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Loot rules? need and greed with companions

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Just consider the companion as an extension of your own character. If your companion needs it then you need it.


This guy is a *****. Characters should always have priority over companions. Unless you're specificly running the Flashpoint for gear for your companion. But if that's the case you should be upfront about that or you'll piss a lot of people off when you roll need on something for your companion.

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Personal belief is that Real Fake people should come first before Fake Fake People.


With it all under need vs greed kinda rule set


I don't need the item but my big ugly companion does

The other real player does need it

- I differ to them


The other Real player greeds it, but my big meat sheild needs it

- I will roll need


but I will also probably "chat" about it a bit to make sure folks are of like mind


Above all, have fun, be kind to strangers and try to act like a total Jsr-jar.

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Greed.. a companion should not take precedence over a player character. Or think of it this way if you want to call it an extension...the companion is an ALT, because you do not spend as much time developing them as your Main. At best, you did not get it till L6 or so, so the Player char should take precedence.


Or just apply the Golden Rule.


Do onto others, and you want others to do onto you!


I am sure if you could get an upgrade you would not want a companion to get it first!

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I made a thread on this issue in the beta forums. The problem isn't just that people will "Need" on loot for their companions. Also with the modding system in place, people will "Need" on loot just for the mods within it! So with five companions each all of different classes and the current moddable gear system, essentially everybody needs everything, lol. This is going to be a ninja nightmare, mark my words. Eventually Bioware will be forced to make better looting mechanics. In the meantime we will all just have to tough it out the best we can. This would be solved if they brought back loot bags from beta, but it doesn't appear as if that's going to happen anytime soon.


It is only an issue because you think that gear that drops for your role is yours. The gear is gear, and if someone Needs it for some reason, their opposing roll is not being a ninja or selfish any more than you assuming the rest of the group should defer the loot to you because of the class you happen to play unless the group decides to do so at the start of the run.


I agree they should have loot bags as the primary loot system, until then I will be rolling Need on those items I might need including for companions and crew skills. If everyone was to do this, as they should, everyone would fill out their sets and skills at the same rate as they would if they waited until no one needed on companion gear or skills. It's only a problem for those greedy players who only want to spend their time equipping their main character, and won't be spending their time equipping an alt like the other players in the group.


I don't care if this is a minority opinion, because I know that it isn't the selfish one in this MMO.

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Needing for companions is going to cause massive drama in pug's. I know if i end up pugging on my tank and i lose out on tank loot because someone needs it for their companion :mad:


How very selfish of you to think that you deserve the loot because of your role.

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I made a thread on this issue in the beta forums. The problem isn't just that people will "Need" on loot for their companions. Also with the modding system in place, people will "Need" on loot just for the mods within it! So with five companions each all of different classes and the current moddable gear system, essentially everybody needs everything, lol. This is going to be a ninja nightmare, mark my words. Eventually Bioware will be forced to make better looting mechanics. In the meantime we will all just have to tough it out the best we can. This would be solved if they brought back loot bags from beta, but it doesn't appear as if that's going to happen anytime soon.


Pretty much this. I agree they should just give everybody individual loot bags anytime you are grouped.

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Me thinks the player's character should always have priority over any player's companion. So in order to not have "ninja" loots in flashpoints or general group content, everyone must accept and respect that.


If not, prepare yourself for drama.


The problem with that is, in some cases, companions can be more important to a certain class.


A healer that uses their companion on the front lines on every pull, could argue that gear for their companion is more important than their own for leveling.


Its a tough call, really.

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i think they should have another need button so theres the "need" button the "greed" button and there should be a "companion need" button it wouldnt stop people trying to ninja gear but it could stop a few people from doing it cause im gonna be really confused when i do the flash point wether or not my companion gear is as important as mine is.


Personally I think this is an excellent solution for this problem. I think as the game grows and more people start interacting with the companion on a greater level they will start to keep a look out for gear for there companion. At endgame I could imagine that people will start doing Flash points and operations for the sole purpose of getting gear for the companions for no other reason besides bragging rights.


might I suggest need > companion roll > greed as the roll priority

Edited by Sancofa
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Maybe then you should add a Need But Just For The Money button, and then a Need For Appearance button, then Need So You Can't Have It button, and a Greed But Need If Someone Else Greeds.


You can't make everyone happy by adding more and more buttons. In fact, I posit that you can't make anyone happy unless they win exactly what they want the very first time they run the flash point. And even then they won't be happy.

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companion is not a need. Its greed. Play a light armor class. The competition is lower. You'll get some amazing loot because your frequently are the the only 1 need class. It's at most 2.


Since peoples companions don't count. My SI at 28 had almost all "Near Purple" gear because frankly 3 out of the 4 in the group you'd be in had 1 tank, 2 dps 1 healer.


I got some pretty cool loot. It was one of the things I enjoyed about the flashpoints the loot and experience seemed worth repeating.

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Just consider the companion as an extension of your own character. If your companion needs it then you need it.


Doing this will get you black listed from many groups and guilds. Your companion is not more important than a player, and considering how many companions you get you should never be doing this.

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The problem with that is, in some cases, companions can be more important to a certain class.


A healer that uses their companion on the front lines on every pull, could argue that gear for their companion is more important than their own for leveling.


Its a tough call, really.


The companion doesn't get as much out of gear as a player does. A player in poor gear will be noticed quickly, but a companion in poor gear doesn't perform that badly by comparison.

Between crafting companions stuff and using the GTN you should never have an issue with gear for companions.

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Doing this will get you black listed from many groups and guilds. Your companion is not more important than a player, and considering how many companions you get you should never be doing this.


My companion is more important than a WHINY PLAYER. Namely anyone that would agree with the above.


My companion will be there the next time I log on. My companion will soak up more damage than any PUG member EVER will. My companion won't whine about the unfairness of life and knows to keep his mouth shut, finish the quest and give his best stuff to me. My companion is awesome.


If you were this awesome, maybe I'd give you loot too.


Does that help clarify?

Edited by Princess_Chibi
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The companion doesn't get as much out of gear as a player does. A player in poor gear will be noticed quickly, but a companion in poor gear doesn't perform that badly by comparison.

Between crafting companions stuff and using the GTN you should never have an issue with gear for companions.


Would love to see your theory crafting on this - my math shows otherwise *shrug*


Just group with your guild mates and friends and none of this is an issue. God forbid they ever implement the LFD function from "that MMO that must not be named" - that thing killed MMO friendships and adventure bonds.

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People are going to learn real fast: THIS IS NOT WOW. Being a ninja and rolling need for your companion is going to ruin your reputation quick on your server, especially if your companion isn't even in the group. It will be so nice to hold ppl accountable once again.


All this is easy to solve though, just ask before you roll NEED, and do it before anyone rolls, like at the begging of the group.


Bioware really messed up by having companions use the same gear as players. This will be trouble for the life of the game, until they give companions their own gear.

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People are going to learn real fast: THIS IS NOT WOW. Being a ninja and rolling need for your companion is going to ruin your reputation quick on your server, especially if your companion isn't even in the group. It will be so nice to hold ppl accountable once again.


All this is easy to solve though, just ask before you roll NEED, and do it before anyone rolls, like at the begging of the group.


Bioware really messed up by having companions use the same gear as players. This will be trouble for the life of the game, until they give companions their own gear.


How exactly will this game enforce a player's behavior within a community any better than WoW? I'm curious how the same people that have always behaved the same will somehow transform in a different avatar. I like the idea of accountability in an MMO, but as long as you can have more than one char it won't happen.

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Personally I think this is an excellent solution for this problem. I think as the game grows and more people start interacting with the companion on a greater level they will start to keep a look out for gear for there companion. At endgame I could imagine that people will start doing Flash points and operations for the sole purpose of getting gear for the companions for no other reason besides bragging rights.


might I suggest need > companion roll > greed as the roll priority


Companion need would just be a different way for people to abuse the system.


At the very best it is useless, so why would it help?


My trooper wears heavy armor. My trooper's companion wears heavy armor. Your smuggler and their consular wear medium and light armor, but your companions both wear heavy.


What is fixed here?


If they lock out the need button so that only people who's character can wear the gear can press need, then I can press need and you guys can't. Whether i use the gear for my character or my companion, I am the one that gets it if I want it.


If they do not lock the button out, then what good does it do? The trooper could pass on it, the smuggler could choose companion need, and the consular could decide to roll need and that's that.




Easy to say they should add it, but no one has presented a system wherein such a button would actually do anything.


And remember, there will be times where there will be no active companion, so you can not tie it to any such animal.


Whatever else you figure out, eventually you come to a point where everyone has 6 companions and companion need just becomes the new greed, and the same people that will roll need for a companion now will still roll need then, too, whenever possible.

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I think this is going to be a hot issue in game. As I see it , should be simple. If the loot is for your player character click need. If for a companion, click greed. Every class has a whole bunch of companions that they can summon at will (all with different gear needs), there for everyone needs everything for all their companions. So .. simple, equip your toon, greed on everything else. Set the expectation at group formation.


/ \





This Guy Wins.

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So the companion is actually really important?

I mean, as much as me?

Is fine for me as far as other ppl are ok with that.

Yep, your mindless, worthless bot/pet that you cant use in a raid or pvp (aka nearly pointless) is more important than a real person that actually has feelings and wants that for his actual toon. Thank god im playing with my friends lol...

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It's simple: Players > Companions


If an upgrade for your companion drops, ask the party if you can roll for it for your companion. If someone says it's an upgrade for them, don't roll against them.

I'm sure a large majority of the player base would be OK with it, as long as you ask. Obviously if a Sith Inquisitor is rolling on a blaster, they'll notice lol

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just be polite, and dont steal from real people :) its just like asking for off spec gear ohh no one wants this? mind if i grab it so it is not vendored and goes to some moderate level of use?


that being said i am afraid of the mid levels as i am rolling a healer, im guessing there will be a point when gear starts to matter more for companions that sneaks up on you.

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