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No Longer Worried About Upcoming Story Updates


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I agree

A lot of people hate Makeb but I thought it was very well written.

It wasn't a epic story or anything but it was believable, it flowed well and it made sense.


I loved the mission series on Makeb. What I did not like is the physically destroyed and fragmented integrity of the planet.. and the crazy obstacles to travel that it produces. :) Of course in SWTOR more planets are physical "train wrecks" then not. :p

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I loved the mission series on Makeb. What I did not like is the physically destroyed and fragmented integrity of the planet.. and the crazy obstacles to travel that it produces. :) Of course in SWTOR more planets are physical "train wrecks" then not. :p


I loved the visuals on Makeb (I always wanted a stronghold that looked like one of those pretty houses with a garden and gazebo) and thought the story was done well, on both sides. Makeb suffers from the "one size fits all" problem with the same story for all characters, though, so running through it again and again has gotten old.


Also for some reason (and yes, it's been reported), Imperial side Makeb is now so bugged for me that my characters cannot even load in to Makeb orbital station to start the main questline. They end up in loading-screen limbo and I eventually have to get CS to rescue them and put them back on the fleet or their ship. After going through that with a few characters, it's okay, I'll just pass up Makeb now,

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For those interested: as I said in another thread I made a poll over at the SWTOR Reddit to see how people feel about the return to Empire vs Republic there. Already a staggering majority is happy with the return to SWTOR's core narrative and the comments in the thread there are vastly different from the sentiment displayed here on the forums. I now also understand why the forums here are less visited and posted on by most players.


Here is the link to the Reddit thread:


Suffice to say, seeing how many people are happy with the return... my excitement for upcoming story content grows :) now I can truly say I am no longer worried about SWTOR's story!

Edited by Ylliarus
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For those interested: as I said in another thread I made a poll over at the SWTOR Reddit to see how people feel about the return to Empire vs Republic there. Already a staggering majority is happy with the return to SWTOR's core narrative and the comments in the thread there are vastly different from the sentiment displayed here on the forums. I now also understand why the forums here are less visited and posted on by most players.


Here is the link to the Reddit thread:


Suffice to say, seeing how many people are happy with the return... my excitement for upcoming story content grows :) now I can truly say I am no longer worried about SWTOR's story!


Wow...I think you're selectively reading what people here have been saying. (BTW, I loved one of your comments about how people are "convinced they are right so who am I to tell them otherwise"...that's like saying "I'm sorry you feel that way") Numerous people, myself included, have said that the return to the conflict has to happen eventually and that if done well wouldn't be so bad. The identifying words here are...If. Done. Well.


But what they are doing is throwing all Outlanders down the same alleyway. They've taken all of our story-based choices away. That some of us have characters who aren't followers...they are leaders...and this story direction doesn't fit them because of choices they (BioWare) gave us. Can you honestly say that it would make any sense whatsoever to have companions like Jorgan following an Imperial-aligned Outlander? Seriously? Or apply that to half of the members of the Alliance? Quinn and Pierce fighting with the Republic? Theron being okay with blowing up Jedi strongholds? That is what we're talking about here. Things that don't make sense. That they're just wiping the slate clean without any explanation...or potentially taking away companions people have invested time and money on.


But you seem so caught up on the idea that we just want to continue playing in our own little sandboxes or something, which isn't the case. So yes, if you're happy just being spoonfed handwavy content that disregards the last hundred or so hours of your gameplay...then you do you...that doesn't make you any more or less right than I am...or anybody else. That's your opinion. It's awesome that you're exited about the new content...but you shouldn't look down upon people who may not be or who are asking questions to things left unanswered or are disregarded by the story direction.


(BTW I can't even take your poll...because your narrow-spectrum options don't even apply to me.)


And let me say...ya, I did read stuff we aren't supposed to talk about here...so I'm not going to talk about it. ;)

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Wow...I think you're selectively reading what people here have been saying. (BTW, I loved one of your comments about how people are "convinced they are right so who am I to tell them otherwise"...that's like saying "I'm sorry you feel that way") Numerous people, myself included, have said that the return to the conflict has to happen eventually and that if done well wouldn't be so bad. The identifying words here are...If. Done. Well.


But what they are doing is throwing all Outlanders down the same alleyway. They've taken all of our story-based choices away. That some of us have characters who aren't followers...they are leaders...and this story direction doesn't fit them because of choices they (BioWare) gave us. Can you honestly say that it would make any sense whatsoever to have companions like Jorgan following an Imperial-aligned Outlander? Seriously? Or apply that to half of the members of the Alliance? Quinn and Pierce fighting with the Republic? Theron being okay with blowing up Jedi strongholds? That is what we're talking about here. Things that don't make sense. That they're just wiping the slate clean without any explanation...or potentially taking away companions people have invested time and money on.


But you seem so caught up on the idea that we just want to continue playing in our own little sandboxes or something, which isn't the case. So yes, if you're happy just being spoonfed handwavy content that disregards the last hundred or so hours of your gameplay...then you do you...that doesn't make you any more or less right than I am...or anybody else. That's your opinion. It's awesome that you're exited about the new content...but you shouldn't look down upon people who may not be or who are asking questions to things left unanswered or are disregarded by the story direction.


(BTW I can't even take your poll...because your narrow-spectrum options don't even apply to me.)


And let me say...ya, I did read stuff we aren't supposed to talk about here...so I'm not going to talk about it. ;)


I made the poll to be simple, because generally people want simple answers and clear cut results. Don't blame me that they like it that way!


I am not looking down on anyone. However, I have noticed that some of the forums posters here seem to be convinced that majority of the players like the Alliance and are discontent about the return to the Empire vs Republic narrative. I am not trying to prove them wrong, I am trying to show them a different perspective.


As I said, most of us haven't had a look at the content we can't speak of (I assume), so we don't know what's coming exactly in the upcoming story and how the various choices will play out. Do I agree that for example Beywan Aygo following an Alliance Commander who returns to the Empire is logical? Yes. Am I convinced that Bioware will settle that by having some characters leave if choice X or Y is made? Absolutely. We will simply have to wait and see how the various choices will play out and digging yourself into displeasure already is a huge pity.

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I made the poll to be simple, because generally people want simple answers and clear cut results. Don't blame me that they like it that way!


You're the one who made it that way. ;)


I am not looking down on anyone.


You're doing a fairly good job of it.


However, I have noticed that some of the forums posters here seem to be convinced that majority of the players like the Alliance and are discontent about the return to the Empire vs Republic narrative. I am not trying to prove them wrong, I am trying to show them a different perspective.


I don't believe anybody here (in this thread or in the other thread you started for the same purpose) is saying they *like* the Alliance. They are saying they don't like having their choices erased. We all know that the conflict has to return at some point. But just throwing us into it overnight is 119% handwaving. Handwave away Zakuul like we don't all know it still exists. Handwave away all of the droids the Alliance controlled. And the droid factories. And the rest of the Fleet that wasn't orbiting Odessen to be destroyed. And the technologies on Iokath. And. And. And. And.


Am I convinced that Bioware will settle that by having some characters leave if choice X or Y is made? Absolutely. We will simply have to wait and see how the various choices will play out and digging yourself into displeasure already is a huge pity.


Ah, to be a BioWare Apologist...I remember those days...where is that gif from GoT with the lady shaking her head saying "Oh, my sweet summer child..." :p

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I wish that they would give us a more neutral faction for our NFU to join. I just don't want my toons to get shoehorned into a faction that they've shown clear disrespect/hatred for. My Smuggler hates both sides as I've said before. My Merc would love to keep open contacts with both sides for extra money. My imp agent just wanted to get away from it all. Obviously Bioware can't make my desires become reality (it's my head canon so naturally it should not be inflicted upon people who see things from a different perspective) but I wish that there was maybe a third, criminal faction that we can join, from which we can manipulate both factions at the same time (starting up conflicts, raiding their ships, etc). That way we could get away from the one shoe fits all type of scenario. I also find it weird that Satele ENCOURAGED us to become something beyond Jedi/Sith because both philosophies are apparently incorrect in their interpretation of the Force, and we embraced that mentality, BUT now we have to go back to being a good Jedi/Sith for the others to control, like an obese, overly slow lapdog. Edited by asiasusanna
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I don't believe anybody here (in this thread or in the other thread you started for the same purpose) is saying they *like* the Alliance. They are saying they don't like having their choices erased. We all know that the conflict has to return at some point. But just throwing us into it overnight is 119% handwaving. Handwave away Zakuul like we don't all know it still exists. Handwave away all of the droids the Alliance controlled. And the droid factories. And the rest of the Fleet that wasn't orbiting Odessen to be destroyed. And the technologies on Iokath. And. And. And. And.


AND Handwaving most of the traitor story. I wasn't even in control of the fleet for that long - yeesh! Honestly, if they didn't put marriage proposals in it I wonder how many people would have ran it. (Well I tend to run all content because I'm that way). But, I don't think we are up and taking sides right away. I believe its the first steps to it.


I wonder if Gnost Dural will make any reference to knowing my Jedi Shadow or remembering Theron - he should anyway!! Or any of the people we are encountering that were in earlier stories for that matter.

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You're the one who made it that way. ;)




You're doing a fairly good job of it.




I don't believe anybody here (in this thread or in the other thread you started for the same purpose) is saying they *like* the Alliance. They are saying they don't like having their choices erased. We all know that the conflict has to return at some point. But just throwing us into it overnight is 119% handwaving. Handwave away Zakuul like we don't all know it still exists. Handwave away all of the droids the Alliance controlled. And the droid factories. And the rest of the Fleet that wasn't orbiting Odessen to be destroyed. And the technologies on Iokath. And. And. And. And.




Ah, to be a BioWare Apologist...I remember those days...where is that gif from GoT with the lady shaking her head saying "Oh, my sweet summer child..." :p


Right, it's clear that you're not in for a sensible conversation anymore. You have painted me in a certain light in your mind and whatever I write or do will colour you image. A pity, but if you choose to view me that way it's your choice. I have made clear what my intents are and what I mean, but I can't do anything about it if you choose to misinterpret me.

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I wish that they would give us a more neutral faction for our NFU to join. I just don't want my toons to get shoehorned into a faction that they've shown clear disrespect/hatred for. My Smuggler hates both sides as I've said before. My Merc would love to keep open contacts with both sides for extra money. My imp agent just wanted to get away from it all. Obviously Bioware can't make my desires become reality (it's my head canon so naturally it should not be inflicted upon people who see things from a different perspective) but I wish that there was maybe a third, criminal faction that we can join, from which we can manipulate both factions at the same time (starting up conflicts, raiding their ships, etc). That way we could get away from the one shoe fits all type of scenario. I also find it weird that Satele ENCOURAGED us to become something beyond Jedi/Sith because both philosophies are apparently incorrect in their interpretation of the Force, and we embraced that mentality, BUT now we have to go back to being a good Jedi/Sith for the others to control, like an obese, overly slow lapdog.


I would be up for a neutral choice as well for certain characters. My smuggler never fit in with the Eternal Alliance. Seriously, when Theron says I have something for you and has my ship flown in, I just wanted to hop in and ditch them yelling out YOLO B****** :D. Even if I never found my crew, I could get by with HK-51 and we'd be fine. :D


I agree with you. That whole chapter Visions in the Dark made no sense in many aspects.

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I would be up for a neutral choice as well for certain characters. My smuggler never fit in with the Eternal Alliance. Seriously, when Theron says I have something for you and has my ship flown in, I just wanted to hop in and ditch them yelling out YOLO B*tches :D. Even if I never found my crew, I could get by with HK-51 and we'd be fine. :D


I agree with you. That whole chapter Visions in the Dark made no sense in many aspects.


You know what would be cool? If we seriously got 3 stories- one involves Rep vs Imp from both perspectives, a neutral criminal vs policing faction. Maybe if you're a NFU and you chose to stay with either Rep or Imp, you get to try to take down the criminal faction (which makes more sense than having an agent duel a Jedi or something, but wait- said agent killed the greatest Force users in history...:confused: ). Anyway- the point is that it would be kinda cool to have multiple story threads to follow (5 in this case: Jedi, Sith, NFU Rep, NFU Imp and Criminal faction). It's definitely beyond the devs' current budget, but it sounds more exciting than what they seem to have in store for us right now.


Anyway, good luck and happy hunting

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I made the poll to be simple, because generally people want simple answers and clear cut results. Don't blame me that they like it that way!


I am not looking down on anyone. However, I have noticed that some of the forums posters here seem to be convinced that majority of the players like the Alliance and are discontent about the return to the Empire vs Republic narrative. I am not trying to prove them wrong, I am trying to show them a different perspective.


But seem to be assuming that people have not considered your perspective or must be ignorant or uninformed if they disagree with you. It may not be your intent, but the way you are phrasing things - 'debunking' other people's opinions in your thread titles; telling people they aren't average players; saying that your personal group of friends likes the storyline as though it means anything to anyone else - comes across that you believe your perspective is the only valid one.


I'm still not sure what you are even trying to accomplish with your poll. Do you think those of us who are not happy with the story's turn are going to say, "by gosh, all these people I don't know have a different opinion! I must follow the herd now!" Depending on where you look and who you ask, the majority in any group of SWTOR gameplayers will be different.


Not everyone is going to like this storyline, the same way not everyone liked KOTFE. People are allowed to feel that way, and are allowed to feel that this storyline is inconsistent with the choices their characters have made, and they are allowed to say they are unhappy.

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But seem to be assuming that people have not considered your perspective or must be ignorant or uninformed if they disagree with you. It may not be your intent, but the way you are phrasing things - 'debunking' other people's opinions in your thread titles; telling people they aren't average players; saying that your personal group of friends likes the storyline as though it means anything to anyone else - comes across that you believe your perspective is the only valid one.


I'm still not sure what you are even trying to accomplish with your poll. Do you think those of us who are not happy with the story's turn are going to say, "by gosh, all these people I don't know have a different opinion! I must follow the herd now!" Depending on where you look and who you ask, the majority in any group of SWTOR gameplayers will be different.


Not everyone is going to like this storyline, the same way not everyone liked KOTFE. People are allowed to feel that way, and are allowed to feel that this storyline is inconsistent with the choices their characters have made, and they are allowed to say they are unhappy.


1. I already stated in a previous post that I made a mistake by making the Debunked thread and by phrasing the title like that.


I guess the saying "sleep a night on it" is right again because today I look at this thread and think "why Yll, why...". I totally realise and recognise the error of making a seperate thread for this when the other thread was perfectly fine. So I admit, it was a mistake to make this thread so I do apologise for cluttering the forums!


I will admit however that it led to some very interesting reads in here though which point that indeed, the argument isn't as debunked as I thought it was :)


No, no, you're totally correct here, it was a mistake of me to make an entirely different thread about it. Yesterday it seemed logical and today I look at it and ask myself what the hell I was thinking. It's not necessarily that I made this thread because you disagreed with me, but yesterday I was convinced the specific post needed limelight and exposure. Today I see that it was completely not necessary.


Let's blame it on my enthusiasm, hype and surge of excitement for the new story update, albeit I recognise that's no excuse of course.


2. When did I say that if someone disagrees with me they are uninformed or ignorant? If you are referring to one phrase from a while back that I could have phrased differently but you blew out of proportion, then I again reiterate that I did not consider you uninformed or ignorant. I have explained myself in the past what I meant but if you choose to keep misinterpreting me then I am truly sorry, but there is nothing else I can do there.


3. I keep repeating every single time when I bring up the Discord server that I recognise that the opinions expressed there DO NOT mean they speak for the entirety of the playerbase but YOU CHOOSE to keep ignoring that fact to suit your own narrative. I have repeated that I bring that Discord server up as a different perspective to what you and others offer here. But again, YOU CHOOSE to ignore my explanations.


4. The poll is in no way, shape or form meant for you to be convinced or whatever. It is meant to satisfy my own curiousity as well as to add to an interesting debate, because somehow I am able to talk normally with people on Reddit about this subject.


5. In no post or thread did I say that you are not allowed to feel happy. My rights end where yours begin and vice versa. Just like you are allowed to be unhappy and unsatisfied I am allowed to be excited, hyped and voice that. I am also allowed to express how happy I am with the return to the Empire vs Republic narrative, I am allowed to have a positive outlook on the story. Because where your rights end, mine begin.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Ah, to be a BioWare Apologist...I remember those days...where is that gif from GoT with the lady shaking her head saying "Oh, my sweet summer child..." :p


Likes what I don't like = BioWare apologist. Could it be that you two just don't like the same things? I'm sure I know the answer already.

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Likes what I don't like = BioWare apologist. Could it be that you two just don't like the same things? I'm sure I know the answer already.


I was trying to respond reasonably up until that point, but sadly, reason was thrown out of the window with the "Bioware apologist" post. How do I interpret that even? Do I need to apologise in name of Bioware? If they pay me for it I'll gladly do it! You know, student loans and all...

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This is a very *****ly forum to post on >.>


Wow what a strange word to censor, I promise it wasn't vulgar. Rhymes with uh.. trickly? Starts with p? The way that you would describe a cactus?? :p

Edited by grania
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This is a very *****ly forum to post on >.>


And here I thought Reddit was the bad part of the internet... surprise, surprise, I am able to have reasonable and pleasant discussions about this subject over there with a lot of good reads, but here? It seems the opinions people on SWTOR's Reddit have over the forums here might not be so wrong after all.


Wow what a strange word to censor, I promise it wasn't vulgar. Rhymes with uh.. trickly? Starts with p? The way that you would describe a cactus?? :p


Oh! Must be because the word without -ly could also be a swearword! Or an insult, albeit I doubt someone would be insulted if they were called that... but Bioware's forums Bioware's rules!

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♥ After Tweeting with Charlie McBeardypants, I also feel more assured about the level of impact the Saboteur option may have on our existing romances and I do enjoy the idea of it creating some 'drama'.

:eek: Do tell! In spoiler tags of course ;) Or PM me with all the juicy spoilery details!

This is a very *****ly forum to post on >.>


Wow what a strange word to censor, I promise it wasn't vulgar. Rhymes with uh.. trickly? Starts with p? The way that you would describe a cactus?? :p

And yet the forum will let me type piss all I like with no censoring! In Britain piss is in the top 10 of foul swears along with c, ch, f, another f, mf, b, b, b, s, ff and various combinations of. Piss! And more Piss (I'll grow up now before I get a forum warning :D ).

Edited by Sarova
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2. When did I say that if someone disagrees with me they are uninformed or ignorant? If you are referring to one phrase from a while back that I could have phrased differently but you blew out of proportion, then I again reiterate that I did not consider you uninformed or ignorant. I have explained myself in the past what I meant but if you choose to keep misinterpreting me then I am truly sorry, but there is nothing else I can do there.


*shrug* I suppose if it makes you feel better to blow up at me this way, have at it. I actually don't even know what you are referring to, but you've made numerous comments in this thread that can rub people the wrong way, such as telling people they're not the majority and not average players (why would that matter, if you aren't trying to belittle them?), or that they must only read the forum because their opinion doesn't match yours. If that NOT is your intention, you might want to step back and examine that.


I've been following the conversation on Reddit, and how much people on the forum are being bashed as being 'miserable' because we disagree with the current story direction, FWIW.


Nobody's ever said that you can't feel however you wish about things, and your enthusiasm is actually very refreshing. But nobdoy here is 'miserable' because they don't like a certain storyline or direction - any more than the people who hated KOTFE are 'miserable' because they disliked something that others enjoyed.

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I was trying to respond reasonably up until that point, but sadly, reason was thrown out of the window with the "Bioware apologist" post. How do I interpret that even? Do I need to apologise in name of Bioware? If they pay me for it I'll gladly do it! You know, student loans and all...


No, it's the typical SWTOR forum toxicity that's been around since it's creation. Just explaining how things work gameplay-wise will get you labeled a white knight just because they don't like the reasoning.

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such as telling people they're not the majority and not average players (why would that matter, if you aren't trying to belittle them?)


I myself am not the average player. Why am I not the avarage player? Because the average players does raids and pvp on a daily basis, what do I do on a daily basis in SWTOR? I RP and play the class stories. The average player doesn't RP, they PvE and PvP. Am I belittling myself now? No, I am merely stating a fact. Do I consider myself a better player? Nope. Do I consider myself a worse player? Nope. Playing story and RP is simply my way of playing SWTOR. Do I know that I belong to a minority? Absolutely. Is that a problem? Not at all.


I actually don't even know what you are referring to, but you've made numerous comments in this thread that can rub people the wrong way


If I offended anyone I apologise, but I believe I have been clear in my meaning and nowhere has it been my intent to belittle someone. If you choose to take offense to what I say that is your problem, not mine. I am not here to insult people, I tried to bring in a wave of enthusiasm but sadly, as it was from the start, people don't like nice happy things.

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:eek: Do tell! In spoiler tags of course ;) Or PM me with all the juicy spoilery details!


And yet the forum will let me type piss all I like with no censoring! In Britain piss is in the top 10 of foul swears along with c, ch, f, another f, mf, b, b, b, s, ff and various combinations of. Piss! And more Piss (I'll grow up now before I get a forum warning :D ).


Stop taking the piss out of Bioware over this very t***** issue Sarova :D


As in, rhymes with corny, starts with th and is the way you'd describe a thistle :cool:

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This is a very *****ly forum to post on >.>


Wow what a strange word to censor, I promise it wasn't vulgar. Rhymes with uh.. trickly? Starts with p? The way that you would describe a cactus?? :p


I'm usually terrible at word games [and spelling, and grammer in general] but I think I got this one.





Not as in *****ly.



@ Musco

That's not an i it's a lower case L. It's okay to write prlck. It's not even a real word, I made it up. That's why it's not in a dictionary.

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this Eric ;)




I love Wheel of Fortune. What do I win?

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No, it's the typical SWTOR forum toxicity that's been around since it's creation. Just explaining how things work gameplay-wise will get you labeled a white knight just because they don't like the reasoning.


I know, it's tiring and exhausting. You try to explain a simple fact that doesn't make anyone a better or worse player, but simply is a fact about the playerbase and wham, white knight/bioware apologist galore.

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And here I thought Reddit was the bad part of the internet... surprise, surprise, I am able to have reasonable and pleasant discussions about this subject over there with a lot of good reads, but here? It seems the opinions people on SWTOR's Reddit have over the forums here might not be so wrong after all!

No, it's the typical SWTOR forum toxicity that's been around since it's creation. Just explaining how things work gameplay-wise will get you labeled a white knight just because they don't like the reasoning.

Yeah, swtor forums has always been the pinnacle of loyalist-camps where people wave around their X-year-long-subscription e-peens and pass ball just amongst their buddy-circles :D It just wasn't so apparent before as there was a lot more people passing trough sharing fresh thoughts, but the player base shrinking has brought the extremes out more. Everything imaginable is a personal attack these-days, and it has to be pointed out you evil brigand you!!

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