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Remote crafting via Android...


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I would like to see the introduction of an app for Android which allowed crew missions/crafting control as well as Galactic Trading...


I was an avid user of the WoW remote auction house and would like to continue remote play with ToR...


That's funny. You know, the first time I sent two companions off to do crafting I thought to myself... this could very easily be a mini-game on my phone. Would save a lot of time, doing it while riding to work, college, etc.

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I am planning on experimenting with a remote desktop app on my tablet. It may do the trick.


I think the best one out there by far right now is Splashtop HD. You can stream any game perfectly as long as it doesn't render full screen (has a window mode).


Having said that, it doesn't really emulate mouse movements and such. I used a BlueTooth mouse with my Transformer tablet, and while the video was very good quality using WIFI, the over the internet to my home, the control wasn't the greatest.

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That was my point actually, some people seemed to want this app so they could game at work, which I thought was silly because it's an amazingly bad idea to do that. But apparently some people are allowed to do this at their jobs.


But you clearly don't see the very obvious difference between using a little app on your phone and using the work computers to play a computer game.


Huge difference there which isn't even remotely comparable.

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If it is a matter of paying to win, then get rid of the app, and the deluxe digital and the collectors edition. We should also tear up all the guide books for the game too.


If those who have a mobile device and $3 shouldn't have any special treatment then those who have $150 shouldn't either.


Let them use their phones.

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What about people who do not have smartphones how is that fair to them?


Not BW problem you can't play as much as everyone else. You will eventually have 3 companions fairly early on and you can always send two out at a time to do some crafting while you level.


What about people that don't have a computer and can't play this game?


Hardly fair to them

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I have no doubt in my mind that a mobile app of some sort will come. This is a business and they have to keep up with their competitors. There are a couple existing MMOs and an upcoming MMO (that may or may not be a large release) that already support this.


To any of the naysayers, this is the way of the future everything seems to be going mobile these days and with a little google work you can see that smartphones will be the only phones available in a year or so anyways. Normal phones are being phased out.


WoW App



Rift App



Guld Wars 2 App



There are some examples.


The GW2 one even looks like you will be able to play most of the game with it from some of the articles I have read, but you will ahve to do a little digging for yourself.

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I think the idea of a mobile app is sound; the reason I came on this forum was to see if one is being developed. However I think many of the ideas present the *problem of cheapening the overall experience with a simple text based interface. Since some of the crew skills have mini-mission objectives a SWTOR Companion App (pardon the pun although it was intended) based on the companions accomplishing those missions with action cunning and diplomacy would be very compelling and add to the the overall SWTOR experience. *I think this option would present a more robust game for example the companions could meet NPCs on the app and later run across them in a future game update their relationship could help dictate the outcome of an event in the game proper. Much like EA and Bioware's Mass Effect 3 app.*

I do like the idea of added features like guild or friend chat but since the so called Galactic Trade Market is really more Planetary than truly galactic I would have to disagree with its inclusion.*Also building a browser based version isn't a horrible idea either. Yet I still wonder are any Devs listening?



Ugh Forums so aptly named since ancient Rome not much has changed its still a bunch of people shouting and nothing being heard or solved

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In this day and age, a feature like this should be included without charge. I mean come on, I need to be sitting at my comp to change some auctions/crew skills?? pfft, its just silly considering the times.


Ah well, I suppose I'm stuck to remote desktop or the like for now... :mad:

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