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Yo, stop making capes and start making fun


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Pretty much everyone agrees with: Add new things to the game, keep it interesting, advertise the game, improve the game, fix the game.


Please stop giving us Cartel Market items and new maps! We want content, new players, and crazy new game modes!


Don't let your game fall to ashes. May the force be with you BioWare. :rak_03:

Edited by doohickeyexpress
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I am exhibiting a bit of confusion, how can we have new content w/out new maps? Now I get "not just new maps for PvP", but for PvE, adding new quests to the same zones will get stale really fast, and I mean really fast.


While we can agree that we need more stuff to do, what's going to determine if it's fun? Is it going to be fun for you, or is it going to be fun for me? It's likely that we may have different definitions for what "fun" means in a gameplay aspect, and if they add something that I find fun, but you don't, just an example here, then you'll be back insisting that we still need more fun, despite my possibly being happy with what was added.

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Pretty much everyone agrees with: Add new things to the game, keep it interesting, advertise the game, improve the game, fix the game.


Please stop giving us Cartel Market items and new maps! We want content, new players, and crazy new game modes!


Don't let your game fall to ashes. May the force be with you BioWare. :rak_03:


i agree the Callous Conquerors gear especially the chest piece is fugly! maybe they can do something a little more interesting next time on that front.

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Why do we need "crazy new game modes"? Pod racing would be neat but that's not exactly crazy. Pazaak or Sabacc would be neat as well but also not crazy.


I agree that they need to stop putting capes and hoods on new outfits. Capes clip through a lot of things and hoods just make my character look bald. New outfits are fine but no more capes/hoods, please!

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Why do we need "crazy new game modes"?


Note: we have no idea what he means by this statement though... because he was extremely vague and left it wide open to debate.


Maybe crazy new game modes means.. you die.. your character is permanently dead, and all that characters inventory goes "poof!" ... no way to resurrect or recover. Would that be crazy enough I wonder? :p


As for capes.. I think they should be like in some other MMOs.. a separate gear item... with stats, dyeable, hood up/down option, and hideable.

Edited by Andryah
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As for capes.. I think they should be like in some other MMOs.. a separate gear item... with stats, dyeable, hood up/down option, and hideable.

This would be much better.

I hate capes, it often looks uggly and it bugs a lot and hoods make my toons bald, if i put hair on them i want to see it

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I like capes :D I actually wish they'd create a special slot for them so we can wear whatever cape with whatever outfit we want :D


Also, I like maps, new ones to explore and do dailies on and possibly build homes on.


I also like playing Star Wars Barbie. If they stop making cartel market stuff, it'll be putting a serious crimp on my Barbie game and Bioware's income. :)

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Pretty much everyone agrees with: Add new things to the game, keep it interesting, advertise the game, improve the game, fix the game.


Please stop giving us Cartel Market items and new maps! We want content, new players, and crazy new game modes!


Don't let your game fall to ashes. May the force be with you BioWare. :rak_03:

I love a good bonkers post!

I think by "new maps" he means new warzone maps. I might be a solo player who loves story, but the PvPers were long overdue some love in this game and they've been given some over the summer.

As for stopping Cartel Market items ARE YOU MAD :eek: ? How else are we to get our medical stanchions and spend our real life money so we have to live on bin scraps?!


OP, I think it's safe to say until Bioware have finished completing/releasing Anthem, we're lucky to have got as much as we have. The crew have done a pretty good job giving us a PTS & acting on our feedback as well as keeping us updated with upcoming stuff early so we can have a look on the PTS and changes can be made before live. I think once Anthem is released (next Feb-ish) I think we can look forward to bigger things happening in swtor. Until then enjoy the stuff that's coming up.


Bonkers side note: I too love capes and want to see more of them :D

Edited by Sarova
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