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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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And you only get the Alliance Alert if you're a Jedi Knight and it's an optional Alert so .... not sure what the big deal is.


I was planning on completely ignoring Doc's AA and thus avoiding him, but for me, having Doc in the main story even for that small segment means I literally cannot play a Republic character through. I just can't handle him again. He's too triggery and too much of a reminder of bad past experiences for me.


So I am hoping that there will be a way to skip 5.10 and I am very disappointed that my Consular will never get her Nadia romance, but I just can't be upset that way playing the game.

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Some of those post-5.10 companion letters are awful, too...



I feel like the one thing people have been telling Bioware is that they don't want to lose companions and yet what's the first thing they do?


I received a letter from Talos saying he had to regretfully inform me that he was returning to the Empire ... and yet he's still in my companion list.

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I received a letter from Talos saying he had to regretfully inform me that he was returning to the Empire ... and yet he's still in my companion list.


The companions are all sorts of messed up right now. I am wondering if it's one of those times where they're divorcing story from what players do, though. Technically with the Odessen terminal you can have all sorts of companions who are dead or not back in your story yet. Perhaps with Talos (and the others I noticed - I didn't play Pub side but saw those emails) they are just taking the stance that the character will be gone from your story but hey, you can still have him around if you want.


Taking them officially out of the story is bad enough but if the players started losing companions they've raised influence on, there would be holy hell.

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The companions are all sorts of messed up right now. I am wondering if it's one of those times where they're divorcing story from what players do, though. Technically with the Odessen terminal you can have all sorts of companions who are dead or not back in your story yet. Perhaps with Talos (and the others I noticed - I didn't play Pub side but saw those emails) they are just taking the stance that the character will be gone from your story but hey, you can still have him around if you want.


Taking them officially out of the story is bad enough but if the players started losing companions they've raised influence on, there would be holy hell.

I think what they're doing is removing companions who feel strongly aligned with a particular faction from future story content that would involve opposing that faction. However, Talos (for example) says we should call on him if we want to do other stuff that wouldn't go against the Empire. I'd rationalize that he (and others like him) are left in our companion lists so we can pull them out for content that doesn't go against the faction to which they're loyal (or people can just choose to have some story / gameplay segregation). These companions still being summonable and available for crew skills makes sense in that context.

Edited by Estelindis
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I think what they're doing is removing companions who feel strongly aligned with a particular faction from future story content that would involve opposing that faction. However, Talos (for example) says we should call on him if we want to do other stuff that wouldn't go against the Empire. I'd rationalize that he (and others like him) are left in our companion lists so we can pull them out for content that doesn't go against the faction to which they're loyal (or people can just choose to have some story / gameplay segregation). These companions still being summonable and available for crew skills makes sense in that context.


That's a fair point, and IIRC Quinn's letter says the same thing. In that context it does still make sense to have them technically available for the stuff that isn't "blow up the Sith Empire."


The one that broke my heart was T7-O1's letter. :(

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That's a fair point, and IIRC Quinn's letter says the same thing. In that context it does still make sense to have them technically available for the stuff that isn't "blow up the Sith Empire."

Absolutely. I'm interested by the mention of Quinn, though. How would you be getting a letter from him of that kind, considering that I thought you said all your characters side with the Empire?

The one that broke my heart was T7-O1's letter. :(

Ouch, I bet that hurt. T7 is just the sweetest, most innocent companion in the game, isn't he? He believes in the PC so much and maintains such a cheerful attitude. It can't be easy to be on the receiving end of a letter that, I'm assuming, implies you let him down (considering how much he cares about the jedi). I am humming and hawing about which Imperial loyalist commander to take through Ossus first, so I haven't received this yet, but now I am wincing in anticipation. :(

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I was planning on completely ignoring Doc's AA and thus avoiding him, but for me, having Doc in the main story even for that small segment means I literally cannot play a Republic character through. I just can't handle him again. He's too triggery and too much of a reminder of bad past experiences for me.


So I am hoping that there will be a way to skip 5.10 and I am very disappointed that my Consular will never get her Nadia romance, but I just can't be upset that way playing the game.

Couldn't play so far as i'm still stuck on the update, but from the vids i've seen, it seems that Doc never flirts with someone who is not a romanced Knight, you should be fine with a Consular if you want Nadia back and to try the romance with her, unless you absolutely can't stand to see his face and spacebar whenever he's talking :/

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Absolutely. I'm interested by the mention of Quinn, though. How would you be getting a letter from him of that kind, considering that I thought you said all your characters side with the Empire?


I didn't get the letter myself. I read every bit of datamining and YouTube stuff that's out there so I know whether I want to play or not - so I've seen all of the companion letters from both factions. Someone posted all the companion letters on YouTube yesterday night (it's up under some title like "Jedi Under Siege Aftermath" from one of the SWTOR YouTubers who puts out a lot of videos).


Ouch, I bet that hurt. T7 is just the sweetest, most innocent companion in the game, isn't he? He believes in the PC so much and maintains such a cheerful attitude. It can't be easy to be on the receiving end of a letter that, I'm assuming, implies you let him down (considering how much he cares about the jedi). I am humming and hawing about which Imperial loyalist commander to take through Ossus first, so I haven't received this yet, but now I am wincing in anticipation. :(


I love that little droid. He's so sweet and when I played through his companion conversations in the JK story, and he was talking about missing his old masters and feeling like he failed them, I really wanted to give him a hug. T7 is one of those companions I would be sad to lose. The letter says that you and T7 make a great team, but he supports the Republic and you support the Empire, and politics are so complicated, and he's conflicted about what to do.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I love that little droid. He's so sweet and when I played through his companion conversations in the JK story, and he was talking about missing his old masters and feeling like he failed them, I really wanted to give him a hug. T7 is one of those companions I would be sad to lose. The letter says that you and T7 make a great team, but he supports the Republic and you support the Empire, and politics are so complicated, and he's conflicted about what to do.

Oh gosh, that's heartbreaking! But still so sweet, so T7. :o

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I didn't get the letter myself. I read every bit of datamining and YouTube stuff that's out there so I know whether I want to play or not - so I've seen all of the companion letters from both factions. Someone posted all the companion letters on YouTube yesterday night (it's up under some title like "Jedi Under Siege Aftermath" from one of the SWTOR YouTubers who puts out a lot of videos).




I love that little droid. He's so sweet and when I played through his companion conversations in the JK story, and he was talking about missing his old masters and feeling like he failed them, I really wanted to give him a hug. T7 is one of those companions I would be sad to lose. The letter says that you and T7 make a great team, but he supports the Republic and you support the Empire, and politics are so complicated, and he's conflicted about what to do.


I wonder if a SW who romanced Quinn still gets a letter if she sides with the Republic on Iokath and sides with the Republic for Jedi Under Siege. On Iokath if you side with the Republic he'll come to you and say he's done with the Empire so it wouldn't really make sense for him to send you a letter after.

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Couldn't play so far as i'm still stuck on the update, but from the vids i've seen, it seems that Doc never flirts with someone who is not a romanced Knight, you should be fine with a Consular if you want Nadia back and to try the romance with her, unless you absolutely can't stand to see his face and spacebar whenever he's talking :/


Pretty much this. Right now I just can't even stand the thought of interacting with him at all.

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Couldn't play so far as i'm still stuck on the update, but from the vids i've seen, it seems that Doc never flirts with someone who is not a romanced Knight, you should be fine with a Consular if you want Nadia back and to try the romance with her, unless you absolutely can't stand to see his face and spacebar whenever he's talking :/


When you first meet him he doesn't even hardly pay attention to you, he doesn't know who you are. At the end when you asked about the patient, he tells you what is wrong and then says it is good that you have the best doctor (paraphrasing) and a handsome one. There are some responses you can come back with. My smuggler just popped off and said well he better be a good doctor with that attitude.

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This "undercover/saboteur" thing is even crappier than I thought it would be.


-Play an imperial class (possibly becoming a double agent/defector as early as vanilla with IA)

-Leave the Empire to form your own faction

-Reject the Empire's alliance

-Openly side with the Republic against the Empire on Iokath which leads to the death of the Empress

-Continue to side with the Republic but are forced to work "undercover" for the Republic but still have to be the empire's lackey and kill Republic troops, help imperial objectives and so on but at least you stopped the Empire from...getting farm data...

-Republic loyalist allies leave you for "siding" with the Empire (against your will)


Unless there's some big reveal later and you get to kill

Malgus again

, blow up some imperial base/operation, and stun the Empire with your betrayal or something (though they're morons for trusting you at this point anyway) there's no reason for me to play any character who isn't a loyalist.

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This "undercover/saboteur" thing is even crappier than I thought it would be.


-Play an imperial class (possibly becoming a double agent/defector as early as vanilla with IA)

-Leave the Empire to form your own faction

-Reject the Empire's alliance

-Openly side with the Republic against the Empire on Iokath which leads to the death of the Empress

-Continue to side with the Republic but are forced to work "undercover" for the Republic but still have to be the empire's lackey and kill Republic troops, help imperial objectives and so on but at least you stopped the Empire from...getting farm data...

-Republic loyalist allies leave you for "siding" with the Empire (against your will)


Unless there's some big reveal later and you get to kill

Malgus again

, blow up some imperial base/operation, and stun the Empire with your betrayal or something (though they're morons for trusting you at this point anyway) there's no reason for me to play any character who isn't a loyalist.


This is all sadly disappointing. Although in the grand scheme of things that farm data is actually pretty important it really doesn't seem like it at the time.


What I find most disturbing though is that you actually have to kill troops. I wouldn't mind so much killing droids (ones that have no sentience/personality) but killing actual people is a bit much to maintain a cover.


I was also hoping for a reveal at the end of the Jedi Under Siege story, like an "Ah hah!" moment where it comes out that you're actually supporting the other side. Although tbh the story probably won't lock you into a faction until (if) the expansion comes out.

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This "undercover/saboteur" thing is even crappier than I thought it would be.


-Play an imperial class (possibly becoming a double agent/defector as early as vanilla with IA)

-Leave the Empire to form your own faction

-Reject the Empire's alliance

-Openly side with the Republic against the Empire on Iokath which leads to the death of the Empress

-Continue to side with the Republic but are forced to work "undercover" for the Republic but still have to be the empire's lackey and kill Republic troops, help imperial objectives and so on but at least you stopped the Empire from...getting farm data...

-Republic loyalist allies leave you for "siding" with the Empire (against your will)


Unless there's some big reveal later and you get to kill

Malgus again

, blow up some imperial base/operation, and stun the Empire with your betrayal or something (though they're morons for trusting you at this point anyway) there's no reason for me to play any character who isn't a loyalist.


The only double agent character I have tried so far was my Sith Warrior. She actually sided with the Empire on Iokath, but Acina was starting to annoy me, so I switched again. Them trusting her made sense, but the whole "The Republic has won me over" line in the beginning didn't make much sense because all the Republic has tried to do has been to kill her. I hope we have the option to tell a few of our companions that we aren't actually killing Jedi for thrills....

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This is all sadly disappointing. Although in the grand scheme of things that farm data is actually pretty important it really doesn't seem like it at the time.


What I find most disturbing though is that you actually have to kill troops. I wouldn't mind so much killing droids (ones that have no sentience/personality) but killing actual people is a bit much to maintain a cover.


I was also hoping for a reveal at the end of the Jedi Under Siege story, like an "Ah hah!" moment where it comes out that you're actually supporting the other side. Although tbh the story probably won't lock you into a faction until (if) the expansion comes out.


I think the saboteur thing is going to come out and burn us later. I did it on one of my characters, just to see. There are also some decisions that I think are going to make a difference later...




such as killing or capturing Gnost-Dural. I wouldn't be surprised if a romanced Theron breaks things off over that one if the Commander kills his old partner in crime.


Edited by Dracofish
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I think the saboteur thing is going to come out and burn us later. I did it on one of my characters, just to see. There are also some decisions that I think are going to make a difference later...




such as killing or capturing Gnost-Dural. I wouldn't be surprised if a romanced Theron breaks things off over that one if the Commander kills his old partner in crime.


Having it come back to burn us later would ... not be good I think. Especially because we have no choice in the matter. If we were given the option to openly support the other faction -or- become a saboteur I could see how things might be difficult if we chose the saboteur path. Unless you mean the side we're sabotaging knows and decides to lay a trap for us or something but then we'd be guaranteed to escape it as we're the PC after all.



And I'm not so sure about Theron. I mean, if you've gone through the whole traitor arc and you've forgiven him and taken him back he may just roll with it. I mean, heck, his own father died and he was upset but still loyal. Not that he had a great relationship with his father but still.


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Having it come back to burn us later would ... not be good I think. Especially because we have no choice in the matter. If we were given the option to openly support the other faction -or- become a saboteur I could see how things might be difficult if we chose the saboteur path. Unless you mean the side we're sabotaging knows and decides to lay a trap for us or something but then we'd be guaranteed to escape it as we're the PC after all.



And I'm not so sure about Theron. I mean, if you've gone through the whole traitor arc and you've forgiven him and taken him back he may just roll with it. I mean, heck, his own father died and he was upset but still loyal. Not that he had a great relationship with his father but still.



I meant more in terms of potential companion loses...just going on the letters I've seen drop into my mailbox. Because nobody in the Alliance knows...you piss off one set of companions now...and then when it's revealed that your a saboteur, you piss off the other set.





They've said that there are certain choices that could potentially end a romance...so I'm thinking that's one of them, but who knows.


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I meant more in terms of potential companion loses...just going on the letters I've seen drop into my mailbox.





They've said that there are certain choices that could potentially end a romance...so I'm thinking that's one of them, but who knows.



Ah! Companion losses, true I hadn't thought of that. Although once it's revealed that you're working for the opposite side you may get some companions back. Sort of? I mean, on my Republic run through Ossus Talos said he had to leave but he didn't actually leave. Unless that's just another bug. So companions that gave a "farewell" letter when you support one side might "return" when it comes out you were supporting the other all along and then you'll "lose" companions who are pissed that you're actually supporting the other side. Ugh. Now my head hurts.


As for Theron ... it's entirely possible that if you kill his friend that he'll leave. He seems to have more ties to the Republic still than Lana does to the Empire at any rate.


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Having it come back to burn us later would ... not be good I think. Especially because we have no choice in the matter. If we were given the option to openly support the other faction -or- become a saboteur I could see how things might be difficult if we chose the saboteur path. Unless you mean the side we're sabotaging knows and decides to lay a trap for us or something but then we'd be guaranteed to escape it as we're the PC after all.



And I'm not so sure about Theron. I mean, if you've gone through the whole traitor arc and you've forgiven him and taken him back he may just roll with it. I mean, heck, his own father died and he was upset but still loyal. Not that he had a great relationship with his father but still.


I think it will burn the PC later and will not be pretty. IMHO some of the companions might react worse to being lied to than they would have if they'd known you were supporting the other faction openly.


As for Theron, I think that with both him and Lana, anything that gets them to leave will be cumulative, the way they did it with Koth. IMHO, leaving Theron to die was Strike One for Lana, because she was not happy and there was a discussion about it later. In that scene it actually looks like she's considering defying the Commander's orders. Killing Gnost-Dural might be Strike One for Theron. But I don't think that will be enough to get him to up and leave without anything else.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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This "undercover/saboteur" thing is even crappier than I thought it would be.


-Play an imperial class (possibly becoming a double agent/defector as early as vanilla with IA)

-Leave the Empire to form your own faction

-Reject the Empire's alliance

-Openly side with the Republic against the Empire on Iokath which leads to the death of the Empress

-Continue to side with the Republic but are forced to work "undercover" for the Republic but still have to be the empire's lackey and kill Republic troops, help imperial objectives and so on but at least you stopped the Empire from...getting farm data...

-Republic loyalist allies leave you for "siding" with the Empire (against your will)


Unless there's some big reveal later and you get to kill

Malgus again

, blow up some imperial base/operation, and stun the Empire with your betrayal or something (though they're morons for trusting you at this point anyway) there's no reason for me to play any character who isn't a loyalist.


Yep the sab thing blows so hard I made my knight a loyalist. Should've just gave my pub character the imp quest and vice versa.

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