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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Well he's flirting with anyone so you can go for him with any of your characters that is not already in an active romance, he seems even more flirty with an Imp saboteur.


Yep Jonas was all about my Sith Warrior in that scene, but she pretty much shut him down. LOL



Well by itself, the hug was sweet and a nice change from the kisses, i now realise that they actually never kissed when there was someone else in the room with them, which is somewhat fine by me, they like their privacy.


I think Theron doesn't really like public displays of affection. On a character I romanced Lana with, when you get to Iokath expansion story you can go up to her and kiss her in front of Theron. He gets all testy about it with your character. So yea I think it's just his personality to keep certain things private. I think the hug was very appropriate given his personality.


I always like his line in Ch. 8 (if you killed Senya and Arcann), Theron is the one to save the Gravestone and you say something like planning for their anniversary. His response: Oh that party will be much more private and intimate. (yea I'm paraphrasing).

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That was nice that Doc didn't say anything inappropriate, well for what i've seen so far at least.


Jonas, yeah, i expected an answer where my JK could tell him in a civilised way that she's already taken by his buddy (i though he'd know by then since they're clearly in touch as Jonas was the one who gave Theron intel on Havoc Squad), but nothig like that, that was clearly missing. You can only tell him that it's nice to meet him, to wich he'll continue flirting with you, flirt with him as well or be rude...

I was quite surprised that he was hitting on male PCs as well, as he never did that to male troopers during the class story while openly hitting on female troopers and was only seen flirting with women so far, but well, i could go behind that, that'd give him a bit of a Jack Harkness feel, could be interesting for either my IA or my SI.

Yeah it sucks, that option should have been there and its absence is glaringly obvious. It just feels like cost and corner cutting to me, most of this story update does.


I don't really think anything of formerly straight characters now having flirt options for both sexes. BioWare has always had same sex romances but when the game was first made Lucasarts had some kind of "no-****" rule. BioWare is no free to disregard that and do whatever they like.

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I don't think the intention was for those companions to ever make another appearance beyond their return. The same could be said for Khem Val. It's probably a pretty safe assumption that no original romance companions will get additional content going forward, and I'd imagine the same will be said when Scourge, etc. eventually show up (assuming he's romanceable).


Yea but that is why people get a little upset about certain companions still having romance because of the way they handle the other ones.

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Yea but that is why people get a little upset about certain companions still having romance because of the way they handle the other ones.


Oh, I know. Andronikos is my favorite, even above Theron, so there ya go.


I was just saying that I think it's a safe assumption that all other romances are gone after their single cutscene return.

Edited by Dracofish
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For what it's worth, in the Bad Feeling Podcast tonight Charles said that not having material for every character in every update is more a function of having lots of characters and not enough room, and isn't a function of them possibly being dead/exiled in some players' stories. It did sound like he wanted to rotate characters around and give each some content every now and then.
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For what it's worth, in the Bad Feeling Podcast tonight Charles said that not having material for every character in every update is more a function of having lots of characters and not enough room, and isn't a function of them possibly being dead/exiled in some players' stories. It did sound like he wanted to rotate characters around and give each some content every now and then.


Filed under "see it" and "believe it". :p

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For what it's worth, in the Bad Feeling Podcast tonight Charles said that not having material for every character in every update is more a function of having lots of characters and not enough room, and isn't a function of them possibly being dead/exiled in some players' stories. It did sound like he wanted to rotate characters around and give each some content every now and then.


I will believe it when I see it. I don't mean to sound negative but from my experience they say a lot of things and never do it. I really hope this time to be proven wrong.

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Filed under "see it" and "believe it". :p

I will believe it when I see it. I don't mean to sound negative but from my experience they say a lot of things and never do it. I really hope this time to be proven wrong.

Well of course. When they initially took companions away they said they'd make it "worth it" by the returns they got, which in my view has only been true in a small number of cases. So yes, I'll also believe this when I see it. But at least they did say it.

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Well of course. When they initially took companions away they said they'd make it "worth it" by the returns they got, which in my view has only been true in a small number of cases. So yes, I'll also believe this when I see it. But at least they did say it.


It's theoretically sound reasoning, but man of man did they ever fail with this goal. Or most of it anyway. I did not find waiting three years for bald Jaesa to be worth it. :mad:


Such a small change would have fixed it too. And that was only the most recent one. You're right, very few of them have felt satisfying.

Edited by OldVengeance
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I have hope. I also didn't take Jonas' "With a face like yours" line as directly flirtatious either, unless you flirt or yell at him he doesn't say anything else. I took it more in the spirit of Qbi-Wan's "You're the poster boy" quip in RotS. He didn't say that line to my Loyalist male Trooper at all. So, it's really up to the player how he behaves. Doc also never flirts with a JK that didn't romance him in Vanilla so they've improved him tremendously.



As for Lana I will never forgive them for having her in charge of contacting the Republic! :mad: If anyone killed or banished Theron it should have been Tai Gorden or Aygo to do it. That is the ONE thing about the update that thoroughly pisses me off. (Well that and the world boss bug)

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to me lana is most loyal out of all the companions. You guys talk bout lack cause of Rishi. in her shoes might of done same thing. Remember what Carth said in kotor the Force can do terrible things to a mind. lana knew what she what she was doing. the risks of telling theron were to great. but you guys seem to forgot theron's stunt was more stupid and reckless
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Oh, I know. Andronikos is my favorite, even above Theron, so there ya go.


I was just saying that I think it's a safe assumption that all other romances are gone after their single cutscene return.


The same for me with Aric and he hasn't had anything in ages. I'll be really annoyed if he doesn't get some content by or in 6.0

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to me lana is most loyal out of all the companions. You guys talk bout lack cause of Rishi. in her shoes might of done same thing. Remember what Carth said in kotor the Force can do terrible things to a mind. lana knew what she what she was doing. the risks of telling theron were to great. but you guys seem to forgot theron's stunt was more stupid and reckless


Theron didn't throw anyone else into the fire, he threw himself into the fire.

Lana threw Theron unknowingly into that situation.

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The same for me with Aric and he hasn't had anything in ages. I'll be really annoyed if he doesn't get some content by or in 6.0


At least he got actual story-based romance involvement in FE/ET. Most returning love interests, Andronikos included, got jack.


At this point, I'd love to have romanced and favorited Jorgan/Vette/Torian/Kaliyo...but alas, my favs are Andronikos and Theron, along with Pierce (who got bupkiss) and Scourge (who is still gone).

Edited by Dracofish
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At least he got actual story-based romance involvement in FE/ET. Most returning love interests, Andronikos included, got jack.


At this point, I'd love to have romanced and favorited Jorgan/Vette/Torian/Kaliyo...but alas, my favs are Andronikos and Theron, along with Pierce (who got bupkiss) and Scourge (who is still gone).


Docs one of my favs, as is Vector and they dont get much either.

Ya Aric got a chapter and one of the best reuinions in the game im not denying that. It still is starting to feel like forever again since he got anything though.

I do love Theron and im glad for every bit of Theron we get for sure but there are others I love also who are being shafted

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I have hope. I also didn't take Jonas' "With a face like yours" line as directly flirtatious either, unless you flirt or yell at him he doesn't say anything else. I took it more in the spirit of Qbi-Wan's "You're the poster boy" quip in RotS. He didn't say that line to my Loyalist male Trooper at all. So, it's really up to the player how he behaves. Doc also never flirts with a JK that didn't romance him in Vanilla so they've improved him tremendously.



As for Lana I will never forgive them for having her in charge of contacting the Republic! :mad: If anyone killed or banished Theron it should have been Tai Gorden or Aygo to do it. That is the ONE thing about the update that thoroughly pisses me off. (Well that and the world boss bug)


Yep it's absurd Theron was just ignored there. He wouldn't have been if not for that making him killable option (that doesn't even make sense >:| )

Edited by Raynezazki
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For what it's worth, in the Bad Feeling Podcast tonight Charles said that not having material for every character in every update is more a function of having lots of characters and not enough room, and isn't a function of them possibly being dead/exiled in some players' stories. It did sound like he wanted to rotate characters around and give each some content every now and then.


I get what he's saying, but that's also the reason he gave for not having Koth in Nathema - that they didn't have enough space for him. But he was clearly related to the story and they could have animated him in as a substitute to Hylo as they had in KOTET.


Also, things like letters don't take up story space. Yes, someone has to write them, but that's not something that needs to be slotted into the animation/voice-over schedule or funds. So why not at least have the LIs send a letter? That was the best thing about Umbara; the nice love letters that the players got. Even something like that means a lot.


So as much as I'd like to believe that he wants to include more characters, I'll also file under "believe it when I see it."

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I have hope. I also didn't take Jonas' "With a face like yours" line as directly flirtatious either, unless you flirt or yell at him he doesn't say anything else. I took it more in the spirit of Qbi-Wan's "You're the poster boy" quip in RotS. He didn't say that line to my Loyalist male Trooper at all. So, it's really up to the player how he behaves. Doc also never flirts with a JK that didn't romance him in Vanilla so they've improved him tremendously.



As for Lana I will never forgive them for having her in charge of contacting the Republic! :mad: If anyone killed or banished Theron it should have been Tai Gorden or Aygo to do it. That is the ONE thing about the update that thoroughly pisses me off. (Well that and the world boss bug)

Jonas said he wanted to have a drink with my JK though and i did not pick the flirt option, so i guess you have to take the rude answer not to get this one, or be a male trooper as he doesn't seem interested in male trropers.


And yeah, Lana contacting the SIS, it's absolutely not like there is a former SIS agent who could've done that. A simple change in 1 line when Theron's alive and still a member of the Alliance would've improved that like "I'll ask Theron to contact the SIS" and you're done

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Also, things like letters don't take up story space. Yes, someone has to write them, but that's not something that needs to be slotted into the animation/voice-over schedule or funds. So why not at least have the LIs send a letter? That was the best thing about Umbara; the nice love letters that the players got. Even something like that means a lot.


Yes! More letters! I was deadly disappointed with not getting any in 5.10. Seriously, how hard can they be to write?

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Yes! More letters! I was deadly disappointed with not getting any in 5.10. Seriously, how hard can they be to write?


I smiled when I saw a letter from Lana in my email box but sadly it was all business. :( I was also very disappointed that with all the companion letters we couldn't get some love letters in there too. That would have been far more pleasant than the letters I got. :(

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I smiled when I saw a letter from Lana in my email box but sadly it was all business. :( I was also very disappointed that with all the companion letters we couldn't get some love letters in there too. That would have been far more pleasant than the letters I got. :(

I was happy to get one from Theron where he said he'd talk to me about his story with Gnost-Dural when they took out Darth Karrid, because he tells it better than his Jedi friend, which made me smile, it was nice.


Did not do it with another character than my JK yet, but there are no letters from the character's LI ?

Considering we get like 10 letters, that sucks a bit here, not like it's ressource consuming, yep, it needs to be written, but that's all it take some time and a little bit of imagination :(


Odd thing is i got a letter from Quinn while i sided with the Republic on Iokath and he was not supposed to be one of my companions.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I was happy to get one from Theron where he said he'd talk to me about his story with Gnost-Dural when they took out Darth Karrid, because he tells it better than his Jedi friend, which made me smile, it was nice.


Did not do it with another character than my JK yet, but there are no letters from the character's LI ?

Considering we get like 10 letters, that sucks a bit here, not like it's ressource consuming, yep, it needs to be written, but that's all it take some time and a little bit of imagination :(


Odd thing is i got a letter from Quinn while i sided with the Republic on Iokath and he was not supposed to be one of my companions.


No love letters. :( I agree, I would think they could have found a way to get a letter from the LI in there.

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I smiled when I saw a letter from Lana in my email box but sadly it was all business. :( I was also very disappointed that with all the companion letters we couldn't get some love letters in there too. That would have been far more pleasant than the letters I got. :(


Exactly. What a let down.

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No love letters. :( I agree, I would think they could have found a way to get a letter from the LI in there.

That really sucks, i don't see the point of playing a character with a dead romance...


That is precisely why i deleted my smugler who was with Koth :(

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