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I think I misunderstood.


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I was discussing Light/Dark Side points with a friend yesterday and he said..


"Basically, if you ever get Dark side points, you wont be able to get max light side."


Is this true? On my Jugg, Im almost Light 4, but I have about 100 dark points. Does that mean Im basically borked or will it not matter?


I never really paid attention to the points until he said this.


Thanks for any info.

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They are independent, but add up to your score. For example: You have 1000 light side points and 200 dark side points. your score is 800 on the light side.

You don't have to worry about never being able to achieve maximum light side or maximum dark side though because there are many heroic and flashpoint quests that are repeatable daily. Doing them more than once gets you the conversation gains again, which gives you the light or dark side points again.

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your light and dark side points just add up to make your total (count dark side as negative points)


so on my 24 shadow i have 200 light side points and 3182 dark side points so my alignment is -2982. it just means you have a little bit longer to get to the alignment mark to make up for the extra points on the other end of the spectrum.

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You can still max out Light/Dark.....you can even (if you choose to grind it out) go from max Light to max Dark or vice versa. If you are looking for a way to help build your light/dark points, the Diplomacy crew skill actually gives light/dark points for each mission you send your companion off to do. So, you cannot "make a mistake" and forfeit forever the ability to max out your morality.
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The problem is we do not know enough to give an answer. For example, when you got your 100 dark side points was there an option for light side points. Not all conversations get both options.


In theory if there were 10,000 possible light side points and this gave you Light 10, then chosing a dark side option over a light side would mean you could at most get 9,900 light side points and thus Light 9.


But this assumes the maximum possible light side points is needed to get the maximum light level.


In the long run, I do not think it matters. In fact, unless you ignore every converstaion and only pick based on Light/Dark you wil find you are answering in ways you do not want. Sometimes the Dark side answer is a better answer even for a light side Jedi

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In fact, unless you ignore every converstaion and only pick based on Light/Dark you wil find you are answering in ways you do not want. Sometimes the Dark side answer is a better answer even for a light side Jedi
It's hard being a Light-side Sith =)
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As mentioned before, several quests that offer dark side or light side points are repeatable. You could also switch to the diplomacy crew skill which gives dark side or light side points. You will be able to max out either way... don't worry about it.
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In theory if there were 10,000 possible light side points and this gave you Light 10, then chosing a dark side option over a light side would mean you could at most get 9,900 light side points and thus Light 9.
This hypothesis is interesting, as there is a chance that once you hit 10,000 Light points, you can gain no further benefits from getting Light points (same for Dark points). My best guess is that, once you max out morality (regardless of how many points you need because of opposing morality points), you stop gaining points there. So, to stay Light V, for example, you cannot gain any Dark points or you lose the ranking. But, you can earn back those points to get Light V again. Edited by Aieny
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My understanding is that when you hit the cap for one side and gain more points then it instead reduces that from the other side (if there are any). So In the case where you have 10000 DS and 100 LS and have a score of -9900, if you were awarded another 50 DS points then you would have 10000 DS and 50 LS and a score of -9950.
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early on with my character I got 100 light points... (I was going darkside but collected some light points for a choice I made where I wanted to recruit the character for the sith rather than killing them)


when I got to darkside V with 10,000 darkside points my 100 lightside points disappeared from the bar and now I do not collect any more than the 10,000 limit


so I think you can collect 10,000 points in total, and say you have 5000 light and 5000 dark when you collect more lightside points the new points are taken off the darksides total so you would have 5100 light and 4900 dark


well I think thats how it works... unless as you get 10,000 of either it zeros the other side

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Having been capped on Dark V for a while now I can confirm that any additional gains past a Dark V or Light V score do not add up. You will sit at 10k pts toward that side unless you decide to gain points in the other direction at which point it will immediately drag you back down to Light or Dark IV.


I noted that when I reached Dark V that the 150 LS pts I had previously gained while leveling had been completely wiped clean leaving me purely 10k Darkside.

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I can confirm that you can still get to max rank (I went light side Sith Jugg) while earning darkside points along the way. Because I had diplomacy as a crew skill I got there very fast and have don't both dark and light side crew quests to get crafting items I needed. Once I got to enought lightside points to reach cap (somewhere over 10000) my darkside point actually disappeared from my calc (stated 10000 light side, 0 dark) which I know wasn't true. Since I still do some darkside missions I continually dip from cap and then go back to it.


On a side note not that it's a huge deal yet but it would be nice if you could go slight over the level 5 points needed (say 11000 or something) so I don't keep flipping from rank 5 to 4 and back to 5. I haven't gotten to the point where it matter but if there is ever an item that requires rank 5 then it could be.


*edit: damn 2 people typed faster than me. Starting to slip in my old age.

Edited by jamescloutier
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