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Callous Conqueror's Mask - Please add facial animations!


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So... The callous Conqueror set is amazing. Easily the best work ever done. And the mask is amazing. In fact it looks 100% like my Sith pureblood's face.


So much so that with a dye it is a 1:1 version of it!




It would be the best thing ever if the mask had facial animations and moved with emotes and moods and the like. Is it possible to add this?

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Maybe request more variations of metallic masks instead... for new armor sets. I have some recommendations!



The Mocking Mercenary:


A shining bright visage of pure unadulterated arrogance, this metal visage is imbued with top-notch craftmanship and a glean of cockiness unmatched! Gifted by the PVP gods with endless DCDs and relentless constant pressured burst this mercenary lives to melt enemies with his barrage of over-the-top DPS and self-assuredness it's because of skill, not the fact the class is OP'd!



The Sorc of Sadness:


This underpowered Sith is a walking cloud of sadness. With non-existent burst and tons of off-healing available, no wonder a metallic visage of utter sadness rests atop his shoulders! He can only watch on as other DPS like mercs and marauders do tons of damage with tons of burst while his smile that's upside down is the only thing to present the enemies with. If sadness could kill, no one would be safe from this sack of crap DPS. :(



The Merry Marauder:


It's no surprise this guy has a grin from ear to ear! With unmatched burst and endless escapes out of combat, the only thing enemies catch is here is the never-ending grin plastered across his face as he demolishes everything in his path with unmatched fury! Nobody is happier than this OP'd DPS and his elated metal visage leaves none of that happiness hidden!



Just a few I could think of.

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No that would be weird, same as Dread Master masks who moved. I ask then instead for you to make another mask who can be sold seperate from the CM set we got now. I do love this set a lot, just like you, but I do not want the facial animations, that is not what I payed for. So BIOWARE if you do this, make a seperate identical mask sold solo, for the people who are into this. Thank you. :)


PS: (BTW Thank you BW for this awsome Clothing set + Blade and also the cool stronghold and decorations!! And for fixing some armor bugs like Darth Malak's headpiece who stretched like crazy in cutscenes! And fixing that zakuul boarding pod missing textures, and there are some other things. <3 Anyways, you guys are on a good track with fixing and making cool things people like and want. I appreciate that, Thank you. <3)

Edited by -JE-BLAZAR-
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No that would be weird, same as Dread Master masks who moved.

Offhand the Temple Guardian mask does this as well and yeah no thanks. Metal mask moving? Weird. My only complaint with the Callous Conqueror's mask is that its a whole head mask but only the face is designed. Kinda odd they skipped that part on such a well designed platinum item. Imo it needs to be just a faceplate or a whole mask. Sure would look nice on a set w/o a hood if it was a solid polished silver head. But who's really complaining...its a great looking set

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