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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Longer Worried About Upcoming Story Updates


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*bows* Security Officer! He never said what sort of drama, just that there will be, logically, some companion reactions depending on whether you choose to sabotage or be loyal. I imagine Aric Jorgan, for instance, might have a huff or two to make if you're a Trooper who's sabotaging the Republic in favor of the Empire. Nothing that'll break up the relationship, Charles did say players won't face a situation where they risk their romance without explicitly choosing to do so.

Nice - I like getting info :) I know it's an in-theory example, however Aric should have nothing to say about the Republic - he deserted & in doing so committed treason. Though I like that they're making those conversations possible. I wonder what Malavai will have to say? Probably not much as if you side with the Republic he leaves the Empire for you. I can't wait for 5.10 now.

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Nice - I like getting info :) I know it's an in-theory example, however Aric should have nothing to say about the Republic - he deserted & in doing so committed treason. Though I like that they're making those conversations possible. I wonder what Malavai will have to say? Probably not much as if you side with the Republic he leaves the Empire for you. I can't wait for 5.10 now.

Same here! I did some snooping and reading today and honestly, now I really am excited. Like, bouncing in my seat thrilled so, bring it on. :D

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But if you're originally Republic, romance for example Theron and then align with the Empire you can know that at some point it's going to cause problems and potentially a break up eventually. And personally, I'd cheer for that, because choices should matter and have consequences. At least, if you'd ask me.


By your example, Theron has already fought and killed Pubs on Iokath...and then continued on to shoot at his father for you (granted he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in that scene) and go through Nathema for you and marry you...someone who sided with the Empire over the Republic. So... *shrugs*


But what about an Imperial character who could potentially lose Theron by default? Why would BioWare have given him to us at all going all the way back to SoR? And now we can marry him? That's what people are afraid of. Investing time and money into a romance companion and then losing him through no fault of their own. (It was the same fear many had during the traitor arc, even though I didn't really have it...I was pretty sure he was faking all along.)


I may not like the rushed and handwavy feeling of this new storyline, but I'll still play it, and even though my character may want no part of having to take part in a war that makes no sense, she'll go with the Empire over the Republic.


I wonder if it's not as simple as choosing sides. I wonder if they'll give you some choices in-between, such as killing Jedi after they've surrendered or something. That could be an example of a "war crime" that Boyd had mentioned in his tweets. I can see both Theron and Lana really having no interest in picking sides either...but I don't see them relishing the idea of watching their spouse and/or leader going all stabbity-stab-kill-kill just for the sake of it on their former people (Theron more so than Lana).

Edited by Dracofish
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Same here! I did some snooping and reading today and honestly, now I really am excited. Like, bouncing in my seat thrilled so, bring it on. :D


I've been finding the information very contradictory, between tweets and stuff we can't talk about...so I'm really taking everything with a grain of salt at this point.

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I do feel sorry you feel that way, I truly do. But in the end, Bioware is a company. They do what is most profitable and clearly a majority of players wants a return to this narrative. Is it fair? No, it isn't, but in the end Bioware will seek to please the many instead of the few. Would a compromise have been fair? Absolutely, but Bioware simply doesn't have the resources for that.



Koth is another valid example aye but if I remember correctly from the streams they did have plans for him for the people who romanced him. Not sure if I recall it correctly though, could be wrong there.


They have already left Koth out of content where he would have made sense, like Nathema. Given how much he goes on about 'his' ship he should have been apoplectic at what happened but they could not be bothered to even animate him into the background.


I know Arcann and Theron are being used as examples of how all characters are not bricked but Arcann was also the pet of the writer who did Nathema and Theron seems to be an exception. On the other side are all the class story companions from Alliance Alerts and the ones with kill options who have never been heard from again. So choices matter but one person's choice affects others, so again agency is removed from the characters.

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I've been finding the information very contradictory, between tweets and stuff we can't talk about...so I'm really taking everything with a grain of salt at this point.

I'm still taking things with a bag of salt, not even grain. But the unmentionable stuff is incomplete and certain Tweets are vague for a reason, I'm definitely not taking every piece at face value but I did spot a few things that brought me a level of reassurance for the future so I'm happy there.

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Koth is another valid example aye but if I remember correctly from the streams they did have plans for him for the people who romanced him. Not sure if I recall it correctly though, could be wrong there.


You would think so but even when the gravestone was blown up nothing from him and instead of him flying you to Nathema it was Hylo. It was like they don't care if some of us didn't kill Koth so you will forgive me if I have doubts about the companions as of right now since anytime Koth is mentioned you get ignored since it seems they think everyone hated him just like the comment they made recently that Malora is everyone's favorite. While I have no problem returning to the empire/republic I do have a bit of problem when they decide who everyone hates or who everyone's favoriet is.

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You would think so but even when the gravestone was blown up nothing from him and instead of him flying you to Nathema it was Hylo. It was like they don't care if some of us didn't kill Koth so you will forgive me if I have doubts about the companions as of right now since anytime Koth is mentioned you get ignored since it seems they think everyone hated him just like the comment they made recently that Malora is everyone's favorite. While I have no problem returning to the empire/republic I do have a bit of problem when they decide who everyone hates or who everyone's favoriet is.


Yeah, Koth didn't deserve to be completely forgotten. I haven't played his romance through yet, but I do like him as a character and it's really crappy that he's just...like not there anymore.

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You would think so but even when the gravestone was blown up nothing from him and instead of him flying you to Nathema it was Hylo. It was like they don't care if some of us didn't kill Koth so you will forgive me if I have doubts about the companions as of right now since anytime Koth is mentioned you get ignored since it seems they think everyone hated him just like the comment they made recently that Malora is everyone's favorite. While I have no problem returning to the empire/republic I do have a bit of problem when they decide who everyone hates or who everyone's favoriet is.

Yeah. i intended to have Koth romance one of my suggler, because i thought these 2 would make a great pair, but seeing how he was left out of the story, i decided not to, well, i somewhat discarded that particular character, i may go back to her and go for the romance if he gets some screentime at some point in the future though.

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You would think so but even when the gravestone was blown up nothing from him and instead of him flying you to Nathema it was Hylo. It was like they don't care if some of us didn't kill Koth so you will forgive me if I have doubts about the companions as of right now since anytime Koth is mentioned you get ignored since it seems they think everyone hated him just like the comment they made recently that Malora is everyone's favorite. While I have no problem returning to the empire/republic I do have a bit of problem when they decide who everyone hates or who everyone's favoriet is.


There's really one workable solution for this and it wouldn't work retroactively, at the same time we need to be realistic about other peoples opinions.


As long as they keep writing stories where LIs are doing things that could compromise thier relationships to the player, from betrayl and lies, to working for the enemy on their own recognizance and flat out shooting at the player and other NPCS, kill options will remain by necessity, and as sad as it is for other players who didn't take that position, you can't expect people to play their characters with even the slightest thought to any other persons storyline.


I know alot of people love Theron and Arcaan, Koth, Quinn, etc but in all of those cases, kill options were totally justified. That said, I don't want you or anyone to have to lose characters when this happens as we all know that means than even for people who didn't choose the kill option, those LIs are essentually done from any possible storyline involvement in the future. There's no other way [unless BW spend a lot of money and make two disctinct storypaths that would insure no break in continuity.


I hate that some of you are losing favored companions, no one should have to do that, they must stop writting these storylines that lead LI to compromising their status with the player.


On my Marauder, I have killed every single one of those Companions [Therons not really dead tho, we know that and we aint see the last of the stincken pub :mad:], and in all those cases, as far as I'm concerned, they all deserved to die. You don't betray Sithlords and live.


I don't feel bad about the choice I made and in some cases, I relished it [Talken bout you Quinn!!!!!] Had I not made those choices, it wouldn't have made any sense in my story line or in re-presently the role I'm playing.

I am the Darth Vader equivalent in this story line [age]


I think we can all agree that not everyone is going to make the choices we make or see things the same way as others. It would be wrong to blame players who did make kill choices as if they were somehow responsible for the loss to other players in the future. It's a RPG, it's perfectly reasonable and logical and should be expected.


I feel terrible for some of you, I know you adore some of your LIs and I take no pleasure in how the storyline has lead them there [ or more succinctly, pissed my character off :mad:] :D


It's not on other players, it's on the writters And honestly, I will kill comps in the future if they follow suit. I am one of the bad guys :eek: Only those very same storywritters can ease that in the future and hopefully prevent further lose of players chosen LIs. I hope they see that and I hope they draw the right conclusions.


Sorry guys, that sucks.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Well, I hunted down the script and, if accurate, if you’re a former Imp looking to become an ex-Imp you’re going to bitterly disappointed.


My worst fears seem to have been justified... your sabotage only changes a clear victory to a pyrrhic one, you have to go along with killing a bunch of people from the faction you ultimately hope to join and because you’re not allowed to actually to sabotage them when it’d really mattered (despite it being an obvious point in any story with a saboteur twist for such a reveal) and so the Imps or Pubs never even realize you’re not actually on the Sith’s side.


I’m now largely expecting that 6.0 will NOT give the option of faction switching, but instead because your saboteur actions are not recognized, the faction you hoped to join will NOT let you and you’ll be stuck with the original faction you’ve grown to despise.


I probably wouldn’t mind it so much if they hadn’t teased the prospect of a faction switch twice already. But they did.


So I’m glad I looked it up... I now know I should consider my Main’s story done after Nathema and focus only on Pubside toons.



I would highly suggest you spare your the concern and kinda come to terms with it now, you almost certainly will not going to be allowed to switch factions. For those that were around towards the beginning, I'm sure many will recall this idea [switching factions/defecting] was brought up by players to the devs serveral times and the devs answered very directly, they will never allow that. - I think, as close as we are to 5.10, we'd have heard if they were going to allow that because they would know that would be an exciting thing to look forward to those players so inclined and who have been speaking about it on the forums.


But let's for argument sake say, they had an epiphany or some such crap and they decieded they were going to allow it. You would definitely have to swtich to your mirror class.


As a player, If I ever see one Jedi Knight on Imp fleet and I can't kill him, I'd leave the game over it. Especially that the storyline is going back to the War between factions.


Jedi are not going to let some Sith dude who defected but is still a Darksider let him train other force sensitives on how to kill people with Force Lighting and choke and advocate for the Darkside in the Republic capital where Jedi are walking by,


Now I respect that some people won't see it the same way and that's their choice of course, but to traditionalists/old school Star Wars fans [which I consider myself] such scenes would conflict far to much to Lore. Now, not every may care about, and again that's their right, but some of us do. So what I said earlier about if I ever see even one Jedi Knight on fleet and If I can't kill him, I'd leave the game over it, that's not a threat anymore than it isn't true. It would just be a deal breaker for me as all and my feelings are no more important than anyone elses.


Loreists don't care about game mechanics, they don't care that someone wrote a dumb story that explains why, and they won't care who likes what .


I would reconcile those of you who were hoping for a faction switch [and I respect that some of you wanted that] to ready yourself for the likelihood that won't happen.


There is only other clue that leads me to believe they won't, we have been given two instances to declare for Imps or pubs already, and they have also said coming with the new story line there is going to be one more opportunity to declare for faction, and any previous declarations will not be considered as binding, only the last one that they will put to the player in 5.10. I think that's there way of saying now that there is War and they can't work together, it's a chance to make reentry into the original faction viable so you are not considered a traitor, which quite honestly, anyone who declares against their home faction absolutely is.


Politcal differences, that's what political asylum is for. Defection is to disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another, taking up arms against your original faction while at the same time assiting it's enemy to destroy and conquor it, that's treason.


A civilian who spies and commits treason, may escape with their lives, but they will never be free again. Anyone who is attached to the militatry in any fashion and commit treason are put the the wall and shot. And rightly so.


Something to consider when making your final decision. I think this will be one of those cases where "choices matter" heh. Naturally, they won't execute a player character for treason because they are paying customers. But, I would expect that you will loss all reputation scores in anything related to faction/military and your original companions [or those with strong ties to faction formaly] will have their influece set back to zero. I would also expect that there will be some elements of story in the future where that may come up in later story progression that wouldn't be favorable to the character. Just my theory tho, I may be totally wrong, but even still, there will be some reciprocation from it you probably wont like.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I agree

A lot of people hate Makeb but I thought it was very well written.

It wasn't a epic story or anything but it was believable, it flowed well and it made sense.


I think the dislike for Makeb wasn't so much for the story, but how it was structured. At launch Makeb was ridiculously grindy. The pathing between objectives usually had a lot of mobs you couldn't avoid and back then, before companions were made OP and you couldn't over-level the content, the mobs weren't killed in one or two abilities and would knock you off your speeder if you tried to speed past them. It wasn't difficult but it was time consuming.


I think people generally liked the planet story though, from what I can recall. The only complaints I can remember regarding story was that separate class stories didn't return.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I think the dislike for Makeb wasn't so much for the story, but how it was structured. At launch Makeb was ridiculously grindy. The pathing between objectives usually had a lot of mobs you couldn't avoid and back then, before companions were made OP and you couldn't over-level the content, the mobs weren't killed in one or two abilities and would knock you off your speeder if you tried to speed past them. It wasn't difficult but it was time consuming.


I think people generally liked the planet story though, from what I can recall. The only complaints I can remember regarding story was that separate class stories didn't return.


Pretty much, the reason I dislike Makeb is precisely how it was structured. The story is fine, they manage to provide some interesting world building to the planet.

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Under spoiler because it's pretty long


I would highly suggest you spare your the concern and kinda come to terms with it now, you almost certainly will not going to be allowed to switch factions. For those that were around towards the beginning, I'm sure many will recall this idea [switching factions/defecting] was brought up by players to the devs serveral times and the devs answered very directly, they will never allow that. - I think, as close as we are to 5.10, we'd have heard if they were going to allow that because they would know that would be an exciting thing to look forward to those players so inclined and who have been speaking about it on the forums.


But let's for argument sake say, they had an epiphany or some such crap and they decieded they were going to allow it. You would definitely have to swtich to your mirror class.


As a player, If I ever see one Jedi Knight on Imp fleet and I can't kill him, I'd leave the game over it. Especially that the storyline is going back to the War between factions.


Jedi are not going to let some Sith dude who defected but is still a Darksider let him train other force sensitives on how to kill people with Force Lighting and choke and advocate for the Darkside in the Republic capital where Jedi are walking by,


Now I respect that some people won't see it the same way and that's their choice of course, but to traditionalists/old school Star Wars fans [which I consider myself] such scenes would conflict far to much to Lore. Now, not every may care about, and again that's their right, but some of us do. So what I said earlier about if I ever see even one Jedi Knight on fleet and If I can't kill him, I'd leave the game over it, that's not a threat anymore than it isn't true. It would just be a deal breaker for me as all and my feelings are no more important than anyone elses.


Loreists don't care about game mechanics, they don't care that someone wrote a dumb story that explains why, and they won't care who likes what .


I would reconcile those of you who were hoping for a faction switch [and I respect that some of you wanted that] to ready yourself for the likelihood that won't happen.


There is only other clue that leads me to believe they won't, we have been given two instances to declare for Imps or pubs already, and they have also said coming with the new story line there is going to be one more opportunity to declare for faction, and any previous declarations will not be considered as binding, only the last one that they will put to the player in 5.10. I think that's there way of saying now that there is War and they can't work together, it's a chance to make reentry into the original faction viable so you are not considered a traitor, which quite honestly, anyone who declares against their home faction absolutely is.


Politcal differences, that's what political asylum is for. Defection is to disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another, taking up arms against your original faction while at the same time assiting it's enemy to destroy and conquor it, that's treason.


A civilian who spies and commits treason, may escape with their lives, but they will never be free again. Anyone who is attached to the militatry in any fashion and commit treason are put the the wall and shot. And rightly so.


Something to consider when making your final decision. I think this will be one of those cases where "choices matter" heh. Naturally, they won't execute a player character for treason because they are paying customers. But, I would expect that you will loss all reputation scores in anything related to faction/military and your original companions [or those with strong ties to faction formaly] will have their influece set back to zero. I would also expect that there will be some elements of story in the future where that may come up in later story progression that wouldn't be favorable to the character. Just my theory tho, I may be totally wrong, but even still, there will be some reciprocation from it you probably wont like.


Problem is that not allowing to really switch faction is character breaking for some player. I know that if my imp character can't go pub, i won't touch them anymore as they have no reason to be willing to serve the Empire again.


Putting your character on their mirror class is also a problem because if you turn a SW into a JK for instance, their voice are going to change. I like mine with their unique voice, and don't want my SW to sound like my JK, my JK's voice would absolutely not suit my SW. And my SW would never become a Jedi anyway.


I see only 1 solution here : the faction swap is a story thing only and does not affect anything else outside of the story.

And the easiest way to do it is probably by keeping our character as the Commander of the Alliance who ally with whichever faction they choose.

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Under spoiler because it's pretty long




Problem is that not allowing to really switch faction is character breaking for some player. I know that if my imp character can't go pub, i won't touch them anymore as they have no reason to be willing to serve the Empire again.


Putting your character on their mirror class is also a problem because if you turn a SW into a JK for instance, their voice are going to change. I like mine with their unique voice, and don't want my SW to sound like my JK, my JK's voice would absolutely not suit my SW. And my SW would never become a Jedi anyway.


I see only 1 solution here : the faction swap is a story thing only and does not affect anything else outside of the story.

And the easiest way to do it is probably by keeping our character as the Commander of the Alliance who ally with whichever faction they choose.


You and everyone else needs to face the fact that this is just NOT going to happen.

They have already outlined the path that will be taken and there is no faction swap. Also since this is a realignment there is very little chance of remaining as the Commander.


I have already started to mock up some ideas to work with my characters that cannot work within this scenario, and the changes must come from me because they will not come from the game.

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Under spoiler because it's pretty long




Problem is that not allowing to really switch faction is character breaking for some player. I know that if my imp character can't go pub, i won't touch them anymore as they have no reason to be willing to serve the Empire again.


Putting your character on their mirror class is also a problem because if you turn a SW into a JK for instance, their voice are going to change. I like mine with their unique voice, and don't want my SW to sound like my JK, my JK's voice would absolutely not suit my SW. And my SW would never become a Jedi anyway.


I see only 1 solution here : the faction swap is a story thing only and does not affect anything else outside of the story.

And the easiest way to do it is probably by keeping our character as the Commander of the Alliance who ally with whichever faction they choose.


This. If there really is no chance for a faction switch, or at least what they did on Iokath, it's going to break a lot of characters.


Yes. My JKs would literally choose death over returning to the Republic.


I understand that actually swapping the factions and the classes would likely have so many moving parts that it would never be tenable, but at the least they could do something like Iokath where you could choose your faction as an ally and use their base on the planet.

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I, personally, am not a Sith, a Jedi, a bounty hunter, smuggler, spy or soldier. Though I can headcanon with the best of them, I'm still just someone who sits in front of a monitor, pressing keys and using a mouse.


It does me no good to say what my character would or wouldn't do since the game leads the way whether I like it or not. I did not care for the kill options, or the direction of KOTFE/ET, or the traitor arc, but there they were. Whether I liked them or not didn't matter. It was new content, so I played it.


In the long run, whether I play or not is the only unscripted decision I can make.


For me, and I'm speaking just for me, any new content is still better than no content at all. I have no grand expectations, my personal whims will not be catered to, and it won't make any difference if the story makes sense or not. I'll run my character across the screen stabbing or shooting things and hopefully get some amount of entertainment from it. Who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised just by keeping my hopes in reserve.

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You and everyone else needs to face the fact that this is just NOT going to happen.

They have already outlined the path that will be taken and there is no faction swap. Also since this is a realignment there is very little chance of remaining as the Commander.


I have already started to mock up some ideas to work with my characters that cannot work within this scenario, and the changes must come from me because they will not come from the game.

So other players choices should matter more than mine in my own story for my own characters ?

Sorry but that's not going to work as i don't see the point of playing a character that's not going to be my character anymore. The game offered several occasions to say that we want to really ourselves with our old faction or turn our backs on it. And even one more for the IA.


I'm already not thrilled to going back to Empire vs Republic as it's a completely pointless war that no one can win in the context of the game, so if i can't even play my characters as i made them, there is no point to play. I'd rather delete them or never touch them again than having them act completely out of character.


We all play our characters differently and taking away half of the choices, is not a good option.



I know for sure that my BH was never part of the Empire to begin with, she doesn't care about it, neither does she care about the Republic, she followed the money. Now she's a Mandalorian, so she'll follow her Mandalorian friends and husband, not any random Sith or Jedi, Emperor or Chancelor.

My SI hates the Empire with all his heart, everything he did was with only one goal in mind : his own survival, why would he want to go back to people who treated him like trash and would kill him any chance they get ?

My SW started very loyal to the Empire, she served Baras faithfully until he betrayed her, she loved Quinn untill he betrayed her, she was honnored to serve as the Emperor's Wrath untill he betrayed her. She was more than happy to serve Marr untill he died. There is absolutely nothing left for her in the Empire.

My IA was only loyal to the Chiss Ascendancy, she served the Empire because that was usefull for the Chiss. She always faced racism everywhere she went in the Empire, was brainwashed and used a mindless puppet, she fell in love with Vector but he was not treated any better than her. She's left with only disdain for the Empire, and now the Chiss are not even allies of the Empire anymore, why would she bother going back to the Empire ?


My Smuggler, has no love for the Republic and hates the Empire, i just don't know what to do with him, but he'd certainly not fit in that storyline. He'd probably just fly anywhere he wants and not get involved in that war

My trooper, well, the Republic let her down and her hubby clearly defected with all of Havoc squad, they're all pretty much deserters now. I don't see her in this storyline either actually. I rather see them found some nice place to live and start a familly than going back to war.

This leaves me with only my JC who is a very borring character i don't know what to do with. He'd probably be the only one who could go back to his previous occupation without any problem, except that i don't care about him that much and don't want to invest more time with him.


And lastly, my JK as the Outlander, she had to see past being a Jedi and open up to other way to see the Force, she fell in love and is going to marry the man she loves, she's not a Jedi anymore and will never go back to being one, she fights to bring peace to the Galaxy, she can do that without being a Jedi, she can work with the Republic, but will not work for them as a Jedi anymore. I can make the story work for my JK IF and only IF she can remain the Commander. If not, then i'm out.


Edited by Goreshaga
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This. If there really is no chance for a faction switch, or at least what they did on Iokath, it's going to break a lot of characters.


Yes. My JKs would literally choose death over returning to the Republic.


I understand that actually swapping the factions and the classes would likely have so many moving parts that it would never be tenable, but at the least they could do something like Iokath where you could choose your faction as an ally and use their base on the planet.

Honestly, if they didn't intend to do faction swapping, they should NEVER have gotten people's hopes up with Iokath nor presented the option to reach out to the opposing faction after the Nathema Conspiracy. If they'd just had only the Imperial side approach ex-Imperials (and visa versa for the Pubs) on Iokath and concluded Nathema with a non-choice "Reach out to my old contacts in the Empire/Republic", you wouldn't have created the expectation that the ability to faction swap was coming.


The funniest part to me about the argument that the ONLY way it could possibly happen is to switch classes is that several points in the vanilla stories make a point of how the Jedi had accepted ex-Sith into their Order. The main reason the Jedi Order knows about some of the Empire's secret plans is precisely because one of the members of the Dark Council defected to the Jedi in the past (i.e. someone just as high in rank as the Sith Inquisitor has defected before).


Hell, the Jedi Knight gets a chance on Tattooine to send another Sith to the Order themselves and that same ex-Sith later shows up on Corellia as an ally helping to liberate Corellia from the Empire (i.e. they allowed ex-Sith to fight against their former allies) and the Knight even picks himself up the former Emperor's Wrath as a companion (i.e. someone just as high in rank as the Sith Warrior).


On the flip side, both the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor get ex-Jedi as companions in the vanilla story and neither has to abandon their light-side tendencies in order to be accepted as part of the retinue of the new Wrath nor a member of the Dark Council.


The idea that the characters essentially have to be re-rolled when we have multiple canon examples of that not being necessary even in the vanilla story... including a former Wrath (Scourge) who still got to act like a Sith, a former member of the Dark Council (not met, but mentioned in dialogue) and two ex-Jedi who got to keep acting like Jedi... is ludicrous.


Even more ludicrous are the non-Force users.


The Bounty Hunter was never a part of the Sith Empire and can even get a full pardon from the Republic's Chancellor for any crimes they may have committed (the fact that Pub side gets to participate in Bounty Contract events further establishes that the profession of Bounty Hunter is legitimate in the Republic) at the end of their vanilla story and the Imperial Agent can actually JOIN the Republic SIS as a deep cover agent at the end of their vanilla story.


Likewise, the whole first arc of the Trooper's story is how the previous Havoc Squad defected to the Empire over their mistreatment and the Smuggler can easily just be in it for the money.


All you'd have to do is lock out the old planetary and exploration missions and you'd have maybe a dozen or less lines of dialogue in all the Heroics and Flashpoints for each of the main voice actors to record for the other faction (provided you only allowed heroics to be accessed through the terminals) and you'd be good to go (since all the 6.0 material would have been built with the idea that some characters had faction swapped built in).


ETA: Heck, with all the complaints about "My character would never be a follower" the idea of faction swapping makes why you'd be taking orders in this case easy... You're trying to prove yourself to your new faction and so are willing to go out of your way (at least at this early point) to do so.

Edited by SiegePro
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You actually meet Sajar on Quesh, right befor you meet Scourge ^^

Even better. Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve played a Knight I was going mostly from memory.


The basic point stands though... the vanilla stories include multiple instances of NPCs and companions (including those of the same ranks as the Sith PCs held at the end of their vanilla stories) faction swapping. The idea that the PC would not be able to do the same as part of their story is rather silly.


Now a technical limitation would be an understandable reason to not allow faction swapping, but if that were really still an insurmountable problem, why would the current lead dev have greenlit story options that strongly suggest that swapping would be an option?


I seriously doubt people would be upset about the prospect of faction swapping NOT happening if the hints of it hadn’t been presented as possible ever since the decision to go back towards Pub vs. Imp that started with Iokath. People don’t get upset over what they don’t think is even possible... they DO get upset when you tease something and then fail to actually deliver on it.


So why invite the hurt feelings and drama from what the devs would know from the start would be nothing but a tease?


And if it was something they WANTED to do, but then discovered that technical limitations prevented this, then I would think the wisest course of action would be for the lead dev to just come out and say so as soon as possible.


But the more I think on it, the more I don’t think there IS such a technical limitation. The Iokath daily area was able to swap whether the Pubs or Imp mobs were flagged as your allies or enemies even in non-instanced areas and that’s a not insignificant hurdle to full swapping already accomplished. Likewise, cross-faction PVP queuing and chat inside those areas is already possible.


Now I’ll admit there’s a world of difference between having the parts and being able to assemble them properly into a finished product, but just the existence of the parts is, I think, cause for hope on the ability to deliver on faction swapping.

Edited by SiegePro
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So other players choices should matter more than mine in my own story for my own characters ?

Short answer, YES.

The Devs have already decided that this narrative (that suits some people) is more important than the narrative that suits you.

Sorry but that's not going to work as i don't see the point of playing a character that's not going to be my character anymore. The game offered several occasions to say that we want to really ourselves with our old faction or turn our backs on it. And even one more for the IA.


Then don't play that character or quit completely, in the end it is your choice.


I'm already not thrilled to going back to Empire vs Republic as it's a completely pointless war that no one can win in the context of the game, so if i can't even play my characters as i made them, there is no point to play. I'd rather delete them or never touch them again than having them act completely out of character.


You seem to be in the minority here but regardless it doesn't matter what you like or don't like just like it doesn't matter what I like or don't like, this is already decided.


We all play our characters differently and taking away half of the choices, is not a good option.


You have already lost this battle. There is no way for them to add the things you want now and they have already outlined these things are not an option, sure they could be holding back but to what ends, I highly doubt this is the case.


The only thing you have control over is your own narrative.

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Under spoiler because it's pretty long




Problem is that not allowing to really switch faction is character breaking for some player. I know that if my imp character can't go pub, i won't touch them anymore as they have no reason to be willing to serve the Empire again.


Putting your character on their mirror class is also a problem because if you turn a SW into a JK for instance, their voice are going to change. I like mine with their unique voice, and don't want my SW to sound like my JK, my JK's voice would absolutely not suit my SW. And my SW would never become a Jedi anyway.


I see only 1 solution here : the faction swap is a story thing only and does not affect anything else outside of the story.

And the easiest way to do it is probably by keeping our character as the Commander of the Alliance who ally with whichever faction they choose.


People can run the gambit of personality, allegiances, goals. I behoove no one any of that, and I wish there was way so that everyone can get what they want. The problem, well, that is the problem, to large of gap to accopany diderences and how it would relate to the main storyline,one of your pro-Alliance chartacters and my DarkLordy Sith who's loyalty to the Empire.


Problem with that line of thought, while perhaps suitable to your tastes it's the last thing my Character would want. I don't see how my characters situation could be situated with some of your characers in a single storyline as you propose. I'm not a fan of the Allaiance and I know some people like that, and's totally cool,but it doesn't work for my character.


I was thinking about it after I read your post and I said to myself, perhaps some people can't see how different their characters can be, even alien to one another. Everybody has their right to make of the story line whatever choices they want. But that's just it, I don't think one storyline like you propose could iffer such vastly different choices that would allow for such extreme differences.


If you laid out one of your one characters motivations, allegiances and goals, side by side with my characters, I can't see how it could for both in still keeping the Commander of the Alliance going and allow people to completely go back to their home factions to serve them if they wish.


These are some my characters motivation, allegiances and goals [ You don't have to read this, this was included only to illustraite the point about how said storyline could possibly be written in a way that it could to encompass differences between people players in story. I know I write a lot, so that's why im letting people know they don't have to read, was just to support my point.


So reconcile you're pro-allaince toon story with mine and see if itt seems likely that a cohesive new storyline could account for how uttterly different our Commanders would be. Bare in mind the following -



I don't want to rule Zakuul and the 4 ships it has left and 30 rounds of blaster ammo, I don't have anything but totally and utter loyalty to the Empire, I want to go home. But, before that,


I don't want to be a leader of foreign people who hate my guts because I conquered and destroyed everything it was and never will be again. I don't like them, I don't care about them, I don't want to help them. Essentially what I mean, I didn't free them, I conquered them and they are spoils of War. They aren't my people, my people are Imperials. I am not concerned about the well being of Zakuul and it's conquered people. The only thing I would want from them is their total obediance and service. to help rebuild the Empire that they had wared with. That's common in war, after, POws are utilitzed to rebuild and serve and than later on maybe they eventually are freed.


My character is not asking for their help. He is telling them, you will do this, and serve the Empire in any way we feel like that day, or they will be wiped off the face of the universe.


I personally would not settle for anything other than total and utter submission by the Zakuulians, the annexing of all of their former territory into the Empire,and would use them as slave labor to mine ores for the Empire orwhatever other slave jobs needed.


There is no possibility, while I lived that any other outcome could be possible. They're beaten, they attacked the Empire, and now they will serve the Empire they sought to destroy and will never know what it feels like to not have a chain attached to their ankles ever again. And either way, even if they submitted totally utterly, I would still turn Zakuul and Odesson into asteroid feilds.


I don't want to rule any Empire, or Alliance, I don't want to be a political leader, I don't want to bother putting any facade on my face other than what I am. I'm a soldier of the Empire, I want to serve, I want to kill it's enemies or any one who looks at it the wrong way, but most of all, I want to attack the Republic, kill all it's Jedi protectors to a man, and claim complete and total sovereignty of the known Universe. There isn't enough room for the Empire and anyone else that does not serve it. [My characters such a selfish mutha F... heh ]


I don't see going home as a soldier entitles me to one single day in office. When I go home, I will bend the knee to Empress Acina, give her my oath of Loyalty to her and the Empire, and tell her that if she would have it so, I would serve her as her Empress' Wrath. I'm happy to leave her all the political crap while I go out killing, conquering, subjugating, and spread fear all in her name and for the Glory of the Empire.


That's not being a lacky, that's being the 2 nd most famous, feared and powerful person in the Empire. If playing Darth Vader's role is a lacky, well, than I could live with that. ;)


Starting with me declaring the Alliance is over immediately. I will let the Republic soldiers to return to Republic space totally free and unmolested as fellow Soldiers and former allies of necessity and in return for letting them go free I would ask only thing in return and that would when they get back to pass a message from me to the Leader of the Republic and Jedi Master Satale [ i dont know how to spell her name hehe] and that message would be.


"Ready yourselves, we are coming".


Okay so now, put one of your pro-alliance characters and my world annihilating character into a mainstream storyline which takes place just after Anathema, heh that could handle these differences.


I'm pretty sure I know what will cause the resurgence of war between the Empire and the Republic. I think it's my fault :cool:


I certainly wouldn't mind if there was an option for players to stay as Emperor of Zakuul and just ally with one of the 2 factions, given the destroyed state of things in the former EE, they really wouldn't be up for fighting, but that might make it more plausible to understand how any soldier would agree to attack as an ally of your home faction's arch-enemy and destroy it. That really pushes the line of plausibility I think, but if it was non combat related, that might make the Alliance more of a neutral lending some resources and such but not actual fighting. I have a hard time believeing all these soliders that joined up to free their factions would be willing to turn around and take up arms against their home factions as an ally to their mortal enemy. The soldiers have absolutely no reason why all of a sudden they hate their homes and want to see them on fire and never go home again. That only leaves the Emperor of Zakuul withbuilding a new Zakuulain military, but, I dont see why they would be willing to serve someone who destroyed them utterly, killed their people by the billions and serve a foregn invader as their leader. I don't see Zakuul as a good choice for a 3rd Faction, it just doesn't work all things considered, I think something along the lines of a Hutt Cartel or Criminal Organization like the Black sun or even the Mandalorians. They fit into Star Wars well and also doeesnt make them a stuffy government type faction, it gives them some real individualty. But, I was people to be happy in the game, so sometimes ya gotta give a little leeway for those of a different inclination but who still help go on


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