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Damage for "Veteran" mode 5 times higher than that for "Story" mode...


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...for the Fallen empire story. The skytroopers in Chapter 3 hit so hard that Lana Beniko couldn't keep up with the heals the first time we encountered 5 of them, so it was a wipe - we both took regular 16k hits from 28k health mobs!!! Then I had to do 4 attempts on the Elite walker until I managed somehow, by using all I had, including Heroic moment, Unity, etc, to get past it. In the room where the droids keep popping out of the cans, after several wipes and bugs in which either a droid or my character, after being pulled, end up in the middle of a "can" congregation and the droid becomes invulnerable while my character gets stuck, I finally gave up and switch to "Story" mode. BIG DIFFERENCE! I breezed through chapter 3 and during the fight with the elite walker I turned the follower to "Passive" and killed the walker and its adds with having 2/3 of my life left.


There has got to be a smaller difference between "Story" and "Veteran" mode. The current one is way to big!

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Among other things, 'veterans' are expected to kite, to interrupt, taunt, LoS, to micromanage their companions, to make sure they use their Defensive CDs and to learn and adapt to mechanics.


But yeah, It is quite a step-change from Story mode. - But it isn't impossible. - For some chapters, different combinations work better - Tank and Heals, heals+tank or DPS+DPS.


The early chapters aren't that difficult once you learn the tricks. It's all part of the learning process.

- Unfortunately BioWare thinks more HP or more damage is the only way to make content harder. I guess figuring new mechanics or changing some of the attacks is a bit too much to ask.


GL - Keep at it OP, It is do-able. - posting your class and spec ( and possibly gear rating ?) might help anyone giving more specific advice.

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You should try Master Mode :p;):D


On a more serious note, which class were you playing? If you’re interested in tips, many people here would be happy to help.


There are a number of tactical approaches (depending on your class), which can turn the encounters in Veteran Mode from annoyingly difficult to doable.

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Among other things, 'veterans' are expected to kite, to interrupt, taunt, LoS, to micromanage their companions, to make sure they use their Defensive CDs and to learn and adapt to mechanics.


This ^^


The Veteran and Master mode has been added since the people have been whining about how easy the Story mode is. I have even seen that video of the Sage going through all of KOTFE with just using saber strike! Anyway, Veteran mode is also about using one of the most forgotten abilities in swtor and that is the fact that for example sticky grenade stuns weak/standard mobs, so does Death from Above etc, you need to use the fact that your class has abilities that stun these standard enemies (skytroopers). As for boss fights, you need to think about how to approach it. Just keep in mind that there is a Master mode too ;)

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The "difficulty" setting for the story chapters is the same as for most games: Enemies become bullet-spongy and damage boosted. I don't remember seeing any new mechanics in the Vet/MM chapters (I've done them all), just ramped up damage so you need to do kiting, LOSing and interrupting and have your DCDs managements in order. Also, your companions die easily if you don't babysit their aggro (though I did the MMs on fresh characters each time so none of my comps were lvled).


Self-healing classes that are kite-friendly are the most effective like mercs and operatives, you need to be quite good to do MMs them without healing, but I managed that on Shadow and Sent as well, it was just a lot more painful. Tanks are fine too, just a bit slow. No idea how healers fare in the chapters, I haven't tried.


I did enjoy the fights quite a bit more on MM than the other modes though, really made you wanna think up strategies for once for solo play.

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You should try Master Mode :p;):D


On a more serious note, which class were you playing? If you’re interested in tips, many people here would be happy to help.


There are a number of tactical approaches (depending on your class), which can turn the encounters in Veteran Mode from annoyingly difficult to doable.


Also, some classes are also easier than others to fight certain types of bosses.


I think it also comes down to which comps you use and what mix you use if you are playing with a partner. Ie, set one as tank and one as healer.


One thing I’ve found is some comps are better at certain roles, especially those older comps that were originally designed to perform certain roles.

Ie Khem is an awesome tank because he was designed for that. He’s ok at dps too, but he sucks at healing when it really counts Or Kira is great at dps, is an ok tank, but is a useless healer when it counts.

Comp Healers that jump into the fight and are in melee range of the boss are the worst choice. It’s better to use a ranged comp to do the healing, the same as I feel it’s better to use a melee comp to tank.

Darth Hexid is also a terrible choice for healer and I wouldn’t pick Lana either. But Theron is good and Shae is good


It also helps if you know how to move your comps around by turning the passive ability on and off.

Ie, if you have a fight where you have to move around so you don’t get hit and you don’t move your comps, they will often take heaps of damage because they just stand there, especially healers. An example boss would be the first white star boss (droid) in Korriban incursion who drops AOE circle damage everywhere. If you don’t move your comps, they take too much damage and die.

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One thing I’ve found is some comps are better at certain roles, especially those older comps that were originally designed to perform certain roles.

Ie Khem is an awesome tank because he was designed for that. He’s ok at dps too, but he sucks at healing when it really counts Or Kira is great at dps, is an ok tank, but is a useless healer when it counts.

Comp Healers that jump into the fight and are in melee range of the boss are the worst choice. It’s better to use a ranged comp to do the healing, the same as I feel it’s better to use a melee comp to tank.

Darth Hexid is also a terrible choice for healer and I wouldn’t pick Lana either. But Theron is good and Shae is good


The problem is that you can't choose your companions, and often it's melee Beniko who absolutely sucks as a healer. I managed to get through some MM chapters with her forced on me only on a tank character.

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The problem is that you can't choose your companions, and often it's melee Beniko who absolutely sucks as a healer. I managed to get through some MM chapters with her forced on me only on a tank character.


Yes, that was the biggest issue with Master modes, the forced companions. Like at one point I had to take Empress Ascina to fleet to buy some gifts to make her at least rank 30 so i pass the bosses on MM.

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Yes, that was the biggest issue with Master modes, the forced companions. Like at one point I had to take Empress Ascina to fleet to buy some gifts to make her at least rank 30 so i pass the bosses on MM.


Oh yeah, melee Acina for the final combat with AOEs. Who thought it was a good idea? :eek:

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I personally don't see the point in playing in anything higher than story when it comes to chapters, the increased rewards do NOT equal the increased challenge.


I was able to complete Chapter 1 of KOTFE on Veteran and the reward was well......**** and is not worth the challenge of completing higher difficulty levels, unless bioware increase the rewards by maybe 500000000000%...ok, maybe abit overboard, but the rewards should be the following:


Story Mode = 2000cxp


Veteran Mode = 8000cxp


Master Mode = 32000cxp


If it was like that, then it would be worth doing....or atleast worth trying, but so far, the higher difficulty levels tend to be more about the challenge than the rewards and in that situation, it is NOT worth doing at all.


I mean alot of the content that you can't even do more than once gives pitiful amounts of cxp, while repeatable content, which can be mind-numbingly boring to do on a daily basis gives FAR more cxp and in my opinion, the rewards should swapped.


One-time quests should reward ALOT more cxp than a pitiful 75cxp, its just a slap in the face by bioware.


I guess they lack the intelligence to know what fun actually means.

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I guess they lack the intelligence to know what fun actually means.

Were Veteran Chapters to reward the exact same CXP as story, I'd still run Veteran. Because I find the Story mode boring and I like actually participating in combat.


It's almost as if "fun" were completely subjective to each player, and not an absolute fact!


:eek: :eek: :eek:

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I wish the difference between vet and story were a bit smaller too. Have tried it a couple times but the fights were so unenjoyable I gave up. What annoys me is that BW obviously does [or did] know better; I remember doing the final class mission for BH against the two Chancellor Droids and they were difficult because of the mechanics involved, not because they were damage sponges or hit all that hard. Other people have said similar about the final bosses from other classes, like the Emperor. Then they all got nerfed and level sync nerfed them even more.


Yes, that was the biggest issue with Master modes, the forced companions. Like at one point I had to take Empress Ascina to fleet to buy some gifts to make her at least rank 30 so i pass the bosses on MM.


I thought she was preset to level 50 on MM.


I personally don't see the point in playing in anything higher than story when it comes to chapters, the increased rewards do NOT equal the increased challenge.


The rewards are irrelevant. The cheevo for doing them is what appeals to me.

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I personally don't see the point in playing in anything higher than story when it comes to chapters, the increased rewards do NOT equal the increased challenge.


I was able to complete Chapter 1 of KOTFE on Veteran and the reward was well......**** and is not worth the challenge of completing higher difficulty levels, unless bioware increase the rewards by maybe 500000000000%...ok, maybe abit overboard, but the rewards should be the following:


Story Mode = 2000cxp


Veteran Mode = 8000cxp


Master Mode = 32000cxp


If it was like that, then it would be worth doing....or atleast worth trying, but so far, the higher difficulty levels tend to be more about the challenge than the rewards and in that situation, it is NOT worth doing at all.


I mean alot of the content that you can't even do more than once gives pitiful amounts of cxp, while repeatable content, which can be mind-numbingly boring to do on a daily basis gives FAR more cxp and in my opinion, the rewards should swapped.


One-time quests should reward ALOT more cxp than a pitiful 75cxp, its just a slap in the face by bioware.


I guess they lack the intelligence to know what fun actually means.


Somewhere back in 5.X something you got those kind of rewards but they changed the rewards after people did chapter 1 a gillions times on master and got to Command rank 300 in a week

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Somewhere back in 5.X something you got those kind of rewards but they changed the rewards after people did chapter 1 a gillions times on master and got to Command rank 300 in a week


Which is what you'd expect from players who want to get to top level and top gear rank. - They do whatever the best reward is for the least amount of effort. - Which is why a lot of players still are using CXP boosts and cashing in their FP cxp rewards when their faction is winning etc.


BW introduced the grind. No point in making it even more grindy unless you really love repetition for so little reward.

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The problem is that you can't choose your companions, and often it's melee Beniko who absolutely sucks as a healer. I managed to get through some MM chapters with her forced on me only on a tank character.


Yeah, that is an isuue. My wife was complaining the other night about Senya when you first get her and she’s lvl one in that first fight and she couldn’t keep my wife alive.

In the end she quit and went to get some gifts to give to Senya

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Then make the higher difficulties harder, ALOT harder.


Yeah I guess you missed that part when people have been speed running Chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 1 was incredibly fast for stealthy and Chapter 2 was fast for any class when you knew the route. People farmed it like crazy and got to ranks 300 very fast.


There was even the trick with XP from chapter 9 which is only talking to people in Odessen. So yeah, people are creative when it comes to tricking the system.

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I've finished all 3 versions. IMO Vet mode feels like old Swtor class leveling.

If the KotFE/KotET Veteran / Master Modes were made available for the vanilla class stories, I'd absolutely level some new characters that way.


I'm probably in the minority, however, so I can't imagine this actually being implemented.

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If the KotFE/KotET Veteran / Master Modes were made available for the vanilla class stories, I'd absolutely level some new characters that way.


I'm probably in the minority, however, so I can't imagine this actually being implemented.


So would I. It’s really annoying how easy it is now.


I actually wish you could set the end game story chapters to veteran the first time through. They are tedious enough and not challenging on story mode. At least at veteran there would be a challenge.

And I’m certainly not going to run through it a second time with the same Alt. It’s bad enough doing it once per Alt.

Just allow us to choose the difficulty level from the start.


I would set the whole game at veteran and be done with it,

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It’s bad enough doing it once per Alt.

Just allow us to choose the difficulty level from the start.

If you're taking an into KotFE/KotET you can set it at Veteran or Master for the initial run through.


Right click on portrait -> Mission Difficulty Preference -> Veteran


When Chapter 1 begins, it will be in the selected difficulty.

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If you're taking an into KotFE/KotET you can set it at Veteran or Master for the initial run through.


Right click on portrait -> Mission Difficulty Preference -> Veteran


When Chapter 1 begins, it will be in the selected difficulty.


Really? Is that a new change since either was released. Im pretty sure I remember back when they introduced veteran and master, you had to do the story run through first before the veteran mode.

If it has changed, it’s too late now. I won’t be doing the stories ever again. Especially after 5.10 is released.

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Most of the game used to be a whole lot more difficult and it was a lot slower to level up to the original 50 level cap.


- Not horribly difficult -but certainly more challenging than it is today. There was no way that you could go to a planet several levels above your own and hope to survive long. The companions weren't completely OP and some fights needed a certain level of understanding of mechanics, kiting, CDs, interrupts and such to complete them.


I remember speed-running my second Jedi knight through the story to level 50 and it taking around 50 hours play-time. - and that was many times faster than the first time around. First characters at launch could take best part of a year to level up at a couple of hours a day adventuring, exploring and such.

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