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Vowrawn For "Canon" Sith Emperor!


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Since the Iokath story update roleplayers have viewed the Acina/Malcom death dilemma as a rather troublesome situation. Over at Darth Malgus, a vast majority of RP guilds both the Republic and Empire side have chosen not to move beyond the Iokath storyline in their guild/personal story arcs, sticking to the state of the galaxy pre-Iokath but post-KotET in the plots and events they make with friends and guildmates. There have been talks about getting a player consensus on the matter but these have failed as basically we're loregeeks who like to follow official lore with stuff like key figures and faction rulers for the sake of immersion. Yet it's not an issue for RP'ers only, I can imagine other players, especially fellow loregeeks, would want a "canon" version to be decided upon as well.


To achieve clarity regarding this issue before 6.0 arrives, the surviving leader, either Acina or Malcom, should be killed so as to solve the divergent continuities. Especially in the case of the Sith Empire it's important to have one clear answer on who the ruler is.


Darth Vowrawn is the perfect candidate to lead the Sith Empire in the coming war as well as restore the faction to the glory days of old. Not only do I believe that the Emperor/Empress of the Sith should be a Sith Pureblood, seeing as how they're venerated in the Sith society of this era, but he's the perfect politician with the wit and cunning to keep ahold of the throne. He becomes Sith Emperor after Acina dies in Iokath, but Vowrawn should become the "canon" Sith Emperor by 6.0 and lead the Empire from then on forward.


His age might be somewhat of an issue if the average lifespan of a Sith Pureblood is akin to that of humans, but Vowrawn expressed in the Sith Warrior storyline on Corellia how he is knowledgeable in Sith rituals. Surely he'd be able to learn of a way to prolong his life and keep ruling the Sith Empire. Perhaps it could be an interesting side-quest for Imperial aligned characters.


TLDR: the Acina/Malcom death dilemma caused by Iokath's story choices should be solved by having both of them die anyway before 6.0. Darth Vowrawn should become the "canon" Sith Emperor and lead the Empire from then on forward.


NOTE: When I use the term "canon" I am speaking solely of the lore of this game and setting. I am not speaking of the wider Star Wars canon set up by Disney. It is why I put the term between quotation marks, so that it won't be confused with the Disney canon or wider Star Wars canon. I am only referring to the "canon" of the lore of Star Wars The Old Republic.

Edited by Ylliarus
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I am 100% for this on a personal level. For me, he's already the 'canon' Sith Emperor because I enjoy him far more than Acina, always have. I've loved his character since day one and I do think it would be best if they settled on one Emperor.


That said, for players who made the deliberate choice of siding with Acina and want her as their leader it would be shoddy to just toss her aside. Yes, the current situation is a bit confusing but doing as you suggest essentially enforces "Dead for one means dead for all", and I think many are hoping for that NOT to be the case. I get the RP/Headcanon issues for some but a solution shouldn't come at the expense of others players. No matter how much I love my Vow-wow. ♥


Now, if story-wise they can work it out in such a way that does not screw over those who sided with Acina and 'chose' her as their leader, then that would be great. But the story should call for it--I really don't want to see any further 'convenience' kills/deaths.

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Works for me, Yiliarus :D I've always loved Vowrawn, from the first moment I met him on my very first SW (first toon I ever played).


I think it would make sense for him to be the new Sith Emperor, he's wily and clever and he's got guts. Who else would have the set it would take to set up shop in the middle of enemy territory lol.


He's a master strategist and the most intelligent of all Sith. Behind the scenes he's remained innocuous seeming, but Force help his enemies. He's also got valuable allies within the Grrrreee enclave :D


All hail, Emperor Vowrawn. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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For the sake of uniformity I don't think that Acina and Malcom (whoever remains after Iokath) are long for the world. There are currently four possible leaders and that would probably be hard to sustain, story-wise, in the long run. You'd end up having more like Iokath, where it doesn't really matter who the leader is, so I do think they will streamline things eventually, perhaps in 6.0 or the leadup to it.


Having said that I don't think, and I say this in the kindest possible way, that anyone should be killed off for the sake of a RP group. Whatever is canon would depend, I think, on the group you're in and what they decide. Right now you can have eight different Commanders, two members of the Zakuulan royal family can be alive or dead, you can have allied with either faction, and most of the companions can be alive, dead or exiled. There's no uniformity so IMHO any idea of universal canon is largely out the window at this point.

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I am a big fan of the concept of the Empire being lead at this point by an Empress rather than an Emperor. I had hopes that that could be Empress Acina, I would have very much liked to see it be her, but as I understand the choices made that were different than my own lead to Empress Acina's death if I understand what people have stated who made those different choices.


Even still,even if it can't be her persay, I personally would like to see an Empress take the throne. That isn't something I had ever really given much thought to until very recently, since they are bringing back the storyline to the Empire vs. The Republic once again .


[ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! JEDI DEAD!! Pubs DEAD!! Me and Ylliarus are COMING!!!! Blood!!! Guts!!!! You're all so dead cuz Full hardcore Jedi Slaying, Darkside flowing out of my behind, Red Sabers all over the place, Go to Hell Yoda, Jar Jar 6 feet under, I <3 you Vader, I wish I coulda force choked Theron to death, Kylo is the worst Sith Wanna be ever so I have to make up for it, Wookies should be slaves, double saber smashing, Green and Blue sabers scattered all over the floor, , all Dressed in Black, Force choking and Pubs getting their asses lite up with Force Lightning Everywhere. How DO you Like that you LITTLE GREEN BASTARD?!?!? All for the GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!! ]




Ahem.... as I was saying...


Even if it can't be her, I think a female Empress would add some unique flavor and would not be the same ole same ole Palapatinesque Emperor and would seperate it from it's previous feel. Not that I didn't like that previous feel, just because not everyone is happy that they have to play real Star Wars again so maybe if it has a different feel to it some people might be able to get something out of a totally new experience even if it's still in the same faction dynamic.


I think it would be very cool plus it can also add a possible romance element to it if some players were so inclined. I was thinking about what would happen if when Jeasa gets back and than at some point perhaps the Empress might start to make some insiniuations of possible interest in the player and how Jaesa who is Darkside after my own heart might react to that. That could be a very intense situation that could lead to some interesting possibilities in the storyline.


I'm really not sure how other players might feel about the Empire being lead by an Empress. I will say that if it had been Empress Acina I would have had no issue bending the knee to her opon my return to the Empire. I don't want to be an Emperor anywhere, and I don't see as a loyal soldier of the Empire why there would be any feelings of discontent because I had to be the second most powerful person in the Galaxy, even while still being the most feared. That totally works for me, that is my preference. I can't imagine under any circumstances that the player won't be reinstated as the Wrath of the Empire. People seem to think that it only applied to the Emperor himself, but it doesn't, that's why you get the title that you can use "Wrath of the Empire". Which if you ask me, sounds a lot cooler than Emperor. I'm not politician, I don't like sitting in oversized chairs all day long while everyone else gets to go out and have fun waging war and trudging thru ditches filled with the blood of the fallen on the battle field and making every single person who sees me coming scared out of their minds without me even needing to say one single word. - I don't want to be Darth Sidious. I want to be Darth Maul.


The Empress idea aside, yeah, I tend to think that Vowrawn is the most likely choice and not at all a bad one at that. It would also make a great deal of sense that he would value having the player work so closely with him and he would almost undoubtedly treat the player with a great deal of respect as he was quite honestly a very upright Sith. He was one of the few Sith who openly showed you friendship and who could possibly have earned the players respect and trust from the times they did work closely together in the past and did so in a manner that left a good taste in your mouth. I think both the player and Vowrawn genuninely respect one another and consider each other one of the few others in the Empire [and certainly among the Sith] that are trust worthy.


I liked Vowrawn a lot and I would have no trouble bending the knee to him because I think he is worthy to be the new Emperor and not only that, I think he would do a great job at it and would probably be one of the more kinder leaders that the Empire ever knows. He is definately a Darksider, thru and thru, but he is a honorable one. He is like Count Dooku in that regard.


The reality is, as my character is simply put a loyal soldier of the Empire, he will serve whomever is the rightful and accepted Emperor even if he doesn't partiucularly like him or think he is perhaps not the best choice. As long as that person is competant and is not a threat to the Empire by his own foolish actions or arrogance, I will bend the knee. When you are loyal to your country, your people, your faction, whatever you would call your affiliation, you don't salute the man, you salute the rank. You don't serve the President [even when you technically do] you serve your country. When the leader is not someone whom may be considered the best choice, even if they are the worse choice , that leaders wrongs have nothing to do with your duty to your country, your home, your culture and your people. They are what you serve, they are what you love, they are what are worth dieing for even if the leader persay is a total ******* and you would love to smack the taste out of their mouth.


Anyways, if the Empress idea is something that doesnt come to be than my next choice would be Vowrawn. He would definitely want the player to serve as Wrath, no doubt about it. You are the best chance he has to keep him from being assassinated and also the best person for the job. He so much as hints at sending the Wrath for <reasons> your name alone would often be enough to match the actual need of the Wrath having to go.


I can't see any downside to Vowrawn and the player would be given more respect from him than likely any other candidate. Vowrawn would do right by the player I think. Respect for the player would be shown unless the actions of the player made that unwarranted. Vowrawn would be my first choice for Emperor.


But, if Acina was a viable possibility, she would be my first choice over Vowrawn.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I have a feeling either Acina or Vowrawn gets offed (most likely Acina) sooner or later anyway so having multiple emperor choices won't take resources off writing table :p


I love Vowrawn but I also like Acina a lot. I don't really have a strong opinion for or against either.


I have a feeling Vowrawn isnt exactly a leader type though, he is a social marvel but action-wise he gave up oddly easily on Warrior's class story when his life was at risk, and let the Warrior take command immediately. He doesn't really strike me as a supreme leader of anything.


Acina in the other hand... Now there is a tryhard Empress who puts herself on the line and actively pursues benefiting deals and leads. If we're strictly asking "who would be a better emperor", I would say Acina. If we're asking "who would we like to spend rest of our lives with", it's Vowrawn all the way.

Edited by Kiesu
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I've got my eye on a different Emperor that's a big fan favorite. But I would absolutely move on from the current state.


On a much more important note, who the heck is on the Jedi Council...


Good point. Now that we know Satele is totally and utterly clueless about how the Force works, I don't know who would want her anyway. :cool:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I say no. Why? He betrayed the ideals of the Sith Empire by bending a knee to the Zakuul throne. Acina stood tall in taking the reins of the empire and fought to rebuild it. She was the first to come to the Alliance to help and in turn helped the Empire. What did Vowrawn do? Nothing. He stayed hidden and only comes out of hiding to become Emperor when Acina is killed? Yeah, you got it right when you stated "He's a politician." A warrior he is not.


Politics Vowrawn is used to is more of the same that nearly destroyed the Empire. And people want to put that in power? Dark Council member who participated in destroying other members, back room dealings, back stabbing, and general chaos is what he offers. The exact same thing Vitiate lorded over. Empress Acina is the polar opposite of what Vowrawn is. She projects power and confidence while Vowrawn represents cowardliness, personal advancement, and self-service instead of leadership. Vitiate allowed all of what happened because those on the Dark Council lost their way with the in fighting, save Darth Marr. Acina is needed at this very moment as the leader of the new Sith Empire, Not Vowrawn.

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I say no. Why? He betrayed the ideals of the Sith Empire by bending a knee to the Zakuul throne. Acina stood tall in taking the reins of the empire and fought to rebuild it.

Wasn't he working for Acina at that time though ?


Acina is needed at this very moment as the leader of the new Sith Empire, Not Vowrawn.

Considering she may be dead, it's a bit difficult to consider her the Empress anymore, she just can't be the "canon" ruler of the Empire anymore, so it has to be someone else, unless they continue to have both Acina and Vowrawn as rulers of the Sith Empire, which is not the simplest way to go.

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There are precious few choices that change the story, let's not trivialize one of the very few that do - even if the only thing that changes are the names of the leaders involved.


But the current divergence in continuity works disruptive. Perhaps to you it's just the name of the leaders being changed, but to hundreds of other players it's a huge shift and change in lore and setting. The ruler of the Sith Empire, who holds absolute power, is actually a very important choice and having multiple choices with something like that works detrimentally for the continuity of the lore. Story changes can happen with companion deaths, npc deaths etc etc, but with leaders and key figures that exert a huge influence on the lore it creates more issues than benefits.


For the sake of uniformity I don't think that Acina and Malcom (whoever remains after Iokath) are long for the world. There are currently four possible leaders and that would probably be hard to sustain, story-wise, in the long run. You'd end up having more like Iokath, where it doesn't really matter who the leader is, so I do think they will streamline things eventually, perhaps in 6.0 or the leadup to it.


Having said that I don't think, and I say this in the kindest possible way, that anyone should be killed off for the sake of a RP group. Whatever is canon would depend, I think, on the group you're in and what they decide. Right now you can have eight different Commanders, two members of the Zakuulan royal family can be alive or dead, you can have allied with either faction, and most of the companions can be alive, dead or exiled. There's no uniformity so IMHO any idea of universal canon is largely out the window at this point.


If it were a group of let's say, 20 to 30 people, sure. But the RP community numbers in the thousands. The Darth Malgus RP Enjin forums have around 1200 members currently and that's only those who found the site and registered to it. There are so many more RP guilds that don't make use of the Enjin forums and that's the Darth Malgus server alone. You have the entire Star Forge RP Enjin forums and various smaller hubs. It's not a simple group, it's a solid chunk of the current playerbase who is looking for uniformity in the story and lore. Perhaps to you it seems easy that "you decide what the lore is", but that's not how it works with RP. We rely heavily on the existing and established lore and setting to create our stories. Yes, our stories are not tied to the main SWTOR's narratives, but they happen within the setting and lore those stories create. Our RP is affected by the fact whether Acina or Vowrawn is ruler, because who do we name as the Empire's leader? Who do all Sith and Imperials ultimately answer to? Those questions are very important for the RP community and you can't write us off as a small group of people.


[ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! JEDI DEAD!! Pubs DEAD!! Me and Ylliarus are COMING!!!! Blood!!! Guts!!!! You're all so dead cuz Full hardcore Jedi Slaying, Darkside flowing out of my behind, Red Sabers all over the place, Go to Hell Yoda, Jar Jar 6 feet under, I <3 you Vader, I wish I coulda force choked Theron to death, Kylo is the worst Sith Wanna be ever so I have to make up for it, Wookies should be slaves, double saber smashing, Green and Blue sabers scattered all over the floor, , all Dressed in Black, Force choking and Pubs getting their asses lite up with Force Lightning Everywhere. How DO you Like that you LITTLE GREEN BASTARD?!?!? All for the GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!! ]


This made me chuckle, haha :)


I say no. Why? He betrayed the ideals of the Sith Empire by bending a knee to the Zakuul throne. Acina stood tall in taking the reins of the empire and fought to rebuild it. She was the first to come to the Alliance to help and in turn helped the Empire. What did Vowrawn do? Nothing. He stayed hidden and only comes out of hiding to become Emperor when Acina is killed? Yeah, you got it right when you stated "He's a politician." A warrior he is not.


You do realise he bowed to the Eternal Throne on behalf on Acina and on Acina's orders? Acina didn't stand tall at all, she bowed to the Eternal Empire the moment she took over and sent Vowrawn as her representative to bow before Arcann. And I think you're terribly misinformed because Charles Boyd confirmed Vowrawn has been with the Empire the entire time and has sat on Acina's new Dark Council ever since she rose to power. While it is said the other Councillors fled and hid, it has been confirmed by both Charles Boyd and the ingame story (check the mails you get in KotET) that Vowrawn has been around the entire time.


Politics Vowrawn is used to is more of the same that nearly destroyed the Empire. And people want to put that in power? Dark Council member who participated in destroying other members, back room dealings, back stabbing, and general chaos is what he offers. The exact same thing Vitiate lorded over. Empress Acina is the polar opposite of what Vowrawn is. She projects power and confidence while Vowrawn represents cowardliness, personal advancement, and self-service instead of leadership. Vitiate allowed all of what happened because those on the Dark Council lost their way with the in fighting, save Darth Marr. Acina is needed at this very moment as the leader of the new Sith Empire, Not Vowrawn.


You're forgetting that after Vitiate and Scourge, Vowrawn was the oldest Sith alive through natural means. He's somewhere in his 80s at the moment which is incredibly impressive for a Sith. Zash herself says in the Inquisitor story that most Sith don't even live to see their 50s. But not only that, Vowrawn has also been the longest sitting Dark Council member in the history of the Sith Empire. Seeing as how easily other Dark Lords fell and were replaced, it shows he has the wit, intelligence and means to hold onto his power and defeat his rivals.


While Acina's reign might have been beneficial for the Sith Empire after Zakuul had attacked it, rebuilding it and all (of which Vowrawn was a huge part of as Minister of Logistics and Head of the Sphere of Production and Logistics), but what Acina is doing with the Empire now is very reminiscent of what Lord Kaan did with the Brotherhood of the Sith. She is trying to shape the Sith into something they are not, as the Sith thrive on internal strive and conflict. Conflicts is a means to better oneself, it's the heart of the Sith code and teachings. Acina's ways breed stagnation and regression for the Sith.


Vowrawn in turn has been born in the days before the Sith Empire revealed themselves to the galaxy. He's part of the old guard and the old ways, before the war with the Republic. He rose to power during the glory days of the Sith Empire. The Sith need someone like that to rule them, because look at how the Empire thrived before the war with the Republic. That system, of internal strive and conflict, worked perfectly well to cull the weak and let the worthy rise to power. The threat of being eliminated and replaced worked motivatingly to constantly be better than one's rivals. Vowrawn's rule can bring that back while under Acina's reign stagnation will occur.

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I think Vowrawn will inevitably be the Emperor simply because it will be impossible for Bioware to keep multiple stories going. Either that, or they will have to do some kind of weird woo woo thing where Acina and Malcolm were never killed for those players who chose the other side, which would be a little too Dallas-like for comfort (for those of us old enough to remember the whole Dallas/Bobby Ewing thing, lol). I feel for those who love Acina--I quite liked her, too--but to make good, dramatic stories, liked and/or important characters must die. The same goes for Malcolm. Because we all know Bioware has dwindling resources for this game we are likely all going to play the same story. That means (1) Malcolm & Acina are dead, presumably killed off screen for those who kept them alive, and (2) the Alliance will or will not exist for everyone. There will be no player choice involved. Why BW set up this issue I don't know, but I would hope they have a plan going forward that will cause it to all make sense. ;)
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If it were a group of let's say, 20 to 30 people, sure. But the RP community numbers in the thousands. The Darth Malgus RP Enjin forums have around 1200 members currently and that's only those who found the site and registered to it. There are so many more RP guilds that don't make use of the Enjin forums and that's the Darth Malgus server alone. You have the entire Star Forge RP Enjin forums and various smaller hubs. It's not a simple group, it's a solid chunk of the current playerbase who is looking for uniformity in the story and lore. Perhaps to you it seems easy that "you decide what the lore is", but that's not how it works with RP. We rely heavily on the existing and established lore and setting to create our stories. Yes, our stories are not tied to the main SWTOR's narratives, but they happen within the setting and lore those stories create. Our RP is affected by the fact whether Acina or Vowrawn is ruler, because who do we name as the Empire's leader? Who do all Sith and Imperials ultimately answer to? Those questions are very important for the RP community and you can't write us off as a small group of people.

This is not speaking to all RPers, the RPs I'm on are basically all either perma-Vanilla world state, pre-vanilla world state- or some other timeless or even outside-game time scenario. But then again my RP is basically D&D format for the most part, rather than the in-game-picnic /emote format. We couldn't care less what the canon time or world state is, since there can be so many as the game goes on and almost nothing is unarguable canon.

I agree with Io on this, modifying game world to appease one loud RP group (since all RP groups have their own preferences) is not a good or preferable idea for the majority of playerbase.

Edited by Kiesu
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But the current divergence in continuity works disruptive. Perhaps to you it's just the name of the leaders being changed, but to hundreds of other players it's a huge shift and change in lore and setting. The ruler of the Sith Empire, who holds absolute power, is actually a very important choice and having multiple choices with something like that works detrimentally for the continuity of the lore. Story changes can happen with companion deaths, npc deaths etc etc, but with leaders and key figures that exert a huge influence on the lore it creates more issues than benefits.


I would think that the uniformity in who exactly the Outlander/Alliance Commander is would be more important and whether or not they took the throne of Zakuul or became a peacemaker ... especially if one is going to RP anything within the story. If this is something each group decides for themselves then they can decide for themselves who the current Sith emperor/empress is - although if you're going to argue for complete uniformity within stories then whoever is leader after Iokath (either Acina or Vowrawn) should be killed and someone completely new take their place. There could be no argument then, yes?

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I would think that the uniformity in who exactly the Outlander/Alliance Commander is would be more important and whether or not they took the throne of Zakuul or became a peacemaker ... especially if one is going to RP anything within the story. If this is something each group decides for themselves then they can decide for themselves who the current Sith emperor/empress is - although if you're going to argue for complete uniformity within stories then whoever is leader after Iokath (either Acina or Vowrawn) should be killed and someone completely new take their place. There could be no argument then, yes?


This is not speaking to all RPers, the RPs I'm on are basically all either perma-Vanilla world state, pre-vanilla world state- or some other timeless or outside-game time scenario. But then again my RP is basically D&D format for the most part, rather than the in-game-picnic /emote format. We couldn't care less what the canon time or world state is, since there can be so many as the game goes on and almost nothing is unarguable canon.

I agree with Io on this, modifying game world to appease one loud RP group (since all RP groups have their own preferences) is not a good or preferable idea for the majority of playerbase.


The RP community has been frequently misunderstood and this is yet another one of these cases. Yes, there are RP groups that play in any timeline but they're not part of the "mainstream" Darth Malgus RP community for example. Our community follows the timeline of the game, when the timeskip happened, we followed suit in our stories. There are groups of roleplayers who play like you describe, but that's not the mainstream RP community. Allow me to invite you to have a look at the Darth Malgus RP Enjin forums and perhaps that will shed some clarity on how the RP we perform occurs:




The guilds and RP'ers part of this community take the current SWTOR story as the setting they play in and we move along with the events. We do not play as Lord Kallig, Lord Wrath or Cipher Nine, we create our own original characters with their own unique backstories we created based on the lore of the setting and time of the game. Subsequently we, indeed within the D&D format, create our own original events and stories with one another (in guilds or between players alone) that are not part of the main SWTOR story but heavily influenced by it. This is perfectly valid way to play the game and, might I add, the RP community usually is the driving force behind Cartel Market purchases. We are often overlooked but we keenly spend Cartel Coins on new outfits or stuff from the CM to add more flavour to our RP. We may not be the majority of the playerbase, but we're a solid chunk nonetheless. Just like your voices ought to be heard, so should ours be too. Our way of playing the game is currently hampered by the story continuity divergence caused by the Iokath choice. The members of the mainstream RP community want to stick to official lore and therefore don't want to resort to deciding upon whether Vowrawn or Acina is ruler unless we get a clear answer from Bioware that they won't decide on who is "canon". We have the right to express criticism based on the fact that we aren't able to play the game the way we feel we want to.


However, Bioware won't be able to keep up the current divergence in story continuity very likely. Hopefully by 6.0 we'll get 1 ruler of the Sith Empire established and the same situation going for the Republic.

Edited by Ylliarus
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He makes sense due to the fact some of us actually watched Acina die and some watch Malcom die. This is not really a rp situtation, it is a situatiion that needs to be dealt with.


If someone walk up to my characters and said Acina was the Empress, they would look at them and ask what have you been drinking as I know she is dead I watched her die in Iokath.


Same scenario for those of my sith that sided with the Empire except they would actually have them removed by (1) either killing them or (2) saying they were insane as my sith characters watched Malcom die.


I know some would like Acina and I don't have a problem with her other than the fact she is dead to at least 50% of my characters and it makes no sense story wise to use a character that died in Iokath whether or not she died on your character because a story needs to be uniform for all characters and using Acina is not going to do that as Republic side would say oh please she's gone. There needs to be an Empress/Emperor that isn't dead for anyone.



Edited by casirabit
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He makes sense due to the fact some of us actually watched Acina die and some watch Malcom die. This is not really a rp situtation, it is a situatiion that needs to be dealt with.




There needs to be an Empress/Emperor that isn't dead for anyone.


While I have approached the issue from an RP perspective, you are, of course, very right in this regard. I said it in another post, it's not only an RP situation but it is an issue that affects all of us. One playthrough Acina will be dead and one playthrough Malcom, it creates a disruptive divergence in story continuity which simply needs to be dealt with so we have leaders for both sides who are not dead in one playthrough and alive in the other.

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