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I have deciphered the "hidden elo"!


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Last night I had very even matches, early in the day most were decent too. So, I don't know. I am not witnessing any large swathe of terrible mismatches everyday all the time as others are claiming.


I still want to know how they make the matches though, and what this shadow ELO consists of. :D

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Last night I had very even matches, early in the day most were decent too. So, I don't know. I am not witnessing any large swathe of terrible mismatches everyday all the time as others are claiming.


I still want to know how they make the matches though, and what this shadow ELO consists of. :D


Yeah, I'm seeing "about the same", in my opinion. Have seen some really good arenas though. Makes me appreciate arenas a bit more.


And I am of the opinion that the matches would be more "matched" if people would just play through the mistakes. I just had a VS where they got the first door on us in about 30 seconds, when 3/4 of the team was right there fighting (myself included :o). Some people typed "gg" immediately, of course. But no one quit. We stopped them at the 2nd doors.


On our turn, we got the first door because the solo guard there either didn't call inc or no one responded - because I went through plant/mezzed, plant/mezzed, break mezz, plant/attacked, lifted him/he broke it, combat-stealth-mezz and finally planted on him. No one from the rest of his team was anywhere near coming over to help. Then we blasted through and got the 2nd doors with about a minute to go with some good teamwork and great last-second cc's to ensure the other two caps. That could have easily been "omg what a lopsides loss" if people had given up, or started the quitter merry-go-round.


With this post I was mostly poking a little fun at some of the posts where people talk like they actually *know* what the hidden "skill" is based on. I saw your post over in general, where you ask bioware to explain, and even there it seems like 1/2 the replies were from people explaining how "it can't work because skill equates to THIS"... wt-heck? We have no idea what the hidden skill equates to. It would not surprise me at all if it factored in MVP, and we all know how crazy that would actually be. Or factored in medals. Hahahahahaha.

Edited by Banderal
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It's based on MVP votes.


I challenge you to go back to all those odd match-ups "we've" all been complaining about, and check it out. I'm sure you'll find everything will make sense now. :p


Good point. That might be related since they also track mvp votes in the leaderboards.

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Yeah, I'm seeing "about the same", in my opinion. Have seen some really good arenas though. Makes me appreciate arenas a bit more.


And I am of the opinion that the matches would be more "matched" if people would just play through the mistakes. I just had a VS where they got the first door on us in about 30 seconds, when 3/4 of the team was right there fighting (myself included :o). Some people typed "gg" immediately, of course. But no one quit. We stopped them at the 2nd doors.


On our turn, we got the first door because the solo guard there either didn't call inc or no one responded - because I went through plant/mezzed, plant/mezzed, break mezz, plant/attacked, lifted him/he broke it, combat-stealth-mezz and finally planted on him. No one from the rest of his team was anywhere near coming over to help. Then we blasted through and got the 2nd doors with about a minute to go with some good teamwork and great last-second cc's to ensure the other two caps. That could have easily been "omg what a lopsides loss" if people had given up, or started the quitter merry-go-round.


With this post I was mostly poking a little fun at some of the posts where people talk like they actually *know* what the hidden "skill" is based on. I saw your post over in general, where you ask bioware to explain, and even there it seems like 1/2 the replies were from people explaining how "it can't work because skill equates to THIS"... wt-heck? We have no idea what the hidden skill equates to. It would not surprise me at all if it factored in MVP, and we all know how crazy that would actually be. Or factored in medals. Hahahahahaha.


Yeah. The worst is waiting 3 days to finally get a Voidstar then have a team that let's the other open a door quickly which then causes half the team to drop the match ending it early or causing a constant influx of new bodies that then systematically leave too.


The more I think on it, I'd be fine with a quitter penalty. I think if you quit the match before it starts, fine. But once it begins, and you decided to start the match you ought to suffer through your own mess. Afterall, it is a team thing. When someone messes up, I view it as my team being bad not just one person tbh. Who never makes mistakes? We all do, and calling someone a bad because they erred one time in a game is unfair.


As far as MVP votes being the backbone of the shadow ELO, that would be pretty funny if true. Imagine all the stats at their fingertips to tap into to create a secret ELO for us, and instead falling back on the MVP voting system of the players to create it. :p

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So you're saying we should vote for the baddie with 400k total dps on the scoreboard....... :D


Should? I always vote for that guy already. I assume they spent most of their time traveling to the enemy off node, and thus "distracting" the other side with their awesomeness. Er, didn't they? :confused:

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As far as MVP votes being the backbone of the shadow ELO...


You know, the more I think about this, the more sense it makes. Or maybe the more beers I have the more sense this makes? Anyway... bioware has probably seen all the posts on here over the years about how those stats at the end don't really matter. And how they just don't get PvP because they don't play it. So what better way to assign a "skill" level to us PvPrs than to let us do it ourselves!? And Eric said that the hidden ELO has been in the game since the start. We've been evaluating each other since the beginning of the game, and we know how good we all are at pointing out "the bads"! MVP has to be it!

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mvp votes is probably the worst possible metric they could use. most people "vote down", randomly, or out of pity -- or even vote for the guy who can't actually play his class but stands at the node for 10 minutes


should be a combination of


win/loss percentage, output + obj points (to avoid screwing over node guards too much), and damage-taken-to-death ratio


the weight I'd assign to each is probably 60 percent to wins, 20 percent to output + obj points, and 20 percent to survivability

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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It's based on MVP votes.


I challenge you to go back to all those odd match-ups "we've" all been complaining about, and check it out. I'm sure you'll find everything will make sense now. :p


But how do you check it?


I’ve toons that are 6 years old with over a 1000 MVPs. Who am I comparing them too?

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But how do you check it?


I’ve toons that are 6 years old with over a 1000 MVPs. Who am I comparing them too?


This is bioware, so think of the most complicated formula you can for MVP. I think you have to figure in how many MVPs each person had who gave you and MVP. Obviously an MVP from a person with a lot of MVPs is worth more than an MVP from some newt who doesn't know anything. And if you are in a match with a person who gave you an MVP before, and they MVP you again, I think it counts double. If you don't give anyone an MVP. then it counts as an MVP for you, because of course that means that you were the best person in the match. I think they also parse chat, and figure out how many times each person was told to unsubscribe and kill themselves. All that figures in... and then divide by 6. I think that's how it works. :p

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This is bioware, so think of the most complicated formula you can for MVP. I think you have to figure in how many MVPs each person had who gave you and MVP. Obviously an MVP from a person with a lot of MVPs is worth more than an MVP from some newt who doesn't know anything. And if you are in a match with a person who gave you an MVP before, and they MVP you again, I think it counts double. If you don't give anyone an MVP. then it counts as an MVP for you, because of course that means that you were the best person in the match. I think they also parse chat, and figure out how many times each person was told to unsubscribe and kill themselves. All that figures in... and then divide by 6. I think that's how it works. :p


It took a second read of the thread to realise you were being sarcastic in the OP. :p


I guess I’m grasping at anything that can explain this current **** fight.


I do like your take on it though. I wonder if an MVP counts more if you were afk in corner or if you have no armor on?


I think I’ll get drunk and test that over the weekend. Strip off my gear and run around naked and see if I get more MVPs :D

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It took a second read of the thread to realise you were being sarcastic in the OP. :p


Yeah, I think a few people have taken me seriously. I wasn't trying to troll. I thought the whole idea was ridiculous enough that the joke would be obvious. My bad.

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I think you have to figure in how many MVPs each person had who gave you and MVP. Obviously an MVP from a person with a lot of MVPs is worth more than an MVP from some newt who doesn't know anything. And if you are in a match with a person who gave you an MVP before, and they MVP you again, I think it counts double. If you don't give anyone an MVP. then it counts as an MVP for you, because of course that means that you were the best person in the match. I think they also parse chat, and figure out how many times each person was told to unsubscribe and kill themselves. All that figures in... and then divide by 6. I think that's how it works.


I think you might be onto something here. All of this has a ring of truth to it, no doubt. If you think of anything else to add to this theory, don't hesitate to share with us. :D

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