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Maintenance: October 2nd, 2018


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Hey everyone!


We will be taking the servers offline on Tuesday, October 2nd in order to apply Game Update 5.9.3. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



DATE: 2 October 2018

TIME: 5:00AM - 9:00AM PDT (1200 - 1600 GMT)

VERSION: 5.9.3


Patch Notes will be available on Monday, here.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!



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Fixed a number of cinematics throughout the game where walls, Companions, or the environment would not appear as intended, weapons not being drawn, and more.


I REALLY hope that among "and more" is a fix for companions having their equipped gear switch to the appearance of the opposite faction in certain cutscenes, namely on the player starship etc.

Edited by BenKatarn
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I didn't see anything about an options fix for the Rishi stronghold; the ability to switch off the PvP areas still won't work :(

And still no fix for Vector's real eye reveal in the agent-Vector romance story? C'mon devs! I still have only one agent levelled because of this. Unless the lack of fix is a ploy to make me romance even more Quinns, Arics and Therons. In that case, as you were ;):D

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^ This. The devs promised to fix all remaining GftM bugs with 5.9.3 but the patch notes only mention minor changes to A&E and Izax that don't affect gameplay. NAHUT is severely bugged; the three turrets spawning at once make the fight significantly harder and need to be fixed ASAP. The other bugs in GftM must also be fixed but the NAHUT turret bug is the worst of them.

Edited by Jerba
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Why was Blood Hunt VM made easier? :mad: If you can not do it, just leave it.


First off it's vet mode and if you want harder difficulty there's still master mode. 2nd, it wasn't about skill, it was a frustrating fight with weird resets and other buggy elements. This change is long overdue. Of course it depends on what they did. :)

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Nothing interesting to me here except the double XP, but thank you for the update. :)


For the cinematics, is there any chance that some of the ones that are always screwed up in the vanilla story have been repaired? I have had to have customer service advance me past that scene just before Belsavis every single time I've played a Sith Warrior because it hangs and won't advance on its own, and in the Agent story that happened on at least five different scenes that required CS tickets.

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From patch notes:

Fixed a number of cinematics throughout the game where walls, Companions, or the environment would not appear as intended, weapons not being drawn, and more.

Does this include a fix for the Rishi Imperial side end cut scene (the meeting with Marr & Satele) where there are doubles of every NPC in the scene? It's been wrong for years now (ruining my videos).

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From patch notes:

Does this include a fix for the Rishi Imperial side end cut scene (the meeting with Marr & Satele) where there are doubles of every NPC in the scene? It's been wrong for years now (ruining my videos).

That issue can affect almost any cinematic,but is most common on any and all Rishi Safehouse cinematics regardless of the player's class and faction and any ship-board cinematic for the Consular class story after the beginning of Chapter Two.

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I REALLY hope that among "and more" is a fix for companions having their equipped gear switch to the appearance of the opposite faction in certain cutscenes, namely on the player starship etc.


And of course it WASN'T. My Kira is still wearing Sith Inquisitor gear in cutscenes although she's equipped with Consular gear.




The title “Corsair, the Unruly” can now be unlocked in Collections as intended.


Nope, still not unlockable. Cannot purchase it on my other characters. You guys sure you tested this? Was the entire patch even deployed?

Edited by BenKatarn
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