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PTS Feedback - Rishi Apartment


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The elevator should be slower, or we could activate it manually perhaps. Doors for the rooms would be nice. The buzzing sounds should be removed. However, i‘m completely against adding a railing to the balcony, the view looks much better without one. :) Edited by ShenLongKazama
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It would be nice if we can go to all 3 islands, not just that selected 1. It makes no sense for us to drown, or get exhausted. We used to be able to swim just fine in SWG. I know this isn't SWG, but just saying since both were/ are Star Wars games MMO's.

Careful you don't incite a riot. Lots of old SWG players here that'll poke their heads out the woodwork as they reminisce

about player housing.

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i‘m completely against adding a railing to the balcony, the view looks much better without one. :)

Agreed! Plus we can always place railing decorations ourselves if we feel like it. More flexibility is better.


The explosions for opening up the cave could probably stop exploding after opening up the cave... I'd be pretty worried if my house had explosions at the entrance forever :D

Definitely! :D I assume the explosion is only meant to happen when we're opening the area, not continuously. It should be changed to a once-off thing.

Edited by Estelindis
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Just to be clear, since a lot of folks are saying they want the elevator slower, I definitely do not want a slower elevator unless you put a faster way to get up (a quick travel point, a grapple hook, something). I'm already not a fan of how much a pain it is to get up to the overlook from the ground, please dont make it even longer. (If there I'd a shortcut from the ground, then thays fine, but I think there is only a shortcut to the ground so far). Edited by LordTurin
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First off, I have to say no way did I expect you guys to listen to us cry about not having a residence. Even more so, respond in kind by going out of your way, pushing the delay by a week, and actually making one. I'm still shocked! Is this the new BIOWARE we are seeing? Can we expect more back and forth communication from here on? If so, then I truly applaud you guys. This is the way you interact with your player base! I can see great things happening if this continues. Thank you for the extra effort. We appreciate it :)


Now on to the Overlook...

I'll keep it simple.



You provided ample space with plenty of hooks. The layout is great. Several decent sized rooms. The interior has that cantina vibe. I'm digging the "Brownish" tone. The balcony is awesome. The view is spectacular.



Explosions persist after unlocking cave entrance. Elevator moves way too fast. Rooms need doors. There are no windows. Balcony needs a railing. Incessant buzzing noise. Minor clipping issues on some walls, door frames, and corners. Some hooks do not work. Needs a bind or QT point.


PS: Slightly related, the beach area in front of cave sports the only Starship Hook for the ground portion of the Rishi Stronghold. For immersions sake, can you please add a Starship Hook to the main platform where we load in?


Final Thoughts:

You outdid yourselves with this Stronghold. Great F'ing job!!!


There are starship hooks on the other island (where you can't get to) as well so there are a few more starship hooks, not that having another on the platform wouldn't be nice.

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It's wonderful and it looks great, I'm very happy and grateful for the efforts taken to do this for us. Thank you again. :)


If it's possible to still make a few small changes, I would prefer to put out my own light fixtures rather than the ones that are there (I'm referring to the tubular yellow lights).


Also a window in the front room, next to the big one that goes out onto the porch would be nice.


And one last thing, if it's not too much trouble, can you eliminate the exhaustion zones in the waters leading up to the new hooks out there, so we can get to those places?


Anyway, these are minor quibbles. I love that you listened and did this for us. Thank you again. :)

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Pulling back on some of the exhaustion zones would be fab. I want to play in the water, not exhaust in it.


Something of note that seem to be a bug:


...On the Overlook deck on top.. your feet do not touch the deck. You hover over it. Go to the edge of the deck and angel your camera down at ground level... you will see you are floating.

Edited by xmarcusprimex
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Not a big deal but maybe add some doors to the rooms if possible?


I second this. While it is not something that is a super big deal, it would be cool to have doors. The elvvator moves pretty fast, but it's another thing that isn't a huge deal. Most of what I found was along those lines. There were things I would have loved to have seen implemented, but they;re more a matter of personal taste. I would still love to see nice wooden floors, but again, that's personal taste and not a thing I expect you to put in there. I love what you've done. I do think the largest room in the overlook would be more flexible if you had two large hooks with little green hooks on top, instead of the centerpiece hook, but some people might like the hooks as they are.


Oh! There was one thing, and I don't know if there is really anything to be done about it, but I thought I'd mention it. I used the pick up all decorations option while in the staging area, and it picked up almost all of the decos in the entire hideout. I don't know if that was intended, but it's potentially problematic. Still, I love what you've done with this stronghold and all the feedback you've listened to.

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PS: Slightly related, the beach area in front of cave sports the only Starship Hook for the ground portion of the Rishi Stronghold. For immersions sake, can you please add a Starship Hook to the main platform where we load in?

Since you brought up immersion, I'm not sure that structure would actually support the weight of a starship.

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I don't know if this has been the case for anyone else, but once I logged out and back in the ongoing explosion sound stopped. I don't know if that's helfpful information for the team, but I thought it was worth saying. Also, and I brought this up in another thread. It would be nice if some, or all of the small hooks that line the walls in the overlook were converted into medium narros where possible. One more hook issue is that there are few meuim hooks near walls. The problem with this is that most of the bigger beds fit on medium hooks. I don't know a lot of people who put their bed in the middle of the room. That being said, I can see from the way the floors are designed why this is the case. In general, I think level floors are more versatile.


All of that being said, I'm pretty happy with the changes. I don't want to sound ungrateful. I know putting the overlook in must have been a lot of work. To be honest, most of my suggestions are just for fine tuning and there are ways around the issues presented.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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Since you brought up immersion, I'm not sure that structure would actually support the weight of a starship.


You got me there :p Never thought of that lol. I just find it funny we magically appear on that landing pad yet we can't place a ship there. Not the end of the world if it doesn't happen. I'll just put a Zakulaan taxi down and call it a day. That'll serve as a drop shuttle, so to speak, as my ship is on the patrol carrier.

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Pulling back on some of the exhaustion zones would be fab. I want to play in the water, not exhaust in it.


Something of note that seem to be a bug:


...On the Overlook deck on top.. your feet do not touch the deck. You hover over it. Go to the edge of the deck and angel your camera down at ground level... you will see you are floating.


Yeah, it makes No sense for water to be killing us, especially if most of our characters are supposed to be the most powerful characters in the galaxy imo. Just saying.:D

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Hey folks,


A new 3-bedroom apartment has been added to the Rishi Cove Stronghold. You access it by unlocking the new secret cave room, and heading up the elevator. Please use this thread to post your feedback!



OMG you've done what I suggested! Love it! Love it! Love it! Because of all the effort you've all gone to, I have to buy the Rishi stronghold now. You've made me U-turn like a politician! I will spend the extra time before release selling body parts to buy more Twi'lek dancing men erm I mean more super-tasteful decorations :D Good job on returning the sound of the waves on the beach to prominence - I love that :)


Two or three of things that I think could be added for extra-special-ness:

  • I really like that we can set where in the stronghold we prefer to enter, however since the Rishi stronghold is so large, it could do with having an exit terminal at each of those locations (e.g. overlook by the apartment, etc).
  • Love the lift to the new apartment - though it could be tiny bit slower for plebs like me who managed to do an "Undercity" and fall down it :p (wow reference - all you former wow-ers know what I mean)!
  • Like others have suggested, a couple of the rooms in the apartment could be enhanced with some doors (screenshots with arrows: here and here)


You realise if any of us moan about the devs not doing anything we want in the future (Quinn treats™ excluded), you can milk this thread to death for all eternity ;) Big thanks!

Edited by Sarova
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I don't if someone saw it but the Large wall hook in the apartment doesn't work. You can see some of the effects of the deco, but you can't see the deco itself.


But at all love the apartment. Great view XD


Edit* Wall Deco isn't visible when you stand a few feet before them. Like in big room. From the balcony i can see the flag. When i walk into the room the flag is gone.

Edited by DrakeVenku
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My last suggestions for the apartment.




Some people like the speed of the elevator but then there are people like me who don't like it, or that it moves automatically. Using a pad to port in or out the apartment could be an option but i think the best solution is to add a pad that allows us to activate the elevator ourselves. With that nobody has to suffer whiplash or a large fall.




Kinda self-explainatory, doors for all rooms except the balcony would be great. Manual opening/closing, if not too much to ask for, would also be appreciated.




Like others mentioned, your character floats slightly above the ground while on the balcony, it's a minor issue but i still point it out. I don't want to sound rude but please don't add railings to the balcony. The view is perfect as it is and you can meditate without having your vision obscured.


Buzzing Sounds and Random Explosions


The buzzing sounds seems to originate from the apartment and they don't fit into the atmosphere, the random explosions are not intentional but i still mention them anyway. If both were to be removed we could feel safe and feel ourselves at home.


Other than that there's not much to say except thank you for listening to our feedback. Keep up the good work. :)

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Like others mentioned, your character floats slightly above the ground while on the balcony, it's a minor issue but i still point it out. I don't want to sound rude but please don't add railings to the balcony. The view is perfect as it is and you can meditate without having your vision obscured.




I actually would prefer a railing, but maybe the best option would be for the hooks along the outside of the balcony to be close enough together for players to install their own railings if they choose. I would love to have it railed in, but I can see how some would not, besides, I'd rather choose my own railing anyway.

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First, a problem with some hooks. Just in one particular set, in one specific location (so far). Details in the spoiler, so those not interested can skip them:

Specifically, the Large hook layout centered about X: 150, Y: 503 (back along the "creek" towards the caged beastie).


In the Large Standard layout, all hooks can be selected/used (mostly, see below).


In the "Small & Narrow Cross" layout, the Medium Narrow hook at about X:147, Y: 502 can't be selected/used. Likewise the same size hook at the same position in the "Narrow & Small Cross" layout.


In other layouts (Medium Block, Medium & Narrow Columns) all the hooks on that "side" of the layout can't be selected/used.


And for all the layouts, the Medium or Medium Narrow hooks in the rest of the layout can only be selected if you hover your cursor over the part of the hook on the opposite side from the unselectable hook(s).


Oddly enough, in the Large Standard layout, the one Small hook at the center of the "broken" side (IOW, at X: 147, Y: 502) can be selected/used, even though the larger, Medium Narrow hook in exactly the same spot in other layouts can't be selected/used. Likewise, the Small hooks in other layouts can be selected/used, even if they are in spots where you can't get a "use" cursor for larger hooks in other layouts.



Regarding the "persistent" explosions at the Hidden Cave/Overlook entrance: I did notice these as well, but once I exited the SH and returned, they stopped. (IIRC i just used the "exit area" button on the minimap, went to Fleet, then used the SH management window to return).


As for the exhaustion/dying when trying to get to the "far" island (the one with a few starship hooks on it):


If you keep going toward that island after you start getting exhaustion warnings, you eventually will hit an invisible "wall". This corresponds to the edge of the area on the world map, if you hit M. It's pretty much the same as going to the edge of the Map on any other "planet". Or going out into the desert beyond the starship pad in the Ground Level of the Tatooine SH. Difference is they put some deco hooks out there - beyond the "edge of the world". :eek:


Still, seems odd to me that they put those deco hooks way out where you can't get to them. They're soooo far out there even something huge like a starship looks tiny, and is practically unnoticeable.


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The Overlook is better than I expected, with some fun animations (cave opening and ledge rappel) and plenty of space and hooks to have some fun decorating. Great job and in such a short timeline!


As others have reported the cave opening kept exploding almost every time I went around the corner from the beach, kind of liked it. I haven’t checked every hook, but I did encounter one large wall hook in the big room, next to the side room, that didn’t show the item placed there.


The elevator entrance in the cave is great and perfect for an agent. I like the fast elevator going up and the rappel going down. Haven’t tried going down the elevator, but if it drops out from under toons making them fall, I can see why some would want an adjustment. I guess it could be slower a bit or maybe it could be fixed so toons stick to it while on the way down. If not, I’ll just rope down from the platform :D


If it’s easy to do, doors to the two smaller rooms and the smallest room (entered inside of the large room) would nicely add even more home-like feeling to the apartment. I think having the large room stay without a door is better. The platform outside is terrific as is; no permanent railings please.


Thank you for all the starship hooks on the horizon! They feel so appropriate for a SH like this one.


I appreciate that you put more hooks on the floor of the hidden cave, thank you :)


The Overlook is above and beyond expectation so thank you very much to all the wonderful peeps who worked so hard to make it happen! You did GREAT!

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Some people like the speed of the elevator but then there are people like me who don't like it, or that it moves automatically. Using a pad to port in or out the apartment could be an option but i think the best solution is to add a pad that allows us to activate the elevator ourselves. With that nobody has to suffer whiplash or a large fall.

Not criticise your feedback but I personally hate having any click-to-activate buttons in my strongholds & originally suggested the addition of an apartment/house with stairs (like Nar Shaddaa/Kaas City/Coruscant). Now they've added the apartment, I suggested a slower speed for the lift (since I'm the idiot who fell down it trying to catch it before it left) but NOT to remove it. Adding an "activate button" would make me change my mind and not buy this stronghold, even with the excellent changes.

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Kinda self-explainatory, doors for all rooms except the balcony would be great. Manual opening/closing, if not too much to ask for, would also be appreciated.




Sorry to quote you again, but manual doors would be a pain when decorating. You would have to leave decorating mode every time you wanted to go into a room with a door. That would get old fast. I'd much rather have automatic doors.

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I'm unable to get to the PTS at this time so these comments are from looking at others' strongholds via screenshots and video.


First: THANK YOU again to the dev team for taking the request for a more 'home-like' space to heart and adding this Overlook apartment. This couldn't have been easy to add, but you did it. Thank you. I'm planning on buying the SH now.


Elevator: I agree that the moving elevator is better than a button, but if there's any way to slow it down a tiny bit it might help. I'm that weirdo player who has died on elevators on more planets than I can count, and I'm guessing I'd die on that one at least once.


Given the macabre Speedy achievement, though, maybe they could add an achievement for dying on the elevator in your own stronghold "Not Going Up" or "Home is where the danger is" or something.


Apartment: This is along the lines of what I thought of, personally, with a Rishi apartment. It is nice, but also versatile enough that if someone wanted to use it for a purpose other than a home, they could. Speakeasy or pirates' lair? Check. Mine is going to be a home, but I can see how it would work for other things.


Doors: I'd like some doors, at least for the side rooms. In Rishi theme something like curtains or beaded curtains for doors would work but I've never seen that in the game so it's not a deco that can be added easily, I'd guess. I agree that the doors should be automatic so that it's not a pain to move from room to room while decorating.


Hooks: Haven't been able to use the hooks, obviously, but I can see numerous places where more ceiling hooks would be appreciated.


Balcony: Love it, and also love that the view isn't of the 'shanty' area. I don't want a railing here, but moving those narrow hooks close together so someone could make railings with the new decos could be a help. IMHO it's better to leave it off because if people want it they can add it; whereas the opposite - adding a railing - probably won't come with any way to get rid of it if one wants it gone.


Decos: I'm really happy with the news that the new decos will be more versatile and usable with multiple types of hooks. I have such plans for those desert and Sith walls, particularly, in my Tatooine, Manaan and Yavin strongholds.


PvP Toggle: Again, unfortunately haven't had a chance to try this out, but it makes me very happy this is included.


Overall, thank you so much again to the devs for all of their work and receptiveness to feedback here. :ph_thank_you:

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