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Is 80 people on DM Rep fleet @ 7pm normal?


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This might be a cultural difference but, to Americans, Friday Night is considered "the weekend". I did point out that it is different on the weekends, but if you see Friday Night as a weekday, which technically it is, that's just a cultural difference. In essence, I am agreeing with you, the only point of difference is that when I said "weekend" Friday Night should be considered in the sense that it is a part of "the weekend". Again, I know technically it isn't, but when I said weekend, I meant Friday night as well.


If you live 'down under' , I guess that means I live 'Up top", hell there are times it is literally a different day where we are AT the same time heh. Sometimes when it's still Thursday for you, it's already Friday for me hehe. Kinda weird to think about.


I'm agreeing with you, it isn't like that normally. Our context was just a bit off is all.


I think we just got our wires crossed. LoL. Yeah, Friday is partly the weekend. I was saying yesterday, my Friday, which is your Thursday was low,


I would have expected your Friday night to be busier than mine, which it was. My point was that while some days like the weekend are good for a large portion of the day, the rest of the week and even some of the weekend is significantly worse if you aren’t in primetime.


And you know me, I’d rather be “down under :p”... I’m not a top ;)

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That could be another problem right there, if you merge the EU servers you have 3 different languages being spoken, I wouldn't imagine everyone who's from France and Deutschland speaks English.


Besides not all of those countries are exactly fans of each other heh.


I'm all for peace between different cultures but not everyone is.


I’m not saying they should merge, but there are ways they could do it.

1. Add language instances

2. Add language chat channels

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Check the post that he made yesterday at 5:30am. I'm pretty sure that the screenshots he posted at 5:30 am on Friday morning EST were not taken Friday evening ;). I leave it up to your deductive reasoning skils to figure out when those screen shots were taken, but I'd guess it wasn't over the weekend. In fact, I'd guess it was probably the Thursday night that you are saying you played.. I mean he could have taken them last Friday, and just saved them just to mislead everyone, but I have my doubts that he did that.


Side note, I think you should probably start posting screen shots of fleet when you keep claiming it's dead. It mostly seems you are basing dead or not on PvP pops, but it's pretty confusing for all of us to keep track of whether you are playing imp or pub (something that will be moot in a couple weeks) or 70 or midbies or lowbies (and PvP pops for midbies/lowbies are really not a population issue, but a encouraging people to play those levels issue).


You misunderstood about the Friday night thing, as did Grim. I probably misworded what I types. I’ve explained it in my reply post to him.


I play both Imp and rep on SS, SF and DM.

I also play pvp in every bracket. Lowbies, Mids and lvl 70.


I will start to take screen shots when I see stuff. It they will be on my phone, so the quality might not be that great.

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I'm imp main and I've been trying all week to get some rep command ranks for achievements, but holy damn Rep side just never pops. I counted and got 4 pve pops in imp side in an hour, and only one on rep side another hour. How do you reps ever do anything? Fleet chat is all trade chat too, its like a ghost town.

Joined some random big guild too hoping they'd all just form groups in guilds but damn, all i saw them doing all week was chase Trapjaws on tattooine and run anround looking for DvL bosses. Got Zero interest for even one hm FP run from the entire guild lol


Really, whats your secret. I have too good life on Imp side where my guilds in constantly doing engame and imps generally pug loads too, but I'm apparently completely clueless how to get any Rep activity going.


When I’m on my rep toons, I spend a lot of time playing space barbies.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I think we just got our wires crossed. LoL. Yeah, Friday is partly the weekend. I was saying yesterday, my Friday, which is your Thursday was low,


I would have expected your Friday night to be busier than mine, which it was. My point was that while some days like the weekend are good for a large portion of the day, the rest of the week and even some of the weekend is significantly worse if you aren’t in primetime.


And you know me, I’d rather be “down under :p”... I’m not a top ;)


The whole thing is just so damn confusing heh. Same world, same time, completely different days heh.


I know you are all over the place in this game. You play on multiple servers, both Imp and Pub.


Timing is always an issue. You can't say "well the population was so low I couldn't get a pop for a half an hour" but than forget to mention that it was a tuesday at 4:45 am. Yeah, of course it took you a half an hour to get a pop on a server with one instance going. Duh! Context matters.


Ya know a point I should've put more emphasis on was that while, yeah I had all those games with the pubs, it was the same friggen pubs over and over and over again, except for 2 or them that last match. The teams I was on, were completely different people every time. Which would lead me to believe the reason I was getting different teams was because we had a lot more players in the quece. Sure, a double premade, ok stands to reason it's the same players, but, that doesn't negate the possibility that if there had been more pubs in the quece, than I might not have been facing that same team each time because I might just got queced against a group of different pubs were there enough in the quece to allow for that.



P.S. - Smorgasbord's always better 'down' there. ;)

Naughty Trixxie.

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The whole thing is just so damn confusing heh. Same world, same time, completely different days heh.


I know you are all over the place in this game. You play on multiple servers, both Imp and Pub.


Timing is always an issue. You can't say "well the population was so low I couldn't get a pop for a half an hour" but than forget to mention that it was a tuesday at 4:45 am. Yeah, of course it took you a half an hour to get a pop on a server with one instance going. Duh! Context matters.


Ya know a point I should've put more emphasis on was that while, yeah I had all those games with the pubs, it was the same friggen pubs over and over and over again, except for 2 or them that last match. The teams I was on, were completely different people every time. Which would lead me to believe the reason I was getting different teams was because we had a lot more players in the quece. Sure, a double premade, ok stands to reason it's the same players, but, that doesn't negate the possibility that if there had been more pubs in the quece, than I might not have been facing that same team each time because I might just got queced against a group of different pubs were there enough in the quece to allow for that.



P.S. - Smorgasbord's always better 'down' there. ;)

Naughty Trixxie.


Yeah, I do always try to put a reference and most of the time I use my time as well as the local server time, wether it’s EST or GMT. It really is the only way to keep a context on what’s happening. Unfortunately I do sometimes forget to add that, so if you see me say “server x was low/high” and I don’t provide a local time reference, let me know.

It also helps if other people post references too because as you say, we are all over the place and people forget timezones and think as long as it’s busy during x time, then it must be like that all the time.


I’m in Sydney at the moment, but all I want to do is get on and start check the population at certain times. I guess I’ll just have to go clubbing instead :D


That last bit about playing the same pubs is very astute, most people don’t recognise when the only pubs they pop against are the same ones each match. That’s the problem with the population imbalance in the queue and why crossfaction was most important for pub players. (Sore subject, so I’ll leave it there).


I do want to touch on what happens on the pubside if you are only popping with the same 7 people.

First, if they are all competent to good, you will form a defacto pug premade of sorts because you pop every match together.

Second, if you have pretty good players, you will get better and more insync with each other every match. Eventually you will start to dominate most teams you come up against.

Third, if they aren’t that great or only a few people are competent, you can’t escape them. There is no chance you will get better players on your team and you will probably get smashed in every match.

Fourth, after a while this gets demoralising and someone stops queuing. Then you start popping with 7 pubs vs 8 Imps.

Fifth, that gets old really fast and then someone else stops queuing. Then you may start popping with 6 v 8.

Sixth, at this point, people start rage quitting because every engagement is 2-3 v1 situation because the numbers are always in favour the other side.

Seventh, people stop queueing and those of us left wait around in the slim hope that someone will get on and queue.

Eight, Imps don’t even realise this has happened because they are still popping against other Imps, so the queue must be fine :(


Anyway, I’m off to 💃🏻👯*♀️

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'm imp main and I've been trying all week to get some rep command ranks for achievements, but holy damn Rep side just never pops. I counted and got 4 pve pops in imp side in an hour, and only one on rep side another hour. How do you reps ever do anything?

Rep main here, and I don’t have the issues you’re describing. Regs pop relatively fast (sometimes even faster than on impside), same goes to HM FPs. I’m not sure about pugging ops since I rarely bother but my guild is running them every night, mostly SM though.



That said, I usually play as healer, and everything can be very different from dps’ perspective.

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Rep main here, and I don’t have the issues you’re describing. Regs pop relatively fast (sometimes even faster than on impside), same goes to HM FPs. I’m not sure about pugging ops since I rarely bother but my guild is running them every night, mostly SM though.



That said, I usually play as healer, and everything can be very different from dps’ perspective.

I play Guardians and Scoundrels rep side, both qu as tank/dps dps/healer so role shouldn't be an issue here. Ques pops so slow i I start running circles around fleet like damn hamster. Even half of the ops pugs I joined/formed never got filled up before they already got disbanded for lack of joiners.

Idk dude, i just feel like reps are super timid when it comes to any kind of group content. Even casually chatting in successful raid pugs seem so awkward, like they'd never had a chit-chat with a stranger in their lives :p

Granted I've only given reps a week and a few odd days here or there while I've been imp for years, but holy damn are they passive.

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