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Dread Masters Raids Confusion


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I haven’t raided at all since vanilla, but I’ve been going through each of the classes, Dark and Light, and making playthrough videos for myself. For Rise of the Hutt Cartel, I’m putting the non-Force using classes through Makeb, and the Jedi/Sith through Oricon, but I have to do a raid to finish the Dread Master arc, and I don’t know how or when I’ll be able to do that.


I noticed there is a raid finder feature, but it only gives me like one raid that has nothing to do with the Dread Masters, so I am confused. I am only level 65 on my Assassin, so that may be it, but I thought the Dread Master stuff was all supposed to be level 55?

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I haven’t raided at all since vanilla, but I’ve been going through each of the classes, Dark and Light, and making playthrough videos for myself. For Rise of the Hutt Cartel, I’m putting the non-Force using classes through Makeb, and the Jedi/Sith through Oricon, but I have to do a raid to finish the Dread Master arc, and I don’t know how or when I’ll be able to do that.


I noticed there is a raid finder feature, but it only gives me like one raid that has nothing to do with the Dread Masters, so I am confused. I am only level 65 on my Assassin, so that may be it, but I thought the Dread Master stuff was all supposed to be level 55?

Nothing stops you finding or constructing a group and just going into the Operations directly on Oricon. (They aren't called "raids" in this game. Announcing in Fleet chat that you want to put together a group for a "raid" may attract some flak.) The group finder's operation option rotates around the operations that exist on a (I think) daily basis, so you could just wait until the one you want is available.

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Groupfinder will rotate between SM ops (I believe Dread Palace is next up Wednesday, the 6th, and Dread Fortress is Saturday, the 9th) and those will all be bolstered. They're scaled to level 70, but so will you be. You just need to be lvl50 or above to be able to enter the instances or queue for them.


Aside from that, you can try to form your own group, though it's definitely easier on days that they're on groupfinder.



edit--This seems to be accurate, as far as I can tell: http://swtorcalendar.com/opscalendar.html

Edited by cyrusramsey
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All operations are now level 70, but there's a bolster that allows them to be completed by level 50+. Group finder only features one operation per day -- it also shows which one will be featured tomorrow. If you wish to do an ops that's not on group finder right now, you can either wait or build a group yourself and manually walk to the ops starting point.
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