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Guild Perks in 5.10


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Hey folks,


Some updates from the stream today that I wanted to ensure were posted here as updates:

  • The cost for Guild Ships in 5.10 will be 8 million (down from 15 million we originally stated)
  • Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations (in addition to not working in PvP content)
  • One quick clarification on how the stat perks actually work. The "abilities" which perks grant to give you extra stats are exact mirrors of the class perks, and they do not stack. So if you already have all 4 class buffs, these perks will provide no statistical benefit. The passive boost perks you can apply, you can only ever have one at a time. What this means is that if you are a player who has all Class buffs applied you could, at most, have a single stat passive perk and a perk set bonus applied.

Hopefully the perk changes / clarifications will help alleviate some concerns about the impact of the stat perks.


Thanks everyone.



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Your quote doesn’t really express anything I was trying to say. So I’m not sure why even used it.

What we can’t do at the moment and would like to do is participate in planetary invasions, which we can’t because the cost of the guild ship is restrictive.

Even with the cost reduction to 15,000,000, it will still be more than what my guild can afford. Which means we still won’t be able to participate in planetary invasions or these new guild perks.

All we are asking for is a cheaper price so that people can more easily get the basics needed to participate.


They announced on todays live stream the cost will be reduced to 8,000,000 for the ship, however no other discounts for unlocking the other rooms on the ship will be in 5.10.

Edited by Toraak
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As I said in another post, what’s doable for some isnt for others. Plus most of us just pvp and you don’t get many credits pvping,

My two hours a day are spent in pvp, not grinding gear or credits.

I’m not asking for anything free, just something more reasonable to get more people involved who will be locked out by cost.


So why bother? You only pvp, none of these perks work in pvp. Why does it matter if you get more endurance in flashpoints, you only pvp?

Edited by -Highsteel-
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I am very excited for the PVE guild perks. Especially since they don't work in PvP and are less likely to get nerfed, haha. Making the ships actually useful beyond bragging rights and decos is a great change also. And keeping earning comms for rewards really maxes out the system and will hopefully keep incentivizing conquest participation after fully unlocking ship/getting to Max level.
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Hey folks,


Some updates from the stream today that I wanted to ensure were posted here as updates:

  • The cost for Guild Ships in 5.10 will be 8 million (down from 15 million we originally stated)
  • Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations (in addition to not working in PvP content)
  • One quick clarification on how the stat perks actually work. The "abilities" which perks grant to give you extra stats are exact mirrors of the class perks, and they do not stack. So if you already have all 4 class buffs, these perks will provide no statistical benefit. The passive boost perks you can apply, you can only ever have one at a time. What this means is that if you are a player who has all Class buffs applied you could, at most, have a single stat passive perk and a perk set bonus applied.

Hopefully the perk changes / clarifications will help alleviate some concerns about the impact of the stat perks.


Thanks everyone.




Thank you for listening to the concerns on GS costs. Even though 8mil is still a lot for us, it is more achieveable.


So thank you again for looking at the feed back.

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So why bother? You only pvp, none of these perks work in pvp. Why does it matter if you get more endurance in flashpoints, you only pvp?


I could ask what business is it if yours how my guild plays?


And no, we are not just a pvp guild. Some of us don’t even pvp, while others like myself nearly exclusively pvp.

Edited by Totemdancer
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I could ask what business is it if yours how my guild plays?


And no, we are not just a pvp guild. Some of us don’t even pvp, while others like myself nearly exclusively pvp.


You are correct, it isn't my business, but seeing you did air it out on an open forum, I'm entitled to respond.


Reason why I say it is because you seem to argue against yourself in this post. Mostly when someone says, it's not hard to get the credits, and your reply is, "We are basically just PvP'ers".


But when asked well why do you care if none of this implies PvP and you reply is, "We don't just PvP".


So from just a readers standpoint, one would take this as a, "I know I can do it, I just dont wanna it, so conform to me" post

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Hey folks,


Some updates from the stream today that I wanted to ensure were posted here as updates:

  • The cost for Guild Ships in 5.10 will be 8 million (down from 15 million we originally stated)
  • Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations (in addition to not working in PvP content)
  • One quick clarification on how the stat perks actually work. The "abilities" which perks grant to give you extra stats are exact mirrors of the class perks, and they do not stack. So if you already have all 4 class buffs, these perks will provide no statistical benefit. The passive boost perks you can apply, you can only ever have one at a time. What this means is that if you are a player who has all Class buffs applied you could, at most, have a single stat passive perk and a perk set bonus applied.

Hopefully the perk changes / clarifications will help alleviate some concerns about the impact of the stat perks.


Thanks everyone.




Does the reduce cooldown of adrenals & longer duration of adrenals count as stat perks an will hopefully not work in nim/mastermoder operations?

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I really like what you where planning with the guild perks.

But I think its a bad change that Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations.

Just like with the Nightmare Cristals a Raidgroup can decide if they want to use this extra stats or not.

Noone is forced to have this perks. Now the Guild perks are just way less meanigful to certain groups of players.


Will the Guild Perk Set Bonus still work in Master Mode Operations?

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The cost for Guild Ships in 5.10 will be 8 million (down from 15 million we originally stated)


Serious question here: considering how "cheap" a base flagship now is, are you guys considering the possibility of making it able for players to individually purchase a ship of their own without having the need to be in a guild / besides the one owned by the guild?

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does anybody sees any sense in the "class buff perks", if they don't stack with the class buffs?


Great for newer players who simply don't have all the classes leveled up yet and hence don't have access to all the legacy self-buffs. Some guilds do actually like to do things to help newer players progress in the game more easily.


The good news is that you don't have to get these perks if you don't want them... right?

Edited by Andryah
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Hey folks,


Some updates from the stream today that I wanted to ensure were posted here as updates:

  • The cost for Guild Ships in 5.10 will be 8 million (down from 15 million we originally stated)
  • Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations (in addition to not working in PvP content)
  • One quick clarification on how the stat perks actually work. The "abilities" which perks grant to give you extra stats are exact mirrors of the class perks, and they do not stack. So if you already have all 4 class buffs, these perks will provide no statistical benefit. The passive boost perks you can apply, you can only ever have one at a time. What this means is that if you are a player who has all Class buffs applied you could, at most, have a single stat passive perk and a perk set bonus applied.

Hopefully the perk changes / clarifications will help alleviate some concerns about the impact of the stat perks.


Thanks everyone.




This reduction of guild ships is realy unfair and non benefits for gaming. 8M can be done in less than 4 hour with a group of 4. It will not help people, we already have more guilds than people playing the game with 50M credits cost. It have to be harder to aquire guild ships. It was realy pleasent to have it and it's a guild investment. such a lower price is realy bad, player will have less satisfaction, fulfilment and gratification as they will have a free ship with what you intend to do.




Stat perks will no longer work for Master Mode Operations. So will it work on story and veteran mode ?

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The good news is that you don't have to get these perks if you don't want them... right?

is that a fact? so are there other perks for these slots? do they have the same requirements?

please don't feel offended by my questions. not my intention.


Great for newer players who simply don't have all the classes leveled up yet and hence don't have access to all the legacy self-buffs. Some guilds do actually like to do things to help newer players progress in the game more easily.

i really understand how they are working and what benefits you will get. but again! i don't get the sense of it.


if you are a real new player, not able to buff; you are playing stuff you don't need the buffs. you are exploring

the worlds, doing all the quests and on every planet, exept the starting one, you will be reduced to the planet max level, because of your earned xp by just playing. so there is no improvement anymore with these buffs at all.

you just will need the buffs in seperated phases, like in group activities; especially pvp. but in pvp it would not

work at all, but this is not a problem; because there are enough players buffing you regulary.

also the chance in playing other group activities, to get 3 other players not able to buff you, is nearly zero.

also by leveling, i just use my leveling gear, without any enhc or mods. and this is enough to do the content.

new players are using everything they can get. so their stats are even higher, than the ones of experienced players.

but of course they are struggling more with their abilities.


so i don't see any noticable improvement for new players, just the possibility to say: hey. join our guild. we have THE perks. and once they noticed it and know that the sense seems near zero, they would leave the guild for one with some real improvments, like more cxp, xp or whatever.

so i don't get it, why somebody should block the slots for these, in my opinion, totally useless perks; because they don't stack.


so in my opinion they won't have an effect at all for new players and they are blocking slots for maybe more usefull perks. so just a waste of data.


again. this is my opinion and i don't want to offend anybody. maybe there is an aspect i missed...

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i really understand how they are working and what benefits you will get. but again! i don't get the sense of it.


if you are a real new player, not able to buff; you are playing stuff you don't need the buffs. you are exploring

the worlds, doing all the quests and on every planet, exept the starting one, you will be reduced to the planet max level, because of your earned xp by just playing. so there is no improvement anymore with these buffs at all.

you just will need the buffs in seperated phases, like in group activities; especially pvp. but in pvp it would not

work at all, but this is not a problem; because there are enough players buffing you regulary.

also the chance in playing other group activities, to get 3 other players not able to buff you, is nearly zero.

also by leveling, i just use my leveling gear, without any enhc or mods. and this is enough to do the content.

new players are using everything they can get. so their stats are even higher, than the ones of experienced players.

but of course they are struggling more with their abilities.


so i don't see any noticable improvement for new players, just the possibility to say: hey. join our guild. we have THE perks. and once they noticed it and know that the sense seems near zero, they would leave the guild for one with some real improvments, like more cxp, xp or whatever.

so i don't get it, why somebody should block the slots for these, in my opinion, totally useless perks; because they don't stack.


so in my opinion they won't have an effect at all for new players and they are blocking slots for maybe more usefull perks. so just a waste of data.


again. this is my opinion and i don't want to offend anybody. maybe there is an aspect i missed...


It appears that you are of the assumption that anyone new to the game would also be new to MMO's. I know many who came here to see the endgame. They were/are great players in other MMO's and wanted to see what this game had to offer. Although this game is rich in story, not all come for that. They just wish to get through what many here in the forums have called the "grind" of getting to max level and only do such for the knowledge of how best to utilize their chosen classes potential. Having the other class buffs won't change how their class plays but will increase the speed with which the grind ends. The dev's are trying to encompass all play styles and people come here to complain or question them in that what they do is not optimum for their playstyle. The world is large and we are each a tiny portion of it. It's time people realize that the world is bigger than the little bubble in which they live.

Edited by Sareeph
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This reduction of guild ships is realy unfair and non benefits for gaming. 8M can be done in less than 4 hour with a group of 4. It will not help people, we already have more guilds than people playing the game with 50M credits cost. It have to be harder to aquire guild ships. It was realy pleasent to have it and it's a guild investment. such a lower price is realy bad, player will have less satisfaction, fulfilment and gratification as they will have a free ship with what you intend to do.


Why not tie the guild ship price to the size of the guild ?


Would require more programming, but that would also be more fair.


Space combat guilds screwed again!


This actually exists ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Why not tie the guild ship price to the size of the guild ?


Would require more programming, but that would also be more fair.


Why, so GM:s would have to kick all their members, then buy a guildship and then reinvite all of them to reduce the cost of buying flagship? Nah that sounds like a bad idea, reducing the initial cost of the guildship without adjusting the expansion cost is most likely a good idea, the ships provide a lot of basic advantages and are a requirement for the perks as well so they should be available for as many guilds as possible.

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Why, so GM:s would have to kick all their members, then buy a guildship and then reinvite all of them to reduce the cost of buying flagship? Nah that sounds like a bad idea, reducing the initial cost of the guildship without adjusting the expansion cost is most likely a good idea, the ships provide a lot of basic advantages and are a requirement for the perks as well so they should be available for as many guilds as possible.


LOL, sure. With how much every expansion costs, leaving them as they are is not gonna help anyone, nor it's gonna ensure guild perks will be "available to as many guilds as possible".

All it's gonna do is just enrage those that grinded to get the 50 millions to buy the ship. Small guilds will still have immense problems when it comes to unlocking the rest of it, not to mention to gain the levels required to actually be able to buy the perks.

Perks should not be related to the guild ship at all. Only guild levels should count, though that's gonna be problematic anyway and big guilds will always have the advantage.

All this new changes will just ensure that the gap between big guilds and medium/small ones will be even larger than what it currently is.

I'm going with an assumption here, but I guess you're part of one of the biggest guilds out there and you will not suffer from any of these changes, am I right? If so, maybe next time you could try to put yourself in the place of those guilds/guild members that fight hard to get even the most basic "advantages", as you called them, like the ability to summon or to cap a conquest by reaching at least the small yield treshold.

Every change made to the conquest system have been detrimental to the small guilds but big ones did not suffer from them nearly as much - or better yet, they did not suffer at all - because even if they made the CQ as alt unfriendly as they could make it, when you have 400 active accounts that can grind points for you, what does it matter if you can't repeat heroics anymore?

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That is just plain ridiculous, when the guild ships came out long ago I paid for one and I don't regret it for a second despite the cost reduction that is coming up, having a ship with the advantages it provides, summons, better stronghold with fleet chat, and for more conquest oriented guilds, the planetary bonus, have been well worth the cost.


It will take a longer time for small guilds who are not focusing on gaining the frameworks to unlock their guildship fully, that is hardly a surprise when you think about it. Multiple smaller guilds I am part of for casual purposes run battlemaster hunts once or twice a week to gain encryptions and frameworks so they can unlock their guildship, I wouldn't be surprised if the small guild that you are in would try something similar, you would be surprised at how quickly the expansions were available to you.


Having a cheaper cost to unlock the guildship is great and helps small guilds out a lot, in particular, if their players don't play much and thus end up having quite limited funds, the expansions will come over time but are quite easily acquirable if you just try. Small guilds often end up being small because they don't try, so I guess it depends if the GM and Officers are invested or not.

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LOL, sure. With how much every expansion costs, leaving them as they are is not gonna help anyone, nor it's gonna ensure guild perks will be "available to as many guilds as possible".

All it's gonna do is just enrage those that grinded to get the 50 millions to buy the ship. Small guilds will still have immense problems when it comes to unlocking the rest of it, not to mention to gain the levels required to actually be able to buy the perks.

Perks should not be related to the guild ship at all. Only guild levels should count, though that's gonna be problematic anyway and big guilds will always have the advantage.

All this new changes will just ensure that the gap between big guilds and medium/small ones will be even larger than what it currently is.

I'm going with an assumption here, but I guess you're part of one of the biggest guilds out there and you will not suffer from any of these changes, am I right? If so, maybe next time you could try to put yourself in the place of those guilds/guild members that fight hard to get even the most basic "advantages", as you called them, like the ability to summon or to cap a conquest by reaching at least the small yield treshold.

Every change made to the conquest system have been detrimental to the small guilds but big ones did not suffer from them nearly as much - or better yet, they did not suffer at all - because even if they made the CQ as alt unfriendly as they could make it, when you have 400 active accounts that can grind points for you, what does it matter if you can't repeat heroics anymore?


It would depend on your guild I would guess. I am part of a small guild but we already have enough credits for two guild ships (one on each side) and we know it will take us a bit of work, either through crafting or other ways to get the encryptions but that is something we will do. It took us a bit to work to get the entire Rishi stronghold unlocked for our guild but we did it. Maybe we lucky that we have guild members that know we have to work towards it and know it will take a bit of time, but we do it eventually.

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That is just plain ridiculous, when the guild ships came out long ago I paid for one and I don't regret it for a second despite the cost reduction that is coming up, having a ship with the advantages it provides, summons, better stronghold with fleet chat, and for more conquest oriented guilds, the planetary bonus, have been well worth the cost.


It will take a longer time for small guilds who are not focusing on gaining the frameworks to unlock their guildship fully, that is hardly a surprise when you think about it. Multiple smaller guilds I am part of for casual purposes run battlemaster hunts once or twice a week to gain encryptions and frameworks so they can unlock their guildship, I wouldn't be surprised if the small guild that you are in would try something similar, you would be surprised at how quickly the expansions were available to you.


Having a cheaper cost to unlock the guildship is great and helps small guilds out a lot, in particular, if their players don't play much and thus end up having quite limited funds, the expansions will come over time but are quite easily acquirable if you just try. Small guilds often end up being small because they don't try, so I guess it depends if the GM and Officers are invested or not.


One thing I will disagree with you on is your last comment, sometimes small guilds are small is because they chose to be for various reasons. In small guilds you can find a tight knit group that you don't always find in a large guild and sometimes there is less drama in a small guild than a large one. We will recruit if we find a person that fits our guild, we don't recruit just anyone.

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