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5.10 gearing and you : A complete guide.


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New gear tier is upon us! Do you find yourself in awe, scratching your head around the best way to get it? Worry do not! This guide will give you all the possible ways to earn the new flashy gear that will help you dominate and be the overlord that you always dreamed of. Needless to say, this guide is not for the NiM players and the crafters : you ain't fun.It's for everyone else!

There are 3 ways you can get the new gear : Playing, Paying and Praying. Some of course are more efficient than others so lets get started!



This is expected to be the most common way used. You can get the gear by earning masterwork shards (MWS). You can get these bad boys by grinding the weekly heroics and reputation on the new Ossus planet. Do it with as many alts as you can. Do it until you hit the weekly cap and then do it some more. If your eyes hurt you can always use this https://www.reviews.com/eye-drops/ and continue.

You can also get MWS by doing the weekly MM FP mission. That is 4 FP's per alt, so if you have 10 alts for example that's 40 FP's per week. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Don't forget that if your eyes can't handle the workload you can always buy this http://www.allseasonsforallreasons.com/nerd-specs-funny-eyeglasses/. Special offer : 1% discount if you are a swtor subscriber!

Last but not least, you can buy MWS with unassembled components (UC). The first one costs 500, the second one 1000 and so forth and so on. Does that mean that if you have thousands of UC you can bypass the grind and gear up fast? Ha! Think again you pesky little pvper with your stockpiled UC. There is an effective throttle that will slow you down to snail levels. You can only buy 2 MWS per char per week so you'd better utilize all these alts of yours that you created with only pvp in mind (oh my sweet summer child). It doesn't matter that your main focus is pvp. You have to grind Ossus storyline, heroics and reputation in all of them like everyone else. You are not special!

Good thing that reputation is legacy wide but we might as well consider changing it for the lolz!



This will be the fastest way according to the devs!

Do you have billions of credits seating quietly and collecting dust in your legacy bank? This is your lucky patch! You can chill out, stretch your legs, enjoy a glass of wine and let the other players do the grind for you. Soon the new gear will be available on GTN. Buy it and laugh at the 18 Ossus instances and at all the nub guild wipes in MM Gods! You are the man, you are the God. You earned your gear! Enjoy it!

Of course not all the players are rich. Don't worry, i got you covered. I will not speak about the illegal way. It's against the ToS and will get you banned so don't do it. You have been warned!

The best way to get easy money is to buy from cartel market and sell the stuff to GTN. All you need is a credit card and your dads permission. Plus, EA could use all the extra money to develop Anthem. You are doing a great service to the studio. You are a loyal customer and your reward for all these money spent is your new gear!



Praying is the least efficient way and requires tons of willpower (mastery since 3.0 ;)). MWS will rarely drop from Command crates at level 300 and above. The actual chance of dropping is very low but fear not! there is a way to increase this chance and make the hunt for these precious things even more exciting!

New cartel market item : Treek Masterwork customization! Every time you are about to open a command crate summon your favourite companion. She will automatically repeat the following mantra 3 times (in Ewokese): rngesus is my Lord and i shall fear no junk drops. By doing this you increase your chance for a MWS drop by 0.0001%. Pro tip : for every time you do this the chance for a drop is increased by 0.00000000000001% in the next crate! Buy one with 30% discount until December 6th, 9999 cartel coins only! It's not a deal, it's a steal!!! Remember : it's all about belief...


Ummmm...that's all folks.

Edited by giorgo
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New gear tier is upon us! Do you find yourself in awe, scratching your head around the best way to get it? Worry do not! This guide will give you all the possible ways to earn the new flashy gear that will help you dominate and be the overlord that you always dreamed of. Needless to say, this guide is not for the NiM players and the crafters : you ain't fun.It's for everyone else!

There are 3 ways you can get the new gear : Playing, Paying and Praying. Some of course are more efficient than others so lets get started!



This is expected to be the most common way used. You can get the gear by earning masterwork shards (MWS). You can get these bad boys by grinding the weekly heroics and reputation on the new Ossus planet. Do it with as many alts as you can. Do it until you hit the weekly cap and then do it some more. If your eyes hurt you can always use this https://www.reviews.com/eye-drops/ and continue.

You can also get MWS by doing the weekly MM FP mission. That is 4 FP's per alt, so if you have 10 alts for example that's 40 FP's per week. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Don't forget that if your eyes can't handle the workload you can always buy this http://www.allseasonsforallreasons.com/nerd-specs-funny-eyeglasses/. Special offer : 1% discount if you are a swtor subscriber!

Last but not least, you can buy MWS with unassembled components (UC).


You left out the "primary" way which is running MM GFTM Ops, and getting gear drops from bosses, coupled with crafting....

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You left out the "primary" way which is running MM GFTM Ops, and getting gear drops from bosses, coupled with crafting....


If Musco and the others seriously believe MM gods will be the "primary" way of getting the gear - at least in terms of players doing it - they are even more delusional than I thought.

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If Musco and the others seriously believe MM gods will be the "primary" way of getting the gear - at least in terms of players doing it - they are even more delusional than I thought.


Fair point. Just saying, you can't be a "complete guide" without at least pointing this out. This gear will be BoE and there will be crafting components which means it will certainly have appeal to some (such as crafters like me, but since I'd get wrecked in MM Ops, I can't even think about it).


Still, I'll continue to play the broken record of the devs from their livestream, until they state otherwise, which makes it clear they at least want/wanted running the GFTM MM Op to be the fastest way to gearing and for that content to be the only content in the game tuned to needing 252+ gear ;)...

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Aren’t the MWS BoP? At least that is what was originally stated. Did that change?

Last I heard MWS were BoP.


But you should still be able to buy right-side gear, tear out the mods and shlep them over with legacy shells. There was a report that enhancements were slot-bound on the PTS. Meaning that an legs enhancement once pulled out can only be put back into a legs armor shell.

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New gear tier is upon us! Do you find yourself in awe, scratching your head around the best way to get it? Worry do not! This guide will give you all the possible ways to earn the new flashy gear that will help you dominate and be the overlord that you always dreamed of. Needless to say, this guide is not for the NiM players and the crafters : you ain't fun.It's for everyone else!

There are 3 ways you can get the new gear : Playing, Paying and Praying. Some of course are more efficient than others so lets get started!



This is expected to be the most common way used. You can get the gear by earning masterwork shards (MWS). You can get these bad boys by grinding the weekly heroics and reputation on the new Ossus planet. Do it with as many alts as you can. Do it until you hit the weekly cap and then do it some more. If your eyes hurt you can always use this https://www.reviews.com/eye-drops/ and continue.

You can also get MWS by doing the weekly MM FP mission. That is 4 FP's per alt, so if you have 10 alts for example that's 40 FP's per week. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Don't forget that if your eyes can't handle the workload you can always buy this http://www.allseasonsforallreasons.com/nerd-specs-funny-eyeglasses/. Special offer : 1% discount if you are a swtor subscriber!

Last but not least, you can buy MWS with unassembled components (UC). The first one costs 500, the second one 1000 and so forth and so on. Does that mean that if you have thousands of UC you can bypass the grind and gear up fast? Ha! Think again you pesky little pvper with your stockpiled UC. There is an effective throttle that will slow you down to snail levels. You can only buy 2 MWS per char per week so you'd better utilize all these alts of yours that you created with only pvp in mind (oh my sweet summer child). It doesn't matter that your main focus is pvp. You have to grind Ossus storyline, heroics and reputation in all of them like everyone else. You are not special!

Good thing that reputation is legacy wide but we might as well consider changing it for the lolz!



This will be the fastest way according to the devs!

Do you have billions of credits seating quietly and collecting dust in your legacy bank? This is your lucky patch! You can chill out, stretch your legs, enjoy a glass of wine and let the other players do the grind for you. Soon the new gear will be available on GTN. Buy it and laugh at the 18 Ossus instances and at all the nub guild wipes in MM Gods! You are the man, you are the God. You earned your gear! Enjoy it!

Of course not all the players are rich. Don't worry, i got you covered. I will not speak about the illegal way. It's against the ToS and will get you banned so don't do it. You have been warned!

The best way to get easy money is to buy from cartel market and sell the stuff to GTN. All you need is a credit card and your dads permission. Plus, EA could use all the extra money to develop Anthem. You are doing a great service to the studio. You are a loyal customer and your reward for all these money spent is your new gear!



Praying is the least efficient way and requires tons of willpower (mastery since 3.0 ;)). MWS will rarely drop from Command crates at level 300 and above. The actual chance of dropping is very low but fear not! there is a way to increase this chance and make the hunt for these precious things even more exciting!

New cartel market item : Treek Masterwork customization! Every time you are about to open a command crate summon your favourite companion. She will automatically repeat the following mantra 3 times (in Ewokese): rngesus is my Lord and i shall fear no junk drops. By doing this you increase your chance for a MWS drop by 0.0001%. Pro tip : for every time you do this the chance for a drop is increased by 0.00000000000001% in the next crate! Buy one with 30% discount until December 6th, 9999 cartel coins only! It's not a deal, it's a steal!!! Remember : it's all about belief...


Ummmm...that's all folks.


LoL, great post. Made me laugh so hard my tea nearly came out my nose,

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Awesome guide, thanks! I'm still super irritated that we're supposed to a.) Grind 70 levels... then b.) Grind THREE HUNDRED (made up / phony) more "Command Ranks" then c.) Grind 5 tiers of gear. FOR EVERY CHARACTER.


This, in a game that separates itself from other games with their "Legacy" system. Yeah, OK. Thanks


OH, BTW. After all your grinding you get level synced and/or "bolstered" in pretty much every scenario of play. How messed up and convoluted can you possibly make a game that's like 6 or 7 years old????

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Awesome guide, thanks! I'm still super irritated that we're supposed to a.) Grind 70 levels... then b.) Grind THREE HUNDRED (made up / phony) more "Command Ranks" then c.) Grind 5 tiers of gear. FOR EVERY CHARACTER.


This, in a game that separates itself from other games with their "Legacy" system. Yeah, OK. Thanks


OH, BTW. After all your grinding you get level synced and/or "bolstered" in pretty much every scenario of play. How messed up and convoluted can you possibly make a game that's like 6 or 7 years old????


I bet they don’t even consider the 300CXP grind will still be a thing because most people will just by pass it in favour of farming dailies.

So if that’s the case, they should just decrease the cost of the CXP boosters and make them 200%. Reduce the cost of opening the legacy CXP experience options and change the requirement of the 25-100% legacy character boost to 4 characters and not one of each seperate class.

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If Musco and the others seriously believe MM gods will be the "primary" way of getting the gear - at least in terms of players doing it - they are even more delusional than I thought.


It's the primary way to craft gear, as the 5 different Forgotten materials, which are all needed to craft either a set piece of item modification, you can only get from drops of God MM bosses. Playing normally, however, is, according to how it works on PTS, by far the easiest way and likely way faster as we raiders most likely won't start selling the Forgotten materials on GTN until we have geared ourselves.

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It's the primary way to craft gear, as the 5 different Forgotten materials, which are all needed to craft either a set piece of item modification, you can only get from drops of God MM bosses. Playing normally, however, is, according to how it works on PTS, by far the easiest way and likely way faster as we raiders most likely won't start selling the Forgotten materials on GTN until we have geared ourselves.


And then you will all get super rich selling them to people who need them. How is that fair?

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It's the primary way to craft gear, as the 5 different Forgotten materials, which are all needed to craft either a set piece of item modification, you can only get from drops of God MM bosses. Playing normally, however, is, according to how it works on PTS, by far the easiest way and likely way faster as we raiders most likely won't start selling the Forgotten materials on GTN until we have geared ourselves.


NiM players can farm the new gear with all the ways that i described in my guide...with the addition of doing the new MM Gods and get the drops and do the crafting. So according to logic, by far the fastest way will be to be a NiM player.

Also don't underestimate the current stock in CMT's. It's more than you think. Or the ability of NiM raiders to farm the new ops with their alts thus creating a new stock of the needed components. The new gear will hit the market sooner than you guys think. Maybe even around Xmas. Heck i should have included that in my Paying sector : Get yourself a Xmas present, buy the new gear with your credits! Enter the new year as powerfull as you can possibly imagine. Be the man that your mother always dreamed! Make your family proud etc...

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And then you will all get super rich selling them to people who need them. How is that fair?


Think of it as an extended loot system where instead of us raiders having a cargo hold full of 248 tokens we cannot use cause all our chars are BiS, we get mats which we can now sell on GTN to enable more players to gear, while also making some money from it. Mainly, gearing is meant to be through Ossus as outlined above, crafting 258 (which is the first time since pre 2.0 that we are able to craft BiS) is, as far as I understand it, just meant as a shortcut for those with loads of credits and raiders.


Being able to craft best in slot gear, with setbonus and even specific item modifications is going to be a great help going forward, sure it's expensive and materials from ops are rare, but you think of it as the main way to get gear, while in reality that is Ossus.

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Think of it as an extended loot system where instead of us raiders having a cargo hold full of 248 tokens we cannot use cause all our chars are BiS, we get mats which we can now sell on GTN to enable more players to gear, while also making some money from it. Mainly, gearing is meant to be through Ossus as outlined above, crafting 258 (which is the first time since pre 2.0 that we are able to craft BiS) is, as far as I understand it, just meant as a shortcut for those with loads of credits and raiders.


Being able to craft best in slot gear, with setbonus and even specific item modifications is going to be a great help going forward, sure it's expensive and materials from ops are rare, but you think of it as the main way to get gear, while in reality that is Ossus.


LoL, sure, keep telling yourself that. Most people don’t have millions of credits to buy gear. Why should raiders be the only ones with access to the crafting material.

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LoL, sure, keep telling yourself that. Most people don’t have millions of credits to buy gear. Why should raiders be the only ones with access to the crafting material.


only players that do ranked and NiM - the elite of the elite, because they are so much better than the rest of us who do not participate in those activities!


or you know, have no life outside of swtor.

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LoL, sure, keep telling yourself that. Most people don’t have millions of credits to buy gear. Why should raiders be the only ones with access to the crafting material.


Lets attempt to discuss this without condescending language, I understand you feel deeply about this issue but I am trying to explain that being able to craft BiS gear, the 258, is a big step forward for players to speed up their gearing. Sure, multiple alternative paths to gain the Forgotten materials would be an advantage to speed up the process, but at the same time how would they approach that? Without making it into the disaster that became ranked PvP after they added new mats to weekly and people started "farming mats" in ranked which ruined the experience for the rest. Nor do they want to make gearing so quick and easy that people can run around with full 258 after a week or two as it would reduce player activity significantly


One alternative would be the removal the ability to craft 258 gear all together and just introduce easier and much more affordable alternatives like crafting 252 gear, that way 258 would be exclusively from tokens from Gods Nightmare or reputation. That would make 258 gearing a lot slower for the majority of the player base, but it would, however, make the gap between players a lot lower as players would have a fair easier time to gain 252 gear.


only players that do ranked and NiM - the elite of the elite, because they are so much better than the rest of us who do not participate in those activities!


or you know, have no life outside of swtor.


Let's try to behave like adults and discuss the issue without trying to insult players for what content that they prefer to run.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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One alternative would be the removal the ability to craft 258 gear all together and just introduce easier and much more affordable alternatives like crafting 252 gear, that way 258 would be exclusively from tokens from Gods Nightmare or reputation. That would make 258 gearing a lot slower for the majority of the player base, but it would, however, make the gap between players a lot lower as players would have a fair easier time to gain 252 gear.


awesome idea when pvp and pve have the same gear (aka not really)


i do think 252 gear should just be straight up craftable, and not require the MM to craft.


If they insist on giving us more unnecessary gear tiers to support a futless gear grind that is neither bringing people back or retaining existing players, it should be obtainable in the same fashion as gear already is.

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awesome idea when pvp and pve have the same gear (aka not really)


i do think 252 gear should just be straight up craftable, and not require the MM to craft.


If they insist on giving us more unnecessary gear tiers to support a futless gear grind that is neither bringing people back or retaining existing players, it should be obtainable in the same fashion as gear already is.


Yes, it's not an optimal situation and as you say 252 should be craftable using a similar approach as we have today for 246, as in no mats from Gods MM only. However I am not sure how to approach gearing into 258 through PvP, adding another few hundred cxp levels and make it drop at 400 would be an option, but I doubt it would be a popular one. Build on the 242 to 248 gearing using shells and components is another alternative that I personally would have prefered. But I assume based on how they made tokens available through components on Ossus that they looked at data on how people are stashing up on components and decided to not do so.


That said, I heavily disagree with the Pay to Win approach that you suggest, outfits and fashion is one thing, gear which actually provides a stat boost and its grind is something most MMO:s are built around, having it be available through cartel market and loot boxes is not an alternative.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Lets attempt to discuss this without condescending language, I understand you feel deeply about this issue but I am trying to explain that being able to craft BiS gear, the 258, is a big step forward for players to speed up their gearing. Sure, multiple alternative paths to gain the Forgotten materials would be an advantage to speed up the process, but at the same time how would they approach that? Without making it into the disaster that became ranked PvP after they added new mats to weekly and people started "farming mats" in ranked which ruined the experience for the rest. Nor do they want to make gearing so quick and easy that people can run around with full 258 after a week or two as it would reduce player activity significantly


One alternative would be the removal the ability to craft 258 gear all together and just introduce easier and much more affordable alternatives like crafting 252 gear, that way 258 would be exclusively from tokens from Gods Nightmare or reputation. That would make 258 gearing a lot slower for the majority of the player base, but it would, however, make the gap between players a lot lower as players would have a fair easier time to gain 252 gear.


Let's try to behave like adults and discuss the issue without trying to insult players for what content that they prefer to run.


I’ve no problem if they remove the crafted gear because I honeslty don’t think that one small percentage of players should have access to it and the 98% of players don’t.

In my opinion, either we all have access to it or no one should.

All this system does is allow MM players the ability to hold the market hostage and sell mats or armor for what ever they like. It is ONLY catering to 2% of the player base and they can get super rich.

Of course Keith doesn’t mind because he’s one of the 2% minority who do MM.

Any argument you make justifying being able to make mass amounts of credits at the expense of the rest of us is going to meet resistance or derision. I doubt you’ll get many non MM players to agree that the mats should be locked behind a MM operation.

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instead of us raiders having a cargo hold full of 248 tokens we cannot use cause all our chars are BiS, we get mats which we can now sell on GTN to enable more players to gear


AWH! That is soooo nice of you! So you are actually doing it FOR the other players! :D no "getting rich" intention :D

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Nor do they want to make gearing so quick and easy that people can run around with full 258 after a week or two as it would reduce player activity significantly


Look at the game now, we have had 248 for quite some time and have you noticed any big decline in players? Do you think that making 258 craftable and making GotM NiM will now bring hordes of players back? No, it wont, the game was fine after 248 "gearing system wise". Everyone was able to get 248 gear (sooner or later) and without a small party of players getting mega rich from it. Players just wanted content and stuff to do. The game keeps the players busy even without an eternal gear grind. People did get used to the Command Crate/Unassembled Components/token drop system already and are fine with it. No matter what you do in the game you can get 248, but this change will make it very limited!


258 would be exclusively from tokens from Gods Nightmare or reputation. That would make 258 gearing a lot slower for the majority of the player base, but it would, however, make the gap between players a lot lower as players would have a fair easier time to gain 252 gear.


The problem here is PVP. When I do not have a guild for NiM GotM I cant get 258 gear and would have a disadvantage in ranked against PVPers, who do NiM GotM (there are quite a few).


Let's try to behave like adults


lol there is a joke somewhere in that :)

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We''ve tried open discussion with invitation to the developers to comment, but nothing came of it

We've tried ranting and raving - with similar result, Nothing,

We've tried putting points across in a considered and careful way. - Nothing.

So now we're trying humour. - Which is about all that's left. ( funny post, OP. :) )


Isn't is about time someone from the studio came over the top and engaged with a community which is clearly trying to start a dialogue, but is being stone-walled over and over.


I thought we got to a point where changes were discussed first and the community consulted before anything was concrete. That obviously didn't last long. - We appear to be back to : "We're making this change. Suck it up, princess, or quit."

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Lets attempt to discuss this without condescending language, I understand you feel deeply about this issue but I am trying to explain that being able to craft BiS gear, the 258, is a big step forward for players to speed up their gearing. Sure, multiple alternative paths to gain the Forgotten materials would be an advantage to speed up the process, but at the same time how would they approach that? Without making it into the disaster that became ranked PvP after they added new mats to weekly and people started "farming mats" in ranked which ruined the experience for the rest. Nor do they want to make gearing so quick and easy that people can run around with full 258 after a week or two as it would reduce player activity significantly


In my mind it's pretty much an insult to 99,7% of crafters for BW to so prominently advertise the gear as craftable in advance and then in reality make it only so if one is a NiM raider. Thecnically it of course is but the mats are pretty much an ops drop token. This has nothing to do with crafting. The harm is more in their communication than in the end result with all the other routes of getting gear.


At least the ranked mats were available to all crafters and made ranked much more accessible to a lot of people. Not that that was a perfect solution either.Some hardcores ofc complained how it affected tr but most people actually liked the change in atmosphere.

Edited by exfell
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as if playing the same 4 WZs for hours a day wouldnt be the grindiest of the grinds ever.

be glad you get some variation.

You are not special!


finally one of these snowflakes gets it.

Edited by mrphstar
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