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How many did not Hate KOTFE or KOTET...


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I loved the KOTFE and KOTET and was looking forward to fighting more of the old enemies of Zakkul . Now we got to go back to jedi vs sith.


The new expansion is about going to a ancient planet with old jedi ruins, hmm just like Tython , how JJ Abrams of Bioware, to replay tython over again in a new shell.Total bull crap. I unsubbed im not paying for what I already did in this game years ago.


But the absolute worst part is how Bioware has them just want to give up and crawl back to the Empire or Republic? Are you kidding me??


And how do you put the Outlander back into a conflict that is over theology which you learn in the eternal throne is all wrong? The jedi are wrong, the Sith are wrong, Valkorian , Marr and Satele showed him/ her that the power of the force is not light or dark so how do you go back with the story to fighiing over whether light or dark is better? That is why i totally disagree with him or her returning to the previous factions, your character is beyond them now. That will ruin what is already established for your character. Its making us go back 12 steps from our Ruling the galaxy. And I am not fine with that.


Also why the heck would my followers leave? Just because my fleet got magically blown up by a ship that barely worked? No those people left their previous faction because they believed in you there is no way they would return to the factions they left for joining the outlander.


Plus why cant you use Iokath to make a whole new fleet just like the Star Forge you would have a new fleet in very little time? That is a huge plot hole and shows not very good writing or thought out very well. The whole thing isn't thought out well and Bioware might have killed the experience for more than a few of us this time.


And they blew up my odessen throne which really ticked me off.

Edited by Fallensouls
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I pretty much loved both expansions, I found that as far as the chapters went I was pretty immersed in the story and while initially I wasn't keen on being Alliance Commander the role grew on me over time. KOTET especially is my favorite expansion to date, as far as story is concerned that. I really enjoyed the impact some choices could have on my playthrough in it, hadn't felt like that since vanilla. Really all I would've changed about those 2 expansions is go overboard with it... there was potential to be so much more there. I would've loved for us to have lots of side-quests exploring Zakuul and their culture, as well as the state of the galaxy in general. More companion interaction would've been wonderful, especially with the KOTFE/KOTET ones.


Ever since our disagreement over this awhile back, I have tried to play the expansions with more of an open mind. I think they get better after awhile, especially if you do them sequentially rather than doing one here and there. I think the story flows better that way; when they were initially releasing them after KotFe 9, doing them one at a time, I think people were irritated by the glacial pace.


Each chapter is not much in itself, but taken together...eh, as someone pointed out, the Valkorian arc does much to redeem Vitiate's one-note character. I also can appreciate that BW moved on from Revan and his dysfunctional dynasty to Valkorian and his dysfunctional family.


I also think there's some variety in replaying them. I did one with a Space NATO ending, pure LS choices, another that was Empress Evil, all DS choices, but now i'm having fun mixing it up. So, Eternal Alliance Commander on my trooper, fine. But I also killed every threat that came my way, including Arcann and Scorpio. I'm planning on taking my JC through it mostly LS, sparing Arcann but deciding for the good of the galaxy to take the throne. There's some fun to be had if you manage your expectations of what BW can do.

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I loved the KOTFE and KOTET and was looking forward to fighting more of the old enemies of Zakkul . Now we got to go back to jedi vs sith.


The new expansion is about going to a ancient planet with old jedi ruins, hmm just like Tython , how JJ Abrams of Bioware, to replay tython over again in a new shell.Total bull crap. I unsubbed im not paying for what I already did in this game years ago.


But the absolute worst part is how Bioware has them just want to give up and crawl back to the Empire or Republic? Are you kidding me??

And how do you put the Outlander back into a conflict that is over theology which you learn in the eternal throne is all wrong? The jedi are wrong, the Sith are wrong, Valkorian , Marr and Satele showed him/ her that the power of the force is not light or dark so how do you go back with the story to fighiing over whether light or dark is better? That is why i totally disagree with him or her returning to the previous factions, your character is beyond them now. That will ruin what is already established for your character. Its making us go back 12 steps from our Ruling the galaxy. And I am not fine with that.



Ohh I don't know, maybe you go back because you remembered suddenly you are a Jedi, and maybe because you made some vows to defender and serve the Republic, maybe honor the fact that Jedi is irrevocably synonymous with the Republic?


Heres the things, Its yours character you can have feel anything you want about the Republic, the Jedi, power the force, but lets call a spade a spade here,which if done makes everything you just said totally valid.


*You were a Jedi, you are not anymore, you broke yours vow to the Jedi Order, you broke you sworn oath to the Republic to protect and serve it, and not for nothing, those things made you nothing more, in their eyes, but a Traitor. So at least own up to that part and stop trying to make excuses about how its okay to do whatever you want and there be no reasonable reprocutions in the story.


You are a traitor to the Republic, you're guilty of treason. Your going to let the Jedi Order fight a war against it's greatest and intracable foe whom you know wants the total and utter destruction of the Republic and to wipe out the Jedi Order to a man [by the way, I'm one of them] and you're not going to help them in a War of Annihilation? Yeah that's some great role-playing of a Jedi. Yeah but screw em right? You never liked wear those dresses they make all the Jedi wear anyways and this is payback time baby! heh :mad: Tell you what though, I'll say hi to them for you when I'm saccing the Senate house on the pub capital where they are. No worries, I'll give them quick deaths, the olds ones, the children, the scholars, the padawans, the council and everyone you ever knew and will never see again because you were too busy playing Emperor of the 25 Zakuulians who hate your guts as much as all Zakuulians do, but, are pretending to be cool with you so they can wack you when your gaurd is down for killing their last 5 Emperors and tearing the Eternal Empire that now lies in ruins because of what you did.


The force isnt one thing, its a light side and a darkside. That's not open to interperation, the press release from the LucasArts Storytellers group covered this when they stated there is no such thing a grey jedi, and there force is not one thing, its a darkside and a lightside. That's as straight as straight gets.


Unless you're character had a lie detector test going when Satelle and the Traitor Marr spouted that horsecrap, they were just words. Anyone can say anything they want, that doesn't make it true. Satele and Marr were wrong. If the force is really just this one thing with no sides, how come the most powerful force users that ever existed were totally and utterly incompetant with regard to what the force really is. How come, Marr was allowed to break the ancient forbidance of Dark side ghosts? That's a light side thing. I use to love Marr, but I lost all respect for him because what he was saying. I doubt it was even really him tho as there are no Darkside Force Ghosts and I would think you would still need to be alive to fall to the Lightside and be a pansy *** with Satelle :eek:


Just in case your interested in that press release i mentioned, about no Grey Jedi and the force just being dark and light, I dont expect anyone to take my word for it. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/98917/are-grey-jedi-canon-official-lucasfilm-response


You get darkside points and lightsides points from where exactly? It can't be the force because it doesn't have sides, right? And why would you get anything ever in that regard from something that doesn't exist? You get force oints from.....wait for it......wait for it....:p ohh yeah, that's right the force. I guess it gets bored sometimes and even tho there is no lightside or darkside it just does that sometimes to color coordinate players based on their gear colors. - There is a Darkside and a Lightside in this game for sure.


I'm sorry you don't approve Tradtional Star Wars. But you probably should have figured you might see some Jedi and Sith not liking each other every now and than.


I sincerely hope that you and other players who have become fond of the Alliance crap, I mean story ;), will be affording the opportunity to continue to have it play some part at least in your storylines, even if it is just to tie up the loose ends and give you some meaningful closure to it so it's not just snap your fingers and it's gone. That wouldn't be fair to you guys. And if they can keep the Alliance involved somehow despite the storyline change, I'm all for it and back you guys 100% and I really mean that. I want you guys to have fun. I want everyone to be as happy as they can be in the game we all love and would like to see continue and prosper in the future. :)


All pubs must die :cool:

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Ohh I don't know, maybe you go back because you remembered suddenly you are a Jedi, and maybe because you made some vows to defender and serve the Republic, maybe honor the fact that Jedi is irrevocably synonymous with the Republic?


Heres the things, Its yours character you can have feel anything you want about the Republic, the Jedi, power the force, but lets call a spade a spade here,which if done makes everything you just said totally valid.


*You were a Jedi, you are not anymore, you broke yours vow to the Jedi Order, you broke you sworn oath to the Republic to protect and serve it, and not for nothing, those things made you nothing more, in their eyes, but a Traitor. So at least own up to that part and stop trying to make excuses about how its okay to do whatever you want and there be no reasonable reprocutions in the story.


You are a traitor to the Republic, you're guilty of treason. Your going to let the Jedi Order fight a war against it's greatest and intracable foe whom you know wants the total and utter destruction of the Republic and to wipe out the Jedi Order to a man [by the way, I'm one of them] and you're not going to help them in a War of Annihilation? Yeah that's some great role-playing of a Jedi. Yeah but screw em right? You never liked wear those dresses they make all the Jedi wear anyways and this is payback time baby! heh :mad: Tell you what though, I'll say hi to them for you when I'm saccing the Senate house on the pub capital where they are. No worries, I'll give them quick deaths, the olds ones, the children, the scholars, the padawans, the council and everyone you ever knew and will never see again because you were too busy playing Emperor of the 25 Zakuulians who hate your guts as much as all Zakuulians do, but, are pretending to be cool with you so they can wack you when your gaurd is down for killing their last 5 Emperors and tearing the Eternal Empire that now lies in ruins because of what you did.


The force isnt one thing, its a light side and a darkside. That's not open to interperation, the press release from the LucasArts Storytellers group covered this when they stated there is no such thing a grey jedi, and there force is not one thing, its a darkside and a lightside. That's as straight as straight gets.


Unless you're character had a lie detector test going when Satelle and the Traitor Marr spouted that horsecrap, they were just words. Anyone can say anything they want, that doesn't make it true. Satele and Marr were wrong. If the force is really just this one thing with no sides, how come the most powerful force users that ever existed were totally and utterly incompetant with regard to what the force really is. How come, Marr was allowed to break the ancient forbidance of Dark side ghosts? That's a light side thing. I use to love Marr, but I lost all respect for him because what he was saying. I doubt it was even really him tho as there are no Darkside Force Ghosts and I would think you would still need to be alive to fall to the Lightside and be a pansy *** with Satelle :eek:


Just in case your interested in that press release i mentioned, about no Grey Jedi and the force just being dark and light, I dont expect anyone to take my word for it. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/98917/are-grey-jedi-canon-official-lucasfilm-response


You get darkside points and lightsides points from where exactly? It can't be the force because it doesn't have sides, right? And why would you get anything ever in that regard from something that doesn't exist? You get force oints from.....wait for it......wait for it....:p ohh yeah, that's right the force. I guess it gets bored sometimes and even tho there is no lightside or darkside it just does that sometimes to color coordinate players based on their gear colors. - There is a Darkside and a Lightside in this game for sure.


I'm sorry you don't approve Tradtional Star Wars. But you probably should have figured you might see some Jedi and Sith not liking each other every now and than.


I sincerely hope that you and other players who have become fond of the Alliance crap, I mean story ;), will be affording the opportunity to continue to have it play some part at least in your storylines, even if it is just to tie up the loose ends and give you some meaningful closure to it so it's not just snap your fingers and it's gone. That wouldn't be fair to you guys. And if they can keep the Alliance involved somehow despite the storyline change, I'm all for it and back you guys 100% and I really mean that. I want you guys to have fun. I want everyone to be as happy as they can be in the game we all love and would like to see continue and prosper in the future. :)


All pubs must die :cool:


You friend, you are golden. You hit the nail right on the head! Literally everything that you say is very true and aligns with my own major critiques for KotFE and KotET.


It's what frustrates me so much these days, KotFE and KotET ruined so many great things that the base story of SWTOR along with RotHC and SoR established and a small group of people keep defending it as something good :( and when Bioware finally goes to correct what many, many people considered a mistake they protest *sigh*

Edited by Ylliarus
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Hate is a strong word. I didn't hate them, but I didn't particularly like them either. My biggest criticism was that unlike the origin stories of our characters, the KotFE/ET story arc couldn't exist simultaneously for all our characters. There was only once Alliance Commander, whether it was my BH, Sith Warrior, or Operative. Whereas in their individual story arcs, one was a Mandalorian BH and Champion of the Great Hunt, another was the Emperor's Wrath, and the last was a Cipher Agent in Imperial Intelligence. All three stories could co-exist, which made for some really great immersion.


What I did enjoy about KotFE/ET was the opportunity to finally kill that evil incarnate Emperor and bring some closure (and justice) to a frustrating chapter of ToR Galactic History.

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I liked the story and loved the concept of the Alliance with all these people from all over the galaxy wotrking together no matter their original faction, beliefs or aligment.


My only real complaint about it is that the story was butchered when i think it could've been so much better if we've had the full story. We could've had much better companion returns too, at least for the LIs if they all came back through chapters instead of class specific AA.

Oh also did not like that other people killing their companions in their story removed said companions in my story as well when i did not kill them.


Agreed I wish that they had not buckled under to the whiners and kept the full trilogy instead of what we got. I remember reading Charles letter about what he really wanted to do with the story and how they had to butcher it down to what we got. I would like to play the whole story just to see what it would have been like and to find out how the story would have really come out.

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Hate is a strong word. I didn't hate them, but I didn't particularly like them either. My biggest criticism was that unlike the origin stories of our characters, the KotFE/ET story arc couldn't exist simultaneously for all our characters. There was only once Alliance Commander, whether it was my BH, Sith Warrior, or Operative. Whereas in their individual story arcs, one was a Mandalorian BH and Champion of the Great Hunt, another was the Emperor's Wrath, and the last was a Cipher Agent in Imperial Intelligence. All three stories could co-exist, which made for some really great immersion.


What I did enjoy about KotFE/ET was the opportunity to finally kill that evil incarnate Emperor and bring some closure (and justice) to a frustrating chapter of ToR Galactic History.


Exactly, that was something that I loved about SWTOR, all the other classes could exist simultaneously with the others and be a hero. KotFE and KotET brutally ended that with their funnel/trailway-storytelling.


But a more glaring critique I have of the two expansions is that it also robbed all of our classes of their identity. They all became the same blank piece of paper called "The Alliance Commander" with no variation between any of them. If you played as a Jedi Knight through KotFE and KotET, the playthrough would 99% exactly the same as when you'd play through it as a Bounty Hunter. There is no class or story diversity there, which is only one of the many things KotFEET ruined.


As to Valkorion, I still wish they had kept him Vitiate and that we could have defeated him as his Vitiate character. While Valkorion is intriguing and epic, as an antagonist Vitiate was far better and far more intriguing.

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FE 1 - 9 was decent. After that, though, all downhill.


Yeah did not like the Flashpoints as story missions either.... As flashpoints they were not bad.... too grindy not enough story though. They were 3 rounds of killing mass quantity's and nothing more. What little story there was turned out be by meh.....

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Yeah did not like the Flashpoints as story missions either.... As flashpoints they were not bad.... too grindy not enough story though. They were 3 rounds of killing mass quantity's and nothing more. What little story there was turned out be by meh.....


Actually, I loved Copero and Nathema quite a bit, those were interesting stories. Or maybe I just love Nathema so much becsuse it is so incredibly pleasing seeing the Eternal Fleet be eradicated :)

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I can not hate Kotfe / Kotet for the very simple reason it let me do what I wanted to do from the original game. Kill Kaliyo and that really made me happy as for all my agent had to put up with her all these years and all the reasons she should have been killed to finally be able to do it. Was worth all the other headaches.
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As to Valkorion, I still wish they had kept him Vitiate and that we could have defeated him as his Vitiate character. While Valkorion is intriguing and epic, as an antagonist Vitiate was far better and far more intriguing.


I totally agree with this. They could have done some truly epic story writing with Vitiate, and even created some parallels with Sidious' eventual rise to power. He could have been the first to start researching Death Star tech, as he looked for more efficient ways to cause mass death that he could feed on, like he did on Nathema and Ziost. All steps in perfecting a process to feed his immortality. He'd even go so far as to test it on Imperial citizens, which would provide the impetus for the Empire to turn on him.


Instead, we got his dysfunctional family.

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Actually, I loved Copero and Nathema quite a bit, those were interesting stories. Or maybe I just love Nathema so much becsuse it is so incredibly pleasing seeing the Eternal Fleet be eradicated :)


Yes that Nathema Story line was so good (sarcastic), The Gravestone Magically could blow up hundreds of ships at a time, when most of the time it couldnt shoot but a single shot before it broke, but Zilrog magically made it better.


Then Your followers peed themselves when you lost your fleet and forgot they betrayed their factions to follow you because they believed in the outlander and ran back to the factions they betrayed. Not as if the faction leaders wouldn't hang them for said betrayal but in Bioware stories traitors are forgiven and given candy at the door when they return.


(Sarcastic) Also now you are a force heretic in Bioware stories if you use both sides of the force it wont even get mentioned by your former factions. Oh no the jedi council wont take the use of the force from you if you use the darkside powers you now have. And if you are sith no worries the sith wont try to kill you for using lightside powers at all oh no you will be fine.


Then for some unknown reason your character become a punk and cries to the former faction to please take me back. I want to be your lap dog again, because I cant be Emperor any more with out a fleet even tho i am the most powerful force user alive. Yes let me run back to you even tho you betrayed me and tried to take Iokath. Yes such good writing I am glad Bioware comes up with such good stories that it keep millions of players and we dont have to have server merges every other year.

Edited by Fallensouls
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Yes that Nathema Story line was so good (sarcastic), The Gravestone Magically could blow up hundreds of ships at a time, when most of the time it couldnt shoot but a single shot before it broke, but Zilrog magically made it better.


Then Your followers peed themselves when you lost your fleet and forgot they betrayed their factions to follow you because they believed in the outlander and ran back to the factions they betrayed. Not as if the faction leaders wouldn't hang them for said betrayal but in Bioware stories traitors are forgiven and given candy at the door when they return.


Also now you are a force heretic in Bioware stories you wont be cut off from the force since you use the darkside if you are a jedi oh no the jedi council wont take the sue of the force from you if you use the darkside powers you now have. And if you are sith no worries the sith wont try to kill you for using lightside powers at all oh no you will be fine.


Then for some unknown reason your character become a punk and cries to the former faction to please take me back. I want to be your lap dog again, because I cant be Emperor any more with out a fleet even tho i am the most powerful force user alive. Yes let me run back to you even tho you betrayed me and tried to take Iokath. Yes such good writing I am glad Bioware comes up with such good stories that it keep millions of players and we dont have to have server merges every other year.


That's your take on the storyline, your personal vision of the storyline that doesn't apply to others, nor can you force others to view it that way.

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That's your take on the storyline, your personal vision of the storyline that doesn't apply to others, nor can you force others to view it that way.


That is Star Wars lore aka cannon. You cannot be a jedi if you use darkside powers, you cannot be a sith if you use lightside powers. Before in the story you hid those abilities. You cant hide what you are now everyone knows about you. You would not be accepted into your former faction. ask anyone in Sokan guild.

It is not opinion it is cannon.

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That is Star Wars lore aka cannon. You cannot be a jedi if you use darkside powers, you cannot be a sith if you use lightside powers. Before in the story you hid those abilities. You cant hide what you are now everyone knows about you. You would not be accepted into your former faction. ask anyone in Sokan guild.

It is not opinion it is cannon.


Then don't pick Dark Side options on a Jedi character and don't pick Light Side options on a Sith, if you're truly so concerned about being lore specific.

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Then don't pick Dark Side options on a Jedi character and don't pick Light Side options on a Sith, if you're truly so concerned about being lore specific.


Wow you even play the Eternal throne stuff becasue you dont know what you are talking about? You become powerful enough to take on Valkorian by learning both sides of the force. You cannot be jedi and use the darkside, you cannot be sith and use the light. Those two factions war is all about who is right the light or the darkside of the force. You are beyond them because like Reven you can use both at master level.The jedi would not accept you, the sith would try to kill you. So no in star wars cannon you would not be taken back in to your former faction.


You obviously did not play it because you dont know this simple fact of the story that a whole chapter was devoted to.

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Wow you even play the Eternal throne stuff becasue you dont know what you are talking about? You become powerful enough to take on Valkorian by learning both sides of the force. You cannot be jedi and use the darkside, you cannot be sith and use the light. Those two factions war is all about who is right the light or the darkside of the force. You are beyond them because like Reven you can use both at master level.The jedi would not accept you, the sith would try to kill you. So no in star wars cannon you would not be taken back in to your former faction.


You obviously did not play it because you dont know this simple fact of the story that a whole chapter was devoted to.


You have the option to choose to only rely on Marr or only rely on Satele. You have the option to not learn both sides of the Force and say "Marr keep out" or "Satele keep out". Surely you know that options exists, hmm?


Besides, you can play through the story with Dark Side options only. Same goes for Light Side options only. Surely you knew that, no?

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Both KOTFE & KOTET should have been only for Force users, not for all classes.

Why should an.. ( for example) IA become the most powerful individual in the Galaxy, Leader of the Alliance, Emperor of Zakuul? Why should he have the power to kill the entire Zakuulan royal family? Looking at my own IA, he is just some nobody spy dude who killed a few terrorists ( The Eagle & Hunter) and a Resistance leader from Balmorra ( GreyStar), but that's all. He shouldn't be "the Chosen One", because he is not that extraordinary.


Imagine you're doing KOTFE/ET with a trooper : you're the tough dude ( or dudette) from Havoc squad, the Jean- Claude Van Dame of SWTOR, why would you give a flying..shuttle about Sana-Rae's mystical mumbo-jumbo? Or about Satele Shan & Darth Marr trying to explain the Force to you? How is that your business ?

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You have the option to choose to only rely on Marr or only rely on Satele. You have the option to not learn both sides of the Force and say "Marr keep out" or "Satele keep out". Surely you know that options exists, hmm?


Besides, you can play through the story with Dark Side options only. Same goes for Light Side options only. Surely you knew that, no?


it doenst matter who teaches you , Valkorian wants you to learn both> That is part of the story. It is said you know both sides of the force several times. Yea you played it alright. Google it again and give me a response.

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Both KOTFE & KOTET should have been only for Force users, not for all classes.

Why should an.. ( for example) IA become the most powerful individual in the Galaxy, Leader of the Alliance, Emperor of Zakuul? Why should he have the power to kill the entire Zakuulan royal family? Looking at my own IA, he is just some nobody spy dude who killed a few terrorists ( The Eagle & Hunter) and a Resistance leader from Balmorra ( GreyStar), but that's all. He shouldn't be "the Chosen One", because he is not that extraordinary.


Imagine you're doing KOTFE/ET with a trooper : you're the tough dude ( or dudette) from Havoc squad, the Jean- Claude Van Dame of SWTOR, why would you give a flying..shuttle about Sana-Rae's mystical mumbo-jumbo? Or about Satele Shan & Darth Marr trying to explain the Force to you? How is that your business ?


I 100% agree it should have been force users. You sir are correct and I also will say they should have made a separate story line for non force user types, maybe as the right hand to the outlander would have been good. Also doing the whole thing solo with out friends got annoying.

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