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A Little comparison of def-cd's between the classes


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I read many times from some players here how overpowered the merc or the sniper is. Merc has to many deff cd's and so on. So i read a few day ago 5 vs 1 merc and i thought just really? Is this guy and the others troll the community, are they tried to convince the devs with these posts and threads to nerf a class or something.

However finally i take some hour and look for myself what is going on with the damn def-cd's. So here it comes (without shadow, not enough time):



40k instant healing

Immunity vs direct damage + 5 sec 100% direct damage reflect

55% melee /ranged defense chance (100% for the first 2 sec) + 25% force/tech damage reduction

Healing everytime when taking damage up to 122k, can activated while stunned



Second slowest class

Instants class

Very good tools to support grp

No real escape tool

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD Taunt

AOE mezz

AOE slow

DD Guard



20% damage reduction for up to 30 sec + low damage to attacker

90% accuracy reduction for one target and 75% damage reduction for 6 sec

Vanishing (can used as escape or as damage boost if skilled)

99% damage reduction for 6 sec

55% melee / ranged defense chance + 25% force/tech damage reduction




One of the best burst

Instants class

Good in nearly every situation, no weaknesses

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Root / slow break and massive movement boost for the whole grp on 30 sec

AOE mezz


Sniper (Burst DD):

30% damage reduction for 3 attacks every time get in cover

5 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 75% reduction for force and tech attacks

10k absorb shield

Accuracy aoe reduction 45% for 8 sec

25% dogde chance while in cover

AOE shield with 20% damage reduction - up to 40% if 4 enemies in shield - for 20 sec (+ 1%/sec healing if skilled) Roll, purging from movement-cc and 13k instant heal

Complete cc immunity for 23 sec



Immobile while doing damage, but can move fast if skilled

Cast & channel class, but not vulnerable to interrupts because of some class mechanics

High range and many cc tools

Very strong in direct 1vs1, weak against kiter

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Healing reduction for target for 20%

20% damage reduction for every team member within aoe shield


Operative (Burst DD and Heal):

10k absorb shield

Stealth class - can choose when to get in combat, target mezz from stealth

Battle vanish

3 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 150% reflect tech & force attacks (cd depends on incoming attacks)

2x roll with dodge all attacks for 1.5 sec every time




Instants class as dd, mixture for healer

In the hands of very good players very efficient dd and healer

But very difficult to master, needs month of practice and experience

Healer can have some problems with interruption through enenmies

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

AOE cloak

Some off healing at the cost of damage

Merc (Burst DD and Heal):

Immunity vs direct damage + reflect direct damage for 50% & healing for every direct incoming damage 6.5k, can activated while stunned

Fast healing (100%) up to 60% of max hp for 10 sec

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 12 sec + up to 53k healing after shield ends (cd + healing depends on incoming damage/attacks)

Burst dd : instant 14k heal every 3x grav round / tracer missile (cost 20% energy and some burst damage)

For burst dd only : 2x absorb force & tech attacks

Electro-net: prevents one enemy to activate movement and some defense abilities for 9 sec (can countered with cc breaker)



Slowest class, cannot hunt fast classes

Cast & channel class

Highest vulnerablity to any kind of interrupts

Worst pvp healer, output can be shut down if 2 or more melees attack

Strong in 1vs1, weak against mutiple enemies

No real escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Some offhealing at the cost of damage

Powertech (Burst DD):

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 15 sec (CD depends on incoming damage)

Slow healing (50%) up to 35% max hp for 8 sec, (able to activate while stunned if skilled

30% damage reduction while stunned and from area affects

38% defense chance for 6 sec

Damage from area attacks heals for 3,5k



No anti-focus ability

Instants class

Good tools for cc

One of the best burst in game

With escape tool against slow classes

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD guard

AOE stunn

Enemy target pull

DD taunt


Instant heal 22k (+ 15% damage reduction if skilled)

Immunity to cc and damage for up to 8 sec

Teleport up to 60m away

Damage reduction 25% for 6 sec

Mezz barrier




Cast & channel class

Vulnerable to any kind of interrupts (depends on spec)

Best pvp healer if guarded, often first target if not

Bad burst damage, even in burst spec

DD needs kiting playstyle to be effective

Weak against multiple enemies

Other useful abilities for pvp

Friendly target pull

Good off heal for team member



As an indicator how a class performs we can get the rankings from ranked pvp. Of course its just an indicator, sadly bioware doesn't share further more statistics. But lets start.

We can look at the Top 100 and the Top 200. I think Top 200 is better for an overview, in the top 100 are more the pro's and nerds. The group statistics are more relevant but the solo are interesting too, because it shows diffenrent situations leads to different class performings.

Current state @ 24.10.18


Group | Solo | Thoughts



38 | 30 | Strong in all situations



32 | 45 | Strong in all situations



20 | 14 | No judgment here from me



34 | 14 | Assume mostly healer, , with tank in group best healer



19 | 6 | Assume mostly tanks , in group ok, in solo anti-focus ability is missing



16 | 37 | Strong if not or just slightly attacked, weak in pressure situations,



29 | 38 | Strong in all situations



12 | 16 | A class for experts, performs very well in the hands of a master, but need months


So my conclusion is that the merc is far away from overpowered, the sniper is good as the maro.

Powertech had some problems, Operative is much to difficult to master. Maro and Jugger are doing better overall then merc.

Edited by DomBah
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First, what are you trying to prove?

Second, guardian reflect is not a direct damage immunity, it is only effective on force, ranged, and tech attacks. Melee away.

Third, guardians and operatives are melee classes, not ranged, which also helps with defensives as their range is greater than melee.

Fourth, guardians are tanks, dot melee, or burst melee. Operatives are heals, dot melee, or burst melee. Mercs are healers, dot ranged, or burst ranged. And snipers are dot ranged, burst ranged, or "quasi-sustained" ranged (in BWs words, of course by BW logic, concentration is also "quasi-sustained").

These were just the things i noticed that I know offhand.

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I read many times from some players here how overpowered the merc or the sniper is. Merc has to many deff cd's and so on. So i read a few day ago 5 vs 1 merc and i thought just really? Is this guy and the others troll the community, are they tried to convince the devs with these posts and threads to nerf a class or something.

However finally i take some hour and look for myself what is going on with the damn def-cd's. So here it comes (without shadow, not enough time):



40k instant healing

Immunity vs direct damage + 5 sec 100% direct damage reflect

55% melee /ranged defense chance (100% for the first 2 sec) + 25% force/tech damage reduction

Healing everytime when taking damage up to 122k, can activated while stunned



Second slowest class

Instants class

Very good tools to support grp

No real escape tool

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD Taunt

AOE mezz

AOE slow

DD Guard



20% damage reduction for up to 30 sec + low damage to attacker

90% accuracy reduction for one target and 75% damage reduction for 6 sec

Vanishing (can used as escape or as damage boost if skilled)

99% damage reduction for 6 sec

55% melee / ranged defense chance + 25% force/tech damage reduction




One of the best burst

Instants class

Good in nearly every situation, no weaknesses

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Root / slow break and massive movement boost for the whole grp on 30 sec

AOE mezz


Sniper (Burst DD):

30% damage reduction for 3 attacks every time get in cover

5 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 75% reduction for force and tech attacks

10k absorb shield

Accuracy aoe reduction 45% for 8 sec

25% dogde chance while in cover

AOE shield with 20% damage reduction - up to 40% if 4 enemies in shield - for 20 sec (+ 1%/sec healing if skilled) Roll, purging from movement-cc and 13k instant heal

Complete cc immunity for 23 sec



Immobile while doing damage, but can move fast if skilled

Cast & channel class, but not vulnerable to interrupts because of some class mechanics

High range and many cc tools

Very strong in direct 1vs1, weak against kiter

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Healing reduction for target for 20%

20% damage reduction for every team member within aoe shield


Operative (Burst DD and Heal):

10k absorb shield

Stealth class - can choose when to get in combat, target mezz from stealth

Battle vanish

3 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 150% reflect tech & force attacks (cd depends on incoming attacks)

2x roll with dodge all attacks for 1.5 sec every time




Instants class as dd, mixture for healer

In the hands of very good players very efficient dd and healer

But very difficult to master, needs month of practice and experience

Healer can have some problems with interruption through enenmies

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

AOE cloak

Some off healing at the cost of damage

Merc (Burst DD and Heal):

Immunity vs direct damage + reflect direct damage for 50% & healing for every direct incoming damage 6.5k, can activated while stunned

Fast healing (100%) up to 60% of max hp for 10 sec

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 12 sec + up to 53k healing after shield ends (cd + healing depends on incoming damage/attacks)

Burst dd : instant 14k heal every 3x grav round / tracer missile (cost 20% energy and some burst damage)

For burst dd only : 2x absorb force & tech attacks

Electro-net: prevents one enemy to activate movement and some defense abilities for 9 sec (can countered with cc breaker)



Slowest class, cannot hunt fast classes

Cast & channel class

Highest vulnerablity to any kind of interrupts

Worst pvp healer, output can be shut down if 2 or more melees attack

Strong in 1vs1, weak against mutiple enemies

No real escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Some offhealing at the cost of damage

Powertech (Burst DD):

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 15 sec (CD depends on incoming damage)

Slow healing (50%) up to 35% max hp for 8 sec, (able to activate while stunned if skilled

30% damage reduction while stunned and from area affects

38% defense chance for 6 sec

Damage from area attacks heals for 3,5k



No anti-focus ability

Instants class

Good tools for cc

One of the best burst in game

With escape tool against slow classes

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD guard

AOE stunn

Enemy target pull

DD taunt


Instant heal 22k (+ 15% damage reduction if skilled)

Immunity to cc and damage for up to 8 sec

Teleport up to 60m away

Damage reduction 25% for 6 sec

Mezz barrier




Cast & channel class

Vulnerable to any kind of interrupts (depends on spec)

Best pvp healer if guarded, often first target if not

Bad burst damage, even in burst spec

DD needs kiting playstyle to be effective

Weak against multiple enemies

Other useful abilities for pvp

Friendly target pull

Good off heal for team member



As an indicator how a class performs we can get the rankings from ranked pvp. Of course its just an indicator, sadly bioware doesn't share further more statistics. But lets start.

We can look at the Top 100 and the Top 200. I think Top 200 is better for an overview, in the top 100 are more the pro's and nerds. The group statistics are more relevant but the solo are interesting too, because it shows diffenrent situations leads to different class performings.

Current state @ 24.10.18


Group | Solo | Thoughts



38 | 30 | Strong in all situations



32 | 45 | Strong in all situations



20 | 14 | No judgment here from me



34 | 14 | Assume mostly healer, , with tank in group best healer



19 | 6 | Assume mostly tanks , in group ok, in solo anti-focus ability is missing



16 | 37 | Strong if not or just slightly attacked, weak in pressure situations,



29 | 38 | Strong in all situations



12 | 16 | A class for experts, performs very well in the hands of a master, but need months


So my conclusion is that the merc is far away from overpowered, the sniper is good as the maro.

Powertech had some problems, Operative is much to difficult to master. Maro and Jugger are doing better overall then merc.


Your conclusion is, based on an hour.


People base their opinions on what they see and numbers. Not what some merc lover not wanting to lose his advantage says about comparisons that have no basis in emperical value.


Even if you actually believe that crap, sometimes, people are wrong.

IMO this is one of those times.


Believe it or not, heals actually have some effect of survivability. Mercs and Snipers both have DCDs and heals. Not everyone has both, and even among those that do, there are massive differences in amounts.I have screen shots that show DPS mercs healing a million + [not the norm for sure]. Show me one WZ screenie that you find a Marauder, or an Assassin even hitting 500k. Even 400k. Heals matter, and they matter a lot. So, what you have done here is try to make a case on survivability, based on half the equation.


Do Juggs have an 'extra life'? Yeah they do, but, they don't have all the amenities that Merc extra lives come with so they are not equatable. They're heals, yeah, but just that, mercs get more than just that with theirs.


Survivability is factored by DCD and heals. They are not the same thing. DCDs mitigate damage, heals return health lost by damage. Not the same thing. - Do yourself a favor, if you really wanna try and preserve their DCDs as they have now, stop pointing them out for any reason.


Mercs/Snipers survivability alone = Broke AF in my opinion.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I just came here to read the troll post... The end sentences are the most funny part.


Yes, dude... mercs are trash and not OP in every shape or form. They need to be buffed.


That's why every warzone has dozens of mercs.


I especially like the made up or pointless numbers he gives for solo or group "ranking" and his conclusion that mercs are weak under pressure.


A mercs weakness is its interruptability, it can almost be shut down by proper interrupts.


Oh and apparently sents are better without a group than they ate with one.

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I especially like the made up or pointless numbers he gives for solo or group "ranking" and his conclusion that mercs are weak under pressure.


A mercs weakness is its interruptability, it can almost be shut down by proper interrupts.


Oh and apparently sents are better without a group than they ate with one.


I am pretty sure he was referring to himself when he said that...

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2x roll with dodge all attacks for 1.5 sec every time


Concentration specs only - there are 2 other op specs that get zero immunities on roll. Also- roll is disabled by net.


So my conclusion is that the merc is far away from overpowered, the sniper is good as the maro.

Powertech had some problems, Operative is much to difficult to master. Maro and Jugger are doing better overall then merc.


Your conclusion is flawed - aside from the fact that all specs are not equal, anyone who plays unranked can see that merc/mando's in warzones have too many advantages over other classes.


One merc/mando can be dealt with, but you seldom see less than 3 on a team in warzones. Keep in mind that electro-net prevents many specs from using their main kiting/dcd abilities.


Try playing a warzone where you are constantly netted, and then keep a straight face while claiming merc/mando's are weak.


You want all those dcds on merc/mandos? Fine, but lose that electro-net.

Edited by LD_Little_Dragon
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Some correction are in order here:

"Powertech (Burst DD):

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 15 sec (CD depends on incoming damage)"- merc has better shield, but powertech's class is called shield tech, but who i am to judge

"Slow healing (50%) up to 35% max hp for 8 sec, (able to activate while stunned if skilled" - as you showed merc has better

"30% damage reduction while stunned and from area affects" - shield tech when stunned, AP, pyro from area

"38% defense chance for 6 sec" - correct

"Damage from area attacks heals for 3,5k" - if this is about "close and personal", you vent 2 heat and you heal 2.5% of your total health once every 3 secs



"Fast" - only with utilities - you need 3 for hydraulic, powertech has the worst utilities in the game!

"No anti-focus ability" - correct

"Instants class" - maybe

"Good tools for cc" - again with utilities

"One of the best burst in game" -correct, but you only have 10 m and only thermal d. and incendiary m. at 30 m, good luck with that burst if you are dead.

"With escape tool against slow classes" - What slow classes? Even snipers cover half of the map easy


Other useful abilities for pvp

DD guard -y

AOE stunn -y

Enemy target pull-y

DD taunt"y

Have you ever played powertech vs merc? Its a lot of running and death at the end for the powertech. Even veteran powertechs are playing mercs now. But like you said, you can play it as tank and with premades. Working as intended.

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The thing that struck me most was that there are so many DCDs for each class.


With healing being pretty strong ATM, and a lot of DCDs across the board, Its no wonder that in a close match the kill numbers are so small. I was in a Hypergate last night and only 1 or 2 people got into the teens for number of kills on the scoreboard. The rest were single figures. I remember when 20-30-40 'kills' was the usual - at least for tanks and DPS classes. - And I don't suppose the metric has changed. - It seems to be bundles in with assists too if I'm reading it right.


I don't have the type of brain to compare each DCD set with each other in fine detail , but it would be interesting to compare the same for offensive buffs ( and debuffs) as well and see how they compared.

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Anyone who says Snipers are way too survivable still should try playing a sniper and get yourself into situations where you will be tunneled. Yes, they are still a bit overtuned, but they have the 2nd highest skill cap of any class (besides Operative).


Fair point on the skill cap.


Honestly, if it were just the survivability thing I wouldn't feel they were broken. They simply have way to much control over melee in my opinion coupled with some of the best anti-cc around and a ton of it on their own to throw around. How they fair ranged to ranged may be a whole different ball game, I cannot comment on that.


But, for something that's supposed to be an immobile turret, they sure move around a lot, and get a lot of movement buffs. It's their movement that makes them such a problem for melee. [roll and roots are the order of the day, along with their slows] They can attack melee and melee can't attack them back. There is notable uptime differences, and I would be rather surprised if you yourself didn't acknowledge that, your one of the top 5 best players I have ever seen in 6 and half years. You can do things most other players simply don't have the skill to pull off [no insult to them, nor suggesting they are 'bad']. You make Lightning Sorc the most deadly thing on the battlefield, when your in the same WZ, I know for 100% certainty, the very best I could hope for, is second best [if even that].


I do feel that as a pure DPS class [snipers] their abilities to heal should be the same as the only other pure DPS class that's a melee. They didn't have them before like they do now. Heals matter in PVP and effect survivability. I've seen snipers heal up to as high as 700k in a WZ [i have screenies], although, admittedly, that's a rarity to see them get that high and in no way, shape or form is that remotely the norm.


But I agree, at least they have a skill set requirement for optimal play and that matters.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Anyone who says Snipers are way too survivable still should try playing a sniper and get yourself into situations where you will be tunneled. Yes, they are still a bit overtuned, but they have the 2nd highest skill cap of any class (besides Operative).


Honestly I picked up sniper in two days. Obviously didn't master it but I find it fine under pressure against decent maras or juggs. Didnt try it against merc since it bored me.

Edited by RACATW
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I read many times from some players here how overpowered the merc or the sniper is. Merc has to many deff cd's and so on. So i read a few day ago 5 vs 1 merc and i thought just really? Is this guy and the others troll the community, are they tried to convince the devs with these posts and threads to nerf a class or something.

However finally i take some hour and look for myself what is going on with the damn def-cd's. So here it comes (without shadow, not enough time):


If you took one hour to review "everything", then you should try another game. Seriously.




40k instant healing

Immunity vs direct damage + 5 sec 100% direct damage reflect

55% melee /ranged defense chance (100% for the first 2 sec) + 25% force/tech damage reduction

Healing everytime when taking damage up to 122k, can activated while stunned



Second slowest class

Instants class

Very good tools to support grp

No real escape tool

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD Taunt

AOE mezz

AOE slow

DD Guard


It is actually one of the fastest in terms of running speed(without any abilities being used);

Arguably the strongest tank due to insane damage absoprtion and high dps output;

DPS is only crap in terms of survivability because ED, despite being "good" heals, they have no internal cooldown, so either just make a refill of health as fast as possible or just cc and wait it out. Sometimes it is better to just burst it out; Saves the trouble of having to wait it out for so long;

Guard as a DD only works in Regs and specific Ranked conditions(keep it limited to Solo Ranked. TR?

It is a death sentence, against better builds, and same argument goes for the other 2 classes that can guard).



20% damage reduction for up to 30 sec + low damage to attacker

90% accuracy reduction for one target and 75% damage reduction for 6 sec

Vanishing (can used as escape or as damage boost if skilled)

99% damage reduction for 6 sec

55% melee / ranged defense chance + 25% force/tech damage reduction




One of the best burst

Instants class

Good in nearly every situation, no weaknesses

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Root / slow break and massive movement boost for the whole grp on 30 sec

AOE mezz


I can see you played pretty much only Fury. The other two specs, although still good, have lost reliable utility and can be used pretty much by the top players. In case this is verified, Fury becomes, pretty much, useless.

You forgot that it takes time to learn properly how to apply the good damage and when to use defensives. It isn't the hardest class but has its skillgap, accounting from the line above.


Sniper (Burst DD):

30% damage reduction for 3 attacks every time get in cover

5 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 75% reduction for force and tech attacks

10k absorb shield

Accuracy aoe reduction 45% for 8 sec

25% dogde chance while in cover

AOE shield with 20% damage reduction - up to 40% if 4 enemies in shield - for 20 sec (+ 1%/sec healing if skilled) Roll, purging from movement-cc and 13k instant heal

Complete cc immunity for 23 sec



Immobile while doing damage, but can move fast if skilled

Cast & channel class, but not vulnerable to interrupts because of some class mechanics

High range and many cc tools

Very strong in direct 1vs1, weak against kiter

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Healing reduction for target for 20%

20% damage reduction for every team member within aoe shield


2nd hardest class to use in the whole game regarding Ranked. Lots of tools and stuff but really, try a whole month in Solo Ranked as a sniper. Would like to see you apply the "godly stuff".

Major weakness: Heavy focus on the player AND line of sight. You just don't do 1v1 with a sniper. Take away the imaginary scenario out of your head.


Operative (Burst DD and Heal):

10k absorb shield

Stealth class - can choose when to get in combat, target mezz from stealth

Battle vanish

3 sec 200% dodge to melee & ranged attacks + 150% reflect tech & force attacks (cd depends on incoming attacks)

2x roll with dodge all attacks for 1.5 sec every time




Instants class as dd, mixture for healer

In the hands of very good players very efficient dd and healer

But very difficult to master, needs month of practice and experience

Healer can have some problems with interruption through enenmies

With escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

AOE cloak

Some off healing at the cost of damage


It is actually the best healer class, out of the 3 classes, but to pull out that potential, you need insane skill.

DPS burst is really bad in Ranked. You see backstab dot/volatile substance? Swap guard and damage is negated. Predictable damage can be mitigated easily. And if they are busy rolling, they aren't DPS'ing. That simple.


Merc (Burst DD and Heal):

Immunity vs direct damage + reflect direct damage for 50% & healing for every direct incoming damage 6.5k, can activated while stunned

Fast healing (100%) up to 60% of max hp for 10 sec

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 12 sec + up to 53k healing after shield ends (cd + healing depends on incoming damage/attacks)

Burst dd : instant 14k heal every 3x grav round / tracer missile (cost 20% energy and some burst damage)

For burst dd only : 2x absorb force & tech attacks

Electro-net: prevents one enemy to activate movement and some defense abilities for 9 sec (can countered with cc breaker)



Slowest class, cannot hunt fast classes

Cast & channel class

Highest vulnerablity to any kind of interrupts

Worst pvp healer, output can be shut down if 2 or more melees attack

Strong in 1vs1, weak against mutiple enemies

No real escape tool


Other useful abilities for pvp

Some offhealing at the cost of damage


It is weak against multiple targets against a proper and coordinated team(and usually happens during Ranked). Regs will tell you a different story. Everytime reflect is popped up, I always see them being hit and heal up, and shield basically on 10 stacks pretty fast. They have defensives that you bypass by stopping dpsing for ridiculous amount of time. Kolto overload? +10s, Reflect +6s; if you don't want to give shield stacks +12s. And they can heal themselves up.

Also, they have spammable slowdowns. So much for the "cannot catch up others".


Powertech (Burst DD):

Shield with 25% damage reduction for 15 sec (CD depends on incoming damage)

Slow healing (50%) up to 35% max hp for 8 sec, (able to activate while stunned if skilled

30% damage reduction while stunned and from area affects

38% defense chance for 6 sec

Damage from area attacks heals for 3,5k



No anti-focus ability

Instants class

Good tools for cc

One of the best burst in game

With escape tool against slow classes

Other useful abilities for pvp

DD guard

AOE stunn

Enemy target pull

DD taunt


Strongest DPS but weakest in defensives, by a fairly large margin.

Takes immense skill to use. 3rd hardest class to use its full potential.



Instant heal 22k (+ 15% damage reduction if skilled)

Immunity to cc and damage for up to 8 sec

Teleport up to 60m away

Damage reduction 25% for 6 sec

Mezz barrier




Cast & channel class

Vulnerable to any kind of interrupts (depends on spec)

Best pvp healer if guarded, often first target if not

Bad burst damage, even in burst spec

DD needs kiting playstyle to be effective

Weak against multiple enemies

Other useful abilities for pvp

Friendly target pull

Good off heal for team member


"Strongest healer" because its the easiest to use, as well.

All the defensives this class has seem to have been molded around the heal spec, which is the reason as to why DPS specs do really bad.

There's only around 5/6 players, in all servers, that know how to use DPS specs at the very highest level in this game.

Hardest DPS class to use in the game, as well.


As an indicator how a class performs we can get the rankings from ranked pvp. Of course its just an indicator, sadly bioware doesn't share further more statistics. But lets start.

We can look at the Top 100 and the Top 200. I think Top 200 is better for an overview, in the top 100 are more the pro's and nerds. The group statistics are more relevant but the solo are interesting too, because it shows diffenrent situations leads to different class performings.

Current state @ 24.10.18


Group | Solo | Thoughts



38 | 30 | Strong in all situations



32 | 45 | Strong in all situations



20 | 14 | No judgment here from me



34 | 14 | Assume mostly healer, , with tank in group best healer



19 | 6 | Assume mostly tanks , in group ok, in solo anti-focus ability is missing



16 | 37 | Strong if not or just slightly attacked, weak in pressure situations,



29 | 38 | Strong in all situations



12 | 16 | A class for experts, performs very well in the hands of a master, but need months


So my conclusion is that the merc is far away from overpowered, the sniper is good as the maro.

Powertech had some problems, Operative is much to difficult to master. Maro and Jugger are doing better overall then merc.


Conclusion is garbage and you should be somewhat embarrassed of posting it. 1 hour of seeing everything is no where near enough.

Edited by memerobot
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