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General Opinions/Thoughts on New Content? [Spoilers]


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I didn't hate the new movies, but I do generally hate the patchwork canon that they brought with them. I'm glad they aren't doing Jedha [Tatooine with shipwrecks] or the fish monk planet. Ossus is a great planet that actually fits the era the game is taking place in. I'd also like to see Arkania and perhaps a new version of Onderon.


I'm iffy about the saboteurs/loyalist thing. It's old hat for an agent. It makes as much sense as the alliance ever did for smugs and BHs [not much]. It's a bit baffling though...if I'm a LS Trooper that goes over to the empire because Acina was actually a useful ally in the expansions, does it follow that I actually want to sabotage the Republic? The Havoc traitors didn't become double agents, they went AWOL.


I hope the daily area isn't like Iokath. I hate that daily area. I hope it's more like Yavin, with VAs and no secondary currency.

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I watched the stream last night (couldn't catch it live) and I'm honestly pretty excited for 5.10 and what's coming next.



Ditto for me. My only concern is the whole new tier of gear again...gear isn't content and it's being used as such.

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Honestly I doubt your statement, I think the meeting between casual SW fan and MMORPG player, or just a solo-player for it, is very small. I don't think if SWTOR ties in to Disney canon it'll automatically mean more people playing, at least not on the long term, maybe we would see a small surge in subs but chances are those people are not interested in the experience SWTOR will provide. That's my problem with your hypothesis, tying SWTOR to canon when it is not even canon in the first place, I certainly think they can draw inspiration but I'll put my reasoning on spoilers.


^^ I agree with this assessment.

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The lack of advertising makes me wonder if EA somehow reached the conclusion long ago that attracting players to SWTOR (a game that in the end isn't their own intellectual property and has a definite shelf life via their dated exclusive contract with Disney) somehow cannibalizes sales away from EA's own offerings, so all advertising dollars go to EA's home-grown products whose intellectual property is fully theirs.


Traditional advertising (print, media, TV) is not efficient at attracting players to an MMO. If it was effective, we would be inundated with advertising through these channels 7/24 by every major name MMO on the planet. It can certainly be done... but the ROI is quite low. You will see a few sporadic ads (at times) on cable channels for things like World of Tanks, WoW, and a few others ... but there is no real sense that it is effective at growing playerbase.. or we see much more of it.


The more effective method is to target ads online to locations on the internet where players of MMOs will see, read, and maybe try. Even more effective is to work with partners (fan sites, online publications, etc) and run guerilla marketing efforts through them... which does not impress veterans at all.. but it does in fact engage MMO players from other games, as well as non MMO game players to at least try a game.

Edited by Andryah
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