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Leveling too fast?


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Is it just me, or is leveling a little fast? I haven't used any leveling items (outside of extra xp events) and I've reached level 50 before I've even reached Nar Sahaddaa on my Imperial character...seems a little ridiculous just saying. Should I just skip to the level 50 content (I think Ilum) or continue my story through the rest of the planets? I feel like I'll be max level way before I even reach the level 50 stuff. It is kinda my first time playin through.
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Is it just me, or is leveling a little fast? I haven't used any leveling items (outside of extra xp events) and I've reached level 50 before I've even reached Nar Sahaddaa on my Imperial character...seems a little ridiculous just saying. Should I just skip to the level 50 content (I think Ilum) or continue my story through the rest of the planets? I feel like I'll be max level way before I even reach the level 50 stuff. It is kinda my first time playin through.


Go to fleet during 2XP and find a gree vendor in combat training area and buy a BoL item called the White Acute Module. It will reduce xp significantly and can be used outside the event to reduce it even further. For reference sake, I had it on my JK when I got to Tython [when it wasn't 2XP], and when I left Tython after doing all sidequests, class mission and the heroic, I was level 11, and by doing the same thing on coruscant, including heroics, I was level 16.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I've always disliked the too fast leveling as well. I'd like to stay under-leveled for my content if at all possible (currently not possible because ridiculous XP rates) to increase vanilla difficulty for myself. We get too many non-vanilla buffs right from the get-go already anyway.
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Is it just me, or is leveling a little fast? I haven't used any leveling items (outside of extra xp events) and I've reached level 50 before I've even reached Nar Sahaddaa on my Imperial character...seems a little ridiculous just saying. Should I just skip to the level 50 content (I think Ilum) or continue my story through the rest of the planets? I feel like I'll be max level way before I even reach the level 50 stuff. It is kinda my first time playin through.


Don't worry about your level in class story. Your level is not important unless you're a purist who doesn't want to use abilities available in the 40-70 range when you're still in the middle of fighting flesh raiders in the Gnarls on Tython (to be extreme).


The real levelling begins at 70 when you hit the cxp grind. Prior to that, the only problem with planet sync is that even while synced, the lowest-level mobs of a given planet are typically gray, like the mobs in the Galactic Market (level 9) when you hit the max level cap for Coruscant (18), but move anywhere else there and you're fine, and your quests are where you're gaining your experience, anyway, not wasting your time killing trash mobs.

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Leveling too fast is a myth.


With level scaling per planet there is no such thing as overleveling anymore.


Back in the old day, if you overleveled all your quests turned gray and you received 0 exp for completing them. With level scaling, this no longer happens, you are always guaranteed experience according to your level below and above the planet cap.


It is now impossible to level too fast. (as there is no negative consequence)

Edited by Falensawino
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Is it just me, or is leveling a little fast? I haven't used any leveling items (outside of extra xp events) and I've reached level 50 before I've even reached Nar Sahaddaa on my Imperial character...seems a little ridiculous just saying. Should I just skip to the level 50 content (I think Ilum) or continue my story through the rest of the planets? I feel like I'll be max level way before I even reach the level 50 stuff. It is kinda my first time playin through.


You don't want to get way to long leveling to slow or you will be still be playing on your same Toon inside your nursing home. Not worth it and just for you. You go to the fleet station for your leveling rules change for your own belief and this not going to make you perfect.

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Leveling too fast is a myth.


With level scaling per planet there is no such thing as overleveling anymore.


Back in the old day, if you overleveled all your quests turned gray and you received 0 exp for completing them. With level scaling, this no longer happens, you are always guaranteed experience according to your level below and above the planet cap.


It is now impossible to level too fast. (as there is no negative consequence)


^^ Exactly this.

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It is now impossible to level too fast. (as there is no negative consequence)

I can't agree with this statement, due to their poor implementation of level scaling.


For example, a planet usually has a range of 4 levels. The "downscaling" caps the players level to just above the highest level of the planet. Which means that at the start of the planet, your character is a significantly higher level than the enemies you encounter.


Another thing is that the "tuning" of combat encounters on a planet are based on the player abilities available at the level of the planet itself. When you are downscaled, you keep all of your abilities, including passives that will significantly increase your overall damage. Meaning that a fight with an Elite on a downscaled planet is significantly easier.


This is most noticeable during any chapter end boss fight that take place on earlier planets, as the "boss" is comparable to a normal elite on that planet.


I leveled a Sith Warrior after 4.0 introduced level scaling. When I went back to Hutta for the Chapter 2 end boss fight. I put my companion on passive. I wore empty moddable gear with no mods in it. I exclusively used my basic attack. The boss died quickly and I took very little damage.


Now, some players may enjoy this, and that's fine. But it's disingenuous to suggested that "it's impossible to level too fast"


Bioware's poor implementation of level scaling means that leveling too fast absolutely does impact your game play, sometimes significantly.

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I can't agree with this statement, due to their poor implementation of level scaling.


For example, a planet usually has a range of 4 levels. The "downscaling" caps the players level to just above the highest level of the planet. Which means that at the start of the planet, your character is a significantly higher level than the enemies you encounter.


Another thing is that the "tuning" of combat encounters on a planet are based on the player abilities available at the level of the planet itself. When you are downscaled, you keep all of your abilities, including passives that will significantly increase your overall damage. Meaning that a fight with an Elite on a downscaled planet is significantly easier.


This is most noticeable during any chapter end boss fight that take place on earlier planets, as the "boss" is comparable to a normal elite on that planet.


I leveled a Sith Warrior after 4.0 introduced level scaling. When I went back to Hutta for the Chapter 2 end boss fight. I put my companion on passive. I wore empty moddable gear with no mods in it. I exclusively used my basic attack. The boss died quickly and I took very little damage.


Now, some players may enjoy this, and that's fine. But it's disingenuous to suggested that "it's impossible to level too fast"


Bioware's poor implementation of level scaling means that leveling too fast absolutely does impact your game play, sometimes significantly.


If the game was brand new.. I would agree with you. However, they did not do this until the game was more then 4 years old.. and it was actually a good move for the benefit of newer players as it allows them to get up the leveling curve and be at parity with veteran players at an accelerated pace. Other MMOs have done similar with good positive effect. Other MMOs have also refused to do this.. and the result is new players giving up early because they see the ramp to the game to be too steep and it being virtually impossible to ever catch up with veteran players, particularly in terms of self-sufficiency and economic status.


For those of us who did leveling "old school" in SWTOR.. yeah... it feels a bit too easy. But not so much for the new player.. who by the way lacks a lot of the efficiency perks and other effective play boosts that veterans have accumulated. And... a good number of veterans have been barking for years about not wanting a long drawn out leveling process when they just want another alt of the class of their choosing.. because they have "been there, done that" many times before. This is precisely why things like streamlined leveling, and character leveling tokens came to exist in game.

Edited by Andryah
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<snip>For those of us who did leveling "old school" in SWTOR.. yeah... it feels a bit too easy.

Sorry to cherry pick this one quote -- it's just that I wanted to make sure you understood my complaint about the downscaling.


I actually don't object to having level scaling. The idea is a good one. I also am not bothered by the fact that leveling in general is easier. But I am bothered how poorly level scaling was implemented, as it results in a wildly uneven experience for the player.


The chapter end boss fight was a perfect example. You go from combat on Hoth, which is going well, to combat on Hutta. You end up facing someone that has been presented as a nemesis. Someone worthy of attention. But who turns out to be made of soap bubbles.


It does the story a disservice.


Of course, that ship has long sailed, and I'm not actually trying to change it.


But when someone like @Falensawino starts talking about how "impossible" it is to have a bad experience while being overleveled, I'm going to speak up.

Edited by Khevar
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