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Fastest way to level Command Rank Solo?


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What's the fastest way to level up CR solo? I feel like the game is dead when i queue for group content nothing ever happens....Should i even bother leveling my CR rank?


I'm a returning player, using the 100% boost btw and it feels god awful slow....doing solo flashpoints.

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Depends on the day of the week sometimes. If I you I would hit hammer station flashpoint back to back until you hit 70. You might want to do heroics also because they can give your creds. I ran heroics for about 3-4 hours and made just under a mil, and got good xp from it. However when you can run operations at level 60 I think, run them. FInd a group that doesn't mind if you tag along, and youll get about 10 levels from it
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Use the boosts, invest in unlocking every tier of the Legacy CXP % boost, pay attention to the Activities window and what the daily bonus is. When Planetary Missions are on bonus, run all of the Dailies. Save heroics for days that the Planetary Missions aren't on bonus. If you do the Dailies outside of the bonus, you will miss a lot of potential CXP from the Weekly alone, which you can only do once until server reset.


Run the Dailies that award the most CXP first, then work your way down. Personally, I skip Iokath because you can't complete the weekly in one day and they take forever and are expensive anyway.


For a solo player, your priority for CXP maximization (assuming you're using both boosts):

As many of the Dailies as possible while Planetary Missions is the Activities bonus

Heroics (must use the Activities window so you can get the EXTRA daily bonus mission for each planet)

Solo flashpoints


For the time investment, solo flashpoints are probably the least efficient method you can use.


Using that prioritization I was able to get every class to 300 very quickly (not a slave to queue pops, no chance to run an Op only to have people ragequit and never finish so you earn nothing for all the potential wasted time).


Added benefit is that running dailies and heroics is far more lucrative for credits than the group methods.



I'm sure people are going to tell you to run ops and more group stuff even though you specifically asked from a solo perspective. :rolleyes:

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We had a discussion with a friend about that, he loves his dailies while i prefer heroics, but our goal is slighly different.

He wanted fast cxp while i prefer fast credits, and we realised that dailies is slighly better for cxp, he told me was going up approximately 30 cr per week, while heroics are slighly better for credits and you can run them everyday, i get approximately 28 cr per week for about 30 min everyday, and a bit more than 500K credits per character and per day for the same 30 mins (but i only run the fastest heroics, and it's better pub side for that).

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Run the Dailies that award the most CXP first, then work your way down. Personally, I skip Iokath because you can't complete the weekly in one day and they take forever and are expensive anyway.

One thing I'd add here, as an extension of the point about Iokath.


Give priority to doing the dailies that give better returns in CXP per hour. Do CZ-198 in preference to Yavin, for example, since it's pretty easy to knock out CZ in under 20 minutes, but Yavin involved speedering all over and that takes time - figure on about an hour to finish Yavin, for less than twice as many points as CZ. Both of them have significant contention for kills and pick-ups, but that contention is less bothersome in CZ than Yavin.

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One thing I'd add here, as an extension of the point about Iokath.


Give priority to doing the dailies that give better returns in CXP per hour. Do CZ-198 in preference to Yavin, for example, since it's pretty easy to knock out CZ in under 20 minutes, but Yavin involved speedering all over and that takes time - figure on about an hour to finish Yavin, for less than twice as many points as CZ. Both of them have significant contention for kills and pick-ups, but that contention is less bothersome in CZ than Yavin.


I agree with this point here, but I want to add that it would probably be a good idea to take the time to figure out how long it takes you to do each daily area. I can do Yavin in less than half an hour these days, though that didn't happen overnight. I've had to work out the best path over time, and I'm always adjusting as I figure new things out. Same goes for the other areas.


I'm also going to make a plug for Iokath, against other's advise. I have characters I play on, and characters I'm leveling. Those I'm leveling stay camped on Iokath, and I pick up the missions daily, until I have the 10 I want. Nice thing about a lot of Iokath missions is that they can be done concurrently with other Iokath missions. Kill 25 scour droids happens while you are killing 40 enemies as a walker, while you are also killing 50 total enemies, and picking up your 50 broken shards for the shard mission. I can complete Iokath in about 25 minutes, assuming I pick up the right missions. I get my best rate of return on Iokath. It can be a pain in the butt learning your way around, but once you do, it's easy to find what you want.


Another thing I would advise is to skip the bonus missions. For the time invested, most of them don't pay, especially if your using the boost. You are better off getting the main missions done and moving to the next area, so you can complete as many of the weeklies as possible before your boost runs out.

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Speaking of weeklies prioritization:


Check out Makeb. It has a number of very irritating, time consuming quests, but on many of my chars it also begins at 5/6 completion, so I only have to do one quest to get it [if pubside, do Stone and Steel]. It depends on class apparently, so it doesn't work on a Trooper but does on an IA. I notice the same thing when doing heroics for Belsavis.


Avoid Section X. I find imp-side to be slightly faster than pub-side, but they both take forever.


Cz-198 is fast, so is Ziost. Black Hole is medium. Oricon and Yavin each take about 45 mins. Avoid doing the Revan weekly on Yavin, I don't think it's really worth it.

Edited by Ardrossan
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We had a discussion with a friend about that, he loves his dailies while i prefer heroics, but our goal is slighly different.

He wanted fast cxp while i prefer fast credits, and we realised that dailies is slighly better for cxp, he told me was going up approximately 30 cr per week, while heroics are slighly better for credits and you can run them everyday, i get approximately 28 cr per week for about 30 min everyday, and a bit more than 500K credits per character and per day for the same 30 mins (but i only run the fastest heroics, and it's better pub side for that).


Heroics are definitely simplest, and I would argue are generally competitive with other solo methods in terms of speed.. primarily because you can do most of them in about 5 minutes or less, and you get quick travel to them so there is no wasted time moving to them. Once you know a particular heroic.. they are also simple in terms of attention and mechanics. You also have a truck ton of them that you can use and they refresh daily.. so you can run a set every day if you like, and as stated by others.. they do reward a reasonable amount of credits for a few minutes of content play. Not enough to get wealthy on, but plenty for ongoing expenses in most cases.


The down side is that you can get burned out on them running them every day week after week... but that is true of anything you grind in an MMO.


Personally, I don't grind for CXP.. I don't have to... with the good state of crafted gear in game in 5.x. It's like watching a pot of water boil... it simply never gets done if you are constantly watching it. I think my highest GC rank is in the low 70s, and that is on my main. My alts are all between 0 and 20ish. I DO generally level up using heroics these days.. because it is quick, easy, and convenient if I am not interested in the class story arc (which is well past "been there, done that" for me).

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Heroics are definitely simplest, and I would argue are generally competitive with other solo methods in terms of speed.. primarily because you can do most of them in about 5 minutes or less, and you get quick travel to them so there is no wasted time moving to them. Once you know a particular heroic.. they are also simple in terms of attention and mechanics. You also have a truck ton of them that you can use and they refresh daily.. so you can run a set every day if you like, and as stated by others.. they do reward a reasonable amount of credits for a few minutes of content play. Not enough to get wealthy on, but plenty for ongoing expenses in most cases.


The down side is that you can get burned out on them running them every day week after week... but that is true of anything you grind in an MMO.


Personally, I don't grind for CXP.. I don't have to... with the good state of crafted gear in game in 5.x. It's like watching a pot of water boil... it simply never gets done if you are constantly watching it. I think my highest GC rank is in the low 70s, and that is on my main. My alts are all between 0 and 20ish. I DO generally level up using heroics these days.. because it is quick, easy, and convenient if I am not interested in the class story arc (which is well past "been there, done that" for me).

I'm not that interested in cxp either actually, my most advanced toon in terms of CR is at 84, and that's the one i mainly use to get credits (though i'm only at Nar Shaddaa on his class story).

My main is something around 56 but i've done Nathema just fine with 230 gear so i don't feel like i really need to farm cxp actually.

When i want credits, i mainly use my stealth toons, its about 2-3 min per quest so it's pretty fast.

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One thing I'd add here, as an extension of the point about Iokath.


Give priority to doing the dailies that give better returns in CXP per hour. Do CZ-198 in preference to Yavin, for example, since it's pretty easy to knock out CZ in under 20 minutes, but Yavin involved speedering all over and that takes time - figure on about an hour to finish Yavin, for less than twice as many points as CZ. Both of them have significant contention for kills and pick-ups, but that contention is less bothersome in CZ than Yavin.


There's a pre-4.x article on how to maximize credit income by doing dailies. It includes the old Ilum dailies (RIP) and the staged Makeb Weekly (unrecognizable) but is a worthwhile read for the other daily zones, and the theory is still applicable. I can't find it right now, though.


I agree with this point here, but I want to add that it would probably be a good idea to take the time to figure out how long it takes you to do each daily area. I can do Yavin in less than half an hour these days, though that didn't happen overnight. I've had to work out the best path over time, and I'm always adjusting as I figure new things out. Same goes for the other areas.


I'm also going to make a plug for Iokath, against other's advise. I have characters I play on, and characters I'm leveling. Those I'm leveling stay camped on Iokath, and I pick up the missions daily, until I have the 10 I want. Nice thing about a lot of Iokath missions is that they can be done concurrently with other Iokath missions. Kill 25 scour droids happens while you are killing 40 enemies as a walker, while you are also killing 50 total enemies, and picking up your 50 broken shards for the shard mission. I can complete Iokath in about 25 minutes, assuming I pick up the right missions. I get my best rate of return on Iokath. It can be a pain in the butt learning your way around, but once you do, it's easy to find what you want.


Daily missions on Iokath drop CXP consumables. They're small (even smaller than the ones from solo FPs), but they drop reliably.


Another thing I would advise is to skip the bonus missions. For the time invested, most of them don't pay, especially if your using the boost. You are better off getting the main missions done and moving to the next area, so you can complete as many of the weeklies as possible before your boost runs out.

Bonus missions are where the credits are in heroics. So keep your goals in mind.


Also, never pass up an opportunity to do in an Elite. There's an Imp heroic zone on Alderaan that's crawling with them, for example, and Alderaan is low enough level that you can still go through them pretty quickly on a level cap character.


KotFE Chapter 2 is still pretty decent for time to CXP ratio, though it's been nerfed heavily from its glory days.

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In terms of maximizing boost use, I use the weeklies in the daily areas. I start with Yavin 4, get all the missions complete and ready for turn in, head to the “kill stonerays” guy by the cave, pop the boost and start my turn ins. If I power through them I can then burn through Black Hole, Section-X, CZ-198, Oricon and Ziost before the boost ends.


It is bar none the most efficient command ranks/time expended of any method I’ve found.

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I always do the weeklys ones first.

Of course with boost. Always the fastest first. Makeb according to whether the 5/6 bug is there, first or last. Then CZ-198 - Ziost-Iokath (lasts two days)- Oricon (and the other three vary) - Yavin 4 (comes last).


Then the solo variant:

H2. Very comfortable from Alderaan to Voss. The advantage, you can also collect boxes. That gives credit. ;)


The groups variant

PVP: Everyday The Daily. Until the Weekly is over.

PVE: VM FPs until the doctor arrives. :D:p

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In terms of maximizing boost use, I use the weeklies in the daily areas. I start with Yavin 4, get all the missions complete and ready for turn in, head to the “kill stonerays” guy by the cave, pop the boost and start my turn ins. If I power through them I can then burn through Black Hole, Section-X, CZ-198, Oricon and Ziost before the boost ends.


It is bar none the most efficient command ranks/time expended of any method I’ve found.


Why would you need to? I've got boosts coming out of my ears. I used to be careful about using them, but now I just keep them on constantly.

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I'm curious whether ops are worth doing for the cxp.


What is really worth are the "last boss runs" that are called out on fleet, these are great for CXP since you go in, kill just one boss and get the weekly done and GF bonus, its A LOT of CXP ranks just doing this with a boost everyday. Just not sure if this counts as Solo activity :D

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