and "small guild conquest issue !"

Edited by Syal
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Couldn't get home in time to watch the stream live since it started at 17:00 GMT so I couldn't ask these questions at the time. I just finished watching the recording of the stream and I already jumped on PTS last night to check out the updated guild features. As the leader of multiple active guilds with hundreds of members I am very interested in knowing the answers to these:



Please can you make the "top 5 CQ scoring characters" list into a "top 10 CQ legacy scorers" list as a lot of the guilds that give out prizes do so based on legacy and they have to total the scores manually. This usually takes me 1-2 hours each Monday night.



Can you remove the delay in sending mails to individual guild members? Each Monday after totaling up all my guild members character scores across 3 guilds I then have to send 20-30 prize mails. There is a 1 minute delay between being able to send each prize mail which drags a simple task out to over 30-40 minutes.



Will you be fixing the guild panel stealing chat focus bug?



Can you add a confirmation box for guild kicks? This will help with accidental large group kicks which still happen due to the group row selection bug still being present.



Will you be fixing the bug were we can't /w people with foreign characters in their name from the guild panel?



Can you make it so we can right click a name in chat and send a guild invite? It would help when people /w to join our guilds. Currently we have to either manually type their name or we do the "left click, then click the start and type /ginvite" method which is frustrating in itself because what tends to happen is as you type /g it switches you to guild chat and deletes part of the name you are trying to invite!



What is the maximum time duration or maximum number of rows displayed in the new guild log?



You told us that Reinforcement Components are bind on pickup (and we can see this on PTS) but are Reinforcement Modules also BoP?



Can you add guild logging for who sets the gold Primary Star on characters?



Can you fix the custom chat channel permission system with 5.10?



Can you post the CQ schedule in advance again like you have in the past?



Will you post the rotating perks schedule in advance so we can plan events around them?



Can you please sort the guild keys panel alphabetically? Currently a guild with several hundred characters has to cycle through 20+ pages to find someone even if their name is AAAAAAAAAAAA :)



Will you increase the number of strongholds a guild can own?



Will you be properly fixing the group select bug on the guild panel with 5.10?



Will you be fixing the guild ships and strongholds vanishing bug with 5.10?

Edited by UlaVii
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Can you post the CQ schedule in advance again like you have in the past?

Conquests are "random" now, as posted here:
•Weekly Conquests are no longer on a set schedule and will be randomly selected each week. The exception to this rule is that Conquests that coincide with recurring events will still be on a set schedule (such as the Gree event).
There's no "schedule" to post. So they won't be posting one, unless they go back to a set rotation. We're stuck with just seeing the "on deck" event each week.


But otherwise, yeah, I'd like to see pretty much all that guild stuff, even though I'm not a guild leader (anymore).

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Conquests are "random" now, as posted here:There's no "schedule" to post. So they won't be posting one, unless they go back to a set rotation. We're stuck with just seeing the "on deck" event each week.


But otherwise, yeah, I'd like to see pretty much all that guild stuff, even though I'm not a guild leader (anymore).

The way the "random" factor works is that they generate the list randomly in one big go to cover several months and then they tweak it to accommodate certain special events. Then it remains fixed like that until they generate the next list. A lot of guilds have been planning things based on the first "randomly" generated list which held true for several weeks and listed all the CQ weeks until the first few months of 2019. It was changed again with patch 5.9.3a to accommodate the Rakghoul event for Halloween. The new list is out there if you know where to look but since BW can change it whenever a new patch is out it would be much nicer if they just post it for us to see officially. That way they can warn us in advance if they are going to change it.


It's one of those things they could do to help guilds out as they claimed they want to do in tonight's Twitch stream. The same goes for answering the questions I asked in my previous post ;)

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Conquests are "random" now, as posted here:There's no "schedule" to post. So they won't be posting one, unless they go back to a set rotation. We're stuck with just seeing the "on deck" event each week.


But otherwise, yeah, I'd like to see pretty much all that guild stuff, even though I'm not a guild leader (anymore).

The way the "random" factor works is that they generate the list randomly in one big go to cover several months and then they tweak it to accommodate certain special events. Then it remains fixed like that until they generate the next list. A lot of guilds have been planning things based on the first "randomly" generated list which held true for several weeks and listed all the CQ weeks until the first few months of 2019. It was changed again with patch 5.9.3a to accommodate the Rakghoul event for Halloween. The new list is out there if you know where to look but since BW can change it whenever a new patch is out it would be much nicer if they just post it for us to see officially. That way they can warn us in advance if they are going to change it.


It's one of those things they could do to help guilds out as they claimed they want to do in tonight's Twitch stream. The same goes for answering the questions I asked in my previous post ;)

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Does anyone have a transcript/summary, i was at work and unable to watch.


You didn’t miss much, everything had pretty much been covered in Muscos yellow posts from last week.

The only thing that chnaged was the cost of the Guild Ship from 15mil to 8mil because of the feed back they got on the PTS forums.


I was disappointed they didn’t even touch on the gearing or the desync. Hopefully this will be something they discuss before while they still have time to change it.

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Guild Ban by Legacy – You cannot circumvent this by changing your legacy name


^^ One of the best QoL feature adds for guild leadership. Should really put the hurt on trolls and griefers.


And from the Q&A (which was specific on the topic of the new guild features):


System is designed so that if you are a small guild hitting small invasion objectives every week, you will be able to slot a perk in every slot.


They are not balancing contents around guild perks so you are not left out and underpowered if you not in a guild with good perks.


Note for altaholic guilds:

Banning large guilds from doing small yield planets – guild size is measured by number of characters and not active players so you could have a 500 player guild with only 20 active players that is being punished.
Edited by Andryah
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^^ One of the best QoL feature adds for guild leadership. Should really put the hurt on trolls and griefers.


What a shame the same thing can’t be done to the ignore feature and make legacy wide ignore. But as Musco has said in the past, it’s a different system. Maybe one day they’ll do it.

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I was disappointed they didn’t even touch on the gearing or the desync. Hopefully this will be something they discuss before while they still have time to change it.


I know these two things are hot topics for you, but the post by Eric that began this thread made it absolutely clear the livestream was to specifically cover the coming guild perks, and to address player feedback on guild perks.


You don't get to hijack a livestream for your own personal priorities.... none of do in fact. :)

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What a shame the same thing can’t be done to the ignore feature and make legacy wide ignore. But as Musco has said in the past, it’s a different system. Maybe one day they’ll do it.


Yeah.. being different systems I can see why one would get attention (particularly while they are adding new guild features) and not the other.


Also.. I suspect the load on the server for this is much larger for the ignore lists that every player has, as opposed to a much more limited number of guilds on a server, hence why they are completely different subsystems within the server. I support your desire here, but I also understand that this is apples and oranges on a number of levels.

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I know these two things are hot topics for you, but the post by Eric that began this thread made it absolutely clear the livestream was to specifically cover the coming guild perks, and to address player feedback on guild perks.


You don't get to hijack a livestream for your own personal priorities.... none of do in fact. :)


I don't think anyone's trying to hijack, just that there are many unanswered concerns about the upcoming content and frustration about getting answers. It's understood that this was a short livestream and they clearly wanted to remain on target with the specific topic they'd chosen, but I do hope they will do another livestream and address some of the other questions and concerns that have been raised.


Right now my top two are knowing exactly what *gear* level (not level itself) the Ossus content is being tuned for (since people are still having trouble even in 252 gear as per the PTS posts) and what content will be locked out upon starting 5.10.

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Also.. I suspect the load on the server for this is much larger for the ignore lists that every player has, as opposed to a much more limited number of guilds on a server


It would probably be less since it is just storing/checking a single user account ID for a player instead of as it is now when you add 5 of their characters to your ignore list after they relogged each one to send you different insults :)

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You didn’t miss much, everything had pretty much been covered in Muscos yellow posts from last week.

The only thing that chnaged was the cost of the Guild Ship from 15mil to 8mil because of the feed back they got on the PTS forums.


I was disappointed they didn’t even touch on the gearing or the desync. Hopefully this will be something they discuss before while they still have time to change it.


You can buy Star Destroyers for just 15 million? I've paid Twi'leiki call girls more than that.


Holy Frim Batman.


Now that's what I call a good friggen deal. :D

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I know these two things are hot topics for you, but the post by Eric that began this thread made it absolutely clear the livestream was to specifically cover the coming guild perks, and to address player feedback on guild perks.


You don't get to hijack a livestream for your own personal priorities.... none of do in fact. :)


What the hell are you talking about..... Wow, am i glad you don't work for Bioware with ur smug attitude and demeaner. First, we have every right to hold these guys accountable for any game we play of theirs. 2nd) We have every right to ask any question about any gameplay feature of this game. 3rd) They should Not have been stupid enough to only focus on 1 area of gameplay, that only half the customers care to use, which is rediculous for them to show favoritism for only 1 section of the gaming customers.


It is suicide to me that would have any job in the gaming industry such as an MMO, to have only 40 minutes dedicated to only Guilds can be a total Slap in the face to the other bigger crowds that want more news, than just guilds. I think it's quite arrogant and rude, as some others think as well to just have a tiny cast just for Guilds, but no one else made no sense.


mis-speeled for trollers.

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