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Here is what a expansion should be

Lack of any in years and piece meal is NOT a expansion. Running around for a hour in a chapter back and forth nope...


THIS is a expansion massive and unmatched yeah I did go back...all 3 accounts are running again.

Trying to remember how to triple box its been to long..




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I play both games ... currently in the BFA beta ... and doing a WoW type expansion for SWTOR is easy.


1) Make the game gear dependent to an extreme.

2) Create a story so players think they are part of the action

3) Create daily's that you HAVE to run to get rep for better gear and reputation.

4) Create new mounts and gate them behind the daily's

5) Release more daily's.

6) Create a daily area with harder MOB's that require better gear so you can get better gear.

7) Make a few raids at different levels for better gear.

8) Go to the next chapter in the story, make all the hard won gear obsolete, rinse and repeat.


Most of the WoW content is locked behind daily quests which make up the vast majority of their game. From Suramar rep to Argus it's all about making people spend time grinding the same old areas while convincing them it's new content. The Next expansion is more of the same.


Let me put it this way ... if you played KOTFE with more emphasis on daily's and have the story play out through raids at the end of each chapter locked behind gear requirements ... which require more daily grinding to gear up for you would have WOW with lightsabers but with a much better story. Yes, Blizz knows exactly what they are doing and it works for them. Personally I love SWTOR because it's not a Wow clone and the story is far better than the WoW story line.


Any game can be broken down to show it's faults. No game is perfect and there is nothing on this rock you can't find something wrong with and exploit it in an argument. Disguising daily quests as "massive" content is much easier than creating a compelling story and for me, I'll take a great story any day over mindless grinding for more gear so I can get even better gear only to lose it in the next expansion.

Edited by Malkosha
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12 Seconds of video, a GiF and a cake.... or was there something else?



SWTOR expansions are 30-40 minutes of story chapter. - Which may or may not make sense to all characters.. A load of bugs which will need sorting out to get it to go smoothly and some which can be filed in the 'later " file.


A week of people returning to see what changed followed by several weeks of people quitting because they've done it all in under an hour and are bored - again.


Buff, tweak, nerf something. - Add in something cosmetic, launch a new pack of shiny things.


Rinse and repeat every 4-6 months.


* At least Blizzard got a cake made in their honour. SWTOR players get only crumbs. - Oh the irony. :rak_04:

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I play both games ... currently in the BFA beta ... and doing a WoW type expansion for SWTOR is easy.


1) Make the game gear dependent to an extreme.

2) Create a story so players think they are part of the action

3) Create daily's that you HAVE to run to get rep for better gear and reputation.

4) Create new mounts and gate them behind the daily's

5) Release more daily's.

6) Create a daily area with harder MOB's that require better gear so you can get better gear.

7) Make a few raids at different levels for better gear.

8) Go to the next chapter in the story, make all the hard won gear obsolete, rinse and repeat.


Most of the WoW content is locked behind daily quests which make up the vast majority of their game. From Suramar rep to Argus it's all about making people spend time grinding the same old areas while convincing them it's new content. The Next expansion is more of the same.


Let me put it this way ... if you played KOTFE with more emphasis on daily's and have the story play out through raids at the end of each chapter locked behind gear requirements ... which require more daily grinding to gear up for you would have WOW with lightsabers but with a much better story. Yes, Blizz knows exactly what they are doing and it works for them. Personally I love SWTOR because it's not a Wow clone and the story is far better than the WoW story line.


Any game can be broken down to show it's faults. No game is perfect and there is nothing on this rock you can't find something wrong with and exploit it in an argument. Disguising daily quests as "massive" content is much easier than creating a compelling story and for me, I'll take a great story any day over mindless grinding for more gear so I can get even better gear only to lose it in the next expansion.


While I would prefer a more traditional expansion too, saying that it's "easy" to make shows that you don't know anything about anything. Not only is this game essentially in maintenance mode with a tiny fraction of the people working on it compared to WoW or the launch days, but comparing any MMO to WoW is fallacy considering what a flash in the pan it is. It got lucky by being based on a popular IP, the first real MMO of the "new style", and headed by a company with nothing but massive hits under its belt. People stick with it because they've invested more than a decade of their lives into it more than it being the best MMO ever that every other game should emulate. (and please don't accuse me of hating, I enjoy WoW)


Only one other MMO has gotten away with being on par or better than WoW and it's FFXIV, and that's after one of the worst MMO launches ever that nearly destroyed the company. The only thing that sets SWTOR apart from its competition is it's setting and story telling and the few devs they have left surely know better than you do.

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1) Make the game gear dependent to an extreme.

2) Create a story so players think they are part of the action

3) Create daily's that you HAVE to run to get rep for better gear and reputation.

4) Create new mounts and gate them behind the daily's

5) Release more daily's.

6) Create a daily area with harder MOB's that require better gear so you can get better gear.

7) Make a few raids at different levels for better gear.

8) Go to the next chapter in the story, make all the hard won gear obsolete, rinse and repeat.


8 reasons I no longer play WoW and will never return to it.

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While I would prefer a more traditional expansion too, saying that it's "easy" to make shows that you don't know anything about anything. Not only is this game essentially in maintenance mode with a tiny fraction of the people working on it compared to WoW or the launch days, but comparing any MMO to WoW is fallacy considering what a flash in the pan it is. It got lucky by being based on a popular IP, the first real MMO of the "new style", and headed by a company with nothing but massive hits under its belt. People stick with it because they've invested more than a decade of their lives into it more than it being the best MMO ever that every other game should emulate. (and please don't accuse me of hating, I enjoy WoW)


Only one other MMO has gotten away with being on par or better than WoW and it's FFXIV, and that's after one of the worst MMO launches ever that nearly destroyed the company. The only thing that sets SWTOR apart from its competition is it's setting and story telling and the few devs they have left surely know better than you do.


The "easy" was sarcasm.

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